Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 310 Who Is Counting Who?

Chapter 310 Who Is Counting Who?
Xu Miao was surrounded by three human-shaped monsters with thick brown hair on their faces. Their bodies had not completely transformed into humans, and they still retained some characteristics of monsters.

One of them waved its hands and rushed towards Xu Miao, howling.Xu Miao tiptoed to the ground, flashed from the other side, swiped her right hand, and pierced the monster's back with the Mist Sword.

The remaining two monsters moved at the same time, approaching from one left and one right, trying to control Xu Miao's hands.Xu Miao turned quickly to avoid the two monsters.

Both hands crossed in mid-air, and the Fog Condensing Sword and the Nirvana Sword also crossed and collided according to the posture of their hands.The fused sword moves are stronger than individual sword moves.

With Xu Miao as the center, the vortex formed by the two swords trapped three level [-] monsters in it.Xu Miao waved the Ningwu Sword, aimed at the head of one of the monsters, and stabbed it fiercely.

Before even screaming, the seventh-level monster was killed by Xu Miao.Xu Miao succeeded in one blow, without stopping, she dodged to move behind another monster, and struck again.

This seventh-level monster was very vigilant and avoided the attack of the Wu Ningjian.Xu Miao snorted coldly, and the sword intent suddenly strengthened, sweeping across with chaotic gas.

This time, the seventh-level monster was unavoidable, roaring and attacking the Mist Sword.Xu Miao swung her left hand hanging by her side, and the Nirvana Sword above went straight down, eliminating the seventh-level monster in front of her.

The Ningwu Sword did not stop attacking, and attacked the last seventh-level monster.The seventh-level monster looked terrified, turned around and wanted to run away.It's just that its footsteps haven't started yet, and the Mist Sword directly pierced through the chest.

The three seventh-level monsters all died under Xu Miao's fierce attack.Xu Miao's record gave great encouragement to the monks in the battle.These monsters are not invincible, they can also be defeated.

The monks chanted slogans and launched a counterattack.Xu Miao scanned the audience, and there were monks from He Qinggu fighting.He rushed straight like an arrow leaving the string.

Sword light, human figure, and three rays of light came suddenly, and with an unstoppable attack, they solved the invading enemy.Xu Miao was hanging in mid-air, waving her hands constantly, controlling two swords, constantly harvesting the lives of monsters.

Some monks in Heqing Valley did not recognize Xu Miao, but some monks did.Although Xu Miao's clothes have changed, her appearance has not changed much.

"It's Master Xu!"

"Uncle Xu is back!"


Every time she returns to Heqing Valley, Xu Miao can hear such happy voices.The corner of Xu Miao's mouth was smiling, and his subordinates kept attacking, until the monster kept retreating.

A mid-Gold Core cultivator can fight against three seventh-level monsters alone, without losing the wind, and can kill them back. This kind of strength, even a cultivator at the early stage of Nascent Soul would have to admire him.

The powerful attacks of Xu Miao and Xihuizong monks directly defeated this wave of attacks. Except for one eighth-level monster and two or three seventh-level monsters, all others were killed on the spot.

This is a record that human monks have never achieved since the beginning of the beast tide.Every time I was forced to retreat again and again, and sometimes I even needed to die with the other party.

Xu Miao looked at the cheering monks and frowned.The monsters suddenly suffered such a big loss, they will not let it go, they will definitely make a comeback immediately.

Xu Miao quickly sent a voice transmission to tell Peng Tianjie her conjecture. Peng Tianjie and Xu Miao's ideas coincided with each other, and quickly gathered several sect leaders to plan a strategy.

"I'm afraid it won't be that simple if the monsters recede now." Xu Miao stood beside Peng Tianjie, listening to the thoughts of other monks.Xu Miao is the only Golden Core cultivator here, but no Nascent Soul cultivator has objections.

Xu Miao's strength has been demonstrated on the battlefield, comparable to or even higher than the initial stage of Nascent Soul, a monk with such strength has enough qualifications to enter the battle meeting.

Compared with the battle meeting in the East Land, everyone in the meeting in the West Land was of one mind and one mind. At least Xu Miao didn't see the obvious avoidance of war.

"According to the character of the monsters, they are most likely to attack again tonight." Xu Miao asserted that the several times he participated in the battles of the beast tides all started in the middle of the night.

Including the beginning of the beast tide in Xilu, it also started in the middle of the night.The monks had just won, and they were still immersed in the joy of victory, so their awareness of prevention would naturally decline.

At this time, everyone has learned that Xu Miao has been to the Eastern Continent, and also participated in resisting the beast tide in the Eastern Continent.Therefore, they did not have much objection to Xu Miao's judgment.

Peng Tianjie made the final decision: "Tonight, all Nascent Soul cultivators are ready to go to the defensive state, and the spiritual scanning must not stop for a moment."

"Once you find a monster, send out a signal immediately!"

"Cultivators of Ji Xing Temple, go to these locations." Peng Tianjie pointed to some of these locations, "We must set up formations, and we must make sure that no abnormalities are detected when monsters step in. When we activate the formations, Fa, one hit is sure to hit!"

The monks took the order to leave, and Xu Miao also came to the place where the monk He Qinggu was stationed.

When a group of monks in Heqinggu saw Xu Miao, they all greeted Xu Miao excitedly.In their hearts, Xu Miao is simply a mythical existence.

Whether it was the rumors they heard from the teacher, or what they saw with their own eyes today, they landed in front of them like a god.The monsters, which they could not kill through exhaustion, were completely vulnerable in front of Xu Miao.

When Xu Miao was trapped in the ancient secret realm and left for the Eastern Continent, several sects of the Western Continent accepted Xu Miao's love and sent He Qinggu a lot of good things, which also allowed He Qinggu to have sufficient resources to train disciples.

Now there are quite a few Jindan disciples in the sect, especially the three disciples under Ye Qiguang's sect, all advanced Jindan, including Xu Miao, who just returned, has four Jindan disciples.

In the history of Heqing Valley, there has never been such a prosperous scene.Also, Yang Lin and Luo Tingyou have entered the Jindan Stage successively.Except for Ye Qiguang who is in the middle stage of Golden Core, the other disciples of the same generation as Xu Miao are all in the early stage of Golden Core for the time being.

He Qinggu is now full of vitality, and he has recruited many disciples who come here because of his reputation. The reserve strength of the monks of the younger generation is very strong, and there have been several disciples with excellent spiritual roots.

This time against the monsters, Ye Qiguang led the team. In order to protect the sect's mountain gate behind the front line, almost all the monks except the monks who were retreating came out in full force, and the new generation of Jindan monks even went out to fight.

After years of absence, old friends reunited, and the excitement is beyond words.Luo Tingyou did not know where to take out the spirit wine, and everyone drank it happily, telling about their experiences over the years.

Spirit wine will not have any intoxicating effect on monks.As the sun set, Xu Miao's eyes became brighter and she said in a low voice, "There may be monsters attacking tonight. Tell all disciples not to fall asleep."

Everyone obeyed Xu Miao's words and would not have any objections.Xu Miao's order was quickly conveyed, and all the monks felt extremely excited.

They have never fought side by side with this legendary uncle, this feeling is too strange.Xu Miao stood alone on a boulder, observing the situation in the distance.

Nascent Soul cultivator's consciousness fired in batches in order, without missing any corner.The sky was completely dark, and the bright moon was also blocked by dark clouds. It was really an excellent day for murder and arson.

Xu Miao's consciousness was included in the scan as part of it.Sure enough, a few monsters were found in the northwest direction.Xu Miao immediately sent a voice transmission to Peng Tianjie and Ye Qiguang.

Countless monks acted carefully and quietly, and the monsters were thinking of attacking, so why didn't the human monks use their tricks to fight back.

The muscles of Xu Miao's whole body were tense, and the fluctuation of spiritual power was controlled to the lowest level, quietly waiting for the approach of the monster.The formation has already been arranged, just waiting for an order.

"Do it!" Two simple and powerful words came from the sea of ​​consciousness of all the monks present.Xu Miao's spiritual power reached its limit in an instant, and two swords appeared at the same time, beheading the nearest monster.

Under such a thunderous attack, none of the monster beasts in the front could send out an early warning message.The follow-up monsters did not notice the abnormality and were still approaching.

The formation was fully activated, emitting a dazzling light, and all the monsters that stepped into the formation were strangled, leaving only corpses on the ground.The monster finally reacted at this time, and fell into the trap of the human monk.

"Cunning human! Hateful human! Kill! Kill me! You must kill these humans today!" The voice of the eighth-level monster came, and with it, there was the coercion of the eighth-level monster.

Without even thinking about it, Xu Miao confiscated Taoist Li Huan's consciousness to protect all of He Qinggu's disciples.There are several waves of coercion from the eighth-level monsters, which means that several eighth-level monsters have come.

Fortunately, there are also late-stage great monks on the side of the human monks.Peng Tianjie was the first to appear in the air, his robe was windless and automatic, like a ray of light rushing straight at the eighth-level monster.

Immediately following Peng Tianjie were two late Nascent Soul cultivators from Ji Xing Hall and Zhuo Li Pavilion.In the late stage of Yuanying and the eighth-level monsters, the battlefield was set at high altitude, and the battle on the ground left the rest of the people.

"Kill!" Xu Miao shouted, and was the first to rush into the group of monsters after the monks of the late Yuanying period.Under Xu Miao's control, the two swords are like two wandering dragons, and every time they swing, they will take away the lives of a monster.

Encouraged by Xu Miao, all the monks turned red-eyed one after another, and rushed into the group of monsters desperately.Xu Miao's strength immediately aroused the attacks of the seventh-level monsters, and they all moved closer to Xu Miao.

All of a sudden, ten seventh-level monsters!No matter how powerful Xu Miao was, no matter how powerful his spiritual power was, he still couldn't fight ten seven-level monsters by himself.

"Xu Miao!" Wei Ya from Ji Xingdian was the first to discover Xu Miao's situation, and other Nascent Soul cultivators rushed to help.

Xu Miao stood proudly among the ten seventh-level monsters, her robes flying, and looked at the ten monsters around her coldly: "Don't worry about me, I'm responsible for holding ten seventh-level monsters, you kill them as soon as possible." other monsters."

(End of this chapter)

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