Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 311 At the Cost of One Enemy

Chapter 311 At the Price of One Against Ten

Not only Wei Ya was stunned, but even the ten seventh-level monsters were stunned.Xu Miao doesn't care whether the monster stays in a daze or not. The more the monster doesn't react, the more chances are given to him.

Xu Miao crossed his hands and swung them outward. Following Xu Miao's gesture, the two swords intersected, and the condensed sword rushed towards one of the weakest seventh-level monsters.

In the blink of an eye, this monster has been stabbed by two swords.Xu Miao mobilized her spiritual power to let the chaotic gas enter the monster's body along the wound, causing damage to the inside of its body.

At this time, both sides had already reacted, Wei Ya and other Nascent Soul cultivators rushed into the group of monsters like a hurricane.Without a sufficient number of seventh-level monsters, human monks can free up several Nascent Soul monks.

When low-level monsters encounter human Nascent Soul monks, they are completely crushed.After some Jindan monks discovered this situation, they even led other low-level monks to retreat gradually, leaving enough room for the Nascent Soul monk's large-scale attack.

Under the joint efforts of Wei Ya and others, a large number of monsters died.The price is that Xu Miao alone bears the pressure of the remaining nine level seven monsters.As soon as they fought, Xu Miao fell into a disadvantage.

Xu Miao gritted her teeth and raised her hand to call out the blood cloud banner.He chanted the incantation, and the blood cloud streamer continued to expand, exuding a strong smell of blood.Monster beasts like this smell the most, and they will be more excited when they smell it.

The blood cloud banner expanded to a size that almost completely covered Xu Miao and the seventh-level monsters. Keeping the blood cloud banner at such a size would put enormous pressure on Xu Miao.

With a wave of his hand, ten people appeared on the spot.These people were the assassins Fu Jia sent to kill Xu Miao when he was in Donglu.These killers were sucked out of their souls by the funnel, but apart from having no souls, these people had no loss of blood essence.

Xu Miao split out ten strands of consciousness, controlled ten people to cut their wrists, and sacrificed all the blood to Xueyun Banner.Xueyun Banner suddenly got the blood essence of ten late-stage Jindan monks, and its power increased greatly.

He pointed at the three seventh-level monsters next to it, and the blood cloud streamer suddenly fell, wrapping the three seventh-level monsters tightly, and began to suck the blood essence of the monsters.

At the same time, the monster behind Xu Miao waved two hands and hit Xu Miao.Xu Miao dodged deftly, and ran into the hands of another monster.Xu Miao took advantage of the situation to hold the fog-condensing sword, raised it upwards, and cut the opponent's arm.

After all, Xu Miao is only one person, no matter how fast his movements are, no matter how powerful his spiritual sense is, he cannot match the remaining six.Two seventh-level monsters simultaneously drew a deep scar on Xu Miao's body, the scar was deep enough to show the bone.

The worst thing was that one of the monsters had a poisonous hand, and the blood gushing out from that scar immediately turned black and purple.Xu Miao's spiritual power movement was immediately affected, and her body reaction also began to slow down.

Seeing that Xu Miao was affected, the monster laughed fiercely: "Human beings have to pay for their arrogance." Saying that, the monster quickly approached Xu Miao.

Xu Miao held the sword and stood there, looking like she couldn't hold on.His appearance was really deceptive, his face was ashen, his blood turned black and purple, his spiritual power was weak, and he couldn't even stand firmly.

However, the moment the monster stretched out its hand again, Xu Miao slammed straight into that hand.Changing the attacking position of this hand to the shoulder, Xu Miao, at the cost of giving up one hand, raised the sword and stabbed fiercely into the heart of the monster.

He turned his wrist, and just to be on the safe side, he also used the chaotic gas to completely crush his heart.The shoulder of Xu Miao's left hand was scratched and pierced by the monster's hand. It was horrible. The broken bones and flesh and blood were mixed and smashed together, emitting poisonous gas continuously.

This poison spread rapidly in the body, and even the top of the golden core was covered with a layer of black gas.Along the meridians, all the spiritual power is loaded with this poison.

The toxins continued to erode healthy flesh and blood, Xu Miao's vision began to blur, and her consciousness became even more confused.

"Xiaotian, can you see the outside situation clearly?" Since your eyes are not working well, then find another pair of healthy eyes.


"Very good, you will act as my temporary eyes now and tell me where to attack. I need to get rid of the remaining monsters as soon as possible." Xu Miao's voice is unquestionable, even if Xiaotian doesn't want to, he can only agree.

"It's on your left!" Xu Miao turned around and stabbed straight to the left, and the sound of the sword entering the body sounded.The monster's face was full of disbelief. Xu Miao, who hadn't expected this situation at all, was able to accurately know his movements and positions.

Xu Miao frantically urged the chaotic gas, allowing the chaotic gas to enter the body of the monster along the wound.

"Xu Miao, watch out!" Xiaotian's voice suddenly became sharp.Xu Miao's ears moved, and he heard the palm wind brought by the high-speed movement of the palm.

He squatted down, pulled out the fog-condensing sword by the way, and stabbed the sword with his backhand.The other party hid quickly, and Xu Miao missed the stab.

"Xu Miao, on the right!" Xu Miao threw out a sword, and there was absolutely no possibility of taking it back.The sword intent continued to grow, Xu Miaoping swept across with his sword, and unleashed the Broken Star Sword Technique.

The monster was hit by Xu Miao, so he could only fight back.After going back and forth, Xu Miao didn't need Xiaotian's reminder.The sensitivity to the enemy made Xu Miao's sword moves continue to speed up.

"To the right!" Xu Miao was trapped by the monster that was fighting, and her left hand was injured again. She had no choice but to grit her teeth and was hit by the monster that suddenly appeared.

This palm hit Xu Miao's right rib.The ribs on the right were almost completely broken, and Xu Miao's throat was filled with unstoppable fishy sweetness.Xu Miao couldn't suppress it anymore, so she just vomited it all at a monster in front of her.

Xu Miao was poisoned, so the blood he spit out was also poisonous.Xu Miao vomited blood on that monster, and melted a trace of poisonous blood into its body, and immediately felt the onset of toxin.

"Damn human! He got the venom into my body!" The poisoned monster didn't want to fight with Xu Miao anymore, and backed away repeatedly.Just enough for Xu Miao to free her hand, she turned her wrist and stabbed obliquely at the monster that had just attacked him.

Xiaotian accurately and quickly guided Xu Miao in the specific direction. Although Xu Miao couldn't see, she could clearly know the specific direction of the monster and its upcoming actions.

"This human being is too evil. He was poisoned by the poisonous scorpion, so he should be invisible. Why is he acting like he wasn't poisoned at all!" There were still four seventh-level monsters left, and they surrounded Xu Miao from four directions. live.

If Xu Miao was at his best, if he couldn't kill all of these four seventh-level monsters, he would at least be able to escape with serious injuries.

But now Xu Miao was seriously injured, and his body was severely poisoned. His consciousness and spiritual power were all affected, so he could only deal with it with a fog-condensing sword.

Even if Xiaotian clearly stated the direction of the monster's attack, Xu Miao could only choose to avoid the most dangerous attack to him, and could only endure the other attacks.

Not long after, Xu Miao almost became a bloody person, and a person with black blood.His left hand was hanging limply by his side, while his right hand was still struggling with the monster.

Every time, the four monsters thought that Xu Miao was about to fall, but he never fell.

"Why isn't he dead yet!" a monster said angrily.

"Let's go up at the same time and attack his dantian!" As soon as the words fell, the four monsters launched an attack.Xu Miao's spiritual power was not much left, and the speed of the golden core's rotation became slower and slower, and it was impossible to continue to absorb spiritual power.

The four monsters also thought that Xu Miao must die, and they had triumphant smiles on their faces.During the crisis of life and death, Xu Miao's aura suddenly increased, a golden light firmly protected Xu Miao in the middle, and the attacks of the four monsters could not get close to Xu Miao.

Xu Miao's face was pale, and an extremely cruel smile suddenly appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Want to kill me? Want my life? Hurry up early in your next life." Volatile.

How could the four seventh-level monsters stand against the heaven and the earth? In the blink of an eye, the four monsters lost their breath at the same time and fell beside Xu Miao.

"Xu Miao!" Before Xu Miao fell into a coma, she seemed to hear Xiaotian's shout.But he was too tired, he couldn't respond to Xiaotian, his eyes went dark, and he passed out.

The attack launched by the monster in the middle of the night ended with a complete victory for humans.The seventh-level monster was held back by Xu Miao, and the other Nascent Soul cultivators seized the opportunity and quickly slaughtered the rest of the monsters.

When I went to meet Xu Miao at the end, I saw Xu Miao fell to the ground, and together with Xu Miao, there were ten corpses of seven-level monsters.

Compared with these monsters, Xu Miao already exhales more air than inhales, and there is no good place in her body.One of the cultivators at the early stage of Nascent Soul accidentally touched the blood on Xu Miao's body, and was immediately infected with a little bit of poison.

If Peng Tianjie hadn't struck immediately and forced out the poison, this Nascent Soul cultivator who hadn't died under the hands of the monster would have died carelessly after the battle.

Peng Tianjie carefully wrapped Xu Miao in treasure clothes and brought him to the waterfall.Let the water of the waterfall continuously impact Xu Miao, and at the same time use spiritual power to heal Xu Miao.

Xu Miao, who was in a coma, only felt pain in her body, and this damn pain could not be avoided no matter what.In a rage, he woke up and found that he was placed under the waterfall and was being continuously washed by the falling waterfall.

No wonder he felt so much pain. The water flow from the waterfall at this height hit the flesh raw, can it not hurt?He just wanted to get up when he heard Ye Qiguang's voice.

"Don't get up, the toxins in your body haven't been completely cleaned up, so you can't leave here yet." Ye Qiguang told Xu Miao how Peng Tianjie healed him, using clean water to take away the poisonous blood.Then let the blood recirculate to generate non-toxic blood.

Xu Miao couldn't see Ye Qiguang's expression, but could hear his anger from Ye Qiguang's voice.Ye Qiguang endured and endured, but he still couldn't.

"You fight ten seventh-level monsters, don't you think your life is too long!"

(End of this chapter)

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