Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 300 Plane Monk List

Chapter 300 Plane Monk List

"Xu Miao...I will definitely kill you!" Rong Hai roared and rushed towards Xu Miao. This time, Rong Hai did not condense a ball of light, but his whole body was enveloped by the ball of light, becoming a huge Photosphere.

Xu Miao shrugged nonchalantly, and said, "I've heard the words that you want to kill me a thousand times, or a hundred times. It's a pity that no one can really kill me, and you——are no exception."

The ball of light approached Xu Miao quickly. Xu Miao held a stack of talismans in her hand, and when the ball of light was only a few feet away from him, she threw out the stack of talismans.

This sphere of light was generated with Rong Hai as the center, and it could not be completely destroyed by the talisman alone.Xu Miao quickly waved her hands in front of her chest, and two swords appeared on both sides of the light ball.

Two beams of sword light swayed in the air, one with the Wallless Style and the other with the Heaven and Earth Nirvana Art, and the two swords showed their respective powers to the fullest.

Immediately, two depressions appeared on both sides of the light sphere, which were caused by the Fog Condensing Sword and the Nirvana Sword.The spiritual power in Xu Miao's body was running wildly, and suddenly he put his palms together in the middle, and the two swords pierced the ball of light fiercely, piercing Rong Hai in the opposite direction.

The shattered ball of light could no longer pose a threat to Xu Miao. When the peripheral vision of the ball of light faded away, what everyone saw was Rong Hai's wide protruding eyes and a long bloodstain at the corner of his mouth.

Looking down, two swords are inserted into Rong Hai's waist, one on the left and one on the right, and the horizontal height is exactly where the dantian is.It wasn't until this time that everyone admitted that Xu Miao single-handedly deposed Fu Jia first, and then killed Rong Hai.

"Xu Miao is simply inhuman! He actually killed the two most outstanding Jindan disciples of Fengze Sect!"

"I was once defeated by Rong Hai in ten strokes. I didn't expect Xu Miao to kill the opponent directly. I don't think I will achieve this kind of strength in my whole life."

"I'm afraid no one in Donglu's generation of Jindan cultivators can surpass Xu Miao."

"Jiao Ye of the Nanjing Sect has not yet made a move. Qiao Ye used to fight against the seventh-level sea beast alone with his cultivation base at the early stage of Jindan, and he did not fall behind."

"That's just not to lose the wind. Xu Miao fought three against one and even killed two of them. If you ask me, Qiao Ye will definitely not be Xu Miao's opponent."


From the beginning to the end, Xu Miao controlled the rhythm of the normal battle and played with the two of them in the palm of his hand.Seeing the scene in front of them, Li Annan and Ding Ou's eyes were about to burst, and they looked at Xu Miao, wanting to eat his flesh and drink his blood.

Xu Miao has seen this kind of look too many times, from the beginning of the Qi refining period to today, he has become a Golden Core cultivator.This kind of hatred in the eyes was always by his side, and he had long been familiar with it.

Li Annan thought that Xu Miao's ability to kill a Fu Jia was already his limit, but he never expected that Xu Miao had the strength to kill Rong Hai, and let Rong Hai die so aggrieved.

What annoyed Li Annan the most was that Fengzemen, the No. [-] Donglu Gate, turned out to be a stepping stone for Xu Miao to become famous.It was always Fengzemen who used others as stepping stones, but today they completely lost all of them.

Ding Ou saw that the two most proud disciples of Jindan's generation died one after another, and they still died at the hands of Xu Miao, whom she hated the most, the anger in his chest was unbearable.

Taking advantage of Li Annan not noticing her, she suddenly disappeared and reappeared in the competition field, behind Xu Miao.Xu Miao has been paying attention to Ding Ou ever since she killed Rong Hai.

Li Annan made an oath of heaven, and would be hesitant to make a move.This Ding Ou is different, he behaves perversely, he does things according to his heart, and doesn't care about anything.

As expected by Xu Miao, Ding Ou finally couldn't hold back his attack.The spiritual power in his body has always been in a fighting state. At this time, when he sensed Ding Ou's appearance, he immediately circulated Fenghuiyunduan and disappeared from the same place.

Ding Ou missed the shot and scolded: "Little beast! How dare you run?" Ding Ou chased after Xu Miao, and the two circled around the competition field one after the other.

"Who is the little bastard scolding!" Xu Miao asked suddenly.

Under the pursuit, Ding Ou didn't think carefully about this sentence at all, and answered casually: "You little bastard scolded you!"

"Oh—it turned out to be the little bastard who was swearing." Xu Miao's words hit Ding Ou's sore spot again, and Ding Ou's speed increased again, and he stretched out his hand to grab Xu Miao.

Master Shuimei made a timely move and took Xu Miao out of the arena, leaving only Ding Ou's mana in the empty space.

Ding Ou stood angrily in the competition field, looked at Xu Miao, and said angrily: "Aren't you from the West? Aren't you that little Heqinggu? I want to see if everyone in Heqinggu Able to withstand the wrath of the Nascent Soul cultivator!"

Xu Miao's face instantly became so dark that water dripped down. The meaning of He Qinggu to him was not just an ordinary sect.

"Old thief Ding Ou, if you dare to touch He Qinggu, then you monks of Fengzemen should not think about having a good life. One day, the day when I advance to the late stage of Nascent Soul is the day when you will destroy Fengzemen. !"

The reverse scale of the dragon, if you touch it, you will die.He Qinggu is Xu Miao's reverse scale, anyone who dares to touch He Qinggu must be prepared to bear Xu Miao's anger.

As soon as Xu Miao said this, the audience was in an uproar again.A casual cultivator dared to threaten the second largest sect in the Eastern Land, it was really desperate.

The powerful sects are not only their existing monks, but also the heritage left by generations of monks.The monks who had ascended in the past years left the magic weapon for protecting the mountain to the sect, and there were also the great array of protecting the mountain developed by countless monks.

Except for the abnormal changes in the world, there has never been a large sect that will be destroyed by a single person.Xu Miao's words sounded absurd, but everyone present faintly believed what Xu Miao said.

Not for other reasons, but since it appeared in their sight, it has continuously created miracles.Whether it's returning in full armor in the face of the beast horde, or killing two of the most outstanding disciples of the Fengze Sect by one person.

These are all things that have never happened in the world of comprehension, but all these impossibilities have become possible and a reality when Xu Miao comes here.

Even though there has never been a precedent for one person to destroy a faction, they have no reason to believe that Xu Miao will do it.As long as Ding Ou dares to take action to destroy He Qinggu, Xu Miao will take action to destroy Fengzemen in the future.

Xu Miao looked at Ding Ou proudly and fearlessly, his eyes were full of firmness.This firmness finally made Ding Ou feel palpitations.This person named Xu Miao has indeed done something that ordinary people can't do at all. She really dare not use Fengze Gate to gamble.

Ding Ou took one last look at Xu Miao, and turned into a ray of light and left here.Li Annan glanced at Xu Miao and Zhenjun Shuimei beside him complicatedly, and then left.

The confrontation between the Golden Core cultivator and the Nascent Soul cultivator ended with the complete victory of the Golden Core cultivator.All the monks looked at Xu Miao as if they were looking at a hero.

There is no one who does not dream that, like Xu Miao, he is not afraid of high-ranking monks and uses his strength to make his opponent have nothing to say.Everything that Xu Miao experienced here was recorded by a young monk sitting in a teahouse not far away.

Ten days later, the list of planar monks came out.This list contains all the most promising and powerful monks from Establishment to Yuanying.

No one knows who made this list of monks, only that overnight, such a list of monks was erected in every town.

Countless monks heard about this incident, and they all went to pay their respects to the list of plane monks.Countless monks crowded in front of the list of monks to see who was on the list.

As a Golden Core monk, Xu Miao was ranked No. 4 on the list of Golden Core monks. The three people above Xu Miao's ranking were all monks from Zhonglu.And the person under Xu Miao's name is Qiao Ye from Nanjing Sect.

"Look, I'm not wrong! Qiao Ye is not as strong as Xu Miao, and now Xu Miao is No. 1 in the Eastern Land!" Some people regard the monk list as a standard.

"What Donglu No. 1! He is a monk from the West Land, and has nothing to do with our Donglu."

"That's just what's said on the list of monks. I don't know if this list of monks is true. Maybe it's a gimmick deliberately made by someone." Some monks dismissed it.

The monk list will also mark the origin of each monk on the list. For example, Xu Miao is from the West, and there is a western character after his name.For example, Qiao Ye is from Donglu, so there is Dong after his name.

Xu Miao changed her appearance, mixed in the crowd, and watched the monk list that suddenly appeared.In addition to Zhonglu, Donglu, Xilu, and even Nanlu have demon cultivators on the list.

Behind this list of plane monks, there must be a big force.Otherwise, it would be impossible, and he would know a lot about Nanlu's demon cultivators.From the list of monks, the cultivation level of the five continents is clear at a glance.

Zhonglu is the strongest, followed by Nanlu and Donglu, while Xilu and Beilu are miserable.If it wasn't for Xu Miao's sudden emergence, at least among the top [-], there would be no monks from Xilu.

The existence of the monk list greatly stimulated the fighting factor among the monks.Everyone is proud of being able to enter the list of plane monks, and from time to time there will be monks who challenge the famous monks on the list.

But soon, everyone knew that those who can be ranked on the list of monks are still quite capable, and they cannot be replaced by themselves.Since then, the list of monks has become the most important criterion for testing the strength of monks, and no one will question it.


"Xu Miao, those guys from Fengze Gate sent over the loot and piled it over there, what should we do?" Du Yingyu came here to ask Xu Miao.

Xu Miao's original plan was to use these things to refine the most important elixir.If there are more, make magic weapons and sell them.

"Dig out all the beast pills, and notify the cultivators who make pills for Loose Cultivation to come as soon as possible. I have something to discuss." Xu Miao's words, in the Loose Cultivation Base Camp, are almost similar to the emperor's imperial decree, and no one will object .

Some alchemists who were making alchemy were forcibly interrupted, and they were in a very bad mood.Although they knew that it was Xu Miao who invited him, in their eyes, Xu Miao was just a monk who knew nothing about alchemy.

(End of this chapter)

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