Chapter 316
The monster's tone was very sincere, as if it was for the sake of the envoy, which made the envoy unable to explode even if he wanted to.In the hands of the envoy, the master gave a total of three mana protections.

I have already given out one, and I only have two left.If he sent out all the last two ways, he himself would be in a state of isolation and helplessness.

"My lord, it's not that we don't want to shed our blood for you, it's because the other party is too powerful, and we can't do anything about it." A series of chants and beatings by the monsters made the lord's face covered with black lines.

The envoy pondered for a long time, until the ninth-level monster thought that the other party would not agree, the envoy said: "This envoy can give you another mana, if this mana still can't work, you should know what will happen. how."

The monster nodded hurriedly, expressing its understanding.The monster lowered its head, hiding a smile from the corner of its mouth.Xu Miao saw the whole process in her eyes and was sure that the other party had only one left.

"Boy, how did you guess that the envoy would agree?"

"It's very simple. According to what you said, the man gave the mana very readily, which means that he still has at least one mana in his hand. My initial guess was between two and four."

"Therefore, I ask you to use your power to test the High Envoy. If the High Envoy still has more than three ways in his hand, although he will be a little reluctant, but the time to think about it will not be so long."

"Also, after thinking for a long time, he still gave you a piece of magic power, and finally threatened. The biggest possibility is that he has two in his hand, and he gave you another one, and now there is only one left."

"As long as we can make full use of these two magic powers, we will definitely be able to get rid of the envoy, and even leave a magic power as a guarantee for the future."

Xu Miao's analysis completely convinced a group of monks and monsters.They really guessed that the envoy still had mana, but unlike Xu Miao, who could see through the phenomenon and see the essence.

Guess directly the specific amount of mana left by the envoy, and start to calculate the envoy.With such intelligence and courage, if one day advances to the transformation of gods, he must be the one who leads other transformations of gods and opens the passage of ascension!

"What we have to do now is to convince the other party that humans and monsters have been beaten to death, and there are many resentful spirits, so we can let him collect the resentful spirits."

Just imitating wraith spirits is a matter of grasp for cultivators and ninth-level monsters.Using special means, it is possible to create the effect of the ground full of resentful spirits.

With the help of the spiritual collision of the high-ranking monks on both sides, the appearance of a fierce battle was created.Immediately afterwards, under the cover of fighting, Daoist Chen Xing started to arrange the formation by himself.

Prison Immortal Formation is the large formation of Ji Xing Palace, and the required materials, spirit stones, manpower and material resources are countless.In order to capture the envoy once, the monster and the monk almost spent all their money.

Xu Miao got the permission of Daoist Chen Xing, and was fortunate to follow Daoist Chen Xing to observe the entire process of setting up the Immortal Immortal Formation.Xu Miao's enlightenment of the formation method started from the monks of Ji Xing Temple.

Later, after gaining Bai Yan's experience in formations, it can be said that Xu Miao's study of formations was completely in the same way as Ji Xingdian.Therefore, Xu Miao was able to clearly understand the other party's intentions by following Daoist Chen Xing.

Xu Miao's talent in formation is even higher than that of Ji Xingdian's disciples.Even the joints of the formation that Bai Yan could not penetrate for a while, Xu Miao was able to understand instantly.

After the entire Immortal Immortal Formation was set up, Xu Miao's knowledge of formation became more profound.In terms of understanding of the formation, it may not be as good as most of the disciples of Ji Xingdian.

But just give Xu Miao enough time to study a formation that he has never seen before.He will be faster than any disciple of Ji Xingdian, study a formation thoroughly, and even break the formation.

Everything is ready, waiting for you to enter the urn.A ninth-level monster personally invited the envoy and told him that the battle had entered a fierce stage, and countless resentful spirits were floating above the battle.

The envoy is just a doppelganger, he does not have the consciousness to detect the truth of what the monster said.Guessing that the monsters have always respected him, they took it for granted that the inferior creatures in the lower plane would not, and would not dare to deceive him.

He confidently followed the monster to the battlefield.In the sky, he really found the wraiths. Countless wraiths were flying in mid-air, and the surrounding area was in a mess. Fierce battles had indeed erupted.

The envoy gave the monster a satisfied look, descended into the air, and began to collect the wraiths.But when the envoy stepped into the range of the Immortal Immortal Formation, he felt a strong sense of crisis.

This sense of crisis is the sense of crisis that he had when he encountered life and death dangers when he was in the upper plane in the past.Beside him still stood the reverent monster, and the wraith was floating and flying.

He looked around and indeed found nothing unusual.Caution finally prevailed, the envoy summoned the monsters around him, and ordered them to use a special magic weapon to collect the resentful spirits, and he was about to leave immediately.

"My lord, where are you going?" A ninth-level monster appeared out of thin air, blocking the opponent's way.Immediately after the appearance of the ninth-level monster, there was also the cultivator of Huashen.All the escape routes of the general were strictly blocked.

Daoist Chen Xing fluctuated rapidly on the formation plate, Immortal Immortal Formation was activated immediately, and the sound of "buzzing" appeared slowly, Immortal Prison Formation finally showed its strongest power in front of everyone.

"You despicable creatures, you actually plot against me!" The envoy was furious, his voice full of overwhelming anger.

A ninth-level monster disdainfully said: "It's just a clone without any mana, and it's really ridiculous to pretend to be there." Hearing this, the envoy's expression changed suddenly, and a trace of panic flashed in his eyes.

Xu Miao, who was hiding in the dark, showed a triumphant smile when she saw the other party's performance.He also signaled what the ninth-level monster said just now.

When the other party is furious, if you say such a thing, the other party will give the most instinctive reaction immediately without hiding it.The panic in the envoy's eyes just now has proved that the other party really has no magic power.

What the envoy relies on is only the three magic powers.It's not that the other party's scheming is not deep, but he didn't pay attention to the creatures of the lower plane, arrogantly thinking that the creatures of the lower plane are despicable and stupid.

Too conceited, so he defended suddenly, and was finally trapped by Xu Miao and others.The root cause is that the envoy underestimated the enemy too much.

"Don't you guys want to open the ascension channel?" The envoy grasped the point that the ninth-level monster was most concerned about, and said firmly.

It's a pity that no one took care of him.Monster beasts and human monks, according to the established strategy, began to besiege and kill the envoy.The envoy flipped his hands over and took out the last mana, and raised his chin.

"If you are not afraid of death, just come up, and you will know the effect of the release of this magic power." The initial panic in the eyes of the envoy has passed away, and he is still arrogant.

To his surprise, the monster and the cultivator took out mana at the same time, which was exactly the same as the mana in his hand.Until now, the envoy didn't know that since the monster beast asked him for the second magic power, he had already fallen into the other party's trap.

Step by step they tricked themselves into the trap, really bold.He is a person from the upper plane, seeing the scene in front of him, how can he not guess the ins and outs.

It's just that he didn't think about it before, and now he understands everything, it's too late.In any case, he is a person from the upper plane, and being deceived by a group of inferior lower plane creatures is intolerable.

"It's absurd for human monks and monsters to join forces! Think about it clearly, as long as either party is willing to submit to the envoy, the envoy can promise you, open the ascension channel for you, and help you ascend to the upper plane!"

Compared with the cultivator of Huashen, the nine-level monster came forward to talk to the envoy, and Xu Miao came forward to achieve better results.Xu Miao tidied up her skirts and walked leisurely into the Immortal Immortal Formation.

"Are you a human or a monster?" Xu Miao looked at the other party and asked.

The envoy was puzzled: "This envoy is naturally a human being."

Xu Miao sneered and said, "Then you joined forces with monsters before, isn't it absurd in your heart? By the way, you are not a human at all, but a dog of some people on the upper plane. Don't say your identity so noble."

The god stared and was about to speak.How could Xu Miao give him a chance to interject: "Why, I was wrong. Being a dog is so serious, you can be regarded as the number one dog in the world. Isn't it, you are a dog?"

As soon as Xu Miao finished speaking, the monsters and cultivators who transformed into spirits burst into laughter. Their laughter was full of sarcasm and disdain.

"Inferior creature, who gave you the right to dare to talk to me like this! I will make it impossible for you to live or die!" The envoy was so angry that his whole body trembled, and the mana seal in his hand began to be lifted.

Xu Miao was afraid that he wouldn't be able to remove it quickly enough: "Come, come, hurry up, I want to feel it, the dog on the upper plane, and the dog on our lower plane, which dog bites is more painful."

Being taunted by a Golden Core cultivator who was the lower plane cultivator he despised the most, the envoy was completely irritated by Xu Miao and lost his mind.

The seal was lifted instantly, and violent mana roared out.Xu Miao glanced at the ninth-level monster and the cultivator who transformed the spirit. The mana seal in the hands of the ninth-level monster was released at the same time, and it hit the mana in the hand of the nine-level monster.

The cultivator of Huashen put away the magic power in his hand and threw a stream of magic power at the envoy. The other monsters, monks, including Xu Miao, disappeared within a breath.

The two mana collided crazily, and the envoy without mana could not control the collision of the two mana at all. When everything returned to calm, everything including the Chou Immortal Formation was razed to the ground.

If it wasn't for the cultivators who transformed themselves into gods, and the speed of the ninth-level monsters was fast enough, even they would have died under the impact of the two mana collisions.They are only in the stage of transforming gods, but they clearly feel the natural gap between themselves and mana.

People who can retain these three magic powers are probably several levels higher than them.Thinking of offending such a monk in the next plane, although everyone didn't say anything, they still felt anxious.

(End of this chapter)

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