Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 312 Teaching Alchemists

Chapter 312 Teaching Alchemists

Xu Miao smiled wryly in her heart, but she didn't dare to refute with a word, and listened to Ye Qiguang's lesson honestly.Xu Miao felt that Ye Qiguang vented all the worries he had accumulated for many years at this moment, and he just reprimanded him for a quarter of an hour before stopping.

When Ye Qiguang left, he did not forget to tell Xu Miao not to move without authorization.Xu Miao hurriedly agreed, for fear that Ye Qiguang would teach him a lesson again.

The torrential waterfall continuously washed Xu Miao's wound, washing away the toxins in the blood.However, Xu Miao vaguely felt that there was still a trace of toxin lurking in the body, and running water would not be effective.

When Peng Tianjie came, Xu Miao told him about it.Peng Tianjie's consciousness swept across Xu Miao's body, but found no trace of toxin.

Xu Miao will not be aimless, there must be a trace of toxins that have not been cleaned up, and it is indeed a bit tricky to escape the spiritual scan of the great monks in the late stage of Nascent Soul.

"Can you determine the approximate location of the toxin?" Peng Tianjie asked in a deep voice, Xu Miao could only shake her head.He just couldn't find where the toxin was, so he got a headache.

This feeling is very strange, completely different from usual, Xu Miao can be sure that this feeling is caused by the presence of toxins.But if he was asked to find out where the toxin is, he couldn't explain why.

According to what Peng Tianjie said, Xu Miao tried to operate her spiritual power, and there was no obscurity, and the color on the golden elixir returned to normal.

Peng Tianjie couldn't, Xu Miao's feeling was too vague, and he couldn't find the toxin according to the situation he described, so he could only hope that the toxin would break out in the future, and then make further calculations.

That's what Xu Miao planned too. He jumped up from the bottom of the waterfall and landed on the shore with flying water vapor.On the way back to the station, Peng Tianjie briefly informed Xu Miao of the current situation.

Monster beasts appeared in large numbers, and they also began to garrison humans. The other side of the dividing line between monsters was obviously ready for a long-term battle.And that time when he was fighting the eighth-level monster, Peng Tianjie sensed a trace of power that didn't belong to this plane.

When Xu Miao heard this, her eyes lit up.When level nine monsters communicate with envoys from the upper plane, they will inevitably acquire certain auras.When the ninth-level monsters command the eighth-level monsters, they will also pass these breaths to the eighth-level monsters.

It was this aura that confirmed the guesses of Xu Miao and several cultivators who had transformed themselves into gods, and they were correct.Although the guess was correct, Xu Miao's heart was even heavier.

The envoys from the upper plane will not just come to send messages, they will definitely give some items to the monsters.These items can be magic weapons, or some kind of formation, and are more likely to be the full blow of a certain powerful person from the upper plane.

No matter what it is, it is not a good thing for human monks.The two returned to the monk's residence in silence, Xu Miao did not join Peng Tianjie, he returned directly to He Qinggu's residence.

Seeing Xu Miao's safe return, all He Qinggu's disciples breathed a sigh of relief.Xu Miao went directly to Ye Qiguang's tent, and several Jindan monks Yang Lin and Luo Tingyou were inside.

The expressions of the few people were not very good, the attacks of monsters became more and more frequent, Brother He Qinggu suffered heavy losses, and the supply of medicine pills could hardly keep up with the speed of consumption.

"In terms of pills, I can help refine them, and I also have the spiritual source stones I obtained in the ancient secret realm. Soaking them in clear water can temporarily generate spiritual source water, which should be able to relieve urgent needs."

Ye Qiguang shook his head, and said: "You and Xia Bofei got the spirit source stone through a life-and-death battle. There is no reason for you to take it out. However, you can help in alchemy. Follow the elders in the sect to refine alchemy." medicine."

"As long as there are no large-scale battles, you should maintain the alchemy state and try to refine more pills." Xu Miao's alchemy level is affirmed by the alchemy master.

If Xu Miao joins in alchemy, the number of pills can be greatly increased, which is great news for He Qinggu who is currently struggling.

Xu Miao nodded slightly and went straight to the alchemy tent.The alchemy tent is heavily guarded, and a special person is in charge of it, and patrols are on duty non-stop for twelve hours.

Elder Miao Dan, who was in charge of alchemy, also looked happy when he saw Xu Miao coming.Originally thought that Ye Qiguang would send Xu Miao to participate in the battle, but he did not expect to send Xu Miao to help her in alchemy.

Elder Miao Dan quickly ordered his disciples to fetch the alchemy furnace, and asked Xu Miao what grade of elixir he was best at refining.

"It's in the Golden Core Stage. When I was in Donglu, I also helped everyone refine the pills needed by the Golden Core monks. The pills in the Foundation Establishment Stage are refined by the young disciples."

Elder Miao Dan couldn't ask for more. He Qinggu was the only one who could refine the elixir needed by the Golden Core stage monks. The other disciples could only refine the elixir needed by the Foundation Establishment stage monks at most.With Xu Miao joining, her pressure can be greatly reduced.

Xu Miao didn't talk nonsense, and took the materials in her hands to observe first.The materials for refining the elixir in the West and the East are different because of the different regions.

However, no matter how the materials are changed, they will remain the same. As long as one masters the basic method of refining elixirs, no matter what kind of elixirs they are, they can be obtained at their fingertips.

The alchemy disciples on the side were all carefully observing Xu Miao's steps in refining the elixir. They had all heard of Xu Miao's alchemy talent.But they have only seen Xu Miao's strength in battle, but no one has seen Xu Miao's alchemy level.

It just so happened that Xu Miao was willing to show it in front of them, watching each one intently, for fear of missing a certain step.Xu Miao also discovered this, he didn't mind being taught his alchemy method by other disciples at all.

In order for all disciples to see and understand clearly, he carefully explained every step he completed.Including the use of spiritual consciousness, the use of spiritual fire, and the observation of the state of materials, everything will be reported one by one.

When the disciples in the tent heard Xu Miao's teaching, it was like enlightenment.Even Elder Miao Dan, after listening to Xu Miao's narration, realized that his previous understanding of alchemy was too shallow.

Xu Miao's understanding of alchemy journey has reached a deeper level.Just this realm, many people here may not be able to reach it in their entire lives.

The fragrance of the elixir came out, Xu Miao shot like lightning, opened the furnace, took the elixir, put out the fire, and ten elixirs appeared in Xu Miao's hands.The success rate of [-]% made everyone dumbfounded and couldn't believe it.

After Xu Miao finished explaining, he said, "Elder Miao Dan, can you prepare a few more alchemy furnaces for me, I will be useful." Xu Miao's level of alchemy has completely shocked Miao Dan.

After hearing Xu Miao's words, Miao Dan woke up from the comprehension just now, and quickly ordered his disciples to fetch the alchemy furnace.Xu Miao nodded with satisfaction and began to concentrate on refining the elixir.

The disciples who listened to Xu Miao's teaching originally thought that Xu Miao's method of refining the elixir was fast enough, but after looking at it now, they realized that Xu Miao's speed before was just to take care of their beginners.

Xu Miao's hand speed in refining the elixir almost became an afterimage in the air, and Xu Miao did not only refine one furnace at a time, but carried out assembly line operations.

When a batch of elixir was being refined by flaming the elixir fire, Xu Miao had already started to melt and mixed the second batch of ingredients.When the second batch of ingredients was almost ready, the first batch of pills had already exuded a medicinal fragrance.

Xu Miao, who is multitasking, has not affected the refining effect of any batch of pills at all. Each batch of pills can be opened at the most appropriate time to take pills, and the success rate of each batch of pills will not be lower than nine. become.

Even from time to time, Xu Miao was able to refine more than [-]% of the pills, that is, one batch of pills could refine eleven or even twelve pills.

If Xu Miao is willing to concentrate more on refining the elixirs, I am afraid that thirteen elixirs can be successfully refined in one furnace.But Xu Miao calculated the expenses and income, and found that it was not cost-effective, so she strictly controlled her spiritual consciousness and kept the success rate of each potion of pills between nine and twelve.

The news that Xu Miao was good at alchemy quickly spread like locusts crossing the border.Some alchemists didn't believe it at first, thinking that it was just an exaggeration on the premise of Xu Miao's strong combat power.

But when they saw Xu Miao's process and results of refining the elixir with their own eyes, all the alchemists shut their mouths and looked at Xu Miao with respectful eyes.

Xu Miao's alchemy process is completely transparent and open, and he doesn't mind monks coming to visit.This is almost impossible for an alchemist who is used to cherishing himself with a broom on the alchemy path.

The other monks who came here to participate in the war also heard about it.If Xu Miao only excels in one aspect, at least it can arouse everyone's jealousy and unwillingness.

But Xu Miao not only achieved the ultimate in one aspect, but also belonged to the best monks of the same level in many aspects, and even surpassed high-level monks. At this time, no one would feel jealous and would only look up to Xu Miao.

And it is an indisputable fact that Xu Miao's name beats Donglu and Xilu, and is only behind the three Jindan monks in Zhonglu.

There are not many names of Xilu monks on the list of planar monks, but every one of them makes other Xilu monks feel the gap in strength like a catastrophe, let alone Xu Miao, who is ranked No.4.

No one would question the list of planar monks, and no one would question Xu Miao.After all, Xu Miao fought ten seventh-level monsters alone, and all the seventh-level monsters died, but he survived.

In addition, Xu Miao is still refining alchemy, providing monks with sufficient pills, and at the same time imparting experience and skills to alchemists.Adding up all the circumstances, Xu Miao's reputation in Xilu surpassed most of the Nascent Soul cultivators, even if he couldn't surpass the late Nascent Soul cultivators.

Different from the time in Donglu, Xu Miao has only two alchemists beside him, Li Huan and Liu Feng. There are too few alchemists who can command, and many ideas cannot be put into action.

But it was different in Xilu. The entire Xilu cultivation world was backed and supported by Xu Miao.Xu Miao's excellent talent in alchemy convinced all the alchemists.

(End of this chapter)

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