Chapter 314
Except for Xiaotian and Qingjiao, no one else knew about Xu Miao's possession of Taoist Lihuan's consciousness.If you take the initiative to inform these late Nascent Soul cultivators, I don't know if they will have the same greedy thoughts as Taoist Li Huan.

Xu Miao would not be reconciled if they were not informed that these two eighth-level monsters would not be able to play their fullest role.After weighing the matter, Xu Miao decided to inform the late master monks.

The premise is that they need to make an oath of heaven, and they are not allowed to leak this matter, and they are not allowed to have other ideas.If another mid-Golden Core cultivator had talked to them like this, these great cultivators would have slapped him to death long ago.

But Xu Miao is different. Neither his strength nor his methods can be compared with ordinary monks.They have long stopped treating Xu Miao as a Golden Core cultivator, but as a cultivator of the same realm and treated him equally.

When Xu Miao proposed to make an oath to heaven, Peng Tianjie was the first to act, and the remaining three also made oaths one after another.Only then did Xu Miao tell the four of them about Taoist Li Huan, and said that he had a way to search for the souls of the two eighth-level monsters.

As the leader of the soul search, Xu Miao stood at the front and slowly placed her hand on the head of one of the eighth-level monsters.

"Damn human beings! You bastards! You late Nascent Soul cultivators can't perform soul search on us, you Golden Core cultivator, don't wishful thinking—" Before the monster could finish cursing, he was shocked by Xu Miao's majestic and vast spiritual consciousness arrive.

The position of the four great monks in the late stage of Nascent Soul is also particular. According to the instructions of the monk Ji Xingdian, they can use their spiritual consciousness to support Xu Miao to the greatest extent without causing excessive damage to Xu Miao's sea of ​​consciousness.

Xu Miao uses the spiritual consciousness of Taoist Li Huan, and at the same time has to bear the spiritual consciousness of the four late Nascent Soul monks, the pressure is not insignificant.Xu Miao's sea of ​​consciousness has never suffered such severe pain, it is more painful than when he rashly divided the sea of ​​consciousness.

Sweat dripped from his forehead and back continuously, and his body shook uncontrollably from side to side as if he had been fished out of water.

Peng Tianjie was terrified when he saw it, for fear that if he was not careful, Xu Miao couldn't bear the pressure of his consciousness and passed out directly.A large amount of divine consciousness that exceeds the limit of the sea of ​​consciousness enters the sea of ​​consciousness too much, and it is very likely to cause irreversible damage to the monk's sea of ​​consciousness.

The most serious consequence is that the sea of ​​consciousness can't bear it directly, and then collapses, and the monks will also lose their sanity, and they will be in a daze all day long, which is no different from death.Peng Tianjie suddenly regretted that the existence of Xu Miao was the greatest hope for the rise of the Westland cultivation world.

If Xu Miao folded on Soul Search, he would have nowhere to cry.Fortunately, no matter how much Xu Miao's body trembled, his mind remained clear and his eyes were bright and energetic.

Although the severe pain constantly stimulated Xu Miao's sea of ​​consciousness, he never lost his sanity.He closed his eyes, took a deep breath, controlled the consciousness that did not belong to him at all, and probed into the sea of ​​consciousness of the eighth-level monster in front of him.

As soon as Xu Miao's consciousness entered the monster's sea of ​​consciousness, the eighth-level monster let out a scream.The sea of ​​consciousness of any living being is unique and cannot be invaded by outsiders.

Once an outsider's consciousness forcibly enters, it is also an extremely painful thing for the creature.Many monks and monsters often couldn't bear it when they went through the soul search, and eventually became insane.

The sea of ​​consciousness of an eighth-level monster is boundless, and the spiritual consciousness inside is even more powerful.But in front of Xu Miao, all of them were smashed through, and entered the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness, where memories are stored.

The eighth-level monster has lived a long life and has experienced many things. Xu Miao watched all the way, from the time the monster broke out of its egg to when it grew up, there were a lot of miscellaneous things.

Xu Miao was almost lost in it. He readjusted his consciousness and continued to search for memories about the attack of the beast horde.

"This time, the envoy is here and told us to launch another beast horde war."

"Didn't we just negotiate with the human side? The war that just ended, why start a war again. The vitality of human beings has been greatly injured, so we have suffered heavy losses."

"Confused! The envoy needs the ghosts of human monks—"

"Be careful!"

"There are some things that I don't know even if I tell you. All you need to do is follow our requirements and launch a beast tide war. When one day you advance to level nine, there will be a passage for you to ascend to the upper realm."

"Even so, we won't gain the upper hand when we fight those monks."

"The envoy has prepared a magic weapon for us, you can rest assured. When you feel that the situation is not right, you can directly summon this magic weapon."


I don't know the specific information about this eighth-level monster.Xu Miao withdrew his consciousness carefully, rested for a quarter of an hour, and continued to control his consciousness to search the soul of another monster.

The results obtained were similar, and Xu Miao also stopped searching for souls.Xu Miao informed the four of Peng Tianjie of all the information he had received.

"They want to absorb human spirits?"

"I once read from an ancient book that resentful spirits are living beings. When they are extremely unwilling, dead souls will become resentful spirits." A late master monk explained.

The so-called envoy was indeed from the upper plane, and he used the condition of ascension to attract nine-level monsters and let them act according to his requirements.

During this period of time, due to some changes in the laws of heaven and earth, neither the cultivators who transformed themselves into gods nor the ninth-level monsters succeeded in ascending to the upper realm, and had to stay in the lower realm.

This time, the presence of the "Envoy" gave hope to the ninth-level monster.After all, it was just sacrificing some unrelated monsters and beasts of the same kind. In comparison, one's own Dao of Longevity was more important.

"This envoy is not only targeting us human monks, what he needs is all resentful spirits, no matter monks or monsters."

"The most important thing is the magic weapon mentioned by the ninth-level monster. This magic weapon was prepared by the so-called envoy, but it's a pity that these two monsters don't know what the magic weapon is."

The four great monks were frowning, and the magic weapon was like a sword hanging over everyone's head, who knew when it would suddenly fall down.

"I have a solution." Xu Miao, who had been adjusting his breath with his eyes closed, suddenly said, causing four pairs of eyes to look at him, "They are trying to control our monks, enter our resident, and listen for news."

"We will use the same method to return to the other body, and control the two of them in turn. With the help of the two of them, we will sway the remaining eighth-level monsters, take out the magic weapon provided by the envoy, and then find a way to snatch the magic weapon."

"Since the magic weapon can be used by these monsters, it must also be used by us. As long as we get the magic weapon, we don't have to worry about the monsters suddenly attacking us."

Although Xu Miao's method is bold, it is currently the most suitable method.The five people thought together and perfected the prototype of the plan.

The sea of ​​consciousness of the two eighth-level monsters was almost destroyed by Xu Miao when searching for the soul.Even without the help of the other four great monks, Xu Miao was able to control him with the spiritual consciousness of Taoist Li Huan.

Xu Miao and Peng Tianjie are in charge of controlling the two eighth-level monsters and returning to the monster camp.In order not to attract the attention of other monsters, the two immediately set off and walked towards the monster camp with two eighth-level monsters.

Two eighth-level monsters were in front, and Xu Miao and Peng Tianjie, who had changed his face, were behind and entered the largest tent in the resident.There were also three eighth-level monsters in the tent. When they saw those two coming back, they hurriedly asked about the situation.

Xu Miao cleverly said a bunch of nonsense, seemingly saying a lot of content, but after careful analysis, you will find that Xu Miao has not revealed any useful information.

And under Xu Miao's intentional guidance, the other three monsters agreed to take out the magic weapon bestowed by the envoy.The seven people were about to go, when one of the eighth-level monsters reacted.

"Why do those two humans want them to come over, just eat them!"

Xu Miao remained calm, and calmly controlled the eighth-level monster and said, "Why are you in a hurry, we need the two of them to cooperate with each other, and I managed to bring this out, so don't ruin my business there!"

After being reprimanded by Xu Miao, the only monster who could react vaguely agreed.

The place where the magic weapon is stored is in the deepest part of the monster area.Xu Miao followed the monsters for more than ten days before arriving at the destination.A group of people walked through a deep passage and walked to a huge altar.

A transparent ball of light floated directly above the altar, and a magic power similar to that of a green dragon was stored inside the ball of light.

"Let's do it!" Xu Miao ordered, and several other monsters followed closely. The transparent light ball was summoned by the spell, and slowly left from above the altar, flying to the hands of the monster controlled by Xu Miao.

"Very good, we are going to launch the final general attack now, order all the monsters to prepare to attack!" The other three monsters led away, Xu Miao and Peng Tianjie controlled the two monsters and quickly flew towards the border.

When the two arrived at the border, the two parties had already assembled here, and both sides were fighting with high spirits and swords were on the verge of breaking out.The monster controlled by Xu Miao flew into the sky and fought with a late Nascent Soul cultivator in Ji Xing Temple.

It looked extremely intense, and the spiritual power was constantly impacting and colliding, emitting dazzling light. Only Xu Miao and the big monk inside knew that these were just blindfolds.

In the later stage, the big monk kept retreating, and Xu Miao controlled the monster beast to keep approaching, and at the same time ordered the monster beast to continue to move forward.Countless monsters gathered together. At this moment, the controlled eighth-level monster suddenly turned around and released the restriction of the light ball.

"All the monks, retreat!" Xu Miao gave instructions to the human monks who had been prepared for a long time, and the human monks immediately retreated quickly in accordance with the previously arranged order, and disappeared nearby.

The monster didn't get tough at all, what happened, it saw all the opponents retreat.They also naively thought that a human monk was defeated and was about to celebrate the victory.

(End of this chapter)

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