Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 325 The Power of the Soul

Chapter 325 The Power of the Soul
Xu Miao succeeded in one blow, and the two swords stabbed at the next two people without the slightest pause.There are a total of five people here, one of whom has been dealt with by Xu Miao, and there are four left.

The four of them were shocked, they didn't expect that Xu Miao would reach behind them and attack them back.However, if the four of them can be favored by Ding Ou, they also have certain strengths.

After the initial shock, the four reacted quickly, occupying four corners next to Xu Miao and Song Siyu, and used formations to deal with Xu Miao.

If Xu Miao hadn't wanted to protect Song Siyu, he could have killed all of the four late Golden Core cultivators in front of him in an instant.The positions of the four just formed a very aggressive formation.

As long as the formation is activated, Xu Miao is worried that Song Siyu will not be able to save herself from the attack of the formation.Even though he knew that dying in the magic weapon space was not a real death, but would be sent out of the magic weapon space.

But for the time being, he hasn't fully grasped the characteristics of the magic weapon space, and he will take something from the monk who died in the space. Therefore, Xu Miao will never take the risk of letting Song Siyu try his own tricks.

Xu Miao crossed her hands in front of her chest, and the Fog Condensing Sword and the Nirvana Sword also crossed in the air, showing powerful sword power and sword intent.Xu Miao called out the chaotic gas in the dantian, and attached the chaotic gas to the sword body to strengthen the attack power of the two swords.

The momentum of the two swords continued to increase, making the four late stage monks feel fear.However, the four thought of what Ding Ou had promised them, and gritted their teeth again, preparing to fight Xu Miao head-on.

In any case, even if Xu Miao cannot be killed, the female cultivators around Xu Miao must be killed.Xu Miao glanced at the four of them coldly: "You two leave now. I can promise that when we meet again in the magic weapon space, I will never do anything to you two."

The two Xu Miao was referring to were two older monks.Such a monk is not threatening in Xu Miao's eyes.The eyes of the two monks lit up, but their faces showed hesitation.

"Ding Ou, that dead old woman, what did you promise you?" Xu Miao opened his mouth and pointed out who ordered the four of them to come here to ambush him.

"2 yuan per person for high-grade spirit stones, and a top-grade acquired magic weapon. And promise us that as long as we can eliminate you from the space, we will be admitted to Fengzemen."

Xu Miao smiled disdainfully: "Do you also believe what that dead old woman said?" Xu Miao said one dead old woman, which distorted Ding Ou's face outside the space, so he almost rushed into the magic weapon space and beheaded Xu Miao himself.

"Since you know the grievances between the dead old woman and me, you should also know the oath of heaven that Li Annan once made. I will not settle accounts with the dead old woman, because Li Annan will take the initiative to find her."

"But you guys should know my temper. If you two don't leave now, you will be at your own risk." After Xu Miao said this, she didn't say any more. The four next to him created a lot of pressure.

Xu Miao promised that she would not attack them again in the magic weapon space. This promise was too tempting.Compared with Ding Ou's promise that may not be fulfilled, they are more willing to believe in Xu Miao.

At least in Sanxiu's eyes, Xu Miao could say and do it.The two older monks looked at each other, and immediately put on their bodies, and fled away without even turning their heads.

There are two young monks with very ugly faces left. Without them, the formation will no longer be complete.Fighting alone, they will not be Xu Miao's opponents.

The two decided to retreat as well, but the two of them hadn't made any moves yet, and the Fog Condensing Sword and the Nirvana Sword were already lying in front of them.The power of the two swords was devastating, the two of them just wanted to escape, and they didn't even take out the magic weapon, so they were cut off by the two swords.

After getting rid of the dark hand arranged by Ding Ou, Xu Miao pulled Song Siyu away from the spot decisively and flew towards the distance.The movement just now is not small, and will attract more monks to check.

Xu Miao didn't want to waste time confronting them for the time being, so she could only choose to leave immediately.While flying, he spread his consciousness, recorded the situation in the magic weapon space, and tried to find out the problem.




The earth-shattering roar of monster beasts appeared, causing all the monks to change their expressions.Why are there still monsters in the magic weapon space, and judging from the roars of these monsters, the level of these monsters is not low.

Hu Cheng didn't expect that there were high-level monsters in the magic weapon space at all: "My lord, why are there monsters in the magic weapon space? I don't know about this matter."

Gong Shi glanced at Hu Cheng blankly: "I am working as an envoy, do I still need to inform you?"

Hu Cheng was furious in his heart, but he didn't dare to express it. He was afraid of offending the other party, so he could only carefully apologize, and asked: "My lord, what effect will these monsters have on the monks who enter?"

"It's just eating some soul power, and it won't affect their lives." Gong Shi said indifferently.

Gong Shize's voice was not loud, but the Nascent Soul cultivator next to Gong Shize could hear him clearly.The power of the soul seems to have nothing to do with monks, but it is extremely important to monks.

A monk is complete only if his soul is healthy.Regardless of mortals, monks, including monsters, all kinds of creatures have souls.Once the power of the soul is damaged, it will have a huge impact on the monk's cultivation foundation.

It will even make the monk's life-long cultivation base unable to go any further, and what's more, it will directly drop the cultivation base.For monks, this is more painful than losing their lives.

However, the deal was done, and the cultivators of Huashen in Donglu agreed to what Gong Shize proposed. No matter what Gong Shize did, they Nascent Soul cultivators could only hold their noses and recognize it.

In the sky, except for Gong Shize, the expressions of all Nascent Soul cultivators became extremely solemn.The monks in the magic weapon space, as well as their disciples, and even relatives.

They couldn't express their regret at this moment, no one can guarantee that their disciples and relatives can escape the attack of monsters safely.Once killed by a monster, it will directly lose the power of the soul.

Rather than relying on Gong Shi to enter the upper plane, it is better to rely on one's own strength.Even if you can't advance to God Transformation, you can become a top existence on this plane, rather than lead to a worse situation.

The monks in the magic weapon space didn't know about this, they thought that the appearance of monsters was just to speed up the elimination.Some monks still believe that there will be no damage.

But there are also monks who reacted, and doubts began to appear in their hearts.These monsters are all level [-] or [-] monsters, and none of them can be easily dealt with.

When alien races appeared, human monks formed alliances to resist alien races together.Xu Miao took Song Siyu through the magic weapon space, observing every monk who was killed by a monster.

His spiritual consciousness was not strong enough, and he could barely detect a trace of white gas appearing on the monk's head when he was eaten by a monster.He can be sure that this is not divine consciousness, nor spiritual power.

"That's the power of the soul." Qing Jiao's voice suddenly sounded.

Xu Miao's face brightened, and Qingjiao woke up, which meant that he had fused the dragon's tendons.Xu Miao probed his consciousness into the Hunting Stone, and sure enough, Qingjiao recovered to the level of half-step transformation.

"When I find a safe place, I will be able to survive the catastrophe and successfully advance to the transformation of the gods." Although Xu Miao vaguely felt that Qingjiao's strength was strong, she did not expect that the other party had reached this point.

When Qingjiao advances to transform into a god, it will help him even more, and it is not in vain that he exhausted his wealth to buy dragon tendons.

"What do you mean by the power of the soul?" Xu Miao turned the topic back to the soul.Qing Jiao simply told Xu Miao about the power of the soul, and pointed out that the trace of white gas he saw just now was the power of the soul.

The power of the soul, combined with the resentful spirits needed by the envoys in the West Land, the things that people on the upper plane need seem to be related to the soul.Xu Miao told Qing Jiao about Xilu in detail. After all, Qing Jiao was a monster that had lived for so many years, so she quickly came to a conclusion.

"The reason why the monsters are dispatched is probably to make the monks feel unwilling, so that there will be resentment in the soul, and there will be resentment spirits. It's just that there are not many resentment spirits, unlike the large number of resentment spirits in Westland."

"We need to use resentful spirits. In addition to exercises, there are also magic weapons. But if this happens on several continents at the same time, it is very likely that some major event has occurred on the upper plane."

Qing Jiao can only guess up to this point, without more information, he can't draw more conclusions.

"If the monks are fighting each other, will there be resentful spirits on the side that dies?" Xu Miao wanted to stop Gong Shize's intention as much as possible, and it was a little less soul power.

Qingjiao pondered for a moment: "It will also appear. The space here is specially constructed for the power of the soul. Whether you kill it or kill it with a monster, it will generate soul power."

"Is it possible to collect the power of the soul and return it to those monks after leaving the magic weapon space?" Xu Miao is not a kind person, but he just doesn't want to let people from the upper plane succeed.

Qing Jiao uttered a spell, and then said: "This spell can absorb the power of the soul. The magic weapon of Huntian Stone was once higher than the magic weapon here, and it can snatch food from a tiger's mouth."

"The only thing to be concerned about is that you are likely to attract Gong Shize's attention." If Xu Miao wants to collect the power of the soul, he will definitely attract the attention of the other party, which is inevitable.

Anyway, sooner or later they have to face each other, whether it is sooner or later, to Xu Miao, it doesn't make any difference.But before that, he needs to find allies.

When Ye Qianqian came here, she saw Xu Miao standing under a tree frowning, beside a pretty female cultivator.Ye Qianqian knew this female cultivator, and also knew that Xu Miao had stood up for Song Siyu many times, and took great care of her.

Resisting the soreness in her heart, Ye Qianqian adjusted her facial expression and walked towards Xu Miao.When Xu Miao noticed someone approaching and found out that it was Ye Qianqian, she thought of a perfect ally.

The Ye family's strength is extraordinary, if they can also bring in the Ye family members, it may be able to distract Gong Shize's attention.

(End of this chapter)

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