Chapter 329
The moment before the dragon scales shattered, Xu Miao flapped her wings violently on her back, and flew away in the direction pointed by Ye Chen.Xu Miao is used to hiding her breath when flying.

The fluctuation of spiritual power emitted by Kong Lingyi itself was extremely weak, like a gust of wind, the super eighth level monster lost Xu Miao's trace.It roared angrily in place, venting the anger in its heart.

The spiritual power in Xu Miao's body was almost completely exhausted. After taking out the spiritual source of water and taking it, the spiritual power gradually filled up.After joining Ye Chen and the others, they saw Qiao Ye leaning against a big tree, recovering from his injuries.

Qiao Ye's injury was very serious. As a Jindan cultivator, he was attacked by a super eight-level monster, and it was impossible to heal his injury in a short while.It's just that he knew that it was Xu Miao who saved him, and he didn't know how to face Xu Miao, so he was reluctant to open his eyes.

Xu Miao gave Zheng Zhan a look, and Zheng Zhan walked to Qiao Ye's side knowingly.They are all monks of the Nanjing Sect, so it is more convenient to speak.Qiao Ye felt bitterness in his heart when he heard Zheng Zhan's words.

He has always been the proud son of heaven, he has always attracted the attention of others, and he has always rescued others, but today everything is reversed.

Xu Miao snatched everything he originally owned, and now he was rescued by Xu Miao. This feeling made Qiao Ye vomit so much that he wanted to hit the wall.After Zheng Zhan told all the plans, he realized that Xu Miao is really a genius.

Mind, courage, responsibility, and strength, among the people he has met, no one can match him.

The disciples of the Nanjing Sect always had an inexhaustible supply of elixirs, and Qiao Ye's complexion looked much better under the stimulation of a large number of high-quality elixirs.

Seeing this, Xu Miao proposed to split up: "Ye Chen, you and Zheng Zhan should act together to find other monks and collect soul power. Together with Qiao Ye, it is best not to conflict with eighth-level monsters and super eighth-level monsters." .”

"If you can't solve it, you still have to focus on your own safety." The super eight-level monster has been released by Gong Shize, which shows that Gong Shize has already shown impatience and time is running out.

If there are not a thousand monks left in a short period of time, I am afraid that all the ninth-level monsters will be released by Gong Shize.At that time, even if Qing Jiao's real body appeared, he would not be the opponent of the other party.

Qiao Ye looked at Xu Miao with a complicated expression, but Xu Miao pretended not to see it, but in fact, he didn't want to save Qiao Ye at all.He has seen too many monks, and at a glance, he knows whether the other party is an enemy or a friend.

However, Qiao Ye's status was too special. If he could pull Qiao Ye to his side, he would be very confident that he could get Nanjing Sect to stand behind him and support him.

After all, Donglu is not Xilu, Xilu is where he grew up, and most of the seniors believed in him.At least there is something about the envoy, he can bluntly tell him in Xilu.

When he arrived in Donglu, he could only go deep into the tiger's den by himself to find out the other party's true intentions.Now that he has touched the edge of the truth of the matter, Gong Shi wasted all his strength just to collect the monk's soul power.

As long as the drama runs, he'll be able to get more out of it.Xu Miao was not a talkative person, and Qiao Ye didn't want to talk to Xu Miao either. The two flew in silence, saved monks with enough strength in silence, and collected the soul power of dead monks in silence.

When the two groups finally assembled, there were only 500 people left, half of the original 1000 people.The strength of the super eighth-level monster is too terrifying, but just after appearing for a moment, it harvested the lives of a large number of monks.

No matter how fast Xu Miao was and how vast his consciousness was, he still couldn't take care of all the monks in the magic weapon space.The two sides counted the amount of soul power, and the soul power collected by Xu Miao reached more than 4000.

Ye Chen's side is not as good as Xu Miao's, and there are more than 2000, which adds up to almost [-].Although he didn't get the soul power of all the monks, it can be regarded as greatly disrupting Gong Shize's plan.

Xu Miao looked up at the sky and said, "Senior Yuanying, and the envoy Gong Shize, please open the magic weapon space." Xu Miao's voice echoed continuously in the sky.

Gong Shi's face was ashen, and he tore his hands outward, opening an exit.Gong Shi is the same as Xilu's, he doesn't have much strength himself, but he has the three mana bestowed by his master, as well as various magic weapons that store mana left by his body for his avatar.

As long as the magic weapon is hit, the strongest power of the magic weapon can be exerted.These magic weapons were all brought down from the upper plane, and he did not believe that Xu Miao could escape from the attack of these magic weapons.

A sudden chill came from Xu Miao's back. He had an ominous premonition, and his footsteps paused.

Ye Chen noticed Xu Miao's situation and asked, "What's the matter?" Xu Miao just shook his head and became vigilant, and only stepped into the entrance after all the monks left.

Gong Shi looked at someone other than Xu Miao, and hated Xu Miao even more.Xu Miao instinctively felt that the chill was getting heavier and heavier, and he was sure that someone was going to attack him.

Besides Ding Ou, the most likely one is Gong Shize.It was not the first time Ding Ou shot at him, and he was used to it, so he would never feel this way.

Only Gong Shize was left, and Xu Miao lowered her eyes, thinking about the opponent's means.He snatched up nearly [-] fine soul powers by himself, which was enough to disrupt Gong Shize's plan.

Gong Shi must hate him so much that his teeth itch, and he will attack him the first time he goes out.Xu Miao's whole body is in a state of state, ready to shoot at any time.

As soon as he appeared in the square, he felt a murderous aura and a spiritual power appearing at the same time.Xu Miao reacted very quickly, taking out the dragon scales in an instant, and at the same time propping up Fu Yu's helmet.

No one except Xu Miao expected Gong Shize's sudden attack.In their view, there is absolutely no need for an envoy from the upper plane to do anything to Xu Miao.

Hu Cheng also came to his senses at this time, and quickly stopped Gong Shize: "Ambassador, why did you act like this?"

Ye Chen and Xu Miao stood together, and the Ye family would not let Ye Chen have a crisis, they shot at almost the same time as Hu Cheng, and stopped Gong Shize.

A smile appeared on the corner of Xu Miao's mouth, he knew that Hu Cheng understood.He has the soul power of many monks, including the soul power of Nanjing sect monks.

If he dies, no one can guarantee what will happen to these soul powers.Only by keeping Xu Miao can the soul power of the Nanjing sect monks be kept.

"Aren't you seniors Yuanying planning to do something? Most of the soul power of your disciples is in my hands." As soon as Xu Miao finished speaking, the Yuanying cultivator made a move.

They didn't dare to attack Gong Shi, they just used spiritual power to help Xu Miao resist.

"He broke the rules of the assessment, he deserves to be killed!" Seeing Hu Cheng, and Ye Rongyi, the head of the Ye family's late-stage cultivator blocking him, Gong Shi was furious and threw out a reason at random.

What Xu Miao was waiting for was Gong Shize's answer, and said loudly: "The envoy's words are somewhat biased. Before entering the magic weapon space, you only said that there are 1 people and there are 1000 people left. Others, you didn't say a word. .”

"Now, it is said that I broke the assessment rules and should be killed. I really want to impose a crime without excuse. Are people on the upper plane like you, so unreasonable?"

Xu Miao is not afraid of Gong Shize at all. He knows that the biggest amulet on his body is the power of more than 4000 souls. In addition, Ye Chen, Qiao Ye, Zheng Zhan and others have been standing behind him, which shows that the Ye family and the South Jingzong stood behind him.

"Despicable lower-plane monks, are you worthy of reasoning with me?" Gong Shi was furious, and cursed all the lower-plane monks in spite of his words.

Hu Cheng's complexion changed. He always knew that the envoys from the upper plane looked down on the monks from the lower plane, but when he said it so openly, he really thought that there was no one in the lower plane.

Gong Shi also realized that no matter how reluctant he was, he could only make amends: "This envoy said it was Xu Miao, and it has nothing to do with you." The favor of Gong Shize in my heart is even worse.

"Despicable? I kill monsters openly and snatch the power of souls openly. All my actions are aboveboard. How can I be despicable?"

"What's more, compared to some people, secretly using the name of elite monk selection to secretly send out monsters and stealthily absorb the monk's soul power, isn't this kind of behavior more despicable, don't you think, upper plane messenger?"

"What an eloquent monk!" Gong Shi gritted his teeth with hatred, and knew that he had lost the opportunity, and it was impossible to kill Xu Miao again, so he had to wait for the next opportunity.

Xu Miao squinted at Gong Shize, raised her hand in a very perfunctory manner, and said, "It's really a compliment, but being praised by someone like you really doesn't feel the slightest honor."

Quarrel with the master, you can't die if you fight!Xu Miao looked coldly at Gong Shi, who was speechless by him, and felt refreshed for a while.Xu Miao didn't bother to pay attention to Gong Shize, took out the power of the soul, and returned it to other monks in front of Gong Shize.

Gong Shi looked at Xu Miao's hands on the power of his own soul, which should have been his own, and felt depressed for a while.He clenched his fists tightly, not hiding his killing intent.

"The assessment is temporarily terminated, and it will be held again in three days!" Gong Shi dropped a word, shook his hands and left.Hu Cheng was extremely upset when he saw that Gong Shi was making decisions at will.However, the other party's words have already been spoken, and there is no way to change them, so they can only bite the bullet and continue to circle.

It was only three days, and all the Golden Core cultivators simply sat on the ground and spent the three days in meditation.Xu Miao and Song Siyu sat together, while Ye Qianqian followed Ye Chen back to where the Ye family members were.

Hu Cheng hurriedly went to find the patriarch of the sect, Daoist Kang Jing, a cultivator who transformed himself into a god, and told him what happened in the magic weapon space.However, what Hu Cheng never expected was that Taoist Kang Jing had already known about this.

"Gong Shize's intention for coming has already been explained to me, and I agree."

(End of this chapter)

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