Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 330 The Conspiracy of the Upper Plane

Chapter 330 The Conspiracy of the Upper Plane

The vicissitudes of the voice of Taoist Kang Jing continued: "The battle on the upper plane has spread to the lower plane, and we are just one of the pawns."


When Hu Cheng left Taoist Kang Jing's residence, he was in a daze.Taoist Kang Jing said some things to him, which completely overturned his previous thoughts.

He really spent some time sorting out the information he got today.Hu Cheng really wanted to tell Xu Miao and Qiao Ye about certain things so that they could prepare early.

However, due to the warning given by Daoist Kang Jing at that time, he could only look at the group of Jindan monks in Donglu. The experience may be something that has never happened since Donglu appeared.

Xu Miao looked at the expectant monks surrounding her, and she took her heart into consideration, and said with a meaningful smile: "There has never been a free lunch in this world, everyone must have heard this saying."

The monk in front of Xu Miao had a bad premonition, but his soul power was still in Xu Miao's hands, and they had to agree to whatever Xu Miao said.

Before Ye Chen returned to the position of the Ye family members, he gave all the soul power he had obtained earlier to Xu Miao.The soul power of nearly [-] monks is in the hands of Xu Miao.

Xu Miao glanced at the anxious monks: "It's very simple. For monks who need soul power, they can take away your soul power by paying 500 yuan of high-grade spirit stones per person."

500 yuan for high-grade spirit stones is definitely not a big amount for monks who can come here to participate in the selection of elite monks, and it is an amount that everyone can come up with.

Xu Miao was also sure of this point. The 500 yuan high-grade spirit stone would not make the monks unable to get it out, and it would also allow him to make a lot of money.

"The envoy Gong Shi gave us three days to pass the customs. I will save the soul power for one more day for you. When you receive the soul power, you will have to pay an extra 100 yuan of high-grade spirit stones."

In other words, if you receive it today, you only need to pay 500 yuan for high-grade spirit stones, on the second day, you need to pay 600 yuan for high-grade spirit stones, and on the third day, the price will become 700 yuan for high-grade spirit stones.

"The power of the soul is a major event related to your future cultivation. The sooner you integrate the power of the soul, the sooner you will reduce the corresponding hidden dangers."

"500 yuan high-grade spirit stone, you can't buy it at a loss, and you can't be fooled." Xu Miao sat on the ground with a philistine expression and greeted the monks around him.

Xu Miao's current appearance is completely different from the appearance of fighting eighth-level monsters and super-eighth-level monsters alone in the magic weapon space.In the magic weapon space, Xu Miao gave people the impression that he was like a savior.

Now, it gives people the appearance of a profiteer.Xu Miao didn't care about it at all, no matter what it looked like, he was for a certain ultimate goal.

Ye Chen couldn't help laughing when he saw Xu Miao sitting on the ground and raising prices like a merchant.It's just that he was able to obtain these soul powers because of Xu Miao's power, so he had no position to let Xu Miao distribute them directly to the monks.

A wealthy monk stepped forward and piled 500 yuan of high-grade spirit stones in front of Xu Miao, saying, "500 yuan of spirit stones is not too much, give me back the power of the soul."

There was no displeasure on Xu Miao's face, and without raising her head, she flicked out a trace of soul power, and collected all the spirit stones in front of her.If one person takes the lead, others will have a herd mentality.

But after a while, there was already a long queue in front of Xu Miao.In order to speed up, Xu Miao simply made the monks who needed to receive the power of the soul stand in a few rows, and then put the full amount of spirit stones in front of him.

While collecting the spirit stone, he took out the power of the soul.After doing so, the speed at which Xu Miao returned her soul power was greatly accelerated.It only took half a day to return all the soul power of nearly 7000 people.

In addition to the 500 people who survived in the magic weapon space, there were more than 2000 people whose soul power was devoured by monsters.These monks left Nanjing Sect dejectedly. No one knows what their future path will be.

Xu Miao sent one third of the spirit stones obtained to Ye Chen.The smooth acquisition of the power of the soul is inseparable from Ye Chen's help.

Xu Miao has always had a clear distinction between grievances and grievances, repaying kindness for kindness, and revenge for revenge. After getting the Ye family's help, naturally she has to repay the other party.Ye Chen looked at the storage bag Song Siyu sent, and couldn't laugh or cry.

When she wanted to refuse, Song Siyu had already bounced back to Xu Miao's side.

Three days passed quickly, and Gong Shize and Hu Cheng reappeared in front of 500 people.The originally crowded square became very spacious after more than 9000 people were eliminated. 500 people gathered in the middle of the square, waiting for Gong Shize and Hu Cheng's orders.

During the first assessment, Xu Miao just stood in a corner with Song Siyu. Now, other monks spontaneously surrounded Xu Miao in the front.

A change in position also means a change in status.After all, it was Xu Miao who blocked the attacks of the high-level monsters so that they could retain their soul power.

Hu Cheng noticed the change of Xu Miao's position, didn't say much, and went straight to the point: "In the second round of assessment, all 500 people will be locked up in a confinement prison—"

Before Hu Cheng finished speaking, the audience was in an uproar.They have all heard the name of the confinement prison. It is a prison left over from ancient times.

It is specially used to detain the vicious monks, but in recent years, there are no more evil monks everywhere, and the confinement prison has also been abandoned.The most terrifying thing about the confinement prison is nothing else, but that in the confinement prison, all the means of the monk will fail and become a mortal.

No matter the consciousness, spiritual power, magic weapon, or even the talisman, it will lose its effect.As long as it is a monk who is imprisoned in a confinement prison, none of them can come out alive.

In this assessment, a confinement prison was actually used, which frightened a group of monks.Some monks can't wait to turn around and leave, not wanting to stay here any longer.

Xu Miao frowned, thinking about the confinement prison that Hu Cheng said.He is not a monk from Donglu, and he has also heard of the reputation of the confinement prison.A place that must die, why should the group of them be sent into it.

Three days ago, Xu Miao obviously noticed Hu Cheng's dissatisfaction with Gong Shize, but today he carefully observed Hu Cheng's facial expression, and the previous dissatisfaction was wiped away.

Xu Miao couldn't deduce useful information from the other party's facial expressions alone.Xu Miao guessed that Hu Cheng, a late Nascent Soul cultivator, had to obey, and there was no other possibility except for the cultivator of Huashen.

It's just why the cultivator of Huashen made Hu Cheng cooperate with Gong Shize's behavior so much, and even borrowed the confinement prison.Xu Miao didn't know Donglu's cultivator who transformed himself into a god, so he couldn't know whether the other party was also for the Ascension Passage.

When Xu Miao was immersed in thinking, the other monks had already exploded.A casual cultivator protested loudly: "In a place like a confinement prison, after we enter, there will be no life left!"

"Unless you kill me! Otherwise, I will never go in!" Gong Shi raised his eyes and noticed the monk who made the sound, and a magic weapon that could not see the real face appeared and hit the casual monk on the head.

Xu Miao moved in front of the casual cultivator in an instant, blocked Gong Shize's magic weapon attack for him, and said coldly: "It's really eye-opening for the majestic envoy from the upper plane to make a sneak attack!"

The magic weapon that fell on the ground directly smashed the nearby white marble into powder, exposing the soil under the white marble.Only then did Sanxiu realize that it was Xu Miao who saved him, and thanked him repeatedly.

"He's going to die, so I'll help him naturally." Gong Shi stared at Xu Miao fiercely, this damned Xu Miao turned against him again.

Xu Miao rolled her eyes to the sky: "Has your master ever taught you to read comprehension, and has he told you to listen to the words? You are so stupid and hopeless."

Being ridiculed by Xu Miao repeatedly, Gong Shize's face was so dark that water dripped out.If it weren't for the master's confession, he would have shot Xu Miao immediately and killed Xu Miao on the spot.

Gong Shi snorted coldly, turned his face away, and stopped looking at Xu Miao, so as not to get angry.When the monk saw Xu Miao dealing with Gong Shize, he felt extremely relieved and wanted to clap his hands in celebration.

Hu Cheng turned a blind eye to the episode just now, and continued to talk about the confinement prison: "All of you will be put in prison, and how to escape is your business."

"In the end, we need a hundred monks. The first hundred monks who leave the confinement prison are qualified, and the rest are all eliminated. Of course, the eliminated monks will not die. You need to take the initiative to hand over a ray of soul power." At the end, Hu Cheng's voice was hoarse.

His own disciple wants to hand over his soul power, but he can't do anything. This kind of powerlessness is unacceptable to the great monks of the late Nascent Soul.

Xu Miao suddenly raised her head and looked at Hu Cheng.Hu Cheng felt Xu Miao's eyes, and unnaturally shifted to one side.The monks in the late Yuanying period dare not look directly at the monks in the late Jindan period, and they will laugh out loud if they say it.

However, this incident actually happened, and it happened to Xu Miao.Xu Miao was sure that Hu Cheng must have known something.Gong Shize's purpose, what happened to the upper plane, and why the lower plane was involved.

Moreover, Gong Shize's master's scheme has been approved by the cultivator of Huashen.Otherwise, how could an elder of a sect watch the outstanding disciples in the sect and ruin his future.

The only thing that can be more important than the young disciples in the sect is the sect.What happens on the upper plane will eventually have some impact on the lower plane, and this impact will most likely affect the sect's survival.

Just by dodging Hu Cheng's eyes, Xu Miao guessed a lot of content.But the useful information he knows is too small, far from enough for him to deduce the truth.

With the example of that casual cultivator, no cultivator dared to refuse to enter the confinement prison.Hu Cheng made a tactic with both hands, and a token appeared in front of him. The token instantly emitted a dazzling light, covering all 500 people in the square.

In an instant, all 500 people disappeared, leaving only a piece of intact white marble and that dazzling piece of soil.

(End of this chapter)

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