Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 308 Back to Westland

Chapter 308 Returning to the Western Continent
There was no emotion in Xu Miao's voice, but Wang Hong raised his heart.Wang Hong looked at Xu Miao nervously, trying to get a clue from Xu Miao's expression, but he found that, like Xu Miao's voice, there was no emotion.

Wang Hong had a bitter face. If there is regret medicine in this world, he must spend a lot of money to buy it, even if he loses his fortune, he will not hesitate.

Xu Miao turned her head to ask Shui Mei's opinion: "What do you think?"

Shui Mei didn't make a sound from the beginning to the end, but transmitted the voice: "Let him pay some price, let him go." If it was the former Shui Mei Zhenjun, for the cultivator who coveted her, he would choose to kill the other party directly .

But the current situation is different, she is too seriously injured, and being with Xu Miao will only become a drag on him.What's more, Xu Miao has offended too many people, and it is not safe to go deep into the hinterland of Donglu.

Xu Miao didn't think too much about it, she just thought that Shui Mei didn't care about it.He looked at Wang Hong: "How much do you think your life is worth?"

Wang Hongchu was taken aback when he heard this, but he quickly realized it.Xu Miao wanted to let herself go, ecstasy instantly replaced all emotions.

Wang Hong took the initiative to take out the storage ring and storage belt on his body, and put them in front of Xu Miao like a dog's leg.Xu Miao glanced at it, and there were tens of thousands of high-grade spirit stones in it. As expected of the young master of the Wang family, he was so rich.

When encountering such a fat sheep, how could Xu Miao put down the butcher knife after only cutting off a piece of meat.He said with a half-smile: "Wang Hong, the majestic young master of the Wang family is only worth this little money?"

"Tsk tsk tsk! I'm a casual cultivator and I can't stand it anymore." Xu Miao's face was filled with grief, which made Wang Hong keep cursing her mother in her heart.

So much money?so much?This is all his net worth, okay?He was cheated once, and since that time, he used to carry all his wealth with him.

These storage rings and storage belts look ordinary, but they are actually high-quality storage magic weapons.The magic weapons and spirit stones contained in it are more than enough to create a small sect.

However, due to Xu Miao's power, Wang Hong could only slander in his heart, not daring to show any dissatisfaction on his face.

Who is Xu Miao? He glanced at you and knew what you were thinking: "Why, the young master of the Wang family thinks there are a lot of these? But my evaluation of the Wang family is not like this. Since Wang Hong, you can't give me something equivalent to buying your life." Goods, I have to suffer a bit."

"Cut off one of your hands and one leg as compensation." When Xu Miao said this, she was smiling all over her face, but it made Wang Hong on the opposite side tremble with fear.

Xu Miao can say what he can say and do.He said that the price is not enough, if he wants to chop off his hand, he will definitely chop off his hand and will not show mercy.Wang Hong suppressed a smile that was uglier than crying: "Fellow Daoist Xu, give me some time, I will find a way to raise money."

"Time? It's not impossible." Xu Miao understood Wang Hong very well, but Wang Hong's smile hadn't spread yet, and when he heard Xu Miao's next sentence, the smile immediately froze at the corner of his mouth.

"There must be a deadline, just a stick of incense." Shui Mei couldn't help laughing out loud when she heard Xu Miao's words, it was as refreshing as a clear spring in a mountain stream.

If it was normal, Wang Hong would be overwhelmed by such a beautiful laughter, and would comment on it.Now, his mind is full of that stick of incense, and he has no extra energy to notice the laughter.

"The time for a stick of incense? This—" Wang Hong was very embarrassed.

Xu Miao's eyes widened: "It's too long? That half stick of incense."

"No! No! No!" Wang Hong hurriedly waved his hand to stop him, "One stick of incense is enough, one stick of incense is enough!" Wang Hong readily agreed, but within a stick of incense, he raised a spirit stone that satisfied Xu Miao , is not realistic at all.

Wang Hong had a sad face, his nose and eyes were all squeezed together.As time passed, Wang Hong had already sent a message to the branch of the Wang family that was closest to this place.Let them bring 10 yuan of top-grade spirit stones to Zheng'an City.

Except for the head of the Wang family and the elders of the Fengze Gate, everyone else needs to obey the order of the young master of the Wang family.The members of the Wang family branch received the news, and all the clan members who remained in the clan were dispatched to search for the spirit stone.

"After a stick of incense, I won't see 10 yuan of high-grade spirit stones, 10 yuan will become 20 yuan, and so on." Xu Miao threw a sentence lightly, and Wang Hong kept vomiting blood in his heart, regretting not falling.

The steward of the Wang family branch finally arrived here before the end of the incense stick.He thought about countless possibilities, but he never thought about the situation in front of him.

The young master of the Wang family will be threatened by a casual cultivator. After handing over all the items in his body, the other party still thinks it is not enough, and he will add another 10 yuan of high-grade spirit stones.

This is a great shame to the Eastern Land royal family, and it cannot be tolerated!The steward looked at Xu Miao angrily, and his momentum continued to grow, and he was about to attack Xu Miao.

"Wang Hong, if you can't manage your dog well, I don't mind disciplining it for you." Xu Miao looked at the distraught Wang family steward indifferently.

Wang Hong was still counting the 10 yuan of spiritual stones, but he didn't realize what Xu Miao was talking about.But the steward of the Wang family couldn't bear it anymore, the spiritual power in his hands was condensed to the extreme, and his body was like a fully drawn bowstring, and he shot out vigorously.

The Nirvana Sword appeared instantly, and Xu Miao swiped it out with one finger. The Nirvana Sword cut off an arm of the steward of the Wang family with a destructive momentum, and the shrill screams echoed outside Zheng'an City.

Wang Hong only reacted at this time, when he wanted to stop it, it was too late.Wang Hong didn't dare to blame Xu Miao at all, but pulled back the steward of the Wang family and reprimanded him in a low voice.

The steward of the Wang family looked at Wang Hong with resentment, while Xu Miao stood aside, seeing everything in his eyes, and said coolly: "People from the Wang family disrespected me again, and the 10 yuan high-grade spirit stones increased to 20 high-grade spirit stones. "

Xu Miao's words completely changed Wang Hong's face. 10 yuan of high-grade spirit stones was already his limit.

Wang Hong wished he could slap this nosy Wang family steward to death. If this person hadn't made his own decisions, he would have left long ago!
"Would you like to know how to gather another 10 yuan of high-grade spirit stones?" Xu Miao reminded very "kindly".

Wang Hong's eyes lit up when he heard this.Xu Miao's willingness to say this means that the other party doesn't want her own life: "I also ask Fellow Daoist Xu to give me some advice."

"It's simple. Zheng'an City is next to it. If you borrow money in the name of the Wang family and write down an IOU, they will surely be willing to lend it to you."

"Can I write you an IOU directly?" Wang Hong discussed.

"Are you making a condition with me?" Xu Miaosen's cold words made Wang Hong completely stop thinking about it.Xu Miao followed Wang Hong and the steward of the Wang family, watching them borrow money from the shopkeepers of several shops.

There are powerful people behind these shops, and the shopkeeper cannot decide to lend a large number of spirit stones, and needs to notify the people above.But within a few sticks of incense, almost everyone in Donglu knew what happened to Wang Hong.

Except for the distraught Wang family, everyone else was gloating.When Wang Hong finally gave Xu Miao a storage ring, he never expected that he would become a joke of Donglu, and he was still glad that he could not die.

Xu Miao glanced at the other party meaningfully, weighed the storage ring in her hand and said, "For this price, get out." With Xu Miao's permission, Wang Hong and the steward of the Wang family hurriedly left.

Five years after the beast tide subsided, Xu Miao's name appeared in front of everyone again.And even more arrogant and louder than last time.

In order not to attract the attention of others, Xu Miao and Shui Mei changed their faces and dressed up as ordinary monks.Pass through the teleportation array in Zheng'an City, and arrive at a small town at the foot of Nanjing Zong Mountain.

After setting up Shuimei, Xu Miao followed Shuimei's instructions and found the location of the teleportation array.The person in charge of guarding the teleportation array is a monk in the early stage of Nascent Soul.

He was a little surprised to see Xu Miao's cultivation, but he quickly returned to normal.Let Xu Miao take the token and stand on the teleportation array.The teleportation light flickered, and Xu Miao disappeared on the land of the Eastern Continent.

When he regained his footing, he felt the concentration of heaven and earth aura, and knew that he had returned to Westland.All the major towns in the Eastern Continent were talking about Wang Hong and Xu Miao.

There are various versions, and there is a lot of noise, but the result of all versions of the story is that Wang Hong was taught by Xu Miao.Countless monks want to see Xu Miao's strength with their own eyes, but one of the protagonists of the story has left that continent.

The location of the teleportation array in Xilu is also guarded by monks in the early stage of Nascent Soul.He was very surprised to see Xu Miao appear.Recently, there has been no news of the visit of the Donglu cultivator, but the cultivator in front of him——

"Xu Miao, a junior from the West Land, entered the East Land by luck, and just returned now." Xu Miao explained his identity, and the early Nascent Soul cultivator was completely shocked.

What happened to Xu Miao in the ancient secret realm spread throughout the West Continent.In order to save other monks, he faced the black-backed wolf alone, and finally stayed in the secret realm.

Although He Qinggu's natal magic lamp was always lit, everyone knew that even if Xu Miao was still alive, he was still dead.Trapped in an indescribable secret place for a lifetime, it is no different from death.

But now the monk who came to the west land through the teleportation array in the east land now calls himself Xu Miao, which makes the monk Nascent Soul not surprised.

Xu Miao could see that the monk didn't believe what he said: "If you don't believe me, senior, you can send a letter to Senior Peng Tianjie of Xihui Sect." The monk thought for a moment and decided to follow Xu Miao's words.

When Peng Tianjie got the news, he was teaching He Xiao.He Xiao looked at the old ancestor's tangled and distorted expression, not knowing whether it was joy or sadness.Peng Tianjie directly left He Xiao who was bewildered, and rushed to the teleportation formation at full speed.

When he saw Xu Miao with a smile on his face, his heart that had been raised all the time fell down.The gleam in his eyes and the familiar smile all proved that it was indeed Xu Miao.

(End of this chapter)

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