Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 303 The Final Battle Comes

Chapter 303 The Final Battle Comes

Nine consecutive bells sounded, which meant that all the monks had to go to the coastline to gather.Xu Miao led all the ready-made casual practitioners, including alchemists, to the meeting place.

Except for the mortals who were removed early, only monks are left in the coastal city.In this battle, all the monks were mobilized, and it was a big battle that had never happened since the beast tide.

Some monks' faces were full of fear and uneasiness, some of them were full of fighting spirit, and some of them were calm, without any expression.

Xu Miao stood calmly in front of hundreds of people, letting the howling sea wind blow his clothes.Hundreds of casual cultivators stood neatly and quietly behind Xu Miao, only waiting for Xu Miao's command.

A middle-stage Nascent Soul cultivator from an unknown family walked up to the crowd, said a few perfunctory words to boost morale, and then turned back.Some passionate monks were immediately doused by these words.

In addition to the small fights that occur every time, a combat meeting will be held for any large-scale battle.All the leading monks gathered together to discuss how to fight.

Xu Miao was invited by the attendants next to Master Shuimei to attend the battle meeting. A dozen people had already gathered at the temporary meeting place on the coast.

It's just that Xu Miao's reputation in the past was too great, and his attacks were too harsh, no one dared to say anything more.Xu Miao casually walked to a corner, closed her eyes and was in a daze.

The people gathered here represent different forces behind them.Under such circumstances, no one would be willing to stick to the seaside city, and the game of letting go of power has also become the focus of discussion at this meeting.

Who will act as the vanguard, who will be responsible for blocking, and who will be responsible for breaking the rear.Every question can be debated by these people for a long time.Xu Miao looked coldly at the monks who were arguing in full swing, and wanted to turn around and leave.

Ding Ou noticed that Xu Miao wanted to leave, and stopped him with words: "Xu Miao, why do you want to leave so quickly, do you not understand what we are talking about?" Ding Ou's chin was raised, and his eyes showed disdain.

"Aren't you people here for the sake of not being the first group of monks to attack the sea beasts, and not being the last group of monks to die?"

"When you're done fighting, the sea beasts have already attacked the door. Do you know why sea beasts can pose such a threat to human monks? Because all of you have never thought of uniting to do one thing."

After Xu Miao finished speaking, she left directly regardless of how the people present reacted.When they walked to the door of the temporary meeting place, a strange monk walked towards him.

This monk is wearing the unified taoist robe of the Nanjing Sect, and he has been cultivated in the later stage of Jindan, which is really extraordinary.However, Xu Miao just glanced at it, didn't stop there, and wanted to avoid the visitor and leave on her own.

But he didn't expect this person to take a step to the left, stop Xu Miao, and said seriously: "Since it's a battle meeting, why did you leave halfway?"

Xu Miao looked up at the other party, didn't bother to pay attention, and continued to walk aside.And this person relentlessly stopped in front of Xu Miao, not letting Xu Miao leave.

Xu Miao was angry, but the other party didn't take the lead, so he couldn't do it first, so as not to be wronged.

"The monks of the Nanjing Sect, do you like to stop people from leaving? The battle meeting is held to determine a reasonable battle strategy, not to maximize the benefits for anyone. Since you want to participate in the battle meeting so much, you Just go in."

A series of crackling words from Xu Miao made the visitor stunned on the spot. Taking this opportunity, Xu Miao successfully bypassed the other party and returned to the location of the casual cultivator.

Du Yingyu approached Xu Miao ghostly, and said mysteriously, "Boss, do you know who is blocking your way just now?"

Xu Miao rolled her eyes at the other party, and Du Yingyu hurriedly said in a low voice: "It's Qiao Ye! The strongest monk in the Jindan stage of the Nanjing Sect, I heard that both his character and cultivation are beyond reproach."

"Before, everyone thought that Qiao Ye would be the one who would challenge Zhonglu from Donglu..." Du Yingyu chattered and introduced Qiao Ye. Xu Miao did not expect that the old-fashioned monk just now would be Qiao Ye.

Qiao Ye was ranked below him on the list of planar monks, but this did not mean that Qiao Ye was weaker than Xu Miao.Just as Xu Miao's name is under the three Zhonglu monks, it doesn't mean that Xu Miao is weaker than those three.

As long as they haven't played against each other in the heyday, no one can be sure who can win and who can lose.Xu Miao's thoughts were racing, and she began to think about the real strategy.

He has only 500 casual cultivators under him, either as pioneers or as the existence of the end, Xu Miao prefers those people to let casual cultivators be the latter.

The pioneers are just inquiring. Even if they suddenly encounter danger, as long as they can hold on for a while, backup will come immediately.But the broken monks are different, they have no help, no reinforcements, they can only persevere without any hope.

In addition, the pressure will be greater after the break, and the longer the delay, the more sea beasts will come ashore. Correspondingly, there will be more high-level sea beasts.

Xu Miao put his consciousness into the Hunting Stone, and saw the green dragon that was still closing its eyes and fusing the dragon's tendons.Although he didn't know the progress of Qing Jiao's fusion, but just looking at the aura around Qing Jiao, it didn't seem like the fusion would be completed immediately.

All he could rely on was himself and the [-] casual cultivators who were loyal to him. Xu Miao gathered several late Jindan cultivators together and ordered the strategies he had thought up temporarily.

Regardless of whether they are the last ones, they have to fight.When fighting, it is necessary to allocate the brigade and the small team, and how to solve specific problems.

After raising all possible problems and dangers and telling them how to solve them, Xu Miao asked them to convey instructions.

"Master, the City Lord is here to invite you." Shui San suddenly sent a voice transmission to Xu Miao.Xu Miao felt strange, and walked to the place indicated by Shui San, and she saw True Lord Shui Mei.

True Monarch Water Charm stood at the forefront of the coastline. Because it was too close to the vanguard of sea beasts, no monks were willing to come to patrol and defend. Only True Monarch Water Charm stood alone on a reef.

The bitter sea breeze blows Zhenjun Shuimei's long hair flying, covering her peerless face.Xu Miaofei stood in front of Zhenjun Shuimei carefully, waiting for the other party to speak.

"The candidate for the queen has been decided, and casual cultivators will be responsible for the queen, and I agree." The sea breeze was too strong, coupled with the waves constantly beating against the rocks, the voice of True Monarch Shui Mei became less vivid.

Xu Miao probably guessed this possibility, without too much anger or surprise.Master Shuimei didn't hear Xu Miao's questioning words, turned his head in doubt, and saw Xu Miao's calm face.

"Don't you have anything to ask me?"

Xu Miao suddenly smiled, a smile in the dark, even True Lord Shui Mei couldn't read Xu Miao's emotions from it.He shook his head slowly, and said: "Since it's the result, no matter how much I ask, it won't change anything. Is there anything else Zhenjun wants to explain?"

"You—" Zhenjun Shuimei opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but finally closed his mouth giving up.

Xu Miao still bowed respectfully, laughing at herself, there are some people you can't touch in your life.After the ceremony, Xu Miao left the place without looking back.

A vague and unclear sentence came from my ear: "Be careful in everything." Xu Miao thought it was an illusion, smiled helplessly, and the cold expression returned to her face.

Standing on the reef, Xu Miao clearly felt the increase in the strength of the sea beast not far away. This also showed from the side that it would not be tonight, but tomorrow, and the decisive battle would begin.

The coastal city that has been defended for three years is about to lose its hold.Just by looking at the attitudes of many monks, one can roughly know a thing or two.Xu Miao sat blankly on a rock where casual cultivators gathered, looking in the direction of the reef.

Suddenly, strong fluctuations came, accompanied by the sound of waves, constantly beating against the shore.The tide is rising and this is not normal.Xu Miao immediately flew into the air, spread her consciousness, and observed the situation in the distance.

As expected, the sea beast launched an attack in the middle of the night.The leading sea beast is no longer a seventh-level sea beast, but has directly become an eighth-level sea beast.

The three sea beasts all looked like humans. Instead of flying by themselves, they stood on the bodies of three seventh-level sea beasts and quickly approached the coastline.

Behind the eighth-level sea beasts, there are seventy or eighty seventh-level sea beasts, and behind the seventh-level sea beasts, there are endless sixth-level sea beasts, fifth-level sea beasts...

"Enemy attack——" Xu Miao poured her spiritual power into her voice, which instantly spread throughout the coast.Simultaneously with Xu Miao's voice, there was a deafening bell.

The bell continued to ring, waking up the monk who was still sleeping in his dream.Only now did they realize that it was the sea beast that had launched the attack, cursing and gathering at the relevant location.

"The sea beasts are coming, all the monks will attack in batches according to their location. Everyone must obey the orders of the lord of the seaside city. If there are those who flee without fighting or who do not obey the orders, they will be killed without mercy!" The voice was cold and cruel.

The sea beast was getting closer, and this late-stage cultivator didn't have time to mobilize before the battle. He only said "Go all out" and hurried forward.

In the seaside city, there were only three late Yuanying cultivators, except Zhenjun Shuimei, Li Annan, and the cultivator who spoke just now. According to Du Yingyu's information, this cultivator was Hu Cheng, a late stage cultivator of the Nanjing Sect.

Three Nascent Soul late stage monks fought with three eighth-level sea beasts in an instant, and the remaining Nascent Soul monks also fought against seventh-level sea beasts.All the monks were mobilized, and Xu Miao led [-] casual monks to kill the sea beast.

The darkness reflected the sky and the earth, but the magic weapon in the hands of the monk dispelled the suffocating darkness.The crackling of magic weapons, the collision of magic spells, the screams of sea beasts and the death of monks, one after another.

All stimulated the monks' eardrums and brought them a huge spiritual impact.

(End of this chapter)

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