Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 328 Meeting Super Level 8 Again

Chapter 328 Meeting Super Eighth Level Again

Xu Miao didn't answer Zheng Zhan's words, but changed the subject and mentioned the power of the soul to Zheng Zhan.After all, Zheng Zhan was born in the Nanjing sect, so he has some understanding of the power of the soul.

Through sound transmission, Ye Chen told in detail about the weirdness of the magic weapon space here, as well as the plan of the envoy from the upper plane, and also talked about Xu Miao's plan to cooperate with each other.

Unite all sects, families, and casual cultivators, keep those who are capable, and let those who are not capable send out the magic weapon space, and preserve the soul power of the other party.

When the "test" is over and everyone leaves the magic weapon space, they will return their soul power uniformly.Zheng Zhan was already convinced by Xu Miao, and Xu Miao's plan was indeed the most suitable plan under the current situation, so he agreed without hesitation.

Gathering the strongest sect in the Eastern Continent—Nanjingzong, and the most powerful family—the Ye family, Xu Miao has absolute confidence that other sects and families can also join in this plan.

"Fellow Daoist Xu, the sect of Donglu, the monks of the family treated you like this, I didn't expect you to repay you with virtue." When the three of them were looking for other monks, Ye Chen suddenly said.

Xu Miao rubbed her nose and smiled: "I'm not that great, it's just to reduce the risk. The so-called law does not blame the public, if I do this alone, Gong Shi will kill me without hesitation .”

"But I brought you all in, and you all participated in this matter. All sects and families have inherited my benefits, so will you still watch Gong Shize do something to me?"

Ye Chen and Zheng Zhan were shocked when they heard Xu Miao's undisguised words.Even in the realm of self-cultivation, monks like to gain a good name. A monk with a true temperament like Xu Miao is really rare.

The conversation between the three of them didn't last long before it was interrupted by the continuous roar of monster beasts.Xu Miao listened attentively, and the roar increased, indicating that the number of monsters was increasing.

"Roar——" Even Xu Miao felt his heart agitated and his spiritual power surged when he heard this sound.He took a deep breath, suppressing the concussion in his chest.

Ye Chen on the side was in good condition, but Zheng Zhan's face instantly turned white and then an unhealthy red.Only an eighth-level monster could exert such pressure on Xu Miao with a single beast roar.

This roaring monster is likely to be a super-eighth-level monster, which is equivalent to the existence of a half-step god.If Xu Miao is on the right side, there is absolutely no life or death.

The half-step transforming god monsters he has seen, in addition to the green dragon in the Hunting Stone, and the super eighth-level pangolin in the palace of the ancient secret realm.

At that time, he only had the cultivation level of the late stage of Foundation Establishment, and the pangolin didn't embarrass him too much, so he could pass in front of the pangolin intact.

Now that he has reached the cultivation base of the late stage of Jindan, he can feel more clearly how terrifying and powerful the super eighth level monster is.

"Master Gong, how can you release a super-eighth-level monster!" Hu Cheng really couldn't suppress the anger in his heart, and there was no other reason. The strongest Qiao Ye.

Hu Cheng knows Qiao Ye's disposition best.He is likely to fight to the death with super eighth-level monsters, and the more injured he is in the magic weapon space, the less the body's control over the soul will be.

Once Qiao Ye was sent out of the Magical Treasure Dimension in a seriously injured state, Qiao Ye would lose half of his soul power, which would have a fatal impact on monks.

Most of the power of the soul was directly taken away, not to mention the matter of cultivation, I am afraid that it would be difficult to save his life.

Gong Shi still looked up and paid attention to the situation in the magic weapon space, without even giving Hu Cheng a look: "Their progress is too slow, so I don't have so much time to waste with them."

Hu Cheng was very angry, but he couldn't do anything to Gong Shize, he could only hold the fire in his chest, making himself panting heavily.

Xu Miao keenly noticed that where the roar of the super eighth-level monster came from, there was a monk's magic weapon flashing light.Xu Miao said hello to Ye Chen and Zheng Zhan, then carried the wings on her back, flapped her wings, and quickly flew to the position of the super eighth-level monster.

Kong Lingyi's speed was too fast, and in the blink of an eye, he disappeared from the sight of Ye Chen and Zheng Zhan.The two smiled wryly, each used their means, and chased away.

When Xu Miao arrived, what she saw was that half of Qiao Ye's body had been gnawed off by a super eighth-level monster.If Qiao Ye was sent out of the magic weapon space in this state, he might not be able to survive.

In the blink of an eye, Xu Miao and Qing Jiao negotiated to use the other party's strength to force the super eighth-level monster back through Xu Miao's attack.

Qingjiao was already a half-step God Transformation tens of thousands of years ago, and his strength was only stronger than the eighth-level monster in front of him.Qingjiao's violent spiritual power poured into Xu Miao's right hand, and he slashed at the super eighth-level monster along with the fog-condensing sword.

Just with this move, Xu Miao's right hand was already exploded by Qingjiao's spiritual power, and all the meridians in his right hand burst. His current appearance is not much better than Qiao Ye's.

Ye Chen and Zheng Zhan, who were following behind, seized the opportunity to rescue Qiao Ye. The super-eighth-level monster was unexpectedly repelled by a late-stage Jindan monk, and roared to charge up again.

In order to give Qiao Ye and others time to escape, Xu Miao can only deal with super eighth-level monsters.Facing a super eighth level monster alone, the pressure is not insignificant. The coercion displayed by the super eighth level monster alone has already made Xu Miao breathless.

It's just that the move of borrowing Qingjiao's power just now has already disabled one of his right hands. If it continues, I'm afraid there will be no good meat on his body.

"Xu Miao, you are not his opponent, you must leave immediately!" Qing Jiao's anxious voice came.

When Xu Miao heard this, an extremely cruel smile suddenly appeared on the corner of her mouth: "Every time I meet an enemy, which one is the enemy's opponent, but I have survived, and this time will be no exception."

The law of heaven and earth was completely mobilized, and the law of heaven and earth flew out from the position of Tianling Gai like a golden dragon, resisting the super eighth-level monster that came straight to Xu Miao.

"The law of heaven and earth!" Ding Ou's eyes widened suddenly, "How could this little bastard have the law of heaven and earth!"

Hu Cheng half-closed his eyes and looked at Xu Miao in the magic weapon space: "This is not one law of heaven and earth, there are at least three, and the laws of heaven and earth have been completely refined by Xu Miao, completely obeying Xu Miao's command."

Even in the Nanjing Sect, among this generation of Golden Core cultivators, no one has integrated the laws of heaven and earth.Not only because there is no space suitable for refining the laws of heaven and earth, but also because there is no monk who can refine the laws of heaven and earth.

When Qiao Ye was still in the Qi refining stage, the Nanjing Sect once gathered the strength of all Nascent Soul cultivators to help him refine the laws of heaven and earth, but it ended in failure.

Later, when Qiao Ye advanced to the Foundation Establishment Stage, the Nanjing Sect once again organized forces to help him refine the laws of heaven and earth, but it still failed.Hu Cheng looked at the laws of heaven and earth surrounding Xu Miao, feeling complicated.

He already knew Xu Miao's background clearly.He was born in a sect that couldn't be smaller in the west land, a sect that wouldn't stand out among the crowd.

It is impossible for such a sect to help Xu Miao refine the laws of heaven and earth.However, that's how it is, relying on Xu Miao's own strength, he not only refined the laws of heaven and earth, but even made the laws of heaven and earth obey his command, so that he could command them like an arm.

Hu Cheng has to admit that Xu Miao has come to this day all by himself, and his sect can give too little help on the road of cultivation.

He even came up with an absurd idea that if Xu Miao joined the Nanjing Sect, the current situation might be completely different.Gathering the strength of the whole sect to cultivate a Xu Miao, he can be sure that Xu Miao will be even better than now.

It's just that Hu Cheng ignored the fact that Xu Miao's spiritual root is a single Feng Shui dual spiritual root.In the Nanjing sect, which is extremely beautiful, such spiritual root attributes will not be valued at all, and will even be discarded.

How could the Nanjing Sect be able to cultivate a single-different dual-spiritual root that the number one sect in Central China could not cultivate?It is precisely because He Qinggu is a small sect that they will not let go of any promising monks, so they gave Xu Miao a chance to grow up.

When Gong Shi saw the law of heaven and earth on Xu Miao, his pupils also suddenly dilated.Refining the laws of heaven and earth, this is something that only exists in the upper plane, how could it happen in the lower plane.

Even he was allowed to refine the laws of heaven and earth only after he made great achievements during the stage of transforming gods and performing tasks.

Up to now, he has only two laws of heaven and earth on his body, and this despicable monk from the lower plane can bear four and a half laws of heaven and earth in his golden core stage.

Gong Shi didn't want to admit that he was jealous of this low-level monk, and his killing intent towards Xu Miao became stronger.He has already made a decision, no matter what, as soon as Xu Miao comes out of the magic weapon space, he will strike ahead of time and kill her.

Then extradite the four and a half principles of Xu Miao to himself, and then return to the upper plane, and then fuse the avatar with the main body, and then he will become the strongest subordinate under the master's seat.

Each of the monks in the square had different ideas, but Xu Miao had only one idea in mind, he wanted to delay the time and block this super eighth-level monster.

A piece of dragon scale appeared in front of Xu Miao, which Qing Jiao tore off from his body just now and gave it to him.This piece of dragon scale is located on the back of the green dragon, and its defense is the strongest.With this piece of dragon scale, it can temporarily resist the attack of super eighth level.

As expected of the scales of the half-step god of transformation, under the urging of spiritual power, the scales continued to expand, blocking Xu Miao tightly behind the scales.

The super eighth-level monster rushed towards Jiaolin, and Jiaolin shook for a while, emitting a strong blue light.Xu Miao, who was behind Jiao Lin, was affected, her whole body's spiritual power was shaken, and a fishy sweetness gushed out of her throat.

Xu Miao forcibly swallowed the blood that was about to be spit out back into her stomach.Make a tactic with both hands, let the law of heaven and earth wrap around Jiaolin, and together with Jiaolin resist the attack from the opposite side.

It was another blow, after all, the dragon scales were just scales on Qing Jiao's body, and could not guarantee its defense for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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