Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 309 The Real Beast Tide

Chapter 309 The Real Beast Tide

Listening to Xu Miao's story, Peng Tianjie knew what he had experienced in these years, and also knew the reason why Xu Miao would return to Westland.

"The beast tide did happen. According to what you said, it should have happened at the same time as the East Land, but it ended five years ago."

Xu Miao listened to Peng Tianjie's narration. It turns out that the west land and east land happened at the same time, so it is very likely that the middle land also happened at this time.

"As for He Qinggu, you don't have to worry. There is a fellow of yours named Yang Lin who has obtained a good inheritance in the secret realm and performed very well in the beast horde. He Qinggu is fine."

The most important thing is that He Qinggu is safe.Xu Miao's return to Westland this time is also to help the sect survive the beast tide.Now that Xilu was sure he was fine, he decided to go back to the sect first to visit his master.

Suddenly a sound transmission jade pendant came, and Peng Tianjie raised his hand to take it. After hearing the content of the jade pendant, Peng Tianjie's expression suddenly sank.

Xu Miao thought it was an internal matter of Xihuizong, and got up to leave, but was stopped by Peng Tianjie.

"Listen to Yupei's news first." Xu Miao took the sound transmission jadepei, and Yupei's voice sounded clearly.

"The monsters are attacking again! The eighth-level monsters are also included! Please support quickly! Please support quickly!" Xu Miao frowned. hurt.

There is no reason for the monster to attack now.Although the first wave of beasts was achieved between the cultivators and level [-] monsters on both sides, this time, it seemed that it completely exceeded the expectations of the cultivators who transformed themselves into human beings.

Another sound transmission jade pendant flew over, Peng Tianjie did not avoid Xu Miao, and directly let out the voice inside the jade pendant: "Peng Tianjie, hurry to Baima Pavilion to discuss the specific matters of resisting the beast tide!"

Except for the cultivators in the transformation stage, there will be no one else who can directly call Peng Tianjie by his name.It seems that this time the beast tide is indeed led by the monsters themselves, and the human monks are in a state of being deceived.

"Xu Miao, you go with me." Xu Miao has participated in the beast tide in the Eastern Continent, so he can make the best assessment of the situation.Xu Miao nodded, and went to Baima Pavilion together with Peng Tianjie.

In the White Horse Pavilion, apart from the two cultivators sitting on the small table in the middle, the other great cultivators of the late Nascent Soul stage stood obediently by the side, like students obeying the master's teachings.

Several people noticed that Peng Tianjie was followed by a middle-stage Jinda monk. They thought it was He Xiao, but when they saw the person coming, they were all dumbfounded.

"Xu Miao?"

"It's really Xu Miao!"

"This kid, I knew it was just an ancient secret realm, and he couldn't be trapped! Hahaha!" The familiar Nascent Soul cultivator gave Xu Miao a sense of familiarity and intimacy that he hadn't seen for a long time.This feeling cannot be obtained in Donglu.

Xu Miao looked at the cultivators in the pavilion, one of whom Xu Miao had seen before, the ancestor of the Transformation God in Ji Xing Temple——Chenxing Daoist.Daoist Chen Xing nodded kindly to Xu Miao, who grinned.

When all the late Yuanying monks arrived, Daoist Chen Xing explained the situation of the beast tide to everyone with a serious face.The monster did not know who was bewitched, and insisted on attacking the human monks and seizing the territory of the human monks.

And Daoist Chen Xing tried to negotiate with the monster, but the other party ignored it completely and bluntly said that he wanted to kill human beings.The beast tide this time is different from the last one. Even high-level monks may perish, even the monks who transform themselves into gods are no exception.

"If we find the person behind the bewitching monster, we may be able to stop this innocent disaster." A late Nascent Soul cultivator said.

Another monk shook his head and said, "We don't even know who is behind that, so how can we stop it?"

Xu Miao stroked her chin, thinking about the situation introduced by Taoist Chen Xing.If you can move a ninth-level monster, then the mastermind behind it, whether it's a human or a monster, must at least be at the level of Huashen.

Otherwise, if the strength is too low, the ninth-level monster will not even meet the opponent, and will drive the opponent away directly.On the side of the human monks, the purpose of reducing the number has ended, and there will be no more wars in a short time.

On the side of the monsters, after receiving so many benefits, they will not become greedy immediately.It will take some time for so many monsters to carve up the territory they occupy.

If it's not a human being or a monster, could it be a monster?Xu Miao quickly rejected this idea. Under the control of the laws of heaven and earth, all the monsters have been sent back to the demon world and will not appear in the human world again.

What's more, even if the monsters and humans are encouraged to fight, even if the two sides fight in the dark, the monsters will not be able to benefit from it. Therefore, the monsters will not be the mastermind behind it.

Who in the end can get enough benefits from this battle.Xu Miao took all the creatures in this plane into consideration, and found that none of them met this condition.

The only possibility is that the mastermind behind it does not belong to this plane, but a higher plane—the upper plane.The plane where Xu Miao is located belongs to the lower plane, and he can only cultivate to the stage of transforming gods at most.

If you want to practice to a higher level, you must fly to the upper plane before you can continue to practice.If something happens on the upper plane, it is entirely possible to obtain certain benefits from the lower plane.

After all, it is definitely not an ordinary item that can tempt a level nine monster.And this kind of unusual item, only the monks or monsters on the upper plane can easily take it out as a promise.

Xu Miao sorted it out from the beginning to the end, and after making sure there were no mistakes, she told Taoist Master Chen Xing and another monk of Huashen, Taoist Master Xiyue of Xihuizong, about his guess.

Xu Miao's guess was really bold. Many great monks in the late Nascent Soul stage dared not think about it, nor did they dare to guess, but Xu Miao guessed it, and got the affirmation of the two monks who turned into gods.

Daoist Chen Xing nodded approvingly: "That's right, it's not easy for you to guess these things. Xiyue and I also guessed the same way, so it's completely impossible to stop this beast tide from the root cause."

"Only by subduing the monsters and letting them see the so-called heavy profits, so that they don't dare to think about dealing with human monks, can we really solve this beast tide."

Next, the cultivators of Huashen form their troops.Although the strength of Xilu is not strong, there are discord among the various sects and families.But in front of the big enemy, everyone can distinguish the seriousness from the seriousness, and dare not make a situation at this time.

All the late Nascent Soul cultivators received their orders, and they immediately left the White Horse Pavilion to pass on the orders of the cultivators of Huashen.

In order to stabilize the morale of human monks in the shortest possible time, the monks from the three schools of Xihuizong, Jixingdian, and Zhuoli Pavilion began to select monks at the first time and sent them to the first place in the beast tide war. Wire.

He Qinggu's geographical location is relatively lucky, it is not at the front line, but at a later position.A large number of monks in the Western Continent will transfer from He Qinggu's teleportation array and enter the front line.

The monks of Xihui Sect were very fast, and within half an hour, the first batch of monks to resist the beast tide had been formed.Xu Miao also saw acquaintances inside, He Xiao, Zuo Ran and so on.

Xu Miao simply went to the front line with the monks of Xihui Sect. Standing beside He Xiao, he caused a group of monks who had never seen Xu Miao to look around.

They had never met Xu Miao, but they had heard of Xu Miao's name.Without Xu Miao, several of their senior brothers would have been buried in the ancient secret realm.Everyone looked at Xu Miao with curious eyes. Xu Miao had long been used to being watched, and she remained calm.

This time, Peng Tianjie was directly leading the team. With an order, all the monks boarded the treasure ship of Xihui Sect. The treasure ship turned into an afterimage and disappeared in place in an instant.

When I arrived at the front line, my eyes were full of desolation.The beast horde appeared suddenly in the middle of the night, and all the monks were unprepared. Many monks died under the claws of the monsters before they even had time to take out the magic weapon.

A little monster was still eating the corpse of a human monk, and was killed by a monk beside Xu Miao with spiritual power.Xihuizong was the closest to this place, and came the fastest, and they quickly went into battle.

If it wasn't for He Qinggu and other sects that were closer to this place to quickly organize defenses, I am afraid that the monsters would directly attack the hinterland of the monks as if they were in no one's land.

Xu Miao saw the monk wearing He Qinggu's Taoist robe at first glance. The monk was only at the early stage of foundation establishment, and when he ran into a fourth-level monster, he was in danger.

And beside him, there were many monks who were also wearing He Qinggu Taoist robes. He was the only one who was still fighting the monsters.Xu Miao's anger soared, he jumped up, and slashed at the fourth-level monster with a sword.

The power of the middle stage of the golden core burst out suddenly, and the fourth-level monster instantly became a piece of debris, scattered in the air.The Foundation Establishment cultivator obviously did not expect the rescuers to descend from the sky. When he saw clearly that it was the Golden Core cultivator, he quickly saluted and thanked him.

Seeing that Xu Miao got off the treasure ship of the Xihui Sect, he thought Xu Miao was a monk of the Xihui Sect: "Thank you, senior Xihui Sect, for your help. This junior is very grateful."

"Little guy, you should call me Uncle Xu." Xu Miao took out the elixir suitable for a foundation cultivator, handed it to the cultivator, turned around and rushed into the group of monsters.

With the addition of Xu Miao and Xihuizong monks, the confidence of He Qinggu and other monks has greatly increased, and the strength in their bodies seems to have increased a lot.They yelled to attack the monsters, vowing to kill all the monsters.

He was rescued by the Golden Core cultivator, and was given a elixir, and even called him Master Xu.This early foundation-building cultivator He Qinggu looked bewildered, but he quickly let go of these doubts and rejoined the battle.

Xu Miao is flexible and moves constantly in the battlefield to kill monsters.The highest level of monsters here is only level [-]. After Xu Miao directly killed a group of monsters of level [-] and [-], he attracted the attention of level [-] monsters.

"That human in blue, kill him!" Three seventh-level monsters mobilized at the same time to surround and kill Xu Miao.In the early stage of Xu Miao's golden core, he could kill two of three seven-level sea beasts in a row, let alone Xu Miao now.

(End of this chapter)

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