Chapter 317
On the other hand, Xu Miao was not worried about these things at all.The person who emitted the magic power must be unable to come to the lower plane in person for various reasons, so he will instruct another person to come here instead.

In addition, according to ancient records, the main body cannot be shared with the thoughts of the avatar.Only when the avatar returns, can we know what happened when the avatar was away.

That being the case, as long as the avatar of the envoy does not die, the people on the upper plane will not blame them, and will only vent their anger on the avatar's body.

This is also the reason why Xu Miao must keep the life of the envoy, the life of the envoy is like a guardian card, if he does not die, the lower plane is safe and sound.

The envoy's sea of ​​consciousness was searched by monsters and monks the moment he was caught.However, they searched each other's sea of ​​consciousness and found no other useful information.

Neither the specific situation of the upper plane nor the opening of the Ascension Passage was mentioned.Only the use of the ascension channel to lure the creatures of the lower plane made the monster even more ashamed.

Xu Miao was well prepared for the current situation.Since it is a clone used to perform special tasks, in order to prevent mission failure, the main body will definitely not inform the clone of important information.

Only the information related to the task will be informed to the avatar, so in the avatar's sea of ​​knowledge, there are only things about resentful spirits, and nothing else.

But this trip was not without gains, at least the lower plane got a mana stronger than Huashen.This magic power can deal with other envoys in the future.

Xu Miao had a premonition that the arrival of this envoy meant that some monks or monsters in the upper plane had their abacus on the lower plane.

The so-called gods fight, mortals suffer.What happened to the upper face, Xu Miao is not clear, but Xu Miao can conclude that the arrival of the envoy is just the beginning of something.

It is very likely that more envoys will arrive in a short time.Come to use the resources of the lower plane to achieve some ulterior purposes.

The monks and the monsters shook hands to make peace, and the senior monks on both sides made an oath of heaven. No matter what happens, the two sides will not use swords for 500 years.If the envoy appears again, the two sides will work together to resolve it.

Before Daoist Dust Xing left, Xu Miao specifically asked the other party if he knew whether there were places with extremely high temperatures in the west land. After receiving a negative answer, Xu Miao could only put her hope of practicing Nirvana and the Wheel of Jue on the east land and middle land.

The beast tide came to an end, Xu Miao returned to Heqing Valley, and handed over all the magic weapons, exercises, and messy things that she had obtained all along to Ye Qiguang, and asked Ye Qiguang to put them in the sect.

Xu Miao also cut out a small part of the spiritual source stone and put it in the core of Heqing Valley to make spiritual source water.No one can be sure of the future situation, the only thing that can be grasped is one's own strength.

The news of Xu Miao going to the Eastern Continent soon spread throughout the entire Western Continent, and it was also known that there were teleportation circles between the various continents.Disciples of some sects had special thoughts.

Peng Tianjie simply ordered that the sect with the teleportation token send disciples to go to Donglu for training together with Xu Miao.The cultivation level of Donglu is much higher than that of Xilu, and it is a place that many monks dream of.

What's more, with Xu Miao, who is ranked fourth in strength in the lower plane, with him, some sects only hate that they are not strong enough and have not obtained the teleportation token.

Together with Xu Miao, a group of five people embarked on the teleportation formation to Donglu.The transmitted light flashed by, and a strong sense of discomfort was exerted on her body. Xu Miao used her spiritual power to eliminate it.

When this pressure disappeared, the teleportation ended, and Xu Miao had returned to Donglu.

"I still have things to do. You probably won't be willing to follow me when you come here. We will part here." After Xu Miao finished speaking, she was about to leave when a female cultivator grabbed her by the sleeve.

This female cultivator is none other than Song Siyu, the grandson of Taoist Priest Xiyue, a cultivator who transforms spirits.When Song Siyu was young, her parents died in an expedition, and Song Siyu was brought up by Taoist Xiyue.

After hearing what happened to Xu Miao in Donglu, they clamored to go to Donglu with Xu Miao.Daoist Xiyue doted on Song Siyu, and this time he couldn't refuse, so he gave Song Siyu a token and asked her to go with Xu Miao.

Xu Miao looked at Song Siyu's tearful eyes, feeling helpless: Daoist Xiyue, what kind of trouble have you caused me!
The remaining three monks, together with Xu Miao, clasped their fists and said goodbye. Only Song Siyu tugged on Xu Miao's sleeve, wanting to speak.

Xu Miao thought of Taoist Xiyue's entrustment at that time, so she had no choice but to bite the bullet and take Song Siyu with her.Daoist Xiyue didn't entrust him in vain, he gave Xu Miao 5 yuan of high-grade spirit stones, and two top-grade acquired magic weapons.

A defense treasure and a flying magic weapon, although Xu Miao thought it was given to him by Taoist Master Xiyue, it was convenient for him to take his precious granddaughter on the road.

But after all, it was picked up for nothing, so if you don't want it for nothing, just treat it as a reward for taking care of his granddaughter.After the eldest lady gets tired of it, send her back to Westland immediately.

When Xu Miao returned to West Continent, the first thing she did was to look for Master Shuimei.At that time, Xu Miao personally purchased the courtyard for Shuimei to live in.However, when Xu Miao looked for it now, she found that the building was empty.

There are four words on the wall of Shuimei's bedroom - Jun should be precious, nothing else.Xu Miao couldn't figure it out, she didn't know what happened to Shui Mei and she would leave here.

The four words on the wall were neatly written, and there was no panic. Shui Mei was clearly prepared before leaving.If it is just going to a certain secret place temporarily, it will definitely explain the cause and effect clearly, but it is not the case.

The four words left by Shui Mei are no different from saying goodbye.Xu Miao couldn't find a reason for the other party to leave without saying goodbye. Looking at the four-character cold characters, it seemed that someone had taken away a piece of her heart, feeling empty and uncomfortable.

Xu Miao put her finger on the dent, recalling how she told Shui Mei the day she met Xie Ling'an and taught Shui Mei the Wubi pose.It's just that the beautiful woman has gone, leaving regrets in vain.

Song Siyu didn't know what happened, so he comforted Xu Miao indiscriminately.Although Song Siyu didn't get to the point, it made Xu Miao feel better anyway, and she didn't feel so repelled or disgusted with bringing Song Siyu with her.

Xu Miao planned to go to the Ning'er Mountains first to complete the tasks entrusted to him by Xie Ling'an, and then to find hot and scorching places to practice the "Reincarnation Nirvana Jue".

However, as soon as he went out, he found that Zheng'an City suddenly became extremely lively.Xu Miao stopped a monk who was yelling anxiously and asked what happened.

"The Nanjing Sect's selection of elite monks for the entire Eastern Continent has begun!" Xu Miao knew about the selection of elite monks of the Nanjing Sect.The Nanjing Sect unites with other sects, and the family evaluates the monks in the entire Eastern Continent, and selects enough outstanding monks.

The Nanjing Sect once discovered a secret place that could speed up the cultivation speed.Originally, the Nanjing Sect wanted to keep it secret, but it was not known who spread it, and was known by several other sects, threatening the Nanjing Sect to share resources, otherwise the entire Eastern Continent would know about it.

At that time, the head of the Nanjing Sect was an extremely decisive person.He knew that if this matter was not handled properly, it would put Nanjing Sect at a disadvantage, and the other party would keep threatening the sect with answers.

So the head of the Nanjing Sect simply announced the matter to the public, and all the Donglu monks knew about it.And at the same time, the Nanjing Sect issued a notice that the Nanjing Sect will hold the selection of elite monks, and as long as the monks who pass the selection can enter the secret place to practice.

Nanjing Sect's desperate counterattack made several major sects suffer, so they could only honestly send disciples to participate in the selection of monks.

Although most of the places to enter the secret place are occupied by sects and families, there will still be exceptionally good casual cultivators who will occupy a few places.

Since the Nanjing Sect held the selection of elite monks, there has been no such thing as forcibly excluding casual cultivators, and they are treated equally.With the support of many parties, the selection of elite monks has proceeded smoothly until now.

I met Wang Hong outside the city before, and it was convenient for me to participate in the selection of elite monks.According to the time, Xu Miao made a trip back to Westland halfway, which took a long time.

It doesn't make sense that the selection of elite monks continues until now.And from what the monk said just now, the selection has just begun.

Confused, Xu Miao stopped another monk and asked why.The monk spoke extremely fast, chattering a lot, and ran away without caring whether Xu Miao understood or not.

Xu Miao sorted out the content of what the other party said, and finally figured out the reason.The Nanjing Sect announced to the outside world that there were some problems in the sect, and the selection of monks was temporarily delayed.

And in order to appease the monks, he promised that the number of monks selected this time would increase from the original fifty to one hundred.This also means that the number of monks who can enter the secret place has doubled. Therefore, this elite selection has made many monks eager to move.

Those monks who had been blocked from the selection gate were even more excited and excited, and praised the behavior of Nanjing Sect, but Xu Miao smelled something unusual from it.

If it is just a postponement, but not a cancellation, there is absolutely no need to use double the quota to compensate the monks.In addition, the delay time of Nanjingzong was too strange, it happened to be the time when Xilu met the envoy.

Xu Miao had guessed before that the arrival of the West Land Envoy was not the end, but a beginning.It seems that not only Xilu met the so-called envoy, but even Donglu also met the envoy, so it is very likely that Zhonglu also met the envoy.

Nanjing Sect's initiative to propose a quota of [-] must have something to do with the arrival of the envoy.The envoys here will definitely have various means, and there will definitely be no shortage of similar mana.

Xu Miao kept the magic power of the Taoist priest in Xilu, as a means for Xilu to suppress the bottom of the box.If he had that magical power, Xu Miao would sneak into the Nanjing sect directly to test the envoy.

In the current situation, Xu Miao can only go to participate in the selection of elite monks to know what kind of medicine this so-called envoy is selling in the gourd.

(End of this chapter)

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