Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 313 An Expert in Strategies

Chapter 313 An Expert in Strategies

Seeing that the time was ripe, Xu Miao began to promote large-scale assembly line operations.In the past, Xu Miao did it alone, but now it has become a special person to melt the materials, remove impurities, mix the materials, send them into the alchemy furnace, and open the furnace to take the alchemy.

In every step, Xu Miao will personally teach the alchemists in charge, telling them what to do in order to achieve the best effect.

When the results of the first assembly line work came out, everyone was amazed—the success rate reached [-]%!Compared with Xu Miao, this alchemy rate is still insufficient, but compared with other alchemists, it is almost never successful.

If the alchemists in each step of the assembly line refine individually, no one has ever been able to achieve [-]% of the alchemy rate in this kind of elixir.

Xu Miaoshi's earth-shattering innovation brought alchemy in the Xilu cultivation world to a whole new level, improving both speed and quality.

Xu Miao's innovation even attracted the attention of the cultivator of Huashen.A protracted war tested not only the combat effectiveness of the monks, but also the follow-up reserves.

Just like the war in the mortal world, the three armies have not moved, and the food and grass go first.Food and grass are extremely important items for combat.In the world of comprehension, pills have the same status as food and grass.

As long as the elixir can be provided in sufficient quantities, the monks who fight will have the confidence to spend it with capital and monsters.Xu Miao's breakthrough method has greatly alleviated the shortage of human monks in pills.

Not only that, Xu Miao imitated Donglu's method of using sea beast inner alchemy to refine elixir, searched for monster inner alchemy, found the common characteristics of monster alchemy and spirit grass, and developed a new alchemy formula using monster alchemy to refine elixir.

When the first pill formula was developed, the entire Xilu cultivation world was boiling.It takes a hundred years, a thousand years, or even ten thousand years for a spirit grass to grow.

Even if it is cultivated in some places with particularly strong spiritual energy, it will not shorten the growth period of the spiritual grass much.But the demon pill is different, the growth rate of the monster beast is much faster than that of the spirit grass.

In addition, the reproduction speed of monsters should be faster.Cultivators originally had the habit of raising spirit beasts, and now they have invented a method of refining pills through demon pills, which can completely raise monsters, and when the monsters grow up, they can kill the monsters to obtain pills.

What's more, now is just the time for the battle between human monks and monsters. Countless monsters died, and the corpses of monsters were everywhere.Some demon pills, monks don't even bother to pick them up.

Ever since Xu Miao developed the alchemy formula with the inner alchemy of monsters as the main material, monks have become particularly keen on picking up the corpses of monsters.

Every time the battle is over and the monsters recede, there will be monks dispatched to dig out pills for alchemy.According to Xu Miao, this kind of battle is to support war with war.

Headed by Elder Zhidan, all Nascent Soul cultivators stopped alchemy and started to develop similar alchemy recipes.As for the matter of alchemy, it was handed over to the alchemist of Jindan, the alchemist of the foundation establishment period.

The elixir is refined efficiently and with high quality in a streamlined manner.All of a sudden, the success in alchemy had a great positive effect on the monks in charge of the battle.

Let their morale continue to rise and devote themselves to the battle with higher enthusiasm.Facing the continuous attacks of monsters, the human monks did not take a step back.And the source of all this is due to Xu Miao.

On the other side, several eighth-level monsters gathered together, thinking about the current situation with a headache.

"These human monks were obviously in a state of decline before, and they were not our opponents at all. Why do they feel like they have been beaten now?"

"There is also a strange thing. After the battle, they will take away all the corpses of the same kind that we died in battle, and there is no one left."

"We have to find a way to mix in with the human monks and find out the situation."

"Impossible. Their Nascent Soul cultivators are constantly scanning their consciousness twelve hours a day. There is no way for us to get close to the human cultivator's camp. The previous sneak attack was also unable to work because of this."

"Who came up with these methods? If you let me know, I will definitely skin them and cramp them!" Xu Miao, who was hated by monsters, knew nothing about it, and was still studying monsters with a group of Nascent Soul alchemists. Inner alchemy related alchemy recipes.

An eighth-level monster slapped its thigh fiercely: "I have a solution! They humans can patrol, we just need to lie in ambush on the only way to patrol, intercept them, and then control them. Did you go in!"

The proposal of this eighth-level monster was approved by several other eighth-level monsters. In order to get in smoothly, they did not hand over the matter to their subordinates, but did it themselves.

Coincidentally, it happened to be Xu Miao who was on patrol this time.Since Xu Miao had been concentrating on the research and development of Danfang for many days, she approached Peng Tianjie specifically, saying that she wanted to change her thinking during the patrol.

Peng Tianjie agreed to the matter without any hesitation, so in this patrol, Bai Yan, who had just advanced to the early Yuanying stage, was leading the team, followed by Xu Miao and several other late Jindan monks.

At first glance, Xu Miao's cultivation level is a little lower than that of other people.But no one objected to this. After all, Xu Miao's strength had already been recognized by everyone.

The path of the patrol has been planned in advance, as long as you walk around the path, you can return to the station.Except for Xu Miao, several of them were veterans of patrol, and they looked around vigilantly.

On a whim, Xu Miao suddenly recruited Taoist Li Huan's consciousness to investigate the surrounding situation, but unexpectedly discovered the situation.Xu Miao immediately sent a voice transmission to everyone, informing them that there were two level eight monsters not far away.

Bai Yan was even more shocked. He was born in Ji Xing Temple, and his spiritual training far surpassed that of monks of the same level, and could even be compared with monks of the middle stage of Nascent Soul.

Even so, he did not find the existence of the two eighth-level monsters that Xu Miao mentioned.Bai Yan didn't know how Xu Miao noticed it, but based on his understanding of Xu Miao, he knew that Xu Miao would not joke about it.

Since Xu Miao said that there are two level eight monsters there, there must be two level eight monsters there.The other late Golden Core monks would not raise any objections, they believed in Xu Miao unconditionally.

A group of people landed on the ground and slowed down. Xu Miao and Bai Yan took this opportunity to discuss how to solve it.The two eighth-level monsters slowed down when they saw the patrolling monks suddenly land.

They looked at each other in bewilderment, there was Xu Miao who made them afraid, and they didn't dare to act rashly.This fear didn't mean that they couldn't kill Xu Miao, but that they couldn't take Xu Miao into consideration when there were so many people, so Xu Miao ran away.

If Xu Miao escapes, their plan will end in failure.Therefore, the two eighth-level monsters could only suppress their temper and wait for the human monks to approach.

Xu Miao and Bai Yan had already discussed the countermeasures in an instant, Bai Yan took a few steps behind deliberately, and with the help of several figures to resist, he sent out the sound transmission jade pendant.I believe that it won't be long before Peng Tianjie and the other late Nascent Soul monks will rush over immediately.

As for the monsters, this trick will not appear outdated or ineffective whenever it is used.Xu Miao and others simply stopped moving forward and sat down where they were.

Xu Miao was sure that the two eighth-level monsters would not act rashly, so he leaned under a tree and waited for the two stupid eighth-level monsters to be captured.

Sure enough, Peng Tianjie arrived very quickly. They were doing mental calculations but were restrained, and with Xu Miao and others standing in front to attract the attention of the monsters, the two eighth-level monsters would not be aware of Peng Tianjie and others' information .

There are four great monks in the late Yuanying period who came this time, and they almost came out in force, just to catch each other in the first place.Otherwise, at the same level, if the first move is not successful, the opponent will find a gap to escape.

Xu Miao stood up after receiving Peng Tianjie's order, and walked to the hiding place of the eighth-level monster with Bai Yan and others.The two eighth-level monsters were overjoyed, all their attention was on Xu Miao, and they didn't notice Peng Tianjie and others who were approaching behind him at all.

The two eighth-level monsters fought at the same time, and Xu Miao's whole body was agitated with spiritual power, supporting Fu Yu's helmet.It's just that this Fu Yu's helmet is not a one-hit enemy of the eighth-level monster at all, and it bursts instantly.

However, this extremely short time difference gave Peng Tianjie and the others enough time.Working in groups of two, they easily surrounded the two eighth-level monsters, making them unable to break free.

It was only at this time that the monster realized that it was cheated by Xu Miao, and cursed loudly: "Cunning human beings, you actually designed it, it's too insidious!"

Xu Miao said mockingly: "Everyone is using tricks, but we are the only ones who succeed. Do you know how the bear died?"

The two eighth-level monsters were all stunned, and they didn't know what Xu Miao wanted to say for a while.

"It's stupid." Xu Miao said lightly, not caring about the furious monsters and continuing to patrol with Bai Yan.Peng Tianjie will do a good job of torturing the eighth-level monster, so Xu Miao doesn't need to worry about it.

The following patrols went smoothly without incident.When Xu Miao returned to the station, she was called over by Peng Tianjie.Following Peng Tianjie's guidance, Xu Miao walked eastward and westward before finding the place where they trapped the eighth-level monster.

The Yuanying Late Stage monks of Ji Xing Temple arranged a very strict formation here, and few late stage monks agreed at the same time, absolutely no one would be able to enter or leave without authorization, and it was even more impossible for the trapped eighth-level monsters to escape easily.

At the same level as the late Nascent Soul, human monks cannot search for the souls of eighth-level monsters to find out their true intentions and specific plots about the upper plane.

Peng Tianjie and the others also considered inviting the cultivator of the God Transformation to come to search for the soul, but the cultivator of the God Transformation is now confronting the ninth-level monster, and they can't get away at all, so they can only solve it by themselves.

Xu Miao pondered for a moment. In his sea of ​​consciousness, he had the consciousness of Taoist Li Huan. If he recruited the consciousness of Taoist Li Huan and gathered the consciousness of several other great monks in the late stage of Nascent Soul, he might be able to search for the soul successfully.

(End of this chapter)

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