Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 305 Two people alone

Chapter 305
The eighth-level sea beast was attacked by True Monarch Water Charm and dodged to the side.Master Shuimei seized this opportunity, left the gate of the city with Xu Miao, and flew towards the deep sea.

Xu Miao guessed right, if Zhenjun Shuimei was alone, she would most likely die in the city.But it would be different if there was one more Xu Miao. True Lord Shui Mei would not take Xu Miao's life into it.

It's just that when Zhenjun Shuimei left, he was seriously injured in order to block the attacks of several other eighth-level sea beasts.After barely teleporting for a certain distance, he lost his strength and fell to the sea.

Before falling, Zhenjun Shuimei only had time to say: "Run quickly..."

Xu Miao quickly stretched out her hand and hugged Zhenjun Shuimei in her arms.True Monarch Shui Mei's previous hidden injuries erupted completely, and coupled with the injuries he received just now, he fell into a coma directly.

Taking advantage of Zhenjun Shuimei's coma, Xu Miao sent him into the Hunting Stone.And told Xiaotian to take care of Zhenjun Shuimei carefully.

After carefully identifying the direction, Xu Miao took the wings of the sky, flapped her wings, and flew towards the location of Xie Ling'an's cave.

Since Xu Miao advanced to the middle stage of Jindan, he has not used the empty wings.It's much easier than using Jindan in the early days.It took at least ten flaps of the wings before muscle stiffness appeared.

With the basis of the teleportation of True Monarch Water Charm, Xu Miao flapped the air feathers nearly a hundred times, constantly changing the direction of flight, and finally got rid of the eighth-level sea beast chasing behind.At this time, his muscles were as hard as iron, and it was difficult to even lift them up.

After he identified the direction again, he plunged into the bottom of the sea and swam towards Xie Ling'an's cave.Most of the sea beasts were dispatched to attack the seaside city, and the remaining sea beasts were very few.

Xu Miao doesn't have to worry at all, he will meet a sea beast.He swam in quickly, found the exit that he left at that time, dodged into the interior, and attracted stones, sand, sealed the exit, and set up a closed water warning formation above.

The place is already safe, so Xu Miao moved True Lord Shuimei out of the Huntian Stone, took out the spiritual source water to feed it, and walked to the side to meditate with his eyes closed.Xu Miao meditated while thinking about future plans.

What he promised to Xie Ling'an has not been completed yet. In addition, he still needs to find a place with high-heat magma to practice the Nirvana Wheel.

However, there is a prerequisite for the implementation of all these, that is, to wait for True Monarch Shuimei to wake up.In the seaside city, if it wasn't for the strong support of True Lord Shuimei, he might not even be able to gain a foothold, and he would be directly killed by monks in the middle and late stages of Yuanying.

Xu Miao is not a person who likes to owe favors to others, this time, it can be regarded as repaying the other party's favor.

One was in a coma to heal his wounds, and the other was practicing with his eyes closed. Time was like flowing water, and there was no sun here. Xu Miao couldn't calculate how much time had passed. In the middle of Xu Miao's cultivation, True Lord Shui Mei had already woken up.

Zhenjun Shuimei slowly opened her eyes, and for a split second, she even thought she was in a region.Her eyes gradually cleared up, and she saw Xu Miao who was meditating beside her.

There was a complicated look in her eyes, Xu Miao was so absorbed in her cultivation that she didn't realize that Master Shuimei had woken up.She never thought that this monk, who was only in the middle stage of Golden Core, would stay and accompany her.

The heart that has been frozen for many years, from the first few cracks, is completely alive now.She stared fixedly at Xu Miao's closed eyes, Xu Miao looked very harmless now.

But Master Shui Mei knew very well how sharp those eyes would be when they were opened.She had clearly told the other party to abandon her and leave alone, but she never expected that the other party would still take her and escape to the bottom of the sea.

It's just that her injury, she knows best, may never get better, and the remaining days are not many.She suddenly complained about fate, why did she only meet Xu Miao now.

She even hoped that Xu Miao would not finish her cultivation before she died, so that she could look at Xu Miao and close her eyes safely.

True Monarch Shui Mei's thoughts were racing, and he let the messy thoughts fill his mind.


Xu Miao finally finished his training. His cultivation base is still some distance away from the mid-term peak of Jindan, but Xu Miao is confident that he will be able to cross this distance in a short time.

He opened his eyes in satisfaction, and saw Zhenjun Shuimei staring at him.Xu Miao didn't know how long the other party had been awake, and felt a little embarrassed for a while.

However, he soon noticed that Zhenjun Shuimei's face was pale, and Xu Miao couldn't even feel the opponent's cultivation base and spiritual power fluctuations at all.A monk with a high level of cultivation can make a person with a low level of cultivation unaware of his own cultivation.

But Xu Miao didn't think that Zhenjun Shuimei's injury had recovered. The other party's appearance was obviously serious, and he hadn't healed yet.

Xu Miao cleared her throat: "Ahem—I don't know how the real gentleman's injury is?" Xu Miao asked naturally, and didn't think there was anything wrong.

Little did they know that in the world of comprehension, low-level monks would ask high-level monks about their injuries for no reason, which would attract the attention of high-level monks, and even kill them.

Master Shuimei didn't directly answer Xu Miao's question, but said something else: "Do you know why Seaside City was abandoned?"

Xu Miao didn't expect the topic to change so quickly, but he also reacted very quickly. After thinking for a moment, he said, "According to the thoughts of the monks above, there must be some kind of agreement reached with the sea beast."

"Otherwise, based on the pissing nature of those people, how could they give up the seaside city." Zhenjun Shuimei was surprised that Xu Miao could think so deeply.

"You guessed it right. During this period of time, whether it is sea beasts, monsters, or human monks, they are multiplying too fast and too many. The resources of this plane are limited, and it is impossible to provide so many creatures to use these resources at the same time."

Xu Miao interrupted Zhenjun Shuimei: "Therefore, they discussed this beast tide and used the most cruel way of war to eliminate the redundant weak. The creatures left in the war are more excellent and more qualified Use plane resources."

"I want to know, besides Donglu, are these things happening in other continents?" If this is a premeditated war between races, Xu Miao has no doubt that other continents will do the same.

Master Shuimei was silent, she did not answer Xu Miao's question directly.However, Xu Miao understood the silence of the other party. Xilu must also be experiencing a wave of beasts, but it has changed from a wave of sea beasts to a wave of monsters.

Since it is to eliminate the weak, He Qinggu, as a small sect that cannot be smaller, is the most likely to be eliminated.Moreover, He Qinggu's geographical location is relatively close to the Monster Beast Mountain Range, so it bears the brunt of the beast horde.

Although Peng Tianjie, Bai Yan and the others had promised to pay He Qinggu in due course, but if they couldn't protect themselves, how would they have the spare energy to pay attention to He Qinggu.

Xu Miao needs to return to the Westland as soon as possible, and it is impossible to pass through the ancient secret realm...

"Zhenjun, you are a great cultivator in the late Yuanying period. You must know the way to the west land. Can you tell me, I must return to the west land immediately."

True Lord Shui Mei looked at Xu Miao quietly, and said, "In the belly of Donglu near the Nanjing Sect, there is an ancient continental teleportation formation that can lead to the West."

Xu Miao frowned upon hearing this. Donglu's abdomen, he is still at the bottom of the far sea. If he wants to go to the Nanjing Sect, he can only reach his destination by passing through the seaside city and using the seaside city's teleportation array.

Otherwise, based on his flying speed alone, he might not be able to fly to Nanjing Sect in three to five years.But Zhenjun Shuimei's injury is obviously not healed, and the spiritual power here is thin, so it can't play a role in Zhenjun Shuimei's injury.

"My injury is fine, you can leave first." Sensei Shuimei sensed Xu Miao's hesitation and said bluntly.When Xu Miao heard Zhenjun Shuimei say this, she didn't leave directly.

The other party's face was pale, no matter how you looked at it, he was a seriously injured patient.It would be immoral for him to leave directly.Zhenjun Shuimei has helped him many times, and he must not turn his face against others.

"My pale complexion is due to practicing a special technique, so you don't have to worry about it." Zhenjun Shuimei took the initiative to explain.Xu Miao still didn't move, he was requisitioning Taoist Li Huan's consciousness to observe him.

"Xu Miao, they obviously hid their injuries to prevent you from worrying, and you can't detect them even with your divine sense." Li Huan's gloating voice sounded.

"How can I be sure she's okay?"

"It's simple, you put your hand on her wrist, just like a mortal's pulse. As long as the pulse is disordered, the injury is serious." Xu Miao never thought that there would be such a way.

Xu Miao stood up suddenly and walked towards Zhenjun Shuimei.Master Shuimei didn't know what Xu Miao wanted to do, so he froze on the spot.When she realized it, Xu Miao had already put her hand on her wrist.

The pulse condition is disordered, obviously a serious injury.Xu Miao simply lost a piece of spiritual power to enter, and found that the spiritual power of Zhenjun Shuimei was completely in a state of chaos, and even the basic operation had problems.

Xu Miao became angry suddenly: "Your injury is so serious, you actually lied to me that you are fine!" Seeing Xu Miao's angry look, Master Shuimei softened his heart, but did not show the slightest bit on his face.

"I said it's fine, so it's fine. If you don't leave, I will." Shui Mei Zhenjun shook off Xu Miao's hand on her wrist, and walked towards the exit.

Xu Miao didn't let Zhenjun Shuimei leave, she closed her hand and held Zhenjun Shuimei in her arms: "You don't even have the strength to shake off my hand, and you still want to leave here, I tell you, without my permission , you can't leave me half a step!"

Xu Miao's toughness caught Zhenjun Shuimei by surprise, and he leaned stiffly in Xu Miao's arms.Xu Miao realized the other party's situation, and patted the other party's back comfortingly: "I will take you with me."

"You were injured because of me, and I have the responsibility to take care of you..." Xu Miao embraced Zhenjun Shuimei in her arms, leaned against the wall and sat down, talking softly about her next plan.

Xu Miao planned to kill a few sea beasts, transfer the breath of the sea beasts to herself, and try to blend into the seaside city.

(End of this chapter)

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