Chapter 323

"Second brother! How could you help that Xu Miao!" Zhuang Wanlian was full of dissatisfaction, "I just said that they are bumpkins who came to the city. They are bumpkins from the west land. What did I say wrong?"

Xu Miao naturally didn't care about these, but Song Siyu was also involved.The little girl was admiring the Nanjing Sect happily. The monks of the Nanjing Sect hadn't said anything yet, but the people from the dealer suddenly jumped out.

Song Siyu was raised under the care and love of Elder Xiyue. He has never seen the darkness in the cultivation world. He is as pure as a piece of white paper. Xu Miao does not allow anyone to draw marks on this white paper under his nose. .

This is not only the entrustment of Elder Xiyue to him, but he can't even pass his own test, he can't even take care of a little girl, so what else is there to talk about.

When Zhuang Sihuai heard Zhuang Wanlian's upright words, a mouthful of old blood stuck in his chest, wishing to slap Zhuang Wanlian to death.Who is Xu Miao? Rong Hai from Fengze Sect, Fu Jia directly killed him in front of the late-stage monks of his sect.

There is also Wang Hong, the young master of the Wang family, who just teased the female cultivator next to him with words, so Xu Miao asked for 20 top-grade spirit stones, not counting the twenty attendants that Xu Miao killed at that time.

Such a malevolent star, which family is willing to take the initiative to provoke.But my sister is a no-brainer, she can't stop her, she wants to provoke Xu Miao.

Zhuang Sihuai was very worried about Xu Miao's anger, so she killed Zhuang Wanlian on the spot, and cast a silencing spell, making Zhuang Wanlian unable to speak.

"Fellow Daoist Xu, my sister is ignorant, please forgive her for being young and ignorant." Zhuang Sihuai's waist was bent so low that he almost knelt down for Xu Miao.Xu Miao just looked at Zhuang Sihuai quietly without saying a word.

Zhuang Sihuai suddenly saw Wang Hong from the corner of his eye, and he was blessed to his heart: "Fellow Daoist Xu, my sister-in-law was too impulsive, it was our dealer's fault. We are willing to take the initiative to compensate, as long as Fellow Daoist Xu doesn't pursue it."

Xu Miao was very satisfied with Zhuang Sihuai's wit and interest: "Zhuang Daoyou is a sensible person, these things like beating and killing are really too rude, and I have always disliked them."

Xu Miao's words provoked a group of monks to slander - beating, killing, rude?you don't like it?You are obviously better than anyone else. Which of the monks of the same level present is your opponent. I am afraid that even the early Yuanying monks can't beat you, okay...

Seeing the monk with a complicated face next to her, Xu Miao's mood became very good after being disturbed by Zhuang Wanlian just now.He turned his head and asked Song Siyu: "Junior Sister Song, they offended you just now, how much do you think the compensation should be?"

Song Siyu was born with no worries about food and clothing, and he didn't know the concept of Lingshi.But when she was on the flying magic weapon, she saw with her own eyes that Xu Miao asked for 10 yuan for top-grade spirit stones.

This banker seems to be richer than the son of the city lord, so it shouldn't be too much for her to ask for 10 yuan for high-grade spirit stones.

Zhuang Sihuai looked at Song Siyu expectantly. This Song Siyu looked innocent and probably wouldn't open his mouth like a lion.If there were only a few hundred spirit stones, it would be difficult for Xu Miao to refute directly.

What Zhuang Sihuai never expected, he thought Song Siyu was naive, rolled his eyes, and gave a number that shocked everyone's jaws: "Just give me 20 high-grade spirit stones."

Zhuang Sihuai was stunned on the spot, Xu Miao almost looked up to the sky and laughed.As expected of the junior sister recognized by Xu Miao, she is very knowledgeable about the general situation and knows how to advance and retreat.At this time, it is time to severely blackmail them.

Seeing Zhuang Sihuai showing a smile that was uglier than crying, Xu Miao's smile was very bright.

"Xu Daoyou, Junior Sister Song may not know much about Lingshi's market—"

Before Zhuang Sihuai finished speaking, he was interrupted by Song Siyu: "Junior Sister Song, I don't know you very well, don't try to get involved, it will be misunderstood."

"Isn't that right, Senior Brother?" Song Siyu raised his head and looked at Xu Miao excitedly, begging for praise.Xu Miao touched the other person's head to encourage him.

Zhuang Sihuai showed a embarrassed expression: "20 high-grade spirit stones, the amount is too large, we won't be able to get so many out for a while."

Wang Hong was unhappy when he saw Zhuang Sihuai bargaining.This Zhuang Sihuai actually wanted to bargain. When he was suppressed by Xu Miao, he didn't dare to bargain.

"Friend Zhuang Daoist, the Zhuang family is a powerful family after all. It's a joke that they refused to take out 20 high-grade spirit stones. Just like my young master, I took it out happily."

Although Wang Hong just wanted to find someone as unlucky as him, but to Xu Miao, it was no less than a god assist.With the pressure of the young patriarch of the Wang family, it was difficult for Zhuang Sihuai to reduce the number of spirit stones.

"If you can't get it out for a while—" Xu Miao said suddenly, and Zhuang Sihuai looked at Xu Miao expectantly, "I don't want to make things difficult for others. You write an IOU and then write down the interest, and I can give you time to forgive me." .”

"I don't know how to calculate the interest?" Zhuang Sihuai saw the smile on the corner of Xu Miao's mouth, and suddenly felt a chill in his back.

"It's very simple, 20% interest per day, 2 yuan, if you delay for one day, you will pay me 4 more high-grade spirit stones, and if you delay for two days, you will pay me [-] more high-grade spirit stones."

"Have you decided whether to pay in full today or later? If you think about it for a while, I don't mind, but I'm busy. If you can't find me, you still have to pay the interest."

"Pay, pay, pay, I'll pay it now. I don't need any interest, and I'll find someone to raise spirit stones immediately. The 20 high-grade spirit stones will be handed over to Fellow Daoist Xu in their entirety." Zhuang Sihuai heard Xu Miao's interest calculation changed her expression.

According to Xu Miao's calculation method, if the other party hides and disappears, where can he go to find Xu Miao and give these spirit stones.Zhuang Sihuai never thought that one day he would rush to give people the spirit stone.

When Zhuang Wanlian saw that Zhuang Sihuai had agreed to Xu Miao's 20 top-grade spirit stones in this way, her eyes were tearing apart.But she was under the silencing spell by Johns, so she could only shake her head and twist her whole body, trying to break free from the attendant who was controlling her.

Zhuang Sihuai almost used up his own storage bags, as well as the storage bags of his attendants, and he could barely scrape together 10 yuan of high-grade spirit stones.He turned his attention to Zhuang Wanlian again, and persuaded Zhuang Wanlian to take out all the spirit stones with good words.

How could Zhuang Wanlian nod and kept shaking her head.Zhuang Sihuai glanced at Xu Miao, who was beside him with a calm expression, and secretly hated him.He was well aware of the terrifying strength behind such a harmless face.

He once fought against Fu Jia, tried his best, and only got a draw with Fu Jia.And the heat in front of him could be killed by Fu Jia in an instant.He had no doubt that if he repented now, Xu Miao could kill him in front of all the monks present.

The storage bag has the imprint of the owner, Zhuang Wanlian can't force open the storage bag unless she nods her head in agreement.

"You'd rather let me bow my head to borrow spirit stones from others than let go of your ridiculous pride, wouldn't you?" Zhuang Sihuai said these words very harshly, and Zhuang Wanlian was at a loss for a moment.

In Zhuang Wanlian's memory, her brother had never spoken to her in such a tone.She gave Xu Miao a final look of resentment, and took the initiative to open the storage bag and asked everyone else to hand over the spirit stones, only then did she get enough of the amount Xu Miao requested.

Xu Miao weighed the storage bag in her hand and glanced at the dealer. He knew that Zhuang Si hated him and wanted to kill him more than Zhuang Wanlian.

But so what?Zhuang Sihuai didn't have the strength to deal with him, the anger of the weak was always ridiculous.Xu Miao used to be a weak person, and she played the role of a weak person in front of many people.

At that time, no matter how angry he was, it was useless and would only become a laughing stock in the eyes of those people.Xu Miao took one step at a time and made it to today, becoming the strong man in her eyes.Master the right to speak and let others look up to you.

How can the hardships experienced here be clear in a few words.In fact, the world is very fair, if you gain something, you will lose something.To become a strong person and want to stand above ten thousand people, one should have put in more effort than ten thousand people.

"20 top-grade spirit stones, not too much, not too little, just right, fellow Daoist Zhuang, you are really a smart man." Xu Miao left behind a sentence, turned around and left with Song Siyu.

A group of people just watched Xu Miao take away 20 high-grade spirit stones from the Zhuang family without even moving a hand, and they were all envious and jealous.

They also knew very well that Xu Miao didn't do anything this time because Xu Miao had done too many things in the past.A person's strength and reputation all depend on his fists.

Not to mention whether they have the same strength as Xu Miao, they don't have the same courage as Xu Miao.Some people are born to be the one that attracts the most attention, such as Xu Miao.

Hu Cheng, the late great monk of the Nanjing Sect, and other sects, the great monks of the family appeared above the square.The noisy square fell silent instantly, and no one spoke.

Xu Miao noticed that next to Hu Cheng, there was a person who was obviously dressed differently from the Donglu cultivator.In front of many later great monks, Xu Miao's spiritual sense did not dare to approach at will, nor could he observe blatantly, so he could only pay attention to each other with his peripheral vision.

The temperament of this person is very similar to that of the envoy in Xilu, both are equally arrogant and arrogant.If Xu Miao guessed correctly, this person should also come from the upper plane.

However, this upper-plane cultivator is much more restrained than the one from Xilu.Just from the expression on his face, it is impossible to see his contempt for the lower plane.If Xu Miao didn't know this kind of person too well, he would also be fooled by him.

Hu Cheng nodded with satisfaction, and said, "The selection of elite monks has finally restarted today after being postponed for several years."

"In addition, today I will solemnly introduce an envoy from the upper plane to all my friends." Hu Cheng pointed to the person next to him, who was the monk Xu Miao had noticed before.

"Gong Shi is the messenger, bringing news from the upper plane and some opportunities—"

(End of this chapter)

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