Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 302 Alchemy Dao Genius

Chapter 302 Alchemy Dao Genius
In the surprised eyes of Li Huan and Liu Feng, three complete bone-changing pills appeared in Xu Miao's hands.This elixir is white in color and exudes a refreshing fragrance.

"Impossible! This is impossible!" Li Huan's old, yellow and cloudy eyes showed disbelief.He has refined the bone-changing pill no less than a hundred times, but he has never succeeded once.

He didn't believe at all that Xu Miao could successfully refine it, but the bone-changing pill was lying in Xu Miao's palm like this, so he couldn't believe it.

Li Huan knew very well that it was Bone Bone Pill, which was exactly the same as the one refined by his master, and the quality of the pill was higher than that refined by his master.

He stared at Bone Bone Pill, his breathing became very rough, and his chest heaved violently.He stretched out his hand involuntarily, wanting to take away the bone-changing pill from Xu Miao's hand.

Xu Miao shook the palm of his hand, and he put away the bone-changing pill.Li Huan looked at Xu Miao's empty hand, and the disbelief in his eyes had disappeared, only self-mockery and regret.

The expressions of Liu Feng and Li Huan were completely different, with obvious joy, as if he was the one who made the elixir, not Xu Miao.

Li Huan shook his head and asked, "Friend Xu, is this really the first time you have refined bone-changing pills?"

"Yes, this is indeed my first contact with Bone Bone Pill."

Li Huan was silent for a moment, and then slowly said: "Xu Daoyou, you are indeed the most talented alchemist I have ever seen in my life, not one of them."

"The bone-changing pill is difficult. I have refined it no less than a hundred times, but I have never succeeded once. Even my master needs ten ingredients to successfully refine one."

In Li Huan's words, memories and nostalgia can be heard.He looked at Xu Miao, his eyes suddenly became excited: "Friend Xu, do you want to consider switching to alchemy, you will definitely be able to stand at the top of alchemy, and everyone can only look up to you."

Li Huan is such a person, once he is sure about one thing, ten cows will not be able to pull it back.Before Xu Miao asked someone to invite him over, he was unhappy and made things difficult for Xu Miao.

But now, seeing Xu Miao's level of alchemy, he was deeply impressed. He was willing to do whatever Xu Miao asked him to do.

"For me, alchemy is just a side job. Just like making talismans, I can make alchemy and talismans when needed. However, I have always been a practitioner of name and law, and I am better at fighting on the battlefield, not in the alchemy room." Refining pills."

"However, during this period of time, I will work with you to refine the elixir with all my strength. I got news that a large number of sea beasts will attack in a month's time."

"And there will be eight-level sea beasts, and there will be no fewer seven-level sea beasts, so the importance of pills is self-evident. I need you to give up other pills and concentrate on refining Heyuan Pill."

Combined Yuan Pill is most suitable for monks in the middle stage of Golden Elixir and later monks. For early monks, the medicinal power is a bit deep, but they can divide the pill into two to ensure that more monks can get the most suitable pill.

"No problem!" Li Huan and Liu Feng said in unison. The two of them have been completely convinced by Xu Miao's alchemy ability, and they will no longer have any objections to Xu Miao.

Xu Miao ordered Shui San to put all the excavated beast pills according to their grades, and prepare the materials for refining Heyuan Pill.Shui San took the order to go, and Xu Miao was about to go to the alchemy room, but was stopped by Li Huan.

Li Huan explained his request with great embarrassment, and hoped that Xu Miao could demonstrate the refining process of Bone Bone Pill again so that he could learn.

In alchemy, Xu Miao has never cherished himself with a broom. If someone is willing to ask, he is willing to teach.Starting from the characteristics of the material, break it apart bit by bit, and tell Li Huan and Liu Feng the experience.

The way Li Huan and Liu Feng looked at Xu Miao had completely changed, exactly like the respect and admiration that disciples have for their master.Xu Miao noticed these two gazes, so let's forget about Liu Feng, at least he is young.

With Li Huan's vicissitudes of face, looking at Xu Miao with such eyes, Xu Miao couldn't help getting goose bumps all over her body.Fortunately, Shui San came over in time and told Xu Miao that the materials and alchemy furnace were ready, and he could open the skull to make alchemy at any time.

Time is running out, Xu Miao needs to hurry up.He took Li and Liu straight to the alchemy room, planning to drive out a large amount of Heyuan Dan within a month.

There may be a small group of sea beasts attacking within a month. Xu Miao asked Shui San to lead the casual cultivators to fight. The record is not important, the most important thing is the safety of everyone's life.

After explaining together, Xu Miao immersed himself in alchemy.With Xu Miao's attainments in alchemy, refining Heyuan Dan is really easy.Except for the first furnace, due to lack of proficiency, only two pills were obtained.

In the subsequent refining, at least seven or eight Heyuan Pills can be obtained from each furnace. Such a high rate of alchemy can shock everyone in any place.

Li Huan and Liu Feng were also surprised at the beginning, but later became accustomed to it.Liu Feng was young and didn't have much experience, while Li Huan traveled all over the world for many years, met too many alchemists, and participated in various alchemy exchanges and alchemy competitions.

However, no matter whether it is the alchemists who are known as the most promising alchemists to revitalize the way of alchemy, or the core disciples taught by the specialized alchemy sects and alchemy families, no one can match Xu Miao's talent.

The first thing Xu Miao did was to guarantee that each batch would be a pill.This point alone, except for those experienced alchemy masters, other alchemists are absolutely impossible to do.

What's more, Xu Miao was able to achieve a success rate of more than [-]% for each batch of alchemy, which is a height that is difficult for alchemy masters to reach.Not only that, each pill is not low in quality, and belongs to the grade of top-grade pills.

Li Huan even came up with the idea of ​​worshiping Xu Miao as his teacher during the rest of alchemy.

Both he and Liu Feng needed to adjust their breath to recover their spiritual consciousness and spiritual power after refining a furnace of Heyuan Pill because of the excessive consumption of their spiritual consciousness.And Xu Miao's spiritual strength and spiritual power can support him every time he refines five batches of pills before he needs to rest for a while.

After a while, Xu Miao will devote himself to alchemy again.The materials around Xu Miao were decreasing at an astonishing rate, and at the same time, the number of jade bottles with medicinal pills on the side was also increasing at an astonishing rate.

A large number of Heyuan Pills were refined, so that Xu Miao was so familiar with the refining process that he could start alchemy with his eyes closed.Xu Miao made a bold attempt, he wanted to refine two furnaces of elixir at once.

He took an unused alchemy furnace and placed it on both sides of his body with the original alchemy furnace.He placed the refining materials on both sides respectively, stretched his hands and spread them out, activating the pill fire in his body.

Two balls of pill fire appeared in the palm of the hand at the same time, Xu Miao controlled the material and began to melt.Except for some embarrassment during the fusion, there were no accidents when opening the alchemy furnace.

The monks who were in charge of transporting and packing up the materials every day were dumbfounded when they saw Xu Miao's crazy alchemy posture.

Not enough time, not enough, too few pills!Finally, Xu Miao started the assembly line operation. While waiting for the material to melt, he started to melt another batch of material.

When he started to fuse one material, he waited for the time to turn on the furnace, and then started to fuse another material.Xu Miao's whole body is like a spinning top, constantly spinning, refining the elixir.

This method of refining elixir has never been heard or seen by others.Seeing the growth rate of the pill jade bottle around Xu Miao increased again, they even became accustomed to collecting the pill jade bottle.

Xu Miao's special alchemy method consumes a lot of spiritual consciousness, but at the same time it also greatly increases the spiritual consciousness.Except for the fact that Xu Miao desperately split up his consciousness in order to quickly increase his consciousness, there has never been a time when his consciousness has grown faster than this time.

Soon, news spread that Xu Miao was good at alchemy, and many monks learned about it.In order to see Xu Miao's strength in alchemy, all the monks in the casual cultivation base camp deliberately entered the alchemy room in rotation to place materials for Xu Miao.

What they saw with their own eyes changed their evaluation of Xu Miao's strength again.

"Fu Dao, Dan Dao, Sword Dao... My God, our boss is a genius!" Now everyone in the casual practice will spontaneously call Xu Miao the boss.

Lead them to fight, protect their lives, get back their trophies, and refine elixirs for them. If such a person is not the boss, who can be the boss.

A month later, the warning bell of Seaside City rang, indicating that the attack of the beast horde was coming.Xu Miao finished alchemy, and when she walked out of the alchemy room, she saw a group of monks standing respectfully outside the alchemy room, shouting: "Boss!"

When Xu Miao heard this name, her face was full of black lines, and she really wanted to stop everyone from calling it.But when he saw the eager smiles on everyone's faces and the respect from the heart, he held back his words.

"The time is too short, our manpower is too small, and the Heyuan Pills that can be refined are limited. Now there are 500 people in the Loose Cultivation Base Camp, and each person can get three bottles of pills, and each bottle contains thirty pills."

When Sanxiu saw the jade bottle in his hand, he was so excited that he couldn't control himself.It's not that they don't know the sects, the monks of the family, and the resources they have.

Ordinary disciples can get almost this amount of pills.What's more, the quality of those people's elixir is far inferior to the elixir bestowed by Xu Miao in their hands.

"This is the limit that Li Huan, Liu Feng and I can do. After this batch of beasts is over, I hope each of you can come back alive!"

"Don't worry! Boss!" Xu Miao couldn't help twitching the corners of her mouth when she heard this passionate voice.He waved for the monks to disperse, prepare separately, and wait for the final assembly order.

Xu Miao had already received the order from Shui San, True Monarch Shui Mei, and this time the attack was stronger than before.Seaside City is likely to be abandoned, so all monks, regardless of their identities or backgrounds, must participate in the battle.

Almost all the strength of the city was used to resist this attack.

(End of this chapter)

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