Chapter 301

In the base camp of casual cultivators, there are only two monks who refine the elixir.One of them is Li Huan, an old casual cultivator with a weird personality. Li Huan had an unbearable experience because he offended a disciple of the sect in his early years.

Therefore, I despise the sect and family's way of doing things, and I don't want to join the sect or family and become their alchemist.He is only willing to stay in the alchemy room of the casual cultivator base camp all day, refining alchemy behind closed doors, and he is unwilling to take care of other things.

There is also a very young alchemist Liu Feng. Liu Feng has just entered the path of alchemy. He has too little experience in alchemy, so he has no sect. The family is willing to recruit him, so he can only stay in the base camp of casual cultivators .

Due to Liu Feng's lack of strength, there were not many trophies in the base camp, let alone a large amount of them, and most of them were sent to Li Huan.Liu Feng didn't complain about others either, he happily practiced alchemy and summed up his experience every day.

This time the two were invited by Xu Miao, and Li Huan was refining a elixir that he thought was very important.

Although Li Huan himself knew that the chance of successful refining was very low, but was interrupted hastily, Li Huan turned his anger on Xu Miao, and blamed Xu Miao for the failure of refining the elixir.

When Li Huan and Liu Feng were invited in front of Xu Miao, Li Huan's nose was not his nose, his eyes were not eyes, and he looked at Xu Miao angrily.

"Fellow Daoist Xu, you asked someone to invite me suddenly, which caused me to fail in alchemy. Who will bear the responsibility for this!" Li Huan made trouble as soon as he came, and Xu Miao was amused.

"Since it was me who caused Fellow Daoist to fail in refining the elixir, why not let me take the responsibility."

When Li Huan heard Xu Miao's words, there was a trace of disdain in his eyes: "The difficulty of refining this pill is very high. Although Xu Daoyou is good at fighting techniques, he doesn't know that refining pills is completely different from fighting techniques. You don't know how to refine pills, so how can you help me?" The pill is responsible?"

Liu Feng said in a good-tempered manner: "Senior Li, Daoist Xu said so, there must be a way, don't be so anxious." Li Huan snorted coldly and stopped talking.

If he didn't understand elixir, then he still wanted to refine a batch of elixir. Otherwise, no matter how strong he was, he might not be able to make this weird-tempered old man obey his orders and refine the corresponding elixir.

"Daozhang Li might as well tell you about the elixir you were refining just now, so I can start refining it too." Xu Miao spoke calmly, as if talking about what he had for lunch today.

Seeing Xu Miao's attitude, Li Huan got angry and said bluntly: "Yes, if Fellow Daoist Xu can't successfully refine the bone-changing pill from the three materials, please don't interfere with my alchemy in the future!"

"Naturally." Xu Miao nodded, and took the prescription of Bone Transformation Pill from Li Huan.Bone Bone Pill, as the name suggests, is to change the bones.Some monks are dissatisfied with the hardness of their own bones, so they will find their own way, choosing the bones of demon cultivators to replace their own bones.

It's just the bones of monsters, which can't fit the monk's body completely, and will cause serious rejection.This bone-changing pill is exactly the pill that can greatly reduce the rejection reaction, making it much smoother for monks to replace bones.

This elixir is obviously not a very important elixir for the current situation, but Li Huan is using the materials provided by the loose cultivator base camp to refine this elixir.

Xu Miao was angry in her heart, but she didn't show it.Only when he has Li Huan's approval can he continue to command him.He wrote down the refining method of Bone Transformation Pill, and did a few simulations in his mind, and he felt that it was almost the same.

The most difficult step in the refining of bone-changing pill is the fusion of one of the materials.Only by fusing this material according to the proper structure can the refining be successful.

Li Huan, on the other hand, was still unable to accurately control the structure, which led to many failures.

"Three materials, as long as Fellow Daoist Xu can successfully refine a bone-changing pill, I, Li Huan, will definitely obey your command, without any hesitation." Li Huan dared to say this because he was well aware of the difficulty of refining the bone-changing pill .

Even his master had never successfully obtained a Bone Transformation Pill out of three materials.He was certain that Xu Miao had just had a smooth life recently, and too many people praised him, so he was so brazen and proposed to refine bone-changing pills.

Liu Feng was very anxious. He knew about Bone Bone Pill and the difficulty of refining Bone Bone Pill.However, he also knew that if Xu Miao could not subdue Li Huan, the blow to Xu Miao's prestige would be huge.

Just as Liu Feng wanted to speak, Xu Miao raised his hand to stop him.Xu Miao blinked at Liu Feng, and said, "Since Daoist Li said so, how can I refuse."

In Xu Miao's hands, apart from the Tianding Ding, the only thing left in Xu Miao's hand was the most common alchemy tripod that he bought in order to participate in the alchemy acceptance ceremony assessment.But the alchemy cauldron was damaged during the practice. It can be said that Xu Miao does not have a suitable alchemy furnace at hand.

"Liu Feng, can you lend me your alchemy stove?" Of course Liu Feng would not refuse, he quickly took out the alchemy stove and handed it to Xu Miao.The quality of Liu Feng Dan Furnace is not very high, but it is enough for Xu Miao.

Li Huan, who was watching coldly, was full of disdain.Even the alchemy stove needs to be borrowed from others, and I want to refine the bone-changing pill from these three materials, just dream!He wanted to keep his eyes open and watch, to see how this Xu Miao could get off the stage!

Xu Miao didn't care what Li Huan was thinking, he took out one of the materials and carefully studied the characteristics of each material.His brain was working rapidly, recalling the types and characteristics of the spiritual herbs he had memorized and recited.

Only by fully understanding the characteristics of each spiritual herb can one not be in a hurry when refining alchemy.Li Huan continued to express disdain, with his hands behind his back, watching Xu Miao's movements.

After understanding all the materials, Xu Miao adjusted his consciousness and spiritual power to the best state, drew out the pill fire, and placed the pill furnace on top of the pill fire.

According to the records on Danfang, Xu Miao began to melt several kinds of materials separately.Xu Miao's pill fire is transformed from the golden pill, which is not only stable, but also has a suitable temperature.

After he manipulated the pill fire to reach a suitable temperature, he raised his hand to fetch the first material and began to melt it.Knowing these materials already, Xu Miao can clearly know what kind of material needs what temperature, and what kind of material should be melted from which part is the most suitable.

Under Liu Feng's adoring eyes, Xu Miao melted all the materials smoothly.When an alchemist refines a brand-new elixir for the first time, he often fails to even melt the ingredients.

Unless it is those who are extremely talented on the alchemy journey.Liu Feng does not belong to this category of people. He needs to waste several parts of the material just to melt the material successfully.

But Xu Miao was refining Bone Bone Pill for the first time, and Bone Bone Pill had a lot of difficulty in melting the material.However, under Xu Miao's hands, all these materials were melted very smoothly without any difficulties.

Once melted, it's time to start merging.The fusion of Bone Bone Pill's materials is different from that of ordinary pills, it needs to be evenly fused.The fusion of Bone Bone Pill must be based on certain standards, if it is evenly fused, it is impossible to successfully refine Bone Bone Pill.

Therefore, a strong spiritual consciousness is a necessary condition for refining bone-changing pills.Xu Miao's current consciousness is unparalleled, it's just a bone-changing pill, and he uses his own consciousness to strictly control every measurement and proportion.

Xu Miao's spiritual consciousness was completely integrated into all the materials, and the ratio content in the prescription appeared in his sea of ​​consciousness very clearly.Xu Miao carefully blends all the materials together according to the proportion.

Watching Xu Miao's movements, Li Huan's eyes suddenly widened.Looking at Xu Miao's previous actions, it is clear that he has never refined Bone Transformation Pill.But looking at Xu Miao's current refining process, it is the same as those alchemists who have refined thousands of times.

He was even worried that Xu Miao would succeed in refining the first material.Li Huan's heart was raised high, and he kept praying that Xu Miao would fail in refining.Unlike Li Huan, Liu Feng kept praying that Xu Miao could refine it successfully.

In Xu Miao's mind, there was no thought of refining successfully or failing.All of his mind was immersed in refining, and he didn't have any extra thoughts to think about what he had or what he didn't have.

The fused bone-changing pill prototype was moved into the alchemy furnace by Xu Miao.Close the furnace lid and wait for Cheng Dan.The timing of Bone Bone Pill becoming a pill is as important as fusion, any faster or slower will affect Bone Bone Pill.

Xu Miao waited quietly according to her previous experience in refining elixir and the opening time recorded on the elixir recipe.In the eyes of Li Huan and Liu Feng, Xu Miao was extremely calm, without showing a trace of panic or nervousness.

This kind of mentality is something that all alchemists must possess.It's just that due to various other reasons, alchemists will be more or less affected by emotions, and cannot maintain a calm state of mind throughout the whole process.

The fragrance of the elixir was faintly visible, Xu Miao suddenly opened her eyes, raised her hand, and lifted the furnace cover.Immediately afterwards, Xu Miao took out the elixir with a wave of her hand, and immediately a smell of paste appeared, indicating that the refining of Bone Bone Pill failed.

When Li Huan smelled this smell, he finally let go of his high-pitched heart, and a smugness flashed in his eyes.Liu Feng was very frustrated, and people who didn't know would think that Liu Feng himself was the one who refined the elixir.

The expression on Xu Miao's face did not fluctuate. He put the elixir in his hand under his nose and sniffed lightly to judge the specific time.

"Friend Xu, Bone Transformation Pill is not so easy to refine, I think you should give up." Although Li Huan was trying to persuade Xu Miao, his expression was extremely smug.

Xu Miao didn't get angry or argue, just said: "There are two more." After finishing speaking, Xu Miao closed her eyes again and summed up the experience of the first alchemy.

In refining elixir, only by summing up experience every time can every failure be effective.Xu Miao took a deep breath and let out another breath.

He raised his hand to call for the second batch of materials, and urged the pill fire to start melting.This time, Xu Miao's movements were more skillful than the first time.Every movement is as standard as a textbook.

(End of this chapter)

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