Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 304 The Queen of Two

Chapter 304

What scares the monks even more is not the eighth-level sea beasts, but the endless sixth-level sea beasts.Not every Golden Core cultivator is like Xu Miao, able to leapfrog and fight.

The monks at the early stage of Jindan who couldn't resist fell one after another, and their friends and fellow disciples couldn't help them even if they tried to rescue them.There are too many level six sea beasts, trapping most people.

The continuous high tension and uninterrupted fighting made every monk exhausted.But they can't stop, once they stop, what awaits them is death.

Whether it is the family or the monks of the sect, they are all falling on a large scale.As for casual cultivators, thanks to Xu Miao's care, the death rate has been greatly reduced.

"Another seventh-level sea beast appeared in the northeast! A few Nascent Soul cultivators and I rushed to meet the enemy!"

"There are also a large number of seventh-level sea beasts appearing in the southeast, stop them quickly!"

The Nascent Soul cultivator left quickly. Except for the three late Nascent Soul cultivators who were fighting the eighth-level sea beast, all the rest were Jindan cultivators.

At this moment, the sea beasts in the due east direction began to reinforce, also led by three eighth-level sea beasts, followed by more seventh-level sea beasts and sixth-level sea beasts.

Seeing this, the three great Nascent Soul cultivators frowned deeply.With one-on-two, it is too difficult, and I am afraid that it will pay a considerable price.

Except for True Lord Shuimei, Li Annan and Hu Cheng had already begun to withdraw.After all, the seaside city is not their territory, and it is absolutely impossible for them to help Zhenjun Shuimei defend the seaside city at all costs.

Whether it is Fengze Sect or Nanjing Sect, the sects are all located in the heart of Donglu. They just give up a part of Donglu, and it will not cause too much loss to them.

On the contrary, his own sect can preserve its strength in this beast tide and severely damage the power of casual cultivators.This time the Eastern Continent was attacked by the beast horde. For some unknown reason, the Loose Cultivator Alliance did not send a late Nascent Soul cultivator from the beginning to the end.

There are only Nascent Soul early and mid-stage monks who are not too powerful, and a large number of Jindan monks.Li Annan and Hu Cheng looked at each other and said, "True Lord Shuimei, it doesn't make any sense for us to continue to resist, why not retreat now."

Master Shui Mei took a glance at the two of them from the corner of his eye, lowered his eyebrows, remained silent for a moment, and said, "Retreat." With the consent of the city lord of Haibin City, Li Annan and Hu Cheng immediately notified all the monks participating in the battle.

"The city lord has ordered that all monks retreat into the seaside city in order and pass through the teleportation array!" The voices of the great monks in the late Yuanying period spread all over the coastline, and the exhausted monks were shocked when they heard these words.

They mobilized the spiritual power in their bodies one after another, barely controlled the already weak muscles, and retreated while fighting.The casual cultivators on Xu Miao's side also looked happy, and were about to retreat into the city when they heard Li Annan's next words.

"The city lord ordered that the casual cultivators, as the last group of retreaters, break the rear for other cultivators and ensure the safety of the retreat."

As soon as the words fell, the loose cultivators cursed one by one: "I'm going to fuck you! Why do you ask us casual cultivators to cut off the heirs for those people!"

"I bought a watch last year, how can I cheat us like this!"

"I'll keep going, I'm going to enter the city first! You're fucking capable of killing all of our casual cultivators, and when all of our casual cultivators are dead, I'll see who you can find to break the queen!"

Xu Miao listened to the cursing of casual practitioners around her, but didn't say a word.True Monarch Shuimei came to him personally and asked him to lead the casual cultivators as the rear team, but he couldn't disregard the lives of the brothers around him.

The casual cultivators looked at the silent Xu Miao and said, "Boss! Say something!"

"Boss, as long as you give an order, we don't care about the orders of the city lord or anyone else, we will only listen to you!"

"That's right! It's up to you, Boss, to decide whether to break the rear or enter the teleportation array ahead of these people!"

Xu Miao felt Zhenjun Shuimei's gaze on him, and the corners of his mouth curled up, but he didn't look at him.He looked around at the scattered cultivators who were still fighting desperately beside him, and his heart was filled with excitement.

"Brothers, as casual cultivators, we have no reason to be those useless umbrellas. Their own strength is not enough, their speed is too slow, and they are killed by sea beasts. They are their own waste and have nothing to do with us."

"Listen, everyone, now, enter Seaside City immediately, I will be responsible for your safety. Don't look back, all of you enter the city!" After Xu Miao finished speaking, she looked up at Zhenjun Shuimei.

He can't disregard these brothers who believe in him, but he won't go against Zhenjun Shuimei's entrustment either.Let loose cultivators enter the city, and he will be responsible for the rest.

When hundreds of casual cultivators heard Xu Miao's words, they immediately left the fighting sea beasts and galloped towards the city gate.The location of casual cultivators is the closest to the city gate, so they can enter the city as quickly as possible.

"After entering the city, open the teleportation array directly, don't stop there!" Xu Miao roared loudly, and at the same time repelled the sixth-level sea beast chasing casual cultivators with a sword.

When the sea beast heard the news that the monk was going to retreat, it rushed forward like crazy.Xu Miao and Shui San killed the sea beast not too far away, so that they could provide support at any time.

"Xu Miao! How dare you disobey the order of the city lord and seek death!" As soon as Ding Ou finished speaking, a wave of spiritual power hit Xu Miao.Xu Miao snorted coldly, and quickly dodged to the side, Ding Ou's spiritual power hit a seventh-level sea beast.

Ding Ou's move showed no mercy, and the seventh-level sea beast was seriously injured instantly.Xu Miao backhanded a sword, killing the sea beast.

"Old lady Ding Ou, don't enter the city if you have the ability, and continue to fight if you have the ability! It is best that you stay with me as long as I stay outside the city!" Xu Miao continued to attack Ding Ou with the sword in his hand.

Rather than countering Ding Ou with sword moves, Xu Miao hoped to stimulate Ding Ou to attack him continuously.He then transferred the spiritual power from Ding Ou to the sea beast.

The mana power in the mid-stage Nascent Soul is much stronger than his own, and he can do things that are effortless, so Xu Miao will naturally not choose things that are thankless.

Ding Ou is the most vulnerable person.Hearing what Xu Miao said, she resolutely said: "Okay! I will stay until you retreat, and I will kill you completely when you are about to retreat!"

"Let you die unwillingly with hope, but in despair." Ding Ou's attack arrived as scheduled, and Xu Miao controlled the Nirvana Sword to transfer Ding Ou's attack power, which greatly saved a lot of souls. force.

During the confrontation between Xu Miao and Ding Ou, most of the monks had retreated into the seaside city.In Xu Miao's absence, Du Yingyu temporarily assumed responsibility for the safety of the casual cultivators.

The speed of the casual cultivators was very fast, and among this group of casual cultivators, there happened to be a person who was in charge of the teleportation array.As soon as this person arrived at the teleportation array, he fiddled with his hands and opened the teleportation array.

As the last person to step into the teleportation formation, Du Yingyu gave Xu Miao a signal, telling him that all casual cultivators had retreated safely.

Xu Miao felt relieved when she heard the contents of the sound transmission jade pendant.He cast Fenghuiyunduan, moved to another position, and began to block the chasing sea beasts for other monks.

The monk who was rescued by Xu Miao looked surprised and couldn't help asking, "Why did you save us?"

"The order of the city lord, dare not resign!" After Xu Miao finished speaking, he swept the world with one move and repelled the sixth-level sea beasts that were close at hand.There are not many monks left on the coastline, except for Master Shuimei, a late Nascent Soul monk, there are no other Nascent Soul monks to be seen.

Even Ding Ou retreated into the coastal city.Beside True Monarch Shuimei, there was only one Ye Qianqian.Ye Qianqian's early-stage golden core cultivation base is almost dangerous next to Zhenjun Shuimei.

Xu Miao stopped the seventh-level sea beast that appeared beside Ye Qianqian with a sword, and said sharply, "What are you still doing here! Enter the city soon!"

Ye Qianqian bit her lower lip, did not agree, and continued to summon the magic weapon to fight the seventh-level sea beast.Xu Miao was about to be pissed off by her, grabbed Ye Qianqian's hand, forcibly took her out of the battle range, and pushed her in the moment the city gate closed.

"Xu Miao!" Ye Qianqian hoarse, she frantically pushed the door hard, trying to open the city gate.However, this door was restricted by True Monarch Shui Mei. In order to ensure that the monks in the city can safely enter the teleportation array, once it is closed, there will be no possibility of opening it.

"Ye Qianqian—" Xu Miao's deep voice sounded, and Ye Qianqian fell silent instantly.

"Don't let your aunt's sacrifice be in vain, go home quickly." After Xu Miao said this, she turned and left without the slightest nostalgia.When Xu Miao saw Zhenjun Shuimei last night, she knew the other party's plan.

The seaside city has been abandoned by the Eastern Continent's comprehension world. As the master of water charm who built the seaside city with one hand, how can he bear it.Although she is only a woman, she is more proud than many men.

She would not allow herself to watch the seaside city fall with her own eyes while she was still alive.She will fight to the last breath for the seaside city.

Xu Miao didn't know why she made such a decision to stay with Zhenjun Shuimei.He only knew that if he retreated into the city with other monks this time, he might live in pain for the rest of his life.

Seeing that Xu Miao hadn't entered the city, the Shuimei Zhenjun finally had a crack on her calm face. She said hoarsely, "Why didn't you enter the city?"

Xu Miao shook Zhenjun Shuimei's hand, and said warmly, "I'll be with you."

"Accompany me to die?"

When Xu Miao heard this, she suddenly smiled: "Don't worry, I'm very lucky, and I won't die so easily." The sea beast has fallen into complete madness, constantly attacking the two of them.

A sharp explosion sounded in the city, and bright fireworks appeared high in the sky, which meant that the last monk entered the teleportation array, and the seaside city completely became an empty city.

Six eighth-level sea beasts surrounded Zhenjun Shuimei and Xu Miao, and farther away were countless seventh-level sea beasts and sixth-level sea beasts.The eighth-level sea beast attacked at the same time, and a crystal clear water polo covered the two of them.

Xu Miao's blue sea can't reach this level, the water polo was released by True Lord Shui Mei.True Lord Water Charm found the weakest eighth-level sea beast, and slammed out a burst of spiritual power.

(End of this chapter)

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