Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 324 Want to be an oriole?

Chapter 324 Want to be an oriole?

"A person from the upper plane?"

"Isn't that more powerful than a cultivator who transforms spirits..." As soon as Hu Cheng said this, the monks in the square fell into whispers.For them, some of them have never even seen a cultivator who transforms himself into a god.

Transformation, ascension, and upper planes are just things that have been passed on by word of mouth, and the distance from me is too far away.But today, they met monks from the upper plane in the square of Nanjing Sect.

When Gong Shi saw his introduction, the audience was in an uproar, and a trace of color flashed in his eyes, although this trace of color could not conceal the disdain and ridicule in his eyes.

"Everyone knows that this continent of ours is in the lower plane. If we want to enter the upper plane, we must step into the stage of transforming gods and enter the upper plane through the ascension channel."

"But today, this practice has been broken. It coincides with the arrival of the envoy from the upper plane, and he is willing to cooperate with me, Donglu. In this selection of elite monks, select monks with superior strength and mind, and return to the upper plane with the envoy. "

Hu Cheng's words were even more exciting than the arrival of the envoy from the upper plane to the Eastern Continent.Since they were young, they have heard too many rumors about the upper plane.

There are abundant cultivation resources and ample spiritual energy in the world. If anyone from the upper plane makes a move, the monks from the lower plane will not be the opponent of the opponent.However, rumors are rumors after all, and only by advancing into a god and ascending to the upper plane can one know the truth of the rumors.

Most of the cultivators on the square will not be able to advance to become gods in their entire lives and ascend to the plane by themselves.But now, there are envoys from the upper plane descending to the lower plane and promising to take them into the upper plane.

How can such news not be exciting, how can it not be exciting.Countless monks showed excitement, wishing to show their strength in front of the High Envoy in the next moment, so as to be in the eyes of the High Envoy.

Xu Miao watched coldly, looking at the excited monks around him.Including Qiao Ye who was standing at the front, even though his expression was not as excited as other monks, the excitement in his eyes could not be deceived.

The lower the cultivation level of a monk, the more he can go further and higher if he gets enough cultivation resources.This is also the reason why monks from famous schools and aristocratic families are stronger than most casual cultivators.

Scattered cultivators have no fixed place to live, and they don't have enough heaven and earth spiritual energy, rich cultivation resources, and everything they need for cultivation needs to be obtained by themselves.

And those sects and family monks don't need to fight on their own at all, they just need to sit in the cave, and someone will take the initiative to send all kinds of resources to the door, and the time saved is all devoted to cultivation.

If something is abnormal, it must be a demon.Even if Xu Miao hadn't experienced what happened to the West Land Envoy, it was impossible for him to believe the news when he first got the news.The monks on the upper plane have always been superior, how could they condescend to lead the lower plane to ascend.

Just like the sect, it is impossible for the monks of the family to lead the casual cultivators to the paradise in the sect and provide training resources for the casual cultivators, unless the cultivator's brain is trapped by the door.

However, the monks who were caught up in excitement didn't notice this, and they were all gearing up, vowing to get the envoy's favor.

"Seeing that you are so self-motivated, this old man is very pleased. It's a pity that the envoy only needs monks at the golden core stage, otherwise this old man might as well give it a try."

Hu Cheng made a harmless joke, which made all the monks laugh.Hu Cheng changed the subject, and his expression became severe: "If you want to enter the upper plane with the envoy, you must pass various assessments."

"Only monks who can pass all the assessments are eligible to be personally interviewed by the envoy, and the envoy will finally decide whether they can enter the upper plane."

"One hundred places, everyone should seize this opportunity." As soon as the words fell, Hu Cheng turned his head and signaled to Gong Shize.Gong Shi made a tearing gesture with his hands outward, and an entrance appeared in midair.

"All the monks will enter this magical space envoyed by the Lord. There are a total of [-] monks, and only [-] monks will be able to stay in the end."

"Deaths in the magic weapon's space don't count. The moment you die in the space, you will be sent out of the space by the magic weapon, and you will lose your qualifications."

This kind of magic weapon space was seen by Xu Miao when he was still in the Qi refining stage.At that time, in the martial arts competition of the five major sects, this magic weapon space was used.

However, those who entered the magic weapon space at that time were all Qi-refining stage monks, neither the grade of the magic weapon nor the spiritual power required to manipulate the magic weapon would require much.

Now all the golden core monks who enter the magic weapon space, a magic weapon has to withstand the spiritual power fluctuations of [-] golden core monks at the same time, and they must always pay attention to the situation of all the golden core monks. It is a great test.

Xu Miao didn't quite believe that Gong Shi spent such a large amount of money just to screen out a thousand monks.Gong Shi must have tampered with the magic weapon space, which would have an impact on the monks who entered.

If you want to know what the other party is planning, the most direct way is to enter the magic weapon space.Thoughts were flying in Xu Miao's mind, and the other monks beside him had entered the magic weapon space one after another.

Standing in place again will attract Gong Shize's attention, and Xu Miao doesn't want to expose herself yet.Xu Miao led Song Siyu, as the last batch of monks to enter the magic weapon space, was sent into the magic weapon space by the portal.

As soon as she stood still, Xu Miao felt an attack from the side.Xu Miao turned around resolutely and brought Song Siyu behind her. The Mist Sword appeared instantly. After blocking the attack, she followed the direction of the opponent's attack and killed it.

The same scene can be seen everywhere in other places in Magic Weapon Space.The sneak attack was successful, but the sneak attack failed and was counter-killed. It was just the beginning, and one thousand of the ten thousand monks had already been eliminated.

To be on the safe side, Xu Miao deliberately put a touch of divine consciousness on Song Siyu's body, just to protect him at any time.After Xu Miao was ready, his consciousness came out immediately, and he did not choose to commandeer the consciousness of Taoist Li Huan.

After all, this is not the outside world, but Gong Shize's magic weapon. Any unusual movements will be discovered by Gong Shize.Xu Miao couldn't use many methods, which made Xu Miao feel a little upset.

Fortunately, when testing the spiritual power before testing the spirit stone, Xu Miao decisively advanced to the late stage of Jindan, otherwise his spiritual consciousness would not have reached the current range.

Xu Miao explored this magic weapon space as he walked.If Hu Cheng hadn't explained in advance that this is a magical space, Xu Miao would never have believed it.Whether it is the laws of heaven and earth or the state of spiritual energy inside, it is exactly the same as the outside world, and no traces of man-made can be detected.

Xu Miao felt the laws of heaven and earth here, which reminded him of the advanced space constructed by his previous life in the ancient secret realm.That space is very similar to this place, and it also shows from the side that behind Gong Shize is at least a monk in the Void Refining Stage.

He was more cautious in his heart, and walked forward with Song Siyu.Xu Miao's reputation is so great that ordinary monks will not find him easily, but there will also be monks who want to become famous through him, gather a group of people, and kill him quickly with everyone's strength.

Sure enough, Xu Miao's consciousness noticed the spiritual power fluctuations of a group of people in front of him.Judging from the size and location of the fluctuations, there were at least a dozen people.

And behind this group of people, there are several perfectly hidden monks.If it weren't for Xu Miao's spiritual strength in the late stage of Jindan, which was almost twice as strong as that in the middle stage, it would have been really difficult to find them.

This was a tactic, first let a group of people lure him to appear, when Xu Miao fought almost, thinking that he was about to win, and he relaxed his vigilance, that was when those people appeared to kill Xu Miao.

Xu Miao sneered, the mantis stalks the cicada and the oriole is behind, if he wants to play tricks in front of him, it's better to wait for the next life.Xu Miao pulled Song Siyu and turned around neatly, causing a group of monks to stare.

They quickly sent a voice transmission to ask their companions: "Why did Xu Miao leave?"

"It doesn't make sense to leave directly. Our group of more than a dozen people is not strong. Shouldn't he rush forward decisively?"

The few monks behind this group of people looked very ugly.Their strength is higher than those in front of them, and their scheming will naturally be higher.A monk struggled to utter a sentence: "Xu Miao must have discovered us before he retreated decisively."

"Impossible!" Another monk interrupted directly, "Our formation to hide our figure was provided by Fengzemen. This formation can even fool the consciousness of a monk in the early Yuanying stage. Xu Miao is just a golden It's just people from the later stage of Dan!"

"Confused! When he was in the middle stage of Golden Core, he was already able to kill a seventh-level sea beast equivalent to the early stage of Nascent Soul. Now that he has advanced to the late stage of Golden Core, it is impossible to use common sense to infer Xu Miao's strength."

A monk sighed: "We were careless. We thought we had overestimated the other party, but unexpectedly, we still underestimated the other party."

This group of monks didn't know that what they said and did in the magic weapon space would be seen clearly by the monks outside.Looking at Ding Ou's expression, several late-stage monks immediately became a little complicated.

Li Annan even launched an attack on the spot. He was once tricked by Xu Miao into making an oath of heaven.But Ding Ou violated it repeatedly, so he had to bear the punishment of heaven.

Xu Miao didn't know what happened outside the magic weapon space, so he took Song Siyu around to the side where several monks were lying in ambush.When the oriole is behind, it is impossible to know whether the hunter is paying attention to the oriole.

These monks were still admiring Xu Miao's strength, but Xu Miao had already quietly appeared.The Fog Condensing Sword and the Nirvana Sword were dispatched at the same time, and with lightning speed, they beheaded a monk who was closest to Xu Miao.

The monk's figure immediately disappeared in place, and was teleported out of the magic weapon space.Even though he was teleported out of the space, he could still feel the pain and chill on his neck when the Mist Condensing Sword chopped off his neck.

He rubbed his neck and looked at the picture in the sky with a gloomy face. Only then did he realize that his every move in the magic weapon was being watched by others.

(End of this chapter)

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