Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 318 First round of screening

Chapter 318 First round of screening

Following the direction of the flow of people, Xu Miao walked to the place where the elite monks were selected and registered.A quaint wooden table, with a banner inscribed "Elite monks are selected to save their lives", and two monks formed a simple registration office.

Two monks wearing uniform Taoist robes of the Nanjing Sect sat on both sides of the wooden table.The monks who signed up took the initiative to line up in two teams, one by one, put their hands on a stone on the wooden table, and channeled their spiritual power.

The stone will automatically judge the level of spiritual power based on the spiritual power input by the monk.From one to ten, one is the worst and ten is the highest. Only those with a grade of six or above are eligible to sign up.

In front of the Nanjing sect monks, most of the monks quietly input their spiritual power.Even if the obtained spiritual power judgment level does not reach six, no one dares to say anything at will.

However, there are always some who don't wink.A tall man eight feet tall, with well-developed muscles, pressed his hands the size of a bear's paw on the stone, bringing out a gust of palm.

After the spiritual power was transferred, the light emitted by the stone was extremely dim, and after a flash, the words of two were displayed.Since the registration began, no monk had such a low level of spiritual power.

The monks around snickered, and the big man blushed, ready to attack.Before the spiritual power was released, he was subdued by the monk in charge of Nanjing sect and thrown aside.

"Brother, what do you think my spiritual power level will be?" Song Siyu asked, tilting her head and tangling her hair around her temples with her fingers.When Xu Miao heard this, the veins on her forehead twitched, who is your senior brother, the master did not accept disciples!

Xu Miao casually said, "Just try it and you'll know." Song Siyu waited to ask again, when he heard a loud exclamation from the crowd.

"Level nine! The spiritual power of level nine has appeared!"

"This person looks young, I didn't expect to be so powerful!"

"Young, with a sword on his back, and a high level of spiritual power, could he be Xu Miao?" The monk's guess was more eye-catching than the judged level nine spiritual power.

Although level nine spiritual power is rare, there are always such monks in every selection of elite monks.Among the at least fifty monks who entered the secret place, most of them are monks with ninth-level spiritual power.

But Xu Miao was different. No western monk could overwhelm all the eastern monks. Even Qiao Ye, the most outstanding Nanjing sect, had to be inferior to Xu Miao.

"Is he Xu Miao?"

"In my opinion, it's unlikely!"


There are all kinds of guesses. Although Xu Miao is well-known, there is no information such as portraits, so most monks can only rely on word of mouth.

For the appearance of a young man, the magic weapon is a sword with outstanding strength. This is the characteristic of Xu Miao summed up by the monk Donglu. It looks almost the same as the characteristics displayed by this monk with nine-level spiritual power.

The two monks of the Nanjing Sect also showed interest. After all, a monk with a ninth-level spiritual power is almost among those who are scheduled to enter the secret place.

The two of them did not participate in the mission to support the seaside city, so they did not meet Xu Miao.Seeing a similar monk, they, like everyone else, also wanted to know the identity of this person.

However, what the monk said next was beyond everyone's expectations: "Cultivator, Zhong Zhou." As soon as the words fell, all the monks nearby expressed disappointment.

"So it's not Xu Miao!"

"Cut—it really made me excited in vain."

"That's right, I didn't even make it to the list of planar monks, I'm disappointed!
A trace of anger flashed across Zhong Zhou's face, he turned to look at the monks and said, "I will be on the list soon."

Cultivators with qualified spiritual power need to stand aside and wait for all qualified monks to arrive before heading to Nanjing Sect together.After Zhong Zhou finished speaking, he stepped aside, closed his eyes, and ignored the other monks.

"Brother, were they talking about you just now?" Song Siyu asked via voice transmission, and Xu Miao nodded.When Song Siyu arrived, Xu Miao patted Song Siyu's back lightly, signaling him to input spiritual power.

A number eight appeared in everyone's eyes. Although it was not as shocking as nine, the succession of monks with high-quality spiritual power was enough to make people look sideways.

"Your name, where did you come from?"

According to what Xu Miao told her, Song Siyu said: "Cultivator, Song Siyu." Song Siyu followed the instructions of the Nanjing sect monk and walked aside, waiting for Xu Miao to come.

Xu Miao walked to the wooden table and put her palm on the stone.He circulated his spiritual power, instead of pouring all the spiritual power into the stone at one time, he transported it slowly.

The monks before Xu Miao sent all their spiritual power at once, waiting for the level of the stone to appear.Xu Miao carefully controlled the spiritual power, waiting for the level to appear.

The stone flashed light, first showing a five-character.

"It's a pity that this monk is only at the fifth level. If it is higher, he will have a chance to enter the list."

"The level of spiritual power can be high if you say it is high. You think you have to eat, and if you say eat more, eat more."

Song Siyu looked at Xu Miao in surprise. She couldn't believe that Xu Miao's spiritual power was only at level five. She covered her slightly opened mouth with her hand.

The monk of the Nanjing sect was about to let Xu Miao let go and let the next monk come forward, when the grade number on the stone changed, and a six-character appeared.

"Hey! This guy is really, really got to the sixth level by him, what luck!"

"Even if this is the case, he will be picked out in the first round."

Xu Miao continuously conveyed spiritual power, using different spiritual powers to feel the stone's criteria for judging the level of spiritual power.The characters on the stone changed again and became a seven characters.

Now even the two monks of the Nanjing Sect noticed Xu Miao. If it was said that level [-] became level [-], it could be interpreted as Xu Miao's luck, but now it has become seven characters, and luck can no longer be used to describe it.

"I'm sure, this person can only reach seven at most, and it can't be higher." As if to hit the monk who spoke in the face, the words on the stone continued to change, and level eight appeared, which was the same as Song Siyu's spiritual power level .

Xu Miao's complexion did not change, her hands did not let go, and her spiritual power began to strengthen.The two Nanjing sect monks sitting at the table had the most intuitive feeling because they were the closest.

They clearly found that the aura of the monk in front of him began to increase.After the number eight, the light of the stone continued to increase and become brighter, and then the number nine appeared.

"Level nine!"

"Same as Zhong Zhou just now!"

"Will he become level ten?" Some monks even began to guess the level of spiritual power that Xu Miao could eventually reach.

Up to now, Xu Miao still has enough energy left. He is sure that his spiritual power level can reach level ten.If there are more grades of stones, he can reach higher grades.

However, when Xu Miao saw that the text changed to nine, he stopped the transmission of spiritual power, allowing the number to completely stabilize at nine.

"This person still didn't reach level ten in the end."

"Level nine is already very powerful, how could level ten appear in this Zheng'an City."

"Name, origin." Nanjing Sect monk asked.

"Sanxiu, Yu Sanshui." The name Xu Miao used in Donglu before was Yu Shan.This time it was Yu Sanshui, no one would notice him.He can also take advantage of when everyone is not paying attention, to investigate clearly the purpose of Nanjing Sect.

The first round of screening for elite monks was over, and there were hundreds of monks with a spiritual power level of six in Zheng'an City.They will take a special flying magic weapon together and go to the gate of Nanjing Zong.

A group of people sat on the huge flying magic weapon and flew directly towards the location of Nanjing Sect.Seeing a completely different situation from Xilu, Song Siyu excitedly walked up and down on the flying magic weapon.

Xu Miao didn't bother with her either. He could only send Song Siyu back when the eldest lady got tired of playing and offered to return to Westland.Song Siyu's delicate appearance and outstanding strength quickly attracted the attention of several monks.

These monks are all excellent disciples of the families in Zheng'an City. Although their spiritual power level is not as good as Song Siyu's, they all think that the strength of the family is more important.

Zheng'an City is still a few days' flight away from Nanjing Sect. They plan to take Song Siyu down at this time. It is best for Song Siyu to follow them willingly.

If you don't get the Nanjing Sect, you will look down on them when you see more outstanding monks.Several male cultivators exchanged glances, and after discussing through sound transmission, they approached Song Siyu.

The monks of the Nanjing Sect noticed this and quickly turned their heads away.They will be responsible for the safety of the monks. As for what the monks do, as long as the reputation of Nanjing Sect is not damaged, they will not interfere.

Xu Miao also discovered this when several male cultivators approached Song Siyu.Xu Miao could know what kind of nasty thoughts the men's seminary had on his knees.

But he didn't rush to act. After all, the other party didn't really do anything, and it was not appropriate to make a rash move.Song Siyu was still looking at the surrounding environment excitedly, completely oblivious to the approach of the monks around him.

Song Siyu was raised by Daoist Xiyue as a baby. She has never experienced all the intrigues and scrambles among the monks, and she is still as clean as a piece of white paper.

"The fairy's spiritual power level is so high, can you teach me how to cultivate normally?" A male cultivator stood on Song Siyu's left side and asked sincerely.

Hesitation flashed across Song Siyu's face. Her grandfather told her not to easily tell outsiders about the exercises they practiced, but the other party was so sincere that it was hard for anyone to refuse.

"Fairy, don't worry about him, that bastard is very stupid. Even if I tell him now, he won't be able to cultivate. Fairy is powerful. I have more skills here. Are you interested in thinking about it?"

"Fairy, my father is the lord of Zheng'an City. If he and I become a couple of monks, all the resources of Zheng'an City will be available to Fairy. What does Fairy think?"

Only now did Song Siyu know the purpose of these people in front of her. She was very angry, and no one would ever speak lightly of her!

(End of this chapter)

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