Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 319 Bullying Song Siyu

Chapter 319 Bullying Song Siyu
Song Siyu raised his hand and threw out a white ribbon, hitting the male cultivator closest to her.Although Song Siyu is ignorant of the world, her cultivation was taught by Taoist Xiyue herself.

Even a fool can learn a thing or two, let alone the grandson of a cultivator who transforms himself.Song Siyu's blow directly knocked the male cultivator back again and again.

"Bitch, you dare to do something to me! Do you know who I am!" The male cultivator who spoke was Lu Ji, the son of the city lord of Zheng'an city. Fu is used to it.

As long as it is a female cultivator he likes, he will find a way to get it back.Seeing Song Siyu who was traveling with him this time, no matter the other party's appearance or strength, it made him feel itchy.

When Xu Miao heard this, her face darkened, and she slapped Lu Ji with her raised hand.Crisp and loud, a bright red palm print appeared on Lu Ji's face.

"Who the fuck did I—" Before Lu Ji finished speaking, Xu Miao slapped her backhand again.Lu Ji's left and right cheeks, one palm print on each side, are very symmetrical.

"Didn't your mother teach you how to speak?" Xu Miao said coldly, and before Lu Ji answered, she continued, "Looking at you, it doesn't look like someone taught you. Since no one taught you, I will Teach you instead of your mother!"

Xu Miao raised her hand, and a sharp spiritual force passed towards Lu Ji's arm.Xu Miao's speed was too fast, Lu Ji had no time to dodge, and was hit by spiritual power.

A deep and long wound was cut on the arm immediately, and the white bones were exposed to the air.Lu Ji only felt the pain at this time, and yelled out loudly.

The people with Lu Ji saw that Xu Miao was like a demon, and they didn't dare to approach Xu Miao at all.Song Siyu ran back behind Xu Miao, grabbed Xu Miao's hand, and refused to let go for a long time.

"You hit me, but you dare to hit me! I'll never end with you!" Lu Ji said, taking out a bunch of talismans that his father gave him.Just when Lu Ji was about to throw out the talisman, Xu Miao sneered and didn't do anything.

Xu Miao was sure that the monks of the Nanjing Sect would make a move. Although he did it just now, it would not have any effect on the flying treasure.As long as Xu Miao didn't kill Lu Ji on the spot, it was just a few wounds, they wouldn't care at all.

Lu Ji was different. What he took out were extremely aggressive sixth-level talisman seals and seventh-level talisman seals.These talismans are not one or two, but a whole stack.

Detonate them all at once, and the entire flying magic weapon will be affected.The two of them are just inner disciples of the Nanjing Sect. They came out this time to perform tasks within the sect and earn sect contribution points.

If a cultivator broke the sect's flying magic weapon under the impulsiveness of the sect, the two disciples could bear the blame.Not to mention the contribution value that would come from completing the task, they would definitely be punished by the sect, and they would even have to pay out of their own pockets to repair the magic weapon.

Therefore, they would never sit back and watch Lu Ji detonate the talisman.Two monks shot at the same time, one controlled Lu Ji, and the other snatched the talisman from Lu Ji's hand.

"The territory of the Nanjing Sect, how can it be so presumptuous!" Before Lu Ji could react, the monks of the Nanjing Sect took the lead in attacking.Although everyone is only on the flying magic weapon, strictly speaking, it also belongs to the territory of Nanjing Sect.

On the territory of the Nanjing Sect, if you act recklessly, you will be under the jurisdiction of the monks of the Nanjing Sect.This principle makes sense wherever you go.

Lu Ji was upset, and complained loudly: "That guy slapped me twice and gave me such a long wound, why don't you care about it!"

The Nanjing Sect monk frowned, very impatient.In their eyes, Lu Ji is just the son of the city lord, far less important than Xu Miao, who has the ninth level of spiritual power.

"Presumptuous! The Nanjing sect monks do things, and you don't need to criticize them!" One of the monks heard Lu Ji's words, and his anger surged.

Lu Ji is not stupid. Seeing the expression of the Nanjing sect monk, he knows not to mess with him.He turned the point of attack: "As long as I don't do anything harmful to Nanjing Sect, you won't interfere with me, right?"

A Nanjing sect monk nodded irritably, stepped aside, and continued to stare at Lu Ji.Xu Miao looked at Lu Ji sarcastically, not even looking straight in the eye, which made Lu Ji even more angry.

When he was interrupted by a monk from the Nanjing Sect just now, he also realized that he was no match for this person.Since you are not an opponent, find someone who is this person's opponent.

"Zhong Zhou, since you are a casual cultivator, how about I hire you at a high price to help me teach this person a lesson?" Lu Ji set his target on Zhong Zhou, who also has a ninth-level spiritual power.

Zhong Zhou's wealth is relatively poor, and he was really moved when he heard Lu Ji say so.He also wanted to compete with that person named Yu Sanshui, and wanted to know how strong he was.

Xu Miao watched the two of them discussing the price with cold eyes. Song Siyu was very worried and said in a low voice, "Brother, did I cause you trouble?"

Xu Miao glanced at Song Siyu with tears in her eyes, as pitiful as she could be.Xu Miao suddenly understood why Taoist Xiyue doted on this little granddaughter so much.

His other hand that was not held by Song Siyu's sleeve, patted her head reassuringly, and comforted, "Don't worry, it has nothing to do with you."

Zhong Zhou and Lu Ji finished discussing the price, walked up to Xu Miao, and put on a fighting posture.Xu Miao didn't even lift her eyelids: "Did I say I wanted to fight you?" Zhong Zhou blushed when he heard this, a little at a loss.

"How many spirit stones did he give you to buy my life?"

"...5000 yuan for high-grade spirit stones." Zhong Zhou hesitated for a moment before answering.

Xu Miao was amused, 5000 yuan top-grade spirit stones wanted to buy his life.If Wang Hong was here, that expression must be wonderful.If he told everyone his real name, someone would offer the price of 5000 million yuan just to kill Xu Miao.

"Lu Ji, my life is only worth 5000 yuan of high-grade spirit stones? When this flying magic weapon arrives at the Nanjing Sect, ask others how many spirit stones are needed to buy a monk with nine-level spiritual power."

"Your father was a hero all his life, and the biggest flaw is that he was so stingy when he gave birth to you." Xu Miao said disdainfully.

Lu Ji really couldn't bear it: "Then how much do you think you are worth?"

"At least 10 yuan of high-grade spirit stones." Xu Miao just thought that his recent net worth was not rich enough. Last time, he got 20 pieces of high-grade spirit stones from Wang Hong and gave 10 yuan to the sect.

Now he only has 10 yuan left, no matter what, he has to find a way to earn back 10 yuan of spirit stones, otherwise he will be sorry for himself.

"It's just you? A middle-stage Golden Core cultivator with ninth-level spiritual power is worth 10 yuan in top-grade spiritual stones!" Lu Ji disagreed.

"Of course a middle-stage Golden Core cultivator with ninth-level spiritual power is not worth it. With these 10 yuan top-grade spiritual stones, do you think it's worth it?" Xu Miao threw out a storage bag, opened the bag, and everyone was in awe. Anyone with knowledge can detect the contents inside, and it is indeed a full 10 yuan.

"This man is so rich!"

"10 yuan of high-grade spirit stones, this is not what a casual cultivator should have!"

"It's possible, don't you forget, his spiritual power level is nine! Behind him, there must be a great monk in the late Nascent Soul. 10 yuan of high-grade spirit stones is a large amount in our eyes, but it is just Just sprinkle water!"

Xu Miao squinted at Lu Ji: "10 yuan of high-grade spirit stones, bet or not, if you win me, 10 yuan will belong to you, if you want to kill or cut, it's up to you."

"If you lose, you will give 10 yuan of high-grade spirit stones, do you dare to bet?" Xu Miao looked at Lu Ji, "Of course, it doesn't matter if you don't dare, as long as you kneel down and face my junior sister Kowtow to apologize, I will not pursue the previous matter."

Under Xu Miao's few words, Xu Miao erased the fact that he took the initiative to teach Lu Ji, leaving only the original Lu Ji's rude words to Song Siyu.

Lu Ji's thoughts were completely led by Xu Miao. Under such circumstances, how could he be willing to kowtow and apologize.Lu Ji gathered the details from his friends, and collected 10 yuan of high-grade spirit stones.

"Zhong Zhou will fight you, remember your promise just now!" Lu Ji pointed at Xu Miao.

Xu Miao said lazily: "Of course, I mean what I say." After saying that, the two of them threw the storage bag to the mast of the flying magic weapon and hung it up.

Zhong Zhou slowly pulled out the sword that was carried on his back. He is a sword repairman, so he would naturally regard the sword as his natal magic weapon.Xu Miao just stood there with her arms tied, without taking out any magic weapon.

The characteristics of Ningwu Sword and Nirvana Sword were too obvious, Xu Miao didn't want to reveal his identity so quickly, so he didn't choose to use swords, but confronted with bare hands.

"Don't you use magic weapon?" Zhong Zhou asked doubtfully.

Xu Miao shook her head and said calmly, "I don't have a magic weapon." Lu Ji was overjoyed when he heard that.Zhong Zhou is a sword cultivator, and his combat power is higher than that of ordinary law cultivators. In addition, Yu Sanshui has no magic weapon yet, so his chances of winning are even greater.

Zhong Zhou's strength is really extraordinary, every move contains sword intent.Although this sword intent is not sharp enough or strong enough, it is extremely difficult to reach this level in the middle stage of Jindan.

The other party is just a casual cultivator. If there is an excellent master to teach him, he will definitely be able to take a step forward.Xu Miao's thoughts were racing, and she challenged Zhong Zhou.

In the eyes of outsiders, it was Zhong Zhou who had the upper hand, and Xu Miao could barely resist.Only Zhong Zhou knew that his opponent did not regard him as an opponent at all.

Every trick is perfunctory and not taken seriously.Zhong Zhou was upset and emotionally unstable, and his sword moves were affected.Before Zhong Zhou noticed it, Xu Miao had already felt it.

"Meditate!" Xu Miao suddenly uttered, startling a group of onlookers.It was only at this time that Zhong Zhou realized that his sword heart was not stable, which led to mistakes in sword moves.

A swordsman with excellent talent should not stop here.Xu Miao used her hand as a sword to meet Zhong Zhou.Although he didn't have a sword in his hand, in Zhong Zhou's eyes, Xu Miao's hand had completely turned into an unstoppable sharp sword.

(End of this chapter)

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