Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 331 Origin of Confinement Prison

Chapter 331 Origin of Confinement Prison

The moment the token's light shrouded her body, Xu Miao felt her whole body was imprisoned.Sure enough, as the rumors said, his consciousness and spiritual power could not be separated from the body.

The teleportation light disappeared, and Xu Miao was thrown from midair into one of the prisons.The falling speed was extremely fast, and Xu Miao instinctively used her spiritual power to slow down the falling speed, but——

With a "bang", Xu Miao fell heavily on the ground, and her body hit the hard ground. Xu Miao grinned in pain. He also clearly heard the sound of bones in his right arm dislocating.

Before being shrouded in the light of the token, it was only spiritual power, and the consciousness was imprisoned and could not leave the body.If he is in danger, at least he can use his spiritual power to protect himself and try to escape.

Now both the consciousness and the spiritual power have disappeared, and the dantian is empty, Xu Miao can't feel anything at all.Golden elixir, golden elixir is gone, spiritual power, spiritual power is empty.

He raised his fist and swung it towards the wall next to him. As expected, Xu Miao's hand swelled immediately.

This feeling reminded him of the time when he was still in Dianhou Village.At that time, he was still a mortal with no strength to restrain a chicken, and he looked extremely small in front of the monks, and any move could kill him.

If he is an individual cultivator, even if his spiritual power and consciousness disappear, at least he still has an invincible body.Faxiu's body is too weak to use his body as a magic weapon for defense like physical cultivation.

He stretched out his other good hand and joined his fractured right hand.Originally, things that could only be solved by the operation of spiritual power, but now they have to be honestly connected to the bones like a mortal, this kind of gap makes Xu Miao dumbfounded.

After kneading the bones, Xu Miao had time to look at the environment.Losing his consciousness, he couldn't communicate with Xiaotian, and could only rely on himself.

There are solid walls on three sides of this cell, and only one side is a cell door constructed of iron bars.He stretched out his hand and patted the walls on three sides. The left and right sides were solid, indicating that there were no mechanisms.

The back wall is cold to the touch, and the temperature is lower than the other two walls, and it is very likely that it is attached to the nearby water flow.If the wall can be broken down, it may be possible to leave this place along the water flow.

Thoughts are beautiful, reality is cruel.In this cell, apart from Xu Miao herself, there was not even a dead mouse, it was empty.If you want to break down the wall behind, relying on Xu Miao's own strength is completely impossible.

He set his sights on the prison door built by the iron fence, and there was an iron chain hanging from the prison door.The iron lock alone is the size of Xu Miao's two fists, and the chain connected by the iron lock is as thick as Xu Miao's arm.

There is absolutely no possibility of breaking the chain just by pulling it by hand.Xu Miao looked at the iron lock, and leaned against the iron fence to think about how to get out.According to Hu Cheng, five hundred people will be put in jail.

Since five hundred monks are allowed to leave the confinement prison according to their own abilities, there must be other auxiliary items.Xu Miao searched the entire cell, but still found nothing, so he almost searched all over——

Wait, turn the ground over.He only looked for things above the ground, but he didn't think about the underground.Xu Miao lowered her eyes and looked at the neat blue bricks on the ground.

Xu Miao patiently knocked on each of the blue bricks, looking for unusual ones, and sure enough, he found one that was different from the others.

Using his hands into claws, he grabbed the green brick, and found a wire under the green brick.Xu Miao's head is full of black lines, who designed the prison break, and why is there a plot in the storybook of ordinary people.

Find a wire, pierce the chain, do you want another mechanism!Xu Miao kept slandering in her heart, but her movements didn't stop at all.Aim the iron wire at the keyhole, poke it randomly a few times, and with a "click", the iron lock opens.

Xu Miao looked at the iron chain that was easily opened in her hand speechlessly, and she didn't even have the strength to complain.He wrapped the iron lock and chain around his hands as a temporary weapon.

Without spiritual power and consciousness, he had to rely on external forces. He couldn't find anything good for the time being, so he could only make do with the iron chains.Xu Miao carefully observed the surrounding situation. There was no one in the next cell, and Xu Miao did not hear the monk calling for help.

When he turned a corner, he obviously heard an abnormal noise behind him.Xu Miao turned around cautiously and looked back. All the roads she had walked before disappeared and turned into roads in other directions.

Xu Miao frowned, this confinement prison can automatically change the road.If you make a mistake, you won't even have the chance to go back.He was standing at the intersection, and there were three forks in front of him, but he was not at all sure which fork was the right one.

Once he makes a mistake, the path behind him will change again, and he will never be able to get out of the confinement prison.The most direct consequence is to hand over the power of the soul.

Xu Miao was imagining the worst possible outcome. In his sea of ​​consciousness, there was the soul of Taoist Li Huan.In case he was not one of the first one hundred monks to go out, he would use the power of Qingjiao to split the soul of Taoist Li Huan into strands.

With Gong Shize's strength, it is certainly impossible to tell that the power of the soul separated from his sea of ​​consciousness is not actually his.After finding a way out, Xu Miao was no longer nervous, and chose a random direction and walked to the left road.

The road behind changed again, and Xu Miao could only continue forward.

"Is there anyone?" Xu Miao recognized Wang Hong's voice, and walked along the place where the voice came from. Wang Hong leaned helplessly against a wall in the prison.

When Wang Hong saw Xu Miao, his face was overjoyed, and he asked with doubts: "Xu Miao! How did you get out? Could it be that the spiritual power and consciousness on your body have not disappeared, but are still on you?"

Xu Miao looked at Wang Hong with a complicated face, took out the iron wire from her waist, poked it a few times at the keyhole of the iron lock, and the strong iron lock was immediately opened.

Wang Hong looked at Xu Miao adoringly: "How do you even understand these things!"

This is the disadvantage of being born in a comprehension family since childhood, and I haven't even read the scriptures in the world.Those heroes, after being trapped, all used this method to unlock.

Xu Miao didn't know whether it was the expression of pity or regret, which hurt Wang Hong very much, and Xu Miao despised him again.Xu Miao did not continue the topic of unlocking, but talked about the situation in the confinement prison.

Wang Hong is the young patriarch of the Wang family, so he must know more about the confinement prison than he does.Wang Hong pondered for a while, and then said: "The confinement prison was built by a monk who focused on organs in ancient times. This monk is honored as Qianjizi."

"Qianjizi has always firmly believed that there will always be spiritual power, and when the spiritual sense loses its effect. Therefore, monks should not put too much faith in spiritual power and divine sense, and should also invest energy in other aspects."

"His knowledge of organs has reached the level of perfection. He blocked his own spiritual power, and he can even compete with monks of the same level with organs alone. The confinement prison is the culmination of Qianjizi's organs."

Xu Miao frowned even more upon hearing this.An institution that can be comparable to monks, how terrible such an institution would be.According to Wang Hong, the confinement prison is the master of Qianjizi's mechanism, so this prison must be able to kill people invisible.

Even monks with spiritual power may not be able to leave safely, let alone a group of monks who have lost their spiritual power and consciousness, they are no different from ordinary people.

"Is there a map of the confinement prison?" Xu Miao must know whether there is a map of this terrible prison.

Wang Hong shook his head: "The only map of the confinement prison is on the token in the hands of Daoist Hu Cheng. I heard from the elders in the clan that even if it is the token, the map recorded on it is incomplete. .”

"The main function of that token is to tell outsiders the location of the specific cell in the confinement prison, so that outsiders can use it to transfer prisoners. With the token, you can easily send prisoners in and out of the confinement prison."

"Other paths are not displayed on the token."

"Once, monk Yuanying wanted to explore the prison to find out whether Qian Jizi had left a great inheritance in the prison. They went in swaggeringly because they had the token, but finally escaped in embarrassment."

"At that time, there were more than [-] Nascent Soul monks who entered together, but less than five people came out alive." Wang Hong's words clearly pointed out the horror of this confinement prison and the threat to the life of the monks.

If you just want to obtain the soul power of these people, you can use other methods.Just find a secret realm with a high risk factor, throw them in there, leave them there for ten days and half a month, there will never be many people left.

They can also obtain sufficient soul power, so why send them to a confinement prison without much effort.If the confinement prison is really what Wang Hong said, then it is impossible for the 500 people who have lost their spiritual power and consciousness to leave the confinement prison alive.

Let alone 100 people, it is even more difficult for one person.Seeing that Xu Miao didn't speak, Wang Hong continued: "There is another theory, there is a different cell in the confinement prison, and that cell is the residence of Qian Jizi."

"He's in there studying the prison, studying what he's learned in his life—"

"You mean that there will be a map of the confinement prison in that cell, or a control center?" Xu Miao immediately understood the meaning of Wang Hong's words.

"Yes, as long as we can find that cell, we can find the right route and leave the confinement prison." Wang Hong followed Xu Miao's example, wrapping iron locks and chains around his hands as defensive weapons.

The two discussed the situation inside the confinement prison while walking, but Wang Hong's information was also limited and he was unable to give sufficient information.Every time Xu Miao passed a fork in the road, he used an iron chain to make a mark on the wall.

Along the way, they encountered a lot of cells, some of which were empty, and some of which contained monks, and Xu Miao rescued them easily.

When Xu Miao met Ye Chen, there were already more than 100 people following behind him.Everyone's right hand is tied with iron locks and chains. This scene is funny no matter how you look at it.

(End of this chapter)

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