Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 322 The Dealer Appears

Chapter 322 The Dealer Appears
In the past, when Xu Miao advanced, he absorbed the wind and water aura from the outside world from his left and right hands respectively.Now one of his hands is placed on the Lingshi, and only one hand is free.

Since she couldn't absorb the aura with her hands, Xu Miao changed the method and directly used her left and right feet to absorb the aura of heaven and earth.The meridians of the limbs are connected to each other, and no matter where it is absorbed from, the speed of spiritual energy absorption will not be affected.

Under Xu Miao's feet, a spiritual absorption vortex visible to the naked eye gradually formed.The vortex is constantly expanding, and the rotation speed is also increasing rapidly.

A large amount of spiritual power poured into the dantian through the legs.Xu Miao poured spiritual power into the golden core.Under the transmission of spiritual energy, the golden core slowly expanded steadily.

The petals on the Cangmu began to wither gradually, and fruits grew.Xu Miao was not surprised at all. In the middle of the advanced stage, he saw the cangmu blooming flowers, so he knew that when he advanced again, there was a great possibility that it would grow fruit.

Like the types of flowers, Xu Miao also couldn't identify the types of fruits.The fruit is different from ordinary spiritual fruits. The whole body is pink in color. It emits different colors under the illumination of the red sun and the bright moon at the same time.

The spiritual power was divided into two by Xu Miao, one part entered the golden elixir, and the other part flowed into the petals, driving the fruit to grow and ripen.When all the petals on the Cangmu withered and mature fruits were born, the size of the golden elixir was also fixed.

The golden core is about the same size as a heart, hanging high between the bright moon and the red sun, exuding a strong aura.Xu Miao's cultivation was completely stable at the late stage of Jindan, and he did not stop absorbing spiritual energy.

On the contrary, he continued to speed up the absorption of spiritual energy, and launched an impact on the strange force in the measuring spirit stone.After entering the later stage, Xu Miao's spiritual power, both in terms of purity and content, was more than twice that of the middle stage.

Xu Miao knocked down the strange force effortlessly, and the last name on the jade tablet that didn't flash -- Xie Ling'an -- finally started to flash, faster and faster.

"He did it, Xu Miao really did it!"

"I witnessed the birth of a miracle."

"Xu Miao almost trampled all our monks in the East Land under their feet."

Song Siyu waved his hands with excitement on his face, "Senior brother, you are amazing!"

Xu Miao let go of her hand on the spirit-testing stone, took a step back, and looked up at the jade stele spiritual power list. No.1 is no longer Xie Lingan, the record that has been silent for thousands of years was broken by Xu Miao.

From today onwards, the name Xu Miao leads the list of spiritual powers on the jade stele.No matter who comes later, they all need to take Xu Miao as their goal and take pride in surpassing Xu Miao.

Starting today, even the former Xie Ling'an was no longer Xu Miao's opponent.As a Westland monk, he looked down on all the Eastland monks and became an existence that they would never be able to surpass.

Starting today, Xu Miao will be mentioned together with Xie Lingan's name, and he has become one of the most promising monks to advance to God.

After the testing of the spiritual stones outside the gate of Nanjing Zong Mountain, there was no monk who could enter the list of spiritual power on the jade tablet.Even if there was, there would never be such a sensational situation as Xu Miao.

Xu Miao led Song Siyu to the square of the Nanjing Sect. The square was all paved with white marble. Xu Miao's first impression of the whole square was that he was rich and powerful.

So many white marbles, how many spirit stones are worth, Xu Miao's spiritual sense is strong, and he can calculate the price with the effort of breathing.If you have a chance, you must pick some white marble and take it away, it is not a waste of time.

Even Xihuizong is not as rich and powerful as Nanjingzong.Song Siyu had never seen such a scene before. He grabbed Xu Miao's sleeve and was amazed when he saw a scene.

Xu Miao looked at the young lady's good attitude like a tourist with a funny face. Just as he wanted Song Siyu not to wander around, he heard a voice in his ear: "It's really a bumpkin who has entered the city. People in Xilu have never seen the world. Make a fuss about everything you see.”

When Song Siyu heard this, the smile on his face froze immediately.Xu Miao's face immediately became very ugly, but it was just a little girl who came out to play, and she had to be so sarcastic, some monks were really disgusting.

Xu Miao turned around, looked at the group of people who spoke just now, and said, "Such an attitude towards strangers is the upbringing of your famous family. I really learned it today."

"What did you say? Say it again if you have the courage!" A woman standing in the middle suddenly stepped forward, pointing at Xu Miao and shouting.

"Courage?" Xu Miao sneered, obviously did not use any coercion or spiritual power, but the group of people opposite Xu Miao shuddered, "I am the most courageous person, since you want to listen, I will let you listen Be clear."

What Xu Miao said just now did not bring coercion, but the next words did bring coercion: "The upbringing of a famous family is really unflattering."

Just one sentence made the faces of the group of people in front of them turn pale, and some of them with low strength vomited blood directly.

Xu Miao repaired the knife coolly: "Not only is the upbringing unflattering, but also the strength is hard to describe—" Xu Miao's tone sounded regretful at first glance, but it was actually full of sarcasm.

Seeing Xu Miao stand up for her, Song Siyu had long forgotten the embarrassment of being ridiculed just now.With bright eyes, she stood next to Xu Miao excitedly, making faces at the person opposite.

The group of people on the opposite side looked embarrassed, Xu Miao was the focus of everyone's attention.Now someone had a dispute with Xu Miao, and the onlookers were not stingy about watching the excitement.

"You dare to confront Xu Miao, you are too courageous." A monk sighed.

"It's not courageous, I think it's just that Xu Miao is too strong, and I'm jealous."

When Xu Miao heard this, she was even more amused, and nodded her head in agreement: "My heart is higher than the sky, my life is thinner than paper, and my strength is not as good as my ambition, so it will become like this."

The monk realized that Xu Miao agreed with him, and immediately smiled.

"What are you, you dare to oppose our banker!" The female cultivator did not dare to refute Xu Miao, and could only throw anger at the cultivator who had mocked her before.

That monk was just a small sect monk who barely passed the spiritual power test, and now he realized that he was too complacent just now.Not daring to refute at all, he immediately turned and left.

The female cultivator surnamed Zhuang finally found a soft persimmon to pinch, how could she let the other party leave easily.When no one noticed, he drew out his long whip and threw it at the monk who spoke.

This whip was the blow of the female cultivator surnamed Zhuang with all her strength, without any mercy.Although the Zhuang family is not as powerful as the Ye, Wang, and Chen families, it still has some strength, which cannot be resisted by monks from small sects.

Xu Miao's expression froze, and he raised his hand and opened it. With the inspiration of spiritual power, he sucked the long whip in his hand, held it tightly, and mocked at the same time: "Not only is he not strong enough, but he also knows how to pick soft persimmons. This kind of behavior It’s so epic!”

Seeing this, the onlookers all laughed softly.They looked at the banker's group of monks with gloating eyes.Adding insult to injury is something that many monks are happy to see.

The female cultivator surnamed Zhuang screamed and shouted: "Xu Miao! Face off with the dealer, are you ready to bear the dealer's wrath?"

Xu Miao didn't answer immediately when she heard this, but just looked at the other party quietly.The female cultivator surnamed Zhuang thought that Xu Miao was afraid, so she couldn't help but triumphantly said: "Now you are begging me for mercy and becoming my slave, I can consider to spare your life."

"Forgive me?" Xu Miao laughed back angrily, looking at the eyes of the female cultivator surnamed Zhuang, as if looking at a mentally retarded person.And the group of people around the female cultivator surnamed Zhuang didn't think there was anything wrong with the female cultivator's words, they all took it for granted.

An acquaintance suddenly appeared in Xu Miao's line of sight: "Wang Hong, it's just in time, you go and help me answer the woman's words, am I ready to bear the anger of the dealer?"

Wang Hong himself was treated terribly by Xu Miao. Now that he saw a person who was also ignorant and took the initiative to provoke Xu Miao, he only hated the other person for being arrogant, so how could he take the initiative to remind him.

"Who is Daoyou Xu, of course he is ready to challenge the banker." Wang Hong smiled playfully, I'm afraid the fire wasn't big enough.

Xu Miao looked at Wang Hong with a half-smile, but just this one glance made Wang Hong shut up.What happened between Wang Hong and Xu Miao, even if the monks present didn't know everything, they knew part of it.

At that time, Wang Hong coveted the female cultivator next to Xu Miao, but Xu Miao knocked 20 high-grade spirit stones, as well as a bunch of pills and magic weapons.This is not surprising to everyone. The most surprising thing is that the Wang family did not follow up from the beginning to the end.

None of the people had heard that the Wang family had any means of revenge, as if that incident had not caught the attention of the Wang family at all.No one knew that Wang Hong was severely reprimanded on the day he returned to Wang's house.

The elder surnamed Wang from Fengze Gate was even more furious, but because of Li Annan's death order, he was not allowed to take any measures against Xu Miao, otherwise he would be punished severely.

In addition, Xu Miao had already returned to Westland at that time, and by accident, no one asked Xu Miao to blame him.The Wang family has learned to behave in front of Xu Miao, but other families have not, such as the banker in front of them.

The young man next to the female cultivator surnamed Zhuang was the one who pursued the female cultivator. Seeing that his sweetheart was being bullied by Xu Miao so much, he took a step forward and wanted to teach Xu Miao a lesson.

"Wen Daping, go and teach Xu Miao a lesson! As long as you beat Xu Miao until he can't get up, I, Zhuang Wanlian, will marry you!" Wen Daping smiled happily when he heard this. It's like killing your father and your enemy.

Xu Miao looked coldly at the actions of the monks in front of him. He really encountered a group of idiots. He even wondered how the dealer got to where he is today.

When Wen Daping was about to make a move, the real promising younger generation of the dealer rushed here.

"Under Zhuang Sihuai, I apologize to Fellow Daoist Xu on behalf of my younger sister Zhuang Wanlian, and ask Fellow Daoist Xu not to argue with my sister." Zhuang Sihuai clasped his fists, the sincerity on his face did not seem to be fake.

(End of this chapter)

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