Chapter 326
"Xu Miao, I got separated from my tribe, can I go with you for a while?" Ye Qianqian bit her lower lip and said softly.Song Siyu tilted his head, looking at the visitor with great interest.

With the intention of forming an alliance with the Ye family, Xu Miao nodded: "Of course." Ye Qianqian smiled and was about to say something when she heard the roar of monsters and the screams of human monks not far away. .

Xu Miao frowned when she heard the sound, and ordered the two girls to follow, and he immediately flew towards the place where the sound came from.Xu Miao's speed was very fast, but no matter how fast he was, it couldn't be faster than an eighth-level monster killed a late-stage Jindan monk.

A trace of soul power appeared from the place where the monk disappeared, and the monster opened its mouth wide, about to swallow the soul power into its stomach.Xu Miao waved her arm forward, and the Ningwu Sword pierced through the air.

At the same time, Xu Miao's whole body is like an arrow that leaves the string, and before the monster swallows the power of the soul, it absorbs the power of the soul into the Huntian Stone.The monster's teeth collided with the fog sword, making an ear-piercing sound.

Xu Miao grabbed the hilt of the Ningwu Sword with her backhand, and stabbed at the monster's scarlet tongue.The fog-condensing sword, which contained chaotic gas, pierced through the tongue of the eighth-level monster without hindrance, splashing out a stream of blood.

Xu Miao turned her head to the right to avoid the monster's blood.At the same time, he decisively drew out the Mist Condensing Sword and retreated back.The monster's eyes widened and it roared angrily.

In the magic weapon space here, there is something strange, that is, the monsters of the seventh and eighth levels did not transform into human forms, but remained in the state of monsters.

Xu Miao couldn't understand this point, and couldn't allow him to think about it. The eighth-level monster behind him followed Xu Miao closely: "Human! Keep what you just stole!"

Xu Miao didn't even turn her head: "Dream!" Xu Miao speeded up again, and before he was ready to snatch the food, he handed Song Siyu to Ye Qianqian's care.

With Ye Qianqian's strength, Xu Miao believes that the other party can take good care of Song Siyu.Xu Miao's direction of escape was completely different from that of Song Siyu and Ye Qianqian, one was south and the other was north.

The speed of the eighth-level monster is too fast, and Xu Miao has no way to get rid of it completely.He took out the empty feathers and used them with the late Jindan cultivation base, which can minimize the side effects.

Xu Miao circulated her spiritual power and quickly flapped her wings, disappearing in front of the eighth-level monster like a bolt of lightning.Xu Miao kept changing directions, covering up her breath, and completely threw off the eighth-level monster.

Xu Miao's behavior fell into the eyes of the monks outside. Except for Gong Shize's ugly eyes, everyone else was in a good mood.Xu Miao snatched the power of the soul, which proved that he understood the key to the magic weapon space.

Next, Xu Miao used the same method to snatch the power of the soul from the mouth of the eighth-level monster.If he encounters a seventh-level monster, Xu Miao will kill it directly.

The monks who were sent back to the square by the magic weapon all looked very pale.The power of the soul has been forcibly stripped away, and no one can maintain the best condition.

They all put their hopes on Xu Miao, because among the monks who stayed in the magic weapon space, only Xu Miao realized the key point of soul power.

Xu Miao flexibly walks through the forest alone, observing the surrounding situation at all times, ready to make a move at any time.


"Yes!" Listening to the voice, there were at least five or six people, Xu Miao approached cautiously, and saw a monk dressed the same as Ye Qianqian.If he guessed correctly, the six people in front of him are all members of the Ye family.

The members of the Ye family here are all Jindan late stage cultivation bases.With such a force, according to common sense, no one would be their opponent.

However, I met Gong Shize who didn't follow the rules.The sudden appearance of level seven and level eight monsters made the members of the Ye family, who had seen strong winds and waves, flustered.

They can still barely resist the seventh-level monsters, but they can't stop the eighth-level monsters at all.However, Ye Chen, the strongest monk of the Ye family's generation, didn't order them to retreat, so they couldn't retreat.

Xu Miao was standing behind a big tree. At this time, he restrained his whole body. Even the eighth-level monsters couldn't find him, let alone the Ye Family cultivator who was nervously dealing with the eighth-level monsters.

Six people surrounded this eighth-level monster, and each of them held a formation flag in their hands.According to a special trajectory, the six people slowly waved the formation flag.

Under the control of the Ye family members, the eighth-level monsters were imprisoned within their circle.One of the cultivators from the Ye family was about to celebrate when he saw the eighth-level monster violently hitting the formation.With just one collision, the entire formation almost collapsed.

"We are not his opponents, let's leave quickly!" A cultivator of the Ye family suggested urgently.

Ye Chen directly refused: "There is still a chance if you hold on, just run away, none of us can stay. The magic space here is too strange, we must not die in the space."

Not only Xu Miao, Ye Chen also noticed the power of the soul.Unlike what Xu Miao was told by Qingjiao, Ye Chen once witnessed a monster swallowing the soul of a human monk during a certain expedition.

The scene at that time was exactly the same as what Ye Chen saw in the magic weapon space today.How important the power of the soul is, you don't need to think about it, he can't let the tribe lose the important power of the soul.

He has more energy than energy, his golden core has reached its limit, and he still can't stop the eighth-level monsters in the slightest.Despair could not be suppressed in Ye Chen's heart, despair of his own strength being too weak.

Just when Ye Chen was about to instruct the five clansmen to flee from different directions, a spiritual power descended from the sky and was accurately transported into the formation, barely strengthening the formation, so that the formation could be hit by the eighth-level monster. , not completely damaged.

Ye Chen was overjoyed, when he saw the person coming, he was stunned on the spot.It was Xu Miao who shot, the one who had helped his sister Ye Qianqian.

For a moment, Ye Chen's mood was very complicated. He was happy to be helped by someone, but he was entangled in the help of Xu Miao.Ye Qianqian was his younger sister, and he knew very well what Ye Qianqian thought about Xu Miao.

But Ye Qianqian also bluntly told him that Xu Miao didn't like her at all.Falling flowers are intentional, flowing water is ruthless, but Ye Chen's secret thoughts were quickly interrupted by the second attack of the eighth-level monster, leaving him no extra energy to think about things.

"Ye Chen, right? Tell your clansmen to leave immediately, and you and I will block the eighth-level monsters. The monsters here will devour the soul power of human monks, and we must not let them succeed!" Xu Miao did not speak bluntly, but Via sound transmission.

Ye Chen looked at Xu Miao appreciatively, regardless of Ye Qianqian's thoughts on Xu Miao, this Xu Miao was indeed the most outstanding monk of the same level he had ever seen.

As the speaker of the Ye family's Jindan generation, Ye Chen decisively gave orders to the five clansmen.Forbidden by orders, the five clansmen immediately turned and left after a moment of hesitation.

Without the help of five Jindan late-stage monks, the formation instantly became shaky.Xu Miao calmly controlled her consciousness and continued to wave the remaining four flags.

"You are in charge of the two formation flags, and we will still follow the original method. We must persist until your people leave safely and smoothly before we can retreat!" Xu Miao's voice was resolute and calm, as if he didn't take the eighth-level monsters in the formation into his eyes at all. .

Ye Chen was a little flustered, but quickly calmed down.He was controlling two array flags, and when he looked at Xu Miao, he found that the other party was still able to control four array flags with ease.

He has a deeper evaluation of Xu Miao's strength.Because of Ye Qianqian and Shui Mei, Xu Miao had a very good impression of the Ye family.In addition, when Ye Chen saw him appear, he did not show any disgust, which made Xu Miao more confident in cooperating with the Ye family later.

After Ye Chen got the news that the clan had left safely, he immediately informed Xu Miao.Xu Miao raised her eyes to look at the eighth-level monster, and her moves were like lightning, and a bunch of formation flags flew out from her subordinates.

"This formation can stop him for half a cup of tea, so we retreat immediately." Xu Miao threw the four formation flags in Ye Chen's arms into Ye Chen's arms, and flew into the distance with the escape light.

Ye Chen looked in surprise at the formation that Xu Miao had arranged in an instant, and his heart was filled with disbelief.It is almost impossible for a Jindan cultivator to trap an eighth-level monster for half a cup of tea.

In fact, the array arranged by Xu Miao evolved from the Immortal Immortal Array of Priest Chen Xing of Ji Xing Palace.Simplify the formation in some places, although the power is reduced, but the speed of arrangement can be greatly improved.

It is impossible to trap the power of Chaohuashen, but it is more than enough to trap an eighth-level monster for half a cup of tea.Half a cup of tea is enough time for him and Ye Chen to escape from here.

Once they got out of trouble, they flew extremely fast without stopping, and didn't stop until most of the spiritual power in their bodies was consumed, to replenish their spiritual power.

The two slowly fell to the ground. Xu Miao immediately let go of her consciousness and looked around to make sure that there was no danger around her before she felt relieved.

Xu Miao needs an ally, and the Ye family is the best choice. He will tell Ye Chen all the information in the magic weapon space.And Ye Chen also told Xu Miao what he knew, and after the two exchanged news, their expressions became very heavy.

The Ye family also had the cultivators who transformed themselves into gods, but the cultivators who transformed themselves into gods did not tell them about the plan of the envoy.Xu Miao reckoned that Gong Shi should be much smarter than Xilu's envoy, so he put Donglu into a case unknowingly.

"With my strength alone, other monks will not be willing to cooperate with me. With your Ye family joining, it will be different. They will all be willing to cooperate with us." Xu Miao briefly explained the reason for finding Ye Chen.

"Fellow Daoist Xu, you underestimate your influence too much. If you raise your arms and shout out, as far as I know, among the monks in the golden core period, no one can be more appealing than you." Ye Chen said with a wry smile.

Xu Miao didn't care about these, and continued: "We will unite with famous sects, aristocratic families, and outstanding casual cultivators, and gather the strength of all of us to snatch the monk's soul power from the mouth of the monster."

Xu Miao clearly told Ye Chen what she was going to do one by one.

(End of this chapter)

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