Chapter 306
Zhenjun Shuimei had never experienced such a state before. She put her head on Xu Miao's chest, felt the steady heartbeat of the other person, and for a moment wanted to stay in this position forever.

While talking about her plans, Xu Miao sent her spiritual power into Zhenjun Shuimei's body.However, the other party is a great monk in the late stage of Nascent Soul, and Xu Miao's spiritual power is like a drop in the bucket, and it has no effect.

Master Shuimei listened quietly to Xu Miao's plan, and said after a long time: "I am seriously injured now, and I only have the early stage of Jindan, so I can't help you at all, and will become your burden—"

Xu Miao patted Shui Mei's back comfortingly: "It's not like your injury can't heal, you were the one who protected me before, now I'll protect you."

After finishing speaking, Xu Miao removed the exit formation and floated to the surface of the sea with the charm of water.This place is located in the deep sea, and there are few sea animals.Xu Miao flew towards Haibin City according to the direction of the last flight.

On the way, I happened to meet two straggling seventh-level sea beasts. Xu Miao killed the sea beasts with lightning speed, took out the beast pill, and made some cover-ups so that the other sea beasts could not detect the problem. Promptly head to Seaside City.

Seaside City has completely become a paradise for sea beasts, and countless sea beasts live in it.Since the outbreak of the beast tide, no human monks have come from the ocean.

Therefore, when the sea beast in charge of the city gate saw Xu Miao and Shui Mei, they thought it was a transformed seventh-level sea beast.After all, sea beasts now occupy the former city of humans, and they are beginning to learn from humans.

Whether it is turning into a human form or establishing a sect like a human monk, they are all imitating.But it is difficult to paint the skin of a tiger, and the sea beasts are trying to imitate, but they seem to be imitating, which makes people laugh and cry.

Because of the cover of the beast core of the seventh-level sea beast, as long as it does not meet the eighth-level sea beast unluckily, it will not be noticed by other sea beasts.Xu Miao took Shui Mei's hand, looked at the vendors on both sides leisurely, and approached the direction of the teleportation array.

Suddenly, there was a loud noise, and there was a dispute between sea beasts not far away.Xu Miao didn't dare to let go of her consciousness easily, and only used her eyes to see—the eighth-level sea beast!
Xu Miao's heartbeat immediately beat like a drum. Shui Mei was seriously injured and did not find the eighth-level sea beast, but she was always paying attention to Xu Miao.Feeling the sudden instability of Xu Miao's breath, she also knew that something must have happened.

Xu Miao adjusted her breathing, then continued to calmly turn in another direction, and at the same time said via voice transmission: "Is there a secret teleportation array in Seaside City?"

The location of the eighth-level sea beast is the only way to the teleportation array.The other party was blocking there, Xu Miao didn't dare to approach at all.He can deal with seventh-level sea beasts, but he doesn't have the ability to go head-to-head with eighth-level sea beasts.

What's more, there is Shui Mei who is seriously injured beside him, if there is a fight, he will definitely not be able to take care of Shui Mei at the same time.

"In the city lord's mansion, in the bedroom where I used to live, there is a secret teleportation array." Shui Mei's voice came, and Xu Miao nodded clearly.Pulling Shuimei, she turned from the path.

One side of the City Lord's Mansion is close to a bamboo forest.This bamboo grove was planted by Shui Mei himself, implying a complicated formation, which cannot be deciphered with only the IQ of an eighth-level sea beast.

As long as you can pass through the bamboo forest smoothly, and then pass through a long corridor, you can reach Shui Mei's former bedroom.The two carefully walked around the patrolling sea beast and walked to the entrance of the bamboo forest.

The entire bamboo forest was shrouded in white mist. If one didn't understand the formation rules of the bamboo forest, one would be trapped in the bamboo forest for life.Xu Miao didn't let Shuimei lead the way, but asked Shuimei to tell him where he was walking.

Although Xu Miao has enough confidence in the IQ of sea beasts, Xu Miao still needs to be on the safe side, so as not to be in danger and the rescue cannot be done in time.Shui Mei pointed out one by one, and Xu Miao walked in the direction, not daring to take one more step, and not daring to take one less step.

Along the way, Xu Miao saw the corpses of many sea beasts.These corpses were obviously ordered to investigate the bamboo forest, but how did these sea beasts know the precise formation, so they could only die under the formation.

When he was about to reach the outside of the bamboo forest, Xu Miao stopped.He directly recruited the Lihuan divine consciousness to investigate the situation ahead.He didn't spread his consciousness particularly, and only confirmed the situation of the corridor and the bedroom.

Xu Miao didn't know what Shuimei's former bedroom looked like, but now the sea beast's lair has been completed.A large pile of strangely shaped stones, with seaweed attached to them.

Taking advantage of this time when no one was around, Xu Miao quickly walked into the bedroom holding Shui Mei's hand.The owner of the bedroom did not think that anyone would come here, nor did he impose restrictions on the bedroom.

After Xu Miao entered the room, she immediately closed the door.Shui Mei walked to the position where the formation was, and made a formula with both hands to make the formation appear.

"Xu Miao, where is the token I gave you earlier? That token is the access token for using this teleportation array." Shui Mei put a few high-grade spirit stones next to the teleportation array, and the teleportation array lit up with a "buzz". rise.

When Xu Miao heard this, she smiled, "At that time, you fell in love with me, and you gave me such an important token?"

An unnatural blush suddenly appeared on Shui Mei's fair face, she didn't even dare to look directly at Xu Miao, she looked away, looked at the teleportation array, and at the same time urged: "Take it out quickly, don't tell me, You lost your token!"

Xu Miao chuckled, touched Shui Mei's smooth face, held the token in one hand, and led Shui Mei to the center of the teleportation array with the other: "You gave it to me, how could I be willing to throw it away?"

At this moment, a loud noise came from outside the bedroom, and the wooden door was suddenly pushed open.A humanoid sea beast with a small nose and small eyes glared at Xu Miao and the two angrily: "Sly humans, you are hiding here!"

A wave of spiritual power came, and Shui Mei reflexively wanted to make a move, but was stopped by Xu Miao.Xu Miao threw a bunch of talismans, and the power of the two exploded in the air.

"Goodbye, stupid sea beast!" The sea beast couldn't get close to the teleportation array, and the teleportation array activated in time, and the figures of Xu Miao and Shui Mei disappeared from the teleportation array instantly.

This teleportation array should be a long-distance teleportation array, otherwise there would be no need for a teleportation token to protect the monk himself.When the light from the teleportation array dissipated, Xu Miaoren still hadn't stood still, and backhanded the teleportation array under his feet to detain a few important materials.

Through this type of teleportation array, Xu Miao has become accustomed to destroying the teleportation array under her feet when she reaches the other end of the teleportation array.The teleportation array can only work if both sides are intact.

As long as Xu Miao's teleportation array is destroyed, the sea beasts in the seaside city will not be able to reach this place even if they scratch their heads, and they will not be able to track where they teleported.

"Shui Mei, where are we?" Xu Miao naturally changed her name, Shui Mei was still a little dazed, but she quickly realized it.

"It's not far from the belly of Donglu, and if you go southwest, you should be able to reach a small town. You can pass through the teleportation array there and go to the continent-crossing teleportation array next to Nanjing Sect."

As Shui Mei said, she took out a token and explained: "The teleportation formation is guarded by special personnel. They only recognize tokens, not people. You can return to Westland with this token."

Xu Miao frowned and looked at the token, but didn't take it: "I passed the teleportation array? Aren't you with me?"

Shui Mei pursed her lips and smiled, she was really overwhelmed: "The aura in the cultivation world in Xilu is not enough, it is not suitable for me to recover from my injuries. I will stay here and wait for you to come back."

Xu Miao thinks about it too. At this time, she doesn't know what's going on in Xilu.Shui Mei's injuries were too serious, following him around would not be conducive to the recovery of her injuries, so she didn't object.

When Xu Miao and two walked to Zheng'an City, they happened to catch up with the interrogation.The two had no choice but to wait in line.Shui Mei's eyebrows were picturesque, just standing beside Xu Miao, she was noticed by a group of people.

As a great monk in the late Nascent Soul, when did Shui Mei receive such treatment?His brows tightened, and he wanted to make a move.Xu Miao stood beside Shui Mei calmly, shielding her from malicious eyes, and released coercion, warning some people not to go too far.

One of the monks with the most explicit eyes was directly attacked by Xu Miao's consciousness, with a painful expression on his face, his body shaking uncontrollably, and spit out a mouthful of blood.

Seeing this, the others quickly restrained their eyes, not daring to take another look.Xu Miao glanced at everyone coldly. His spiritual consciousness was almost comparable to that of the early-stage monks of the baby infant. Among the monks in line, the tallest one was only the late-stage Golden Core. How could he bear it.

The cultivator didn't care about anything else, so he could only send out sound transmissions to beg for mercy.Xu Miao let him go after severely injuring his sea of ​​consciousness with his spiritual sense.People who covet what they shouldn't covet must be punished in some way.

"Hey! There is a beautiful woman here! She really is like a fish and a wild goose, she is ashamed of a moon, she is a beauty in the world!" A prodigal voice came from a distance, Xu Miao frowned, and looked at the person coming.

Coming from a distance, is a golden car that flies quickly.This chariot is extremely huge. There are a man and a woman lying inside the chariot, and there are eight maids and attendants outside the chariot.

The car landed steadily on the ground, and a monk with the same golden body walked out from the car.

"It's from the Wang family!" The monks in line shouted out the origin of the other party.

"I remembered, this is the young master of the Wang family——Wang Hong."

"The last time I saw him was in the middle stage of Golden Core, and now he is in the late stage of Golden Core. The speed of this advancement is really terrifying, and I can't catch up even if I flatter myself."


Wang Hong didn't seem to hear the voices of other people's discussions, and went straight to Xu Miao. He wanted to bypass Xu Miao, but was stopped by Xu Miao.

"This fellow daoist, can you let me go?" Wang Hong seemed to be asking, but he was actually giving an order.

Xu Miao said neatly: "Get out!" If you want to see Shui Mei, go dreaming.

Wang Hong's complexion changed, he did not expect to be rejected by the person in front of him.This person is dressed in ordinary clothes and has ordinary cultivation. He is obviously a casual cultivator.

Those people were talking about his identity just now, this person must have heard it too, he is the young master of the Wang family.

(End of this chapter)

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