Chapter 299
Xu Miao's speed has reached the extreme, holding the Wu Ningjian sword, and with just one blow, Fu Jia's head has been beheaded.The sword body of the Ningwu Sword was cold. When the sword was cut off, the place where the head and body were separated did not even shoot blood, and was directly frozen.

The battle had just begun, and Xu Miao had already killed one of them.From one-to-two to one-to-one.Neither Li Annan nor Ding Ou thought that Xu Miao would kill Fu Jia so quickly at the beginning of the battle.

They knew that Fu Jia was attacking Xu Miao, but after all, Fu Jia was a disciple of the Fengze Sect and had such a backing as the Fengze Sect.And Xu Miao is just from Westland, and has no background or support here, but dared to kill Fu Jia directly in front of them.

Li Annan's body reacted faster than his brain, and he directly blocked Xu Miao.Once the big monks in the late Yuanying period intervened, it was not something Xu Miao could resist.

Xu Miao's consciousness spread out after Fu Jia was dealt with, just to pay attention to whether Li Annan and Ding Ou would disregard their face and break the contract.

Li Annan's reaction was quick, and True Monarch Shui Mei's was not slow either.Before Li Annan's spiritual power hit Xu Miao, she also used a spiritual power to stop him.

"Ye Shuimei! You must protect this Xu Miao?" Li Annan's face sank like water.

Zhenjun Shuimei raised his brows: "I stopped you for your own good, but your oath of heaven has come into effect. If you take action against Xu Miao, you will be sanctioned by heaven."

She also turned her head to signal Ding Ou: "If you don't stop Ding Ou, you will also be punished by heaven, so think about it yourself." Li Annan felt as uncomfortable as eating a fly when he heard this.

It's just a disciple, and it dies when it dies, but it can still be cultivated anyway.Young and promising monks are important, but more important are the monks in the late Yuanying period.

If he attacked Xu Miao impulsively, under the sanction of heaven, no one would be able to bear it.The loss of a late-stage Nascent Soul cultivator in Fengzemen is much worse than the loss of a mid-stage Golden Core cultivator.

Li Annan glanced at Xu Miao bitterly, but happened to see a mocking look in Xu Miao's eyes.While resisting Rong Hai's attack, Xu Miao did not forget to say: "Senior is really good-natured!"

When everyone heard the words, they all lowered their heads and snickered secretly.It's a big joke that a late Nascent Soul cultivator was mocked by a mid-Golden Core cultivator, yet he couldn't teach him a lesson.

It won't be long before the entire Fengzemen will become a joke of Donglu because of this incident.

Rong Hai's hands were constantly flying in the air, and the ball of light moved with them, attacking Xu Miao.Xu Miao dexterously moved aside, controlled the two swords and split them.

Rong Hai's object is not Xu Miao's opponent, which makes him very uncomfortable, but he can't continue to externalize the object, so he can only attack with magic weapon.

Xu Miao was not constrained by this point, he transformed into a blue sea, controlled the sea water to surround the light spheres, making Rong Hai unable to control the light spheres as he wanted.

For a while, Rong Hai couldn't think of a way to crack it.He simply took out a bunch of talismans and threw them towards Bihai.Xu Miao looked at the pile of talismans and seals, feeling a secret hatred in her heart.

If he hadn't been too busy recently, he wouldn't be without talismans.Otherwise, with his ability to make talismans, he wouldn't be able to lose that Rong Hai.Thinking of this, Xu Miao suddenly had a flash of inspiration that he could make talisman seals on the spot.

Xu Miao flew in the air with his whole body, part of his spiritual consciousness was devoted to Rong Hai, and the remaining part of his spiritual consciousness was used to make talisman seals.What outsiders saw was that Xu Miao took out the talisman paper, held the talisman pen, and quickly drew runes on the talisman paper.

But Rong Hai couldn't tell Xu Miao's real intention. Xu Miao's actions were indeed like making talisman seals.But everyone knows that talisman making requires full dedication, a quiet environment, and no one can disturb it.

Even the slightest influence from foreign objects will cause the talisman making to fail.But if Xu Miao was doing something else, Rong Hai couldn't guess it.Since I don't know what Xu Miao is doing, I just don't let him finish it.

Rong Hai's talisman was thrown out again, trying to interrupt Xu Miao's movements.Xu Miao's current consciousness, even though he didn't conscript the Taoist Li Huan, but it is more than enough to set aside a part to observe Rong Hai.

The moment the talisman exploded, Xu Miao had already moved, disappeared from the spot, and appeared on the other side.Bihai formed a water curtain wall in front of Xu Miao, protecting Xu Miao behind.

The talisman seals used by Jin Danqi are the fifth and sixth level talismans. Since Xu Miao has never made this level of talisman seals, he failed five or six times in a row.

"What the hell is Xu Miao doing? Why does it look like a failure in making the talisman?" A monk was puzzled.

A monk who admired Xu Miao very much retorted: "Nonsense, fellow Taoist Xu Miao's purpose is something we can guess, it must be a particularly advanced spell!"

"It makes sense, it makes sense." Another monk who admired Xu Miao said.

Master Shui Mei of Yukong heard the discussion of a group of monks, his face was full of black lines, and he almost couldn't maintain his former elegance.With her eyesight, she could tell at a glance that Xu Miao was indeed making talisman seals.

However, making talisman seals in battle is like fishing for a moon in water, it is simply impossible.She looked at Xu Miao for a moment, but wanted to see what Xu Miao wanted to do and what his purpose was.

The monks present all thought that the amulet made by Xu Miao was fake, and it was true for an unknown purpose.Only Xu Miao was really dedicated to drawing symbols.

It's not that Xu Miao has other means to compete with Rong Hai.But when he saw the talismans in Rong Hai's hands, throwing them out as if he didn't want money, he felt angry.

There must be more talismans than Rong Hai's, he won this battle to win Shu Xin.Xu Miao constantly summed up experience and lessons, and finally drew a sixth-level low-grade talisman seal.

Rong Hai's talisman seals are all at level six, so Xu Miao naturally won't waste time studying level five, he will be at level six.Thanks to Xu Miao's strong spiritual sense, talent in talisman seals, and monstrous mentality.

In the battle of life and death, he can still calm down and successfully make the talisman seal.

"That is, the talisman was successfully made?"

"Is Xu Miao really making talisman seals?"

"This guy is a genius! I've never heard of someone who can make talismans in a competition!"

Rong Hai was going crazy. He managed to use a talisman to break open the sea water, and more sea water flowed in. As the saying goes, the water is cut off by a knife, and the water flows more. He still couldn't catch Xu Miao who was behind the water curtain wall.

Rong Hai suddenly bit the tip of his tongue, and spit out a mouthful of blood on the light ball.The light sphere fused with Rong Haishen's blood suddenly grew bigger and stronger, and rushed towards Xu Miao.

This time, the ball of light cannot be blocked even by the water curtain wall.Xu Miao noticed this, she didn't even raise her head, and the hands that drew the runes didn't even shake, her steps staggered, and she left the spot.

Rong Hai controlled the ball of light and chased after Xu Miao.At the same time, Rong Hai held a spear in his hand and attacked Xu Miao's back heart.At this time, Xu Miao still did not stop making the talisman. At this moment of high concentration, he felt that inspiration had come.

He wrote like a god, his hand was moving crazily, one after another six-level attack talismans appeared, and there were even top-grade and top-grade talismans among them.

Xu Miao once again allocated a part of her consciousness to control the Fog Condensing Sword and the Nirvana Sword to fight with the spear.

"How terrifying is Xu Miao's spiritual sense, Rong Hai's spear is so powerful, he actually just uses his spiritual sense to control the magic weapon to resist."

"What's more frightening is his mentality. Under such circumstances, he can still draw so many talisman seals, and the success rate is even comparable to that of a master talisman maker!"

"The quality of the talismans is not low. These talismans can be sold at a very high price just by selling them."

"Xu Miao! What on earth do you want!" Xu Miao kept avoiding and not fighting, and Rong Hai was furious.

"No, I just want to smash you to death with a talisman!" Xu Miao smiled brightly. He put away the talisman brush, approached Rong Hai suddenly, and pasted all the talisman seals he made just now on Rong Hai's body, causing an explosion in an instant.

In order to maximize the power of the talisman seal, Xu Miao even stuck to Rong Hai's side.As soon as the talisman was detonated, Xu Miao propped up Fu Yu's helmet in advance, retreated rapidly, and built thick layers of water curtain walls at the same time.

Rong Hai screamed again and again, completely destroying Rong Hai's usual image.When the aftermath of the explosion dissipated, Rong Hai's defensive clothes were already in tatters, hanging on Rong Hai's body like rags.

"Tsk tsk tsk, fellow Taoist Rong's current appearance is really unsightly." Xu Miao said with disgust.

It was only at this time that Rong Hai came to his senses, roared angrily, and took out a Taoist robe from the storage ring and put it on.Just as Rong Hai was dressed, Xu Miao flew to Rong Hai again and lost a bunch of talismans.

"Don't you have a lot of talismans? Keep throwing them if you have the ability! I want to see if you have more talismans or mine! I can't kill you!"

After hearing Xu Miao's words, everyone understood why Xu Miao had a whim to make talisman seals in the competition.This is all for the sake of fighting spirit. Seeing that the other party has a lot of talismans, I am not convinced, so I insist on making more talismans.

However, this fighting method can only be used by Xu Miao, because apart from Xu Miao, I am afraid that after searching the entire plane, there is no other person who can make talismans in the fighting method like Xu Miao.

Xu Miao's subordinates kept on throwing all the talismans made just now to Rong Hai.Crazy explosions continued to sound, accompanied by Rong Hai's screams like killing a pig.

"Rong Hai, I won't throw away the talisman, can you stop barking? The sound made by those pigs being scalded by boiling water is not as unpleasant as yours." Xu Miao put away the talisman, and the corner of her mouth twitched in obvious mockery.

Rong Hai's appearance has completely changed, the original neat bun was messed up, his hair was made like a chicken coop by talismans, one part of his face was white and the other was black, the clothes on his body were tattered, and there were many deep and shallow scars .

It is very different from the appearance of Fengzemen Jindanqi No.1 in the past.Seeing Rong Hai's appearance, many girl cultivators couldn't help showing disgusted expressions.

(End of this chapter)

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