Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 333 Control Center

Chapter 333 Control Center
Ye Chen and Wang Hong stared dumbfounded at Xu Miao taking out the Ye Mingzhu: "Xu Miao, you still carry the Ye Mingzhu with you, didn't you put it in the storage bag?"

When Xu Miao heard this, she frowned: "You haven't recovered your consciousness?" The two of them were even more surprised when they heard Xu Miao's question, and continued to shake their heads.

If he left the range of the confinement prison, everyone should recover their spiritual consciousness, and it didn't make sense for him to be the only one who recovered his spiritual consciousness.Neither Ye Chen nor Wang Hong recovered their consciousness, indicating that this place is still within the confines of a confinement prison.

However, why was he the only one who recovered his consciousness.Xu Miao tried to communicate with Xiaotian with her spiritual sense, and then heard Xiaotian's voice.

"Xu Miao, some time ago, my connection with the outside world was cut off by some unknown powerful force. I couldn't see what happened outside, and I couldn't send you news."

The period Xiaotian mentioned should be the period when Xu Miao completely lost her consciousness and spiritual power.He then took out the Fog Condensing Sword and the Nirvana Sword, without any problems.

It's just that the spirit power still hasn't recovered, if it's against the enemy, it can only rely on the power of the spirit sword itself.Ye Chen and Wang Hong looked enviously and puzzled at Xu Miao's use of divine consciousness.

"Although I don't know why I was able to recover my spiritual consciousness, after all, I have recovered all my spiritual consciousness now, and with my spiritual consciousness by my side, at least I won't be too passive."

After Xu Miao finished speaking, she took out two more Ye Mingzhu and handed them to Ye Chen and Wang Hong.He held the Fog Condensing Sword in one hand, and walked forward holding the Ye Mingzhu high in the other.The Fog Condensing Sword is Xu Miao's natal magic weapon, and it will not cause harm to Xu Miao.

But Ye Chen and Wang Hong, who had lost their spiritual protection, followed Xu Miao, their teeth chattering from the cold: "Xu Miao, I have a consultation with you, let's change the sword, it's too...too cold gone."

It was only then that Xu Miao realized the impact of the fog-condensing sword on outsiders, so she replaced it with the Nirvana sword.

The path of this passage is deep and winding, and the further you go inside, the mud becomes more muddy.Although Xu Miao regained her consciousness, she still couldn't know what the end of the road was like through her consciousness.

Because he cannot be separated from his body, he can only use it by himself, and cannot be used to detect the external environment.

Ye Chen and Wang Hong have never walked such a road since they were young. Ye Chen just had a bad face, and Wang Hong couldn't help cursing in a low voice.

"Damn it, since this Qianjizi is going to build a confinement prison, it will be a complete one, paved with bluestone bricks, so that the remaining road will be too difficult to walk."

The further you go, the road under your feet can hardly be called a road, it is completely a deep silt.The three of Xu Miao were all stuck in the mud from the knee down, walking very hard.

Xu Miao simply put away the Nirvana Sword, held the Ye Mingzhu in one hand, and leaned on the wet wall with the other, and walked forward with difficulty.

After Xu Miao's feet got used to the soft mud, they suddenly stepped on a hard object.It is impossible to accurately determine what it is with bare feet, and the spiritual consciousness cannot be separated from the body. Xu Miao can only bend down and dip his hands into the mud to feel for it.

Wang Hong stopped complaining at this time, and held up the Ye Mingzhu, trying to help Xu Miao illuminate as much as possible.Xu Miao's hands were in the mud, and after groping for a long time, she finally found the thing.It was a token, very similar to the prison token in Hu Cheng's hand.

The word "prison" is written on the front of the token, and a map is rubbed on the back.

"There is nothing wrong with this token! With this token, you can freely enter and exit the confinement prison!" Wang Hong was very excited, thinking that he could leave immediately, and even felt that the mud under his feet was not so bad.

Xu Miao's expression was not as serious as Wang Hong's, and she was still solemn: "This token just looks like it. I hold it, but I still can't feel the slightest spiritual power."

Wang Hong also calmed down when he heard Xu Miao's words.Without spiritual power, tokens cannot be used.Under normal circumstances, as long as you hold the token, you can feel the spiritual power, so you can use the token to leave the prison.

After walking all the way, Xu Miao found no trace of the token.In the depths of the road, in addition to the silt, there is also a gradually rising water flow.

There was only a small amount of water flow at the beginning, and it gradually increased until it was over Xu Miao's head.Without spiritual protection, it is impossible to persist in the water for a long time just by holding your breath.

Xu Miao took out the scale that Qingjiao had given him, and the three of them floated to the surface of the water smoothly along the direction of the water with the help of the scale's protective range.

After surfacing on the water, Xu Miao could see clearly that the water flow they were in was like a moat, guarding a room made of bronze in the middle.

In the middle of the bronze door, there is a depression that is exactly the same size as the token Xu Miao picked up.Without any hope, Xu Miao buckled the token on the bronze door. What he didn't expect was that the token would work.

The word "Prison" on the token shone with dazzling light, covering Xu Miao and the three of them.The feeling of weightlessness came immediately, and the three disappeared from the spot.

When Xu Miao's feet stood on the ground again, the surrounding scene changed.All around are made of bronze, whether it is walls, floors, ceilings.

Including the tables and chairs in the room, they are all made of bronze.In the bronze room, Xu Miao found that her spiritual consciousness could leave the body, but the range was still trapped in the room, unable to break through the room.

Xu Miao immediately noticed one of the bronze walls, which depicts criss-crossing lines, and every intersection has a circular point.

Some dots are red, some are green, some of the lines are lit, and some remain dimmed.Xu Miao recalled the road along the way and compared it with the lines on the wall.

He can be sure that the complicated lines on this wall are the map of the confinement prison.Wang Hong is not good at this way. In his eyes, these lines are just lines, and he cannot see other ways.

Ye Chen saw something unusual in it, and discussed it with Xu Miao.

"As long as we can find where we are now, we can break one side with one point."

Xu Miao raised her hand, pointed to the largest and brightest dot in the middle, and said, "We are right here." Xu Miao recalled their orientation and route in the water, and determined that the origin in the middle was the bronze room where they were now.

He scanned the front wall, looking for the exit: "What we have to do now is to help other monks get out of the confinement prison through the mechanism that controls this place."

"Xu Miao, only the first [-] monks who go out can avoid being devoured by the power of their souls."

"Do you think there are still a hundred monks left?" Xu Miao lifted her chin slightly, motioning Ye Chen to look into an hourglass next to her.Since Xu Miao regained his consciousness, he could clearly count the number of pebbles in the hourglass.

The number of small stones up and down is exactly the number of monks they entered the confinement prison.The number of pebbles in the upper part of the hourglass is less than one hundred, and the number is still decreasing.

"Those Gu worms will directly kill the monks. They are really dead, unlike the first round in the magic weapon space, they still have a chance to survive."

Wang Hong gritted his teeth and said three words: "Gong Shize!"

"Since it is a confinement prison, the trapped monks will be trapped here. Even if they die, their souls will not be able to leave. This is why Gong Shi chose the confinement prison as the second round of assessment sites."

"When the assessment is over, he will take the token in Hu Cheng's hand and enter the confinement prison to collect the souls of all the dead monks." Without Gong Shize's supervision, Xu Miao directly smashed Gong Shize's plot.

"Then we are not busy in vain, we can't disturb Gong's plan at all?"

Xu Miao didn't directly answer Wang Hong's question: "This is the control center of the entire prison. Since we can pass here to control the roads of the organs, we can also pass here to collect the souls of monks."

"No matter what, Gong Shize must not be allowed to succeed." Xu Miao's voice was cold without any warmth.

He noticed that next to the hourglass, there was a gourd made of bronze. The opening of the gourd was connected to a pipe leading to the outside of the bronze room.

"This gourd is most likely used to collect the souls of monks, because there is only this one gourd here, which has a passage to the outside world."

As long as the soul in the gourd is taken away, Gong Shi will not get anything even if he comes.Thinking of Gong Shi seeing the empty gourd, Xu Miao felt refreshed for a while.

He manipulated the control mechanism next to the map, and the sound of heavy mechanism operation sounded, and a road leading to the outside world gradually unfolded before everyone's eyes.

They didn't know what happened, but they saw the road in front of them change slowly and finally stop.In order to let these monks walk on that road, Xu Miao closed all the other forks, and dropped a wall behind the monks to urge them to move forward.

After Xu Miao moved all the souls in the bronze gourd into the Huntian Stone with a wave of her hand, she turned on the mechanism, and the three left the bronze room.Hu Cheng had already been waiting outside the exit of the confinement prison to pick up all the monks who passed and return to Nanjing Sect.

Leaving the confinement prison, the dense fog that had been covering the dantian dissipated immediately, and spiritual power filled the dantian and body again.Xu Miao glanced at the monks outside, and after making sure that all the living monks had left, she walked directly in front of Hu Cheng.

"Senior Hu Cheng, we can leave now."

Hu Cheng showed surprise: "The number of people has not yet reached one hundred, and we cannot leave for the time being."

"All the living people are here, and the others are all dead. Even if you wait until the end of time, you won't be able to wait for others to come out." Xu Miao's tone was not polite because of Hu Cheng's laissez-faire attitude towards Gong Shize.

Hu Cheng's face sank: "How do you know? You killed them?"

Before Xu Miao answered, Ye Chen stepped forward: "We found the control center of the confinement prison, and learned that there are only so many monks who survived."

"Senior, if you don't believe me, you can pass your token and walk through the prison to know whether what I said is true." Xu Miao said coolly beside her.

(End of this chapter)

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