Chapter 327
After Ye Chen heard Xu Miao's well-organized and well-arranged plan, he couldn't help but admire Xu Miao's mind.Even if he was trained as the heir of the Ye family, he couldn't plan so thoroughly like Xu Miao in a short period of time.

"Ye Chen, I just want to ask you something." Xu Miao explained the whole plan and talked about another thing.Ye Chen thought he was going to ask about Ye Qianqian, and when he was about to introduce his sister, he was stunned when he heard Xu Miao's next words.

"Shuimei Zhenjun, has she ever returned to your Ye family?" Ye Chen suddenly held his prepared words in his chest, unable to move up or down, extremely uncomfortable.

Xu Miao couldn't get Ye Chen's answer for a long time, and seeing Ye Chen's constipated expression, she was a little puzzled.Ye Chen finally came to his senses at this moment, shook his head and said, "I haven't seen her old man since I left the family."

Hearing this, Xu Miao stretched out her hand and stroked her chin.Shui Mei didn't go back to Ye's house, so she could go to too many places, it was really hard to find.

He sighed almost invisible, and flew to the place where other monks might exist together with Ye Chen.There is a huge space inside the magic weapon, without the sound transmission jade pendant, they can only use the most stupid way to find it inch by inch.

To be on the safe side, Xu Miao and Ye Chen used voice transmission to discuss all the things they discussed, and they didn't make it clear.As a result, people in the square could only see what Xu Miao and Ye Chen were discussing, but they didn't know what they were discussing.

Ye Rongyi, a late Nascent Soul cultivator of the Ye family, saw the most outstanding junior standing with Xu Miao, and suddenly felt that his own era had passed.

Xu Miao and Ye Chen worked together in a division of labor. The two of them scanned with their spiritual consciousness to find traces of monks.

"There are monks from the Nanjing Sect over there." Xu Miao pointed in one direction and said, and flew over there first.Xu Miao is carrying the wind spirit root, and her flying speed is faster than Ye Chen. Ye Chen can only see Xu Miao's back with all his strength.

Xu Miao glanced over, Qiao Ye was not here, but he saw Zheng Zhan and Fang Chuanzhong.Both of them are talents of the sky, and they are already in the middle stage of Jindan.

In the eyes of ordinary people, the speed of these two people's cultivation has been rapid, but compared with a monster like Xu Miao, they are still much inferior.

Zheng Zhan had a dozen or so people here, who were better than the Ye family, but they were also surrounded by two level [-] monsters and three level [-] monsters.

The monks of the Nanjing Sect were obviously not the opponents of the monsters. Many monks were seriously injured, and one of them was directly sent out of the magic weapon space by the palm of the monsters, leaving behind a trace of soul power.

Before the monster could attack, Xu Miao made the first move, moving the power of the soul into the Hunting Stone.At the same time, he counter-killed the Fog Condensing Sword here. The demon beast he was attacking was a seventh-level monster. The seventh-level monster did not know Xu Miao's strength, but other Nanjing sect monks knew it.

They didn't even see clearly how Xu Miao made his move, they saw this powerful seventh-level monster die under Xu Miao's sword, and Xu Miao raised his hand to move the monster's body into the Hunting Stone.

Gong Shi absorbs the power of the soul through monsters, and these soul powers must not be absorbed by monsters.Therefore, Xu Miao was sure that these monsters that devoured the power of the soul were just a medium for storing the power of the soul.

As long as the corpse of the monster is put into the Hunting Stone, the soul power absorbed by the monster before must be taken out by some means and exchanged for the monk who lost the power of soul.

Ye Chen has also arrived here at this time, and joins the monks of the Nanjing Sect to resist the monster together with them.

"You try to stop the eighth-level monster. Don't be killed by the monster. I'll get rid of the seventh-level monster first!" Xu Miao ordered calmly. Zheng Zhan, Fang Chuanzhong, and Ye Chen immediately followed Xu Miao's instructions.

The remaining Nanjing sect monks, even if they don't want to, can only do as they say.The Nanjing Sect is the same as the Ye family, the elders in the sect also have special formations bestowed on them to increase their strength.

Although Qiao Ye is missing now, with Ye Chen added, the power of the formation can barely be maintained.Xu Miao's spiritual consciousness has been paying attention to the monks of the Nanjing Sect. After confirming that they can protect themselves, he took action.

The Condensing Fog Sword and the Nirvana Sword appeared in the air at the same time, Xu Miao quickly changed his posture with his hands in front of his chest, and unleashed the Heaven and Earth Nirvana Art and the Broken Star Sword Technique.

The fierce sword intent was not reserved at all, and they all rushed towards the seventh-level monster in front of them.Under Xu Miao's control, the two swords are like green dragons ascending to the sky, constantly moving and emitting power.

The power of the two swords continued to increase, and the spiritual power in Xu Miao's body began to circulate crazily. Opportunity, a sword pierces the monster.

Xu Miao didn't stop, moved her figure, and moved the corpse of the monster into the Hunting Stone.Xu Miao could only see afterimages in the air, and the monks of the Nanjing Sect couldn't determine Xu Miao's exact location at all.

While maintaining the magic circle, Zheng Zhan watched Xu Miao's attack with complicated eyes.Compared with the ancient secret realm, Xu Miao's strength is stronger.At that time, Xu Miao and he were both in the late stage of Foundation Establishment. Now, Xu Miao is in the late stage of Golden Core, and he is only in the middle stage of Golden Core.

A huge gap hit his heart, how arrogant he was at the time, how ridiculous he is now.Zheng Zhan was once able to represent the Nanjing Sect, which shows that his mind is extremely tough.

Seeing Xu Miao's strength, although I feel unwilling, but more, it is the admiration for Xu Miao and the encouragement to myself.With this alone, Zheng Zhan will be able to go further than Qiao Ye in the future.

The Mist Condensing Sword and the Nirvana Sword were constantly flying in the air, and the sword light swayed, strangling the lives of the monsters.Xu Miao's attacks were extremely fierce, and no seventh-level monster could resist more than five moves under Xu Miao's hands.

Xu Miao's robe kept flying in the air, and every time the sword light flashed, there would be a bloodstain.The speed of the sword moves is extremely fast, and the speed at which he harvests the lives of monsters is also very fast.

Not long after, there was no sign of the seventh-level monster nearby.All the seventh-level monsters have been killed by Xu Miao, moved into the Hunting Stone, and handed over to Qing Jiao for research, hoping that he can find a way to find out where the power of the soul is hidden.

Among the monks in the square, the happiest one was the Nascent Soul monk of Nanjing Sect, especially Hu Cheng, who had a smile on his face as if he had obtained a high-level exercise.

The monks who entered the magic weapon space were all the most outstanding disciples of the Jindan generation of the Nanjing Sect.The damage to the soul power of any monk is not a small loss to Nanjing Sect.

But now, this loss has been minimized because of Xu Miao's appearance.Hu Cheng only regretted why he didn't show his kindness to Xu Miao before he entered the magic weapon space.

In sharp contrast to the smile on Hu Cheng's face, the expression on Gong Shize's face was as cold as ice.The monks who approached him would feel a chill down their backs.

Gong Shi learned that the person who destroyed his plan was called Xu Miao through the discussions of other monks.He memorized the name, his eyes were full of murderous intent, he just waited for Xu Miao to appear, he shot and killed the other party, and snatched Xu Miao's storage magic weapon into his hands.

After solving the seventh-level monsters, there are still eight-level monsters left.Even with Xu Miao's strength, he couldn't go head-to-head with the eighth-level monster.Xu Miao sent a voice transmission to Zheng Zhan: "Let your classmates retreat immediately, I am not the opponent of the eighth-level monster."

When Zheng Zhan heard Xu Miao's order, he didn't hesitate at all, and quickly informed his colleagues to leave quickly.

"We're leaving, junior brother, what do you do?" A late Jindan cultivator hesitated.

"Don't worry, I will stay with Xu Miao and the others to cut off the heir for you. When you are safe, send me a voice transmission to let me know!" Zheng Zhan was the leader of a generation of disciples when he established the foundation. A period of dormancy.

Now when he needs to stand up, the leadership momentum around him will naturally appear.After the Nanjing sect monks looked at each other, they left with the escape light.

Xu Miao blocked one of them, and Ye Chen and Zheng Zhan blocked the other, buying time for the other Nanjing sect monks to retreat.The Ye family's formation couldn't stop the two eighth-level monsters. Xu Miao asked Ye Chen and Zheng Zhan to control the formation flag and trap one of them.

Prisoner Immortal Formation has a drawback, it can only be arranged when no one is attacking.Before Xu Miao was able to arrange it successfully, he also used the Ye family's formation to control the eighth-level monster first, otherwise he would not be able to succeed.

Ye Chen immediately understood Xu Miao's intentions, and handed the two formation flags to Zheng Zhan, who will manipulate the four formation flags and control the eighth-level monsters.Compared with Xu Miao's ease, Ye Chen's control of the four flags at the same time seemed extremely difficult.

But Xu Miao couldn't escape by herself, and couldn't spare any extra consciousness to help Ye Chen.When the eighth-level monster was trapped, Xu Miao threw out the flag of the Immortal Prison Formation while resisting the eighth-level monster, trapping the eighth-level monster.

The positions of the two sides changed immediately, Xu Miao moved in front of the trapped eighth-level monster, and arranged a formation.Ye Chen and Zheng Zhan moved in front of the eighth-level monster that Xu Miao had dealt with just now, and trapped each other with formations.

The three of them cooperated perfectly and successfully restrained two eighth-level monsters.Xu Miao still had energy left, but Ye Chen and Zheng Zhan looked like they had exhausted their spiritual consciousness, sweating profusely, and their faces were ashen.

Xu Miao could only grab one person's hand with one hand, put the wings on her back, and lead the two people away from the place quickly.After confirming that they had arrived at a safe location, Xu Miao put the two of them down and let them recover.

Both Ye Chen and Zheng Zhan knew that Xu Miao's spiritual sense was strong, but they never thought that Xu Miao's spiritual sense would be so strong.

Killing the seventh-level monsters one after another, resisting the eighth-level monsters alone, and then arranging two complex and sophisticated formations, after flying them such a long distance, they still have the energy to observe the situation around them.

Ye Chen's cultivation was high, and he recovered a bit earlier than Zheng Zhan, and couldn't help asking: "Xu Miao, aren't you tired?" Xu Miao looked at Ye Chen inexplicably, and shook her head.

Zheng Zhan also recovered at this time, and couldn't help but sigh in admiration: "After doing such a series of things, I can still stand upright, I feel ashamed."

(End of this chapter)

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