Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 315 Human Monster Beast Alliance

Chapter 315 Human Monster Beast Alliance
The magic power of the broken light ball roared and hovered over the head of the eighth-level monster. Xu Miao stood behind the eighth-level monster, looking coldly at the enthusiastically cheering monster.

An eighth-level monster reacted: "What the hell are you trying to do!"

This time, the eighth-level monster controlled by Xu Miao didn't make any more noise, and Xu Miao took a step forward: "All monsters step back, and there must be no more beast tides within 500 years, otherwise—"

Xu Miao played with the magic green dragon in her hand, threatening the monsters on the ground.A level eight monster came straight at Xu Miao, Xu Miao didn't move, and the controlled eight level monster next to him stepped sideways to block the attack for Xu Miao.

"Tiger! How can you help this human being!" The attacking monster's eyes were tearing apart.

The eighth-level monster under Xu Miao's control was unaware of the roar of his companions. His sea of ​​consciousness had been controlled by Xu Miao. As long as Xu Miao didn't take the initiative to withdraw, the monster couldn't get rid of it by virtue of its own spiritual power. controlling.

"Human! You and I are at odds!" Roaring, the bursting mana of the eighth-level monster flew towards him.Xu Miao calmly commanded the eighth-level monster to block the opponent's attack.

Xu Miao said coldly: "If you continue to attack, the magic power in my hand will not spare you." What Xu Miao is best at doing is raising the banner and threatening the opponent with the power of a third party.

Of course, the eighth-level monster knows the power of this magic power, which is stronger than the ninth-level monster.Just for the convenience of their use, the envoy deliberately changed the characteristics of mana so that they could use it with eighth-level strength.

But he didn't expect to be taken advantage of by this cunning human being in front of him.Xu Miao looked directly at the other party, and continued: "I don't need to inform you about this at all, just release the magic power of the envoy directly."

"It's not who I'm targeting. Among you present, is there an opponent with this magic power?" Xu Miao was answered by one piece, and no eighth-level monster dared to say that he could do it.

"Your companion, the tiger, is also unwilling to initiate this beast horde. Both sides are in a weak stage. There is absolutely no need to disturb the plane for a superior envoy."

The eighth-level monster in front of him was obviously a little loose, Xu Miao continued to persuade: "Of course, your most important purpose is to ascend."

The eighth-level monster saw that Xu Miao directly pointed it out, and did not hide it, and nodded calmly: "The matter of ascension to the lower plane has been delayed for a long time, and now it is rare to see an opportunity, we cannot ignore it, especially the ninth-level seniors .”

"Gathering the power of all the continents in the lower plane, if they can't break through that plane passage, how can the so-called envoy be able to open it?"

Xu Miao reasoned with him and moved him with emotion, just to persuade the other party to give up the attack.If the internal friction continues, the situation in the Westland, which is not prosperous enough, will become even worse.

"Do you think it will be a few hundred years later, after entering the ninth level, or will you think about it in the next life after you die now?" Xu Miao's palms gradually clenched, and as long as he exerted force, the magic power would be activated instantly out.

All the monsters on the opposite side were bound to die. Under the threat of their lives, the monsters finally began to retreat in batches.Xu Miao breathed a sigh of relief, he was not sure that he could persuade the other party.

If the talks collapse in the end, Xu Miao can only choose to destroy all the monster lives here.In that case, it would not only be a catastrophe for monsters, but also for monks.

All creatures in the realm of comprehension have their reasons for existence, and the large-scale extinction of any species will definitely not be good news for other species.

Xu Miao carefully sealed the mana again and handed it over to Peng Tianjie properly.Xu Miao has no interest in taking this kind of time bomb as his own.

Now that human monks have this magical power, it can be regarded as an additional means of protecting themselves. Even when they come into contact with the envoy, they will not be too passive.

The monsters retreated quickly and cleanly, as if they had never appeared before.Xu Miao did not return to Heqing Valley immediately, but still stayed where she was, waiting for news from the cultivator of Huashen.

The envoy's plan was destroyed by Xu Miao, so the envoy will definitely not let it go.According to the difference between the upper plane and the lower plane, Xu Miao guessed that the envoy was just a clone of the main body, without too much power.

Otherwise, he can use his own means to kill all the human monks and monsters, and directly collect the wraiths, which is much faster than his earnest efforts to lure the ninth-level monsters.

Xu Miao sat quietly on a rock with a calm mood.On the other side, the envoy and several ninth-level monsters jumped up angrily when they learned that all the monsters had retreated, pointing at the noses of the ninth-level monsters and yelling.

"You idiots from the lower plane, you can't even start a war, waste, useless things!"

Several ninth-level monsters are existences at the top of this plane. Whenever someone dares to speak to them like this, anger surges in their hearts.

"Since the envoy is so wise and powerful, why do we need to wait? As long as the envoy's divine power is released, he will naturally be able to harvest many resentful spirits." A ninth-level envoy said angrily.

The envoy also realized at this time that he had lost his composure.Restricted by the laws of heaven and earth, the main body cannot easily come to the lower realm, and can only reluctantly send down a clone.

This clone is conscious and has no strength.If it weren't for the magic power left behind by the master, he really couldn't do anything about these cunning creatures from the lower plane.

"If I make a move, you creatures from the lower planes don't even have resentful spirits left, so what's the point of my attack? If you can't complete the master's task, the master will not be satisfied, and your ascension channel will not be opened at that time. Weigh!"

Several nine-level monsters looked at each other in blank dismay. They really longed for the ascension channel.In desperation, he had no choice but to come forward in person and summon the monsters.The ninth-level monsters left one after another, and the envoy showed a sinister smile of success.

As the top existence of the space here, the cultivator of Huashen has already mastered the laws of space, and can continuously teleport and come and go freely.They instantly appeared in the area of ​​monsters and ordered the monsters to gather again.

Ordinary monsters have long been tired of endless wars, unable to resist, they can only regroup unwillingly.Human beings appeared at the same time, and the ninth-level monsters and monks confronted each other in the sky.

Daoist Chen Xing held the magic power of the envoy entrusted to him by Peng Tianjie in his hand, and threatened the ninth-level monster.Seeing that the two sides were about to touch each other, Xu Miao suddenly turned into a ray of light and appeared in the middle of the two sides.

The sudden appearance of Xu Miao, whether it was a monster or a monk, was unexpected.The ninth-level monster was the first to react, and he knew that the person in front of him was the chief culprit for ending the war against the beast tide.

It was also this person who lost two level eight monsters.Now that Xu Miao appeared, how could he let it go.But Daoist Chen Xing also reacted quickly, protecting Xu Miao behind him.

The upper part of the hand caused the magic power to rise and fall, which brought huge psychological pressure to the ninth-level monster.

Xu Miao repeated what she said to the eighth-level monster earlier, and also told the monster and the cultivator of Huashen that she had guessed about the envoy.

At this stage of cultivation, it is not clear whether it is a monster or a human monk.They are all creatures standing at the highest place, and they have a common goal - ascension.

"Did he also tell you that once he makes a move, there won't even be any resentful spirits left?" A ninth-level monster flashed surprise in his eyes, and it was indeed as good as what the envoy said.

Xu Miao sneered and said, "If people on the upper plane can't even control the released mana, what right do they have to shout there?" Xu Miao's meaning is obvious, even if they want to punish a person, they will Reasonable release of mana.

Instead of releasing the power of a Nascent Soul cultivator to a Foundation Establishment cultivator.Xu Miao didn't know what state a monk would lose control of, but at least he wouldn't be in a state like the envoy.

In fact, this is a very obvious flaw, but everyone has ignored it.Now Xu Miao said it, and they all reflected it.

It doesn't feel good to be deceived, so the ninth-level monster has to seek justice from the envoy.Many monsters died in this beast horde, which made the situation worse for the already huge losses.

But Xu Miao stopped the other party: "Although the envoy himself has no strength, but he can give you a piece of mana, which proves that he has a second way, or even a third way."

"If we don't know his specific situation and rush to settle accounts with him, it is very likely that we will suffer in the end." Xu Miao's logic is clear and well-organized, so that even the ninth-level monsters have to be convinced.

A ninth-level monster even joked: "If you don't look at your cultivation, people will believe that you are a cultivator of transformation." In order to prove his sincerity, Xu Miao counted the two eighth-level monsters under his control return.

Without the control of Xu Miao's consciousness, the two eighth-level monsters also regained their clarity.Only now did they realize that they had been tricked by a middle-stage Golden Core cultivator, and if the other party hadn't taken the initiative to release them, they would still be in the other party's hands now.

The monks and monsters who were at war just now sat down in harmony and began to discuss countermeasures.It really complied with that sentence - there are no permanent friends, only permanent interests.

A detailed plan is drawn up, and different response plans are prepared according to different situations.After everyone agrees, the plan is formally implemented.

The war between human monks and monsters started again, but this time the war became a training ground for monsters and monks.All battle points are up to the point, there must be no death event.

Their plan is to make the two sides look like they are fighting, and lower the emissary's vigilance.Then quietly touched the place where the envoy temporarily lived, and tried to capture the other party alive.

Xu Miao was appreciated by the senior monks of both sides, and had the honor to participate in this event.Xu Miao watched the ninth-level monster enter first, and bargained with the envoy.

It is said that the monster beast has lost a piece of mana now, but the human monk has a piece of mana.If the envoy wants to succeed in the mission, he must use two more magic powers, otherwise the mission will be hopeless.

(End of this chapter)

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