Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 321 Breakthrough blocked

Chapter 321 Breakthrough blocked
The lowest ranking on the jade tablet began to flicker wildly, and the flickering names seemed to be contagious, quickly infecting the names above.

"Damn it, am I hallucinating? Why does the name on the jade tablet start to flicker as soon as this person's spiritual power is input into the spirit test stone!"

"You didn't have hallucinations, this person is too scary. The name on the jade tablet flashed faster than Qiao Ye just now!"

"It's already fifty! This person's ranking is still rising, and he doesn't seem to be stopping at all!"



"Twenty, the top ten! This person broke into the top ten!"

The movement on Xu Miao's side attracted everyone's attention, and even some monks who had already entered the Nanjing Sect came out one after another just to see this scene.

The spiritual power of Xu Miao's whole body has been running to the extreme, and he feels as if there is a strange force in the measuring spirit stone, trying to push his spiritual power out.Xu Miao just doesn't believe in evil. You won't let my spiritual power in, but I still want to.

His spiritual power surged wildly, aimed at the strange power inside the Lingshi, and crushed it fiercely.At the same moment, Xu Miao opened the meridians and pores of her whole body, and began to absorb the aura of heaven and earth from the outside world.

I can't crush you!Xu Miao's mind was so firm, what he was sure of was that even ten cultivators who transformed into spirits couldn't pull him back, let alone just a broken rock.

He condensed spiritual power into the shape of a sharp sword, strengthening the attack power of spiritual power.Xu Miao has already regarded that strange power as an opponent. He has never been afraid of a difficult opponent!

A group of people stared dumbfounded at the aura of heaven and earth around Xu Miao continuously pouring into Xu Miao's body. The muscles of Xu Miao's whole body tensed up, as if they were competing with the measuring spirit stone.

Under the tug-of-war between the two sides, although the rising momentum of Xu Miao's name has slowed down, it is still rising steadily.

No. 8, No. 7, No. 6, No. 5!
"My God, this person has entered the top five!" Xu Miao crushed the name on the jade tablet for an unknown number of years, and finally attracted the attention of a group of high-ranking monks.

The Nanjing Sect, Fengzemen, Jieshilou, Ye Family, Wang Family, Chen Family, almost all famous families and great families came to the gate of the Nanjing Sect to witness things that have never happened in thousands of years .

"I seem to be witnessing the happening of history..." a monk muttered to himself.

As a creator of history, Xu Miao turned a deaf ear to what was happening around her.He was immersed in the game with the strange power in the spirit stone.

All the objects in the dantian were mobilized, and if Xu Miao hadn't been able to suppress them, all these objects would be externalized instantly, bursting out with strong power.

"Fourth, third, No.2!"

"It's only one place lower than Xie Lingan, will he surpass Xie Lingan?"

"Impossible. Who is Xie Ling'an? He is an existence that has never been seen before or since. How could he be surpassed by this casual cultivator who doesn't know his origins?"

"My senior brother will definitely surpass that Xie Ling'an!" Song Siyu heard someone denying Xu Miao, turned his head, clenched a pair of pink fists, and said firmly.

That strange force is too strong, Xu Miao has not defeated him until now.If others reach this point, they usually choose to give up.

But Xu Miao was never someone who gave up easily, he never gave up.Whether it was the meridians troubled by the special spiritual root, or later, an accident occurred in refining the law of heaven and earth, and he fought alone with the black-backed wolf in the secret realm...

All of these things, what Xu Miao has experienced and suffered are not enough to be understood by outsiders.It was so difficult, Xu Miao would not give up at the moment of narrow escape, let alone a strange stone in front of her.

Xu Miao's arrogance rose sharply, the momentum of his whole body continued to increase, and the speed of his spiritual power became faster and faster, faster than the maximum speed that Xu Miao could ever achieve.

The mountain gate of Nanjing Sect is naturally a place with extremely strong aura of heaven and earth.However, the place where the spiritual power is so strong was also wiped out by Xu Miao.

All the spiritual energy in the vicinity poured into Xu Miao's body, pushing Xu Miao's cultivation base to continuously climb upwards.Xu Miao understood that now she took advantage of the opportunity of testing the spirit stone to start to advance.

Any monk who advances will take the initiative to find a safe and quiet place.But Xu Miao didn't have much time, and he held his breath in his heart, and he must kill that strange force.

Therefore, he did not stop the process of advancing, but began to actively absorb the aura around him to push himself to advance.

"This person is actually advancing?"

"No one has ever advanced in testing spirit stones, he must be too courageous!"

"It's more than courageous, this person's mentality is simply perverted."

"Isn't he afraid that someone will take action and interrupt his advancement?"

The monks on the ground commented, and the expressions on the faces of the monks standing high in the sky are unpredictable.The monks below don't know it, but they all know it.

The person who created the history of the selection of elite monks and is advancing in the spirit stone test is none other than Xu Miao!Although they don't know enough about Xu Miao's temperament, they still know a thing or two.

That person can't do anything, the only thing is that he disobeyed Zhenjun Shuimei's order last time and let casual cultivators enter the city first.When everyone thought that he would follow into the city, he actually took the initiative to stay and together with True Monarch Shuimei, cut off the heir for other monks.

Xu Miao's mind, they have lived for thousands of years, they can't guess what this young monk with a lifespan of only a few hundred years is thinking.

Among the monks from Fengzemen, Ding Ou happened to be present.The so-called meeting of enemies makes one extremely jealous.Xu Miao repeatedly slapped her in the face. She was unable to teach Xu Miao because of the presence of Shuimei Zhenjun.

This time, without Zhenjun Shuimei protecting him, she wants to see who can stop her from doing it.Ding Ou took advantage of everyone's inattention and shot out a burst of mana.

When Xu Miao advanced, she dispersed all her spiritual consciousness and kept an eye on the outside world.He is an extremely cautious person, let alone when he meets himself and starts to advance.

He felt a murderous mana coming, and everyone's mana had its own unique aura. As soon as Xu Miao sensed it, he knew that it was Ding Ou who did it.

One hand was placed on the spirit stone, and the other hand was hanging by the side.Ding Ou's attack is nothing more than recognizing his identity, and he no longer needs to use his talisman in order to hide his identity.

The Ningwu Sword appeared instantly, facing the mana: "Ding Ou, you dead old woman, you will always hide behind and make dirty tricks. You are not afraid that Li Annan will find you to settle accounts after knowing this."

"Xu Miao, you didn't die that day outside the seaside city, today is your death day!"

When a group of people saw Wu Ningjian and heard Ding Ou's words, who could still figure out that the person who was making history in front of him was not a nameless casual cultivator at all, but Xu Miao.

"So it's Xu Miao!"

"No wonder there is such strength!"

"From this point of view, there is no wrong record in the list of plane monks. Xu Miao is indeed better than Qiao Ye!"

Qiao Ye who heard this from the side, his face that was already sinking like water became even uglier.Just before, he was full of pride, looked down on Xu Miao, and looked down on the list of plane monks.

The current self, looking at the names on the jade stele spiritual power list, is so dazzling.Measuring spirit stones to detect spiritual power has nothing to do with cultivation, it only detects the purity of spiritual power.

But many monks know that the higher the cultivation level, the higher the purity of spiritual power.Although this height is not much higher, it will have a slight impact on the ranking.

Therefore, the consensus reached by everyone is that only Jindan monks can participate in the selection of elite monks, and only Jindan monks can test their spiritual power by testing spirit stones to minimize the gap.

As for Xu Miao, when he was still in the middle stage of Jindan, his level of spiritual power was already ranked second, only lower than Xie Lingan.Back then when Xie Ling'an tested his spiritual power, it was at the later stage of Jindan's cultivation.

If Xu Miao advances to the later stage of Golden Core, it is very likely that he will eventually surpass Xie Lingan and create a new record.The jealousy in Qiao Ye's heart was raging, it was obvious that the other party came from that barren place in Westland.

Why was he stronger than him, why did he attract everyone's attention, why did everyone admit that Xu Miao was stronger than him, whether it was the monk list of the plane or the spiritual power list of the jade tablet.

Qiao Ye was full of unwillingness in his heart. When he saw Ding Ou make a move, he felt a distorted pleasure in his heart.At that moment, how much he wished that Xu Miao could die under Ding Ou's hands.

In this case, he, Qiao Ye, would only be a little weaker than the monks in Zhonglu. As long as he worked hard enough, he would be able to surpass the monks in Zhonglu one day.When Xu Miao dies, everything about Xu Miao will be blown away by the wind.

Cultivators are the most forgetful. They will not remember a dead Jindan monk, but will remember the person who will stand at the top of the cultivation world in the future, and that is him, Qiao Ye.

Qiao Ye thought this way, and he thought that Hu Cheng, a later monk of the Nanjing Sect, would also think the same way.But he was wrong, the Nanjing Sect was responsible for the selection of elite monks, if a powerful monk like Xu Miao died in the Nanjing Sect, it would definitely not be a good thing for the Nanjing Sect.

When Ningwu Sword met Ding Ou's attack, Hu Cheng made a move and stopped Ding Ou's attack.Seeing this, Ding Ou was furious: "Hu Cheng, you actually dealt with me for a little bastard!"

Hu Cheng frowned, and was very dissatisfied with Ding Ou's attitude: "Li Daoyou, please restrain the monks under your sect." Li Annan was being sanctioned by heaven because of Ding Ou's attack on Xu Miao. To Hu Cheng's words.

Li Annan also looked at Ding Ou with an angry face, very annoyed at the other party's self-assertion, so he simply cast a silencing technique to make Ding Ou shut up.Ding Ou's mouth opened and closed, but no one knew what she wanted to say.

When everyone saw Hu Cheng, the late master monk of the Nanjing Sect, made a move, and knew the attitude of the Nanjing Sect, they didn't dare to make small moves, and they all watched Xu Miao's advancement honestly.

Xu Miao raised her eyes and glanced at Gao Kong for the last time, with a clear warning in her eyes, and then closed her eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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