Chapter 332
"Does our aura look like we're going to fight in groups?" The more desperate Xu Miao became, the more relaxed Xu Miao's mind became, and Ye Chen gave a face-saving smile.

The relaxed atmosphere didn't last long. Xu Miao counted the people behind Ye Chen, and there were 200 people in total.As for the remaining 300 people, Xu Miao still couldn't find where they were.

Xu Miao pointed to the mark at her feet and said, "I walked this road, and this mark was made at that time."

"We've seen the mark several times in a row, which means we're all walking the same old path." Ye Chen looked at the mark that appeared for the fifth time.

Xu Miao squatted down and put her hand on the mark, with a dignified expression: "I didn't make this mark." Pointing to the scratch, he explained: "I don't have mana, the mark is very shallow, and the scratch The front will be relatively deeper than the back."

"And this scratch, regardless of whether it is front or back, has the same depth. It is not a mark that we can make now." When the power is exhausted, especially the monks who have lost their spiritual power and consciousness.

The bluestone wall of the confinement prison was so hard that Xu Miao could only draw a light stroke.The mark that appeared in front of him was obviously someone imitating his scratches, and this person definitely possessed spiritual power.In order to leave such a mark on the bluestone wall.

The monks behind Xu Miao fell silent when they heard this.No matter who knows, what they have to face is not only the confinement prison, but also another black hand behind the scenes, and no one will be in a good mood.

What's even more frightening is that the person behind the scenes also possesses spiritual power.Even if this person only has the cultivation base of the Qi Refining Stage, they can kill these Golden Core cultivators instantly.

Now they are no longer golden core monks who call the wind and rain, but existences that are almost the same as ordinary people. If someone really wants to put them to death, it is too simple.

"Wang Hong, you know the confinement prison. Can the people outside see the situation inside the confinement prison?"

Wang Hong shook his head: "Impossible. The prison was built by Qian Jizi who devoted all his life's knowledge. Unless he passes a token and enters the prison in person to check the situation, it is impossible for other people to go outside and find out what happened in the prison."

Xu Miao and Ye Chen looked at each other, and they both saw the heaviness in each other's eyes.Unlike in the Magic Treasure Space, where at least it is under the watchful eyes of the public, Gong Shi will not do anything blatantly.

But it was different in the confinement prison, Gong Shi was completely safe and bold to attack them.In the end, even if all 500 people died, Gong Shi could push four, five, six and pretend that he didn't know anything.

What makes Xu Miao most incomprehensible is that all of them lost their spiritual power and consciousness after entering the confinement prison. Why can someone still guarantee the existence of spiritual power.

Unless - that "person" is not a person, if it is a puppet, there is a great possibility that it will not be restricted and affected by the confinement prison.

"Ah..." A shrill scream sounded, interrupting Xu Miao's train of thought and breaking the silence of the confinement prison.Xu Miao's expression froze, and she rushed over to where the voice came from.

A chubby thing rolled to Xu Miao's feet, Xu Miao looked closely, but it was the head of a monk.The monk opened his eyes wide, filled with disbelief.

"How could someone die here?"

"We haven't even found a way out, who is so reckless!"


Xu Miao reached out and turned the monk's head over. The incision was smooth, and the "human" who did it was definitely sharp.Although Faxiu's body is not as good as that of physical cultivation, with a copper head and iron arms, it will also be strengthened to a certain extent.

As a Jindan cultivator, the hardness of his body cannot be broken by ordinary weapons.From that scream to the time when Xu Miao and others arrived, the time was very short.

In such a short period of time, the murderer went from killing to escaping without leaving any trace at all.Panic spread among the monks, they were used to controlling the life and death of others.

Now I have become like a mortal, and I am a fish and a knife. This strange feeling makes them feel afraid, and some monks even start to tremble.

There was another scream, and Xu Miao suddenly turned her head to look, and the last few monks were killed instantly.Everyone was looking at the situation in front of them, and they didn't notice what was behind them at all.

"The murderer is here!" A monk said, staggering, trying to leave the place.However, here, everyone does not know the specific way out, and where they can go.

Xu Miao said in a deep voice: "Everyone sticks to the wall, one next to the other!" The monks immediately moved after hearing the sound, and the road in the middle was revealed.

He gripped the iron chain tightly in his hand, which was the only weapon now.Xu Miao walked over carefully. He was sure that even if the murderer had spiritual power, he was not strong enough.

Otherwise, the murderer can kill all of them with one move, and there is no need to use this method.Even without spiritual power and consciousness, Xu Miao's five senses are more sensitive than ordinary monks.

Xu Miao noticed that at the back, there was a monk with his head down, his back against the wall.Under the current situation, almost all monks are in panic, and their chests will rise and fall violently due to tension.

But the monk next to Xu Miao was very calm, his chest didn't rise and fall at all, and Xu Miao didn't even hear his breathing.Xu Miao stood in front of him, and this person didn't look up from the beginning to the end.

Xu Miao gave Ye Chen a wink, and Ye Chen immediately understood.The two approached this person cautiously, one on the left and the other on the right.Just when Xu Miao was less than three steps away from that person, the other party suddenly attacked.

A sharp sword qi slashed at Xu Miao, Xu Miao had been prepared for a long time, and deftly dodged to the side.Even if he was fully prepared, he couldn't dodge it completely. The sword energy directly broke the chain and landed on Xu Miao's arm, leaving a deep and bone-deep sword wound.

If it wasn't for the chains blocking the front, slightly defusing the attack of the sword energy, Xu Miao had no doubt that just the sword just now could have cut off his right hand directly.

When the opponent sent out sword energy, Ye Chen jumped at the opponent at the same time. He shook off the chain and tied the man's neck.In the blink of an eye, Xu Miao hit the man's abdominal dantian with all his strength with the broken chain in his hand, using the sharpness of the broken chain.

Under the joint attack of Xu Miao and Ye Chen, the cultivator quickly lost his strength and fell limply to the ground.At this time, the cultivator on the side also reacted, and someone exclaimed: "I know this person, how could he do such a thing!"

The words of the monk next to him made it clear that this person is not a puppet, but a monk.Xu Miao looked up, and the monk's body immediately began to fester, and countless maggots drilled out of his body.

They were so densely packed that they devoured all the flesh and blood of this monk in an instant.The nearby monks have seen various scenes, and they couldn't help turning pale when they saw this kind of scene.

A thought suddenly appeared in Xu Miao's mind, regardless of the disgust of others, she backed away again and again.Instead, he stepped forward and frantically swung the chain, killing the maggots.

He suspected that these maggot-like things were not actually maggots.Their real identities are very likely to be Gu insects.Gu worms are small in size and can attach to a monk at will.

The confinement prison has the effect of restraining monks, but it does not necessarily have the effect of restraining these small Gu insects.The Gu worm controlled the monk's sea of ​​consciousness. Through the spiritual consciousness in the Gu worm's body, he opened the storage bag on the monk's body, took out the magic weapon, and attacked other monks.

It's just that the body of the Gu insect is too small, and the spiritual consciousness and spiritual power it can carry in its body are not enough, so after sending out a blow, it must rest for a period of time before sending out the second blow.

From the beginning to the end, there is no so-called behind-the-scenes person at all.If one has to be mentioned, then these Gu worms are the knives to kill people, and Gong Shi is the one who raised the knives to kill people.

No matter how fast Xu Miao's movements are, they can't beat the speed of crawling.These Gu worms scattered and fled, disappearing from the cracks in the blue brick wall.

Xu Miao's face was very ugly, these Gu worms were like a sharp sword, hanging over his head all the time.All of them now have no magic power, and once they are possessed by Gu insects, there is absolutely no possibility of resistance.

He threw aside the chain that was stained with the body of the Gu worm, thinking about his next move.Gu worms will appear at any time, and the people around them will become murderers at any time. In this case, they will no longer be able to trust anyone around them.

The larger the number of people, the easier it is for the monks controlled by Gu worms to attack.Xu Miao could only keep everyone separated, try to pay attention to the breathing of the people around him, and talk a lot.

Gu worms can only control monks' attacks, and more complex human behaviors cannot be completely imitated.When the monks heard Xu Miao's words, they left in a hurry, for fear that the people around them would immediately become evil ghosts.

In the end, only Ye Chen and Wang Hong were left beside Xu Miao, and the three looked at each other and smiled wryly.They must find a way to find the map of the prison, so that they have a chance to leave this place full of crises.

There was a rumbling sound, and a wall suddenly fell behind the three of them, and the back road was directly blocked.Xu Miao looked up and noticed the stone above, ready to move, about to fall, shouted: "Run!"

The three of them ran forward desperately, and the bluestone walls behind them kept falling one after another.The road ahead was also blocked by a wall, so Xu Miao made a sharp turn and entered from the road on the right.

That road was completely blocked, and when Xu Miao was in an emergency, the way to enter was completely different.There are no regular bluestone walls, bluestone bricks, the soil under the feet is soft, and there are thin streams of water flowing down the walls on both sides.

Xu Miao instinctively wanted to find out her divine sense, but unexpectedly found that her divine sense could be used.He quickly took out the night pearl to illuminate the place.Except for divine consciousness, spiritual power is still unusable.

With divine consciousness, one can look inside the body.Xu Miao controlled her consciousness to check the inside of her body, her dantian was covered by a layer of thick fog, making it hard to see clearly.

(End of this chapter)

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