Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 334 Kang Jing's Plan

Chapter 334 Kang Jing's Plan

Hu Cheng knew that Xu Miao couldn't joke, but he didn't dare to put the monk's life and death on Xu Miao's words.With a gloomy face, he activated the token and entered the confinement prison.

With the help of the token, Hu Cheng quickly shuttled from cell to cell.Write down a number for each corpse you see.The final number is exactly the same as what Xu Miao said.

The monks who left the confinement prison were the ones who survived, and the remaining 400 people were all buried in the confinement prison.Hu Cheng's back felt cold, and worries came from it.

This selection of elite monks included almost all the outstanding Jindan monks in Zhonglu.Compared with the first round of assessment in the magic weapon space, the more than 500 monks who participated in the second round are the most important group of monks in Donglu.

There are various sects, families, and casual cultivators with outstanding strength. The future development of Donglu is closely related to these 500 people.But I never thought that more than 400 people were recruited in just one selection.

Nanjing Sect is responsible for the selection of elite monks, how will he explain to other monks.Not only other sects, but also the disciples of the Nanjing Sect who entered the confinement prison also suffered heavy losses, none of them survived.

Hu Cheng was furious, if it wasn't for Gong Shi who would have intervened, their Nanjing Sect had never suffered such a big loss.Except for Qiao Ye who were still alive, the rest of the disciples were all dead.

He left the confinement prison gloomyly, saw Xu Miao and Ye Chen standing together, walked forward, and asked in a deep voice, "Xu Miao, what do you really know?"

Xu Miao raised her head to look at Hu Cheng, who had a somewhat ferocious expression, and asked calmly, "I should ask you this question, what do you know?"

"What kind of agreement did the cultivators of the Eastern Continent reach with the people on the upper plane, so that they can watch batch after batch of cultivators go to death without doing anything?"

Hu Cheng was choked by Xu Miao's rhetorical question, and couldn't find his voice for a long time.The content of what the ancestor Kang Jing said to him was too important, and it was impossible for him to tell Xu Miao from Westland about these things.

Xu Miao sneered: "Master Hu Cheng, no matter which continent I come from, I, like you, belong to the monks of the lower plane. The hand of the upper plane has reached out to Xilu, but Xilu temporarily cut off this hand, Donglu Woolen cloth?"

"Do you want to let this hand turn Donglu upside down, or take the initiative to draw your sword and cut off the hand that shouldn't appear like Xilu did?"

When Hu Cheng asked Xu Miao, the barrier had already been set up. Everyone could only see Hu Cheng looking for Xu Miao with an ugly face. No one could find out what the two talked about. Xu Miao also knew the power of the barrier. , Tell some things that Hu Cheng is afraid of.

Hu Cheng caught the point of Xu Miao's words: "Is Xilu also here as an envoy?"

"That's right." Xu Miao simply told Hu Cheng what happened in Xilu, "I originally thought that it was because Xilu was the weakest and had many monsters and monks that attracted the attention of monks from the upper plane."

"But after I came to the Eastern Continent, I overturned my original idea. The entire lower plane, no matter which continent, must have attracted the attention of the upper plane."

"It's not just the east land, the west land. If you send a letter to inquire about Zhonglu, there must be an envoy in Zhonglu. It's just that the envoys that appear in each continent do not belong to the same force, and the methods they choose are not the same. "


Except for the fact that Xilu still had the mana from the upper plane, which Xu Miao kept from revealing, Xu Miao told Hu Cheng all the other news.

His foundation in the Eastern Continent is too shallow, and he is temporarily unable to face the cultivator of Huashen.Only by gaining the trust of the great monks in the late Yuanying period, can we have the opportunity to meet the monks of Huashen.

Therefore, Xu Miao showed his sincerity to Hu Cheng to the greatest extent.Hu Cheng fell into a long silence after listening to his words.Xu Miao was waiting, waiting for Hu Cheng to tell him frankly.

"Are you sure you are sure to destroy Gong Shize's plan?"

Xu Miao didn't answer directly: "My success depends on the degree of cooperation of the priest."

Hu Chengcheng seemed to have made up his mind, took a deep breath, and slowly said what Taoist Kang Jing said to him.

This world is not what people originally thought. There is only one lower plane and one upper plane.In fact, the number of upper planes is 36, while the number of lower planes is 72.

The 36 upper planes are named after 36 Tiangang, such as the upper plane of Tiankui and the upper plane of Tianji, and the 72 lower planes are named after 72 Disha, such as the lower plane of Dikui and the lower plane of Diyong.

Each upper plane governs two lower planes. The lower plane where Xu Miao lives is the lower plane of Earth and Space, and together with the lower plane of Earth, it belongs to the jurisdiction of the upper plane of sky.

Sometimes the upper plane will focus on cultivating one of the lower planes for a certain purpose.That lower plane will develop extremely rapidly, and the level of comprehension will be extremely high.The monks on the lower plane will also quickly ascend to the upper plane.

Over the years, the 36 upper planes lived in peace.However, a big event happened recently, and even Daoist Kang Jing didn't know what it was.

All I know is that this matter has attracted 36 upper planes to compete for resources and fight.Some foresighted monks on the upper plane set their sights on the lower plane, destroying the lower plane at the root, thus affecting the upper plane.

The envoys who appeared in the lower plane of the earth and the sky did not come from the upper plane of the sky, but monks from the upper plane of Tianmeng.Use some means to provoke the lower-plane monks to fight and destroy the foundation of the lower-plane monks.

Taoist Kang Jing found out about this by chance.But he knows better that the upper plane of the sky is too busy to take care of itself now, and the cultivation level of the lower plane of the earth is much higher than that of the lower plane of the earth and space. Therefore, the upper plane of the sky will not spare any energy to help his own plane.

Instead of being sent a large number of monks by the plane in the sky in the next possible plane war, the loss was heavy.How about taking advantage of this opportunity to let all the monks get more brutal experience.

Only monks who can survive this kind of experience will have a chance to survive in the future.

Hu Cheng's narration made Xu Miao understand the reason why Taoist Kang Jing watched with cold eyes.When Xu Miao asked if the other party knew the reason why Gong Shi needed soul power, Hu Cheng also shook his head.

Daoist Kang Jing is the most peak existence in the lower plane of earth and space, but he is only better than the monks at the bottom when he reaches the upper plane.Even Daoist Kang Jing couldn't find out more about finding gaps.

The decision he made was based on the intuition of the top monks. Even if the plane below the ground and space could not be improved, at least it would not be made worse.What's more, a group of Jindan monks, who have this capital in the lower plane of the earth and space, can afford it.

Xu Miao handed over the souls of the monks obtained in the confinement prison to Hu Cheng: "The souls of all the dead monks are here. I know you will have some means to bring these monks back to life."

"Daoist Kang Jing probably had the same idea." Xu Miao looked at Hu Cheng with a half-smile. Hu Cheng blushed and took it from Xu Miao's hand.

It doesn't feel good to be seen through by a monk in the late stage of Jindan.Hu Cheng understands why Xilu's later great monks, and even the cultivators of Huashen, are willing to trust Xu Miao.

There are indeed convincing qualities in this young monk.As long as he is willing, no matter where he goes, he will be the most shining one in the crowd.

"Are you going to continue to participate in the next secret ground rewards?" Hu Cheng watched Xu Miao turn around and asked quickly.Hu Cheng didn't even notice that the tone he spoke to Xu Miao was no longer the tone of a high-ranking monk talking to a low-ranking monk.

Instead, he regards Xu Miao as a peer, and there is no sense of superiority in his words.

"How could I give up the reward I got by working so hard?" Xu Miao didn't look back, left a word, and returned to the monks.

The [-] or so monks who survived all knew that Xu Miao let them come out alive, and everyone's heart was full of gratitude.Even Qiao Ye nodded when he saw Xu Miao.

Hu Cheng activated the teleportation formation and teleported all sixty or so monks back to Nanjing Zong Square.When Gong Shi saw the returning monk, he quickly got up and took the token from Hu Cheng's hand, and disappeared before everyone's eyes.

The monks who didn't understand the situation looked at Gong Shize inexplicably, and Xu Miao, a few monks who knew the inside story, looked unpredictable, waiting for Gong Shize to return.

"Brother, are we not leaving?" Hu Cheng had already announced that more than sixty people had passed the selection and could be qualified to enter the secret place. A group of monks cheered and even forgot what happened in the confinement prison.

Xu Miao smiled and said: "The good show hasn't started yet, how can we leave now?"

Xu Miao didn't have to wait too long for this scene before it officially started.Gong Shi took the token and hurried into the confinement prison, and saw signs of people coming and going in the bronze room.

He hurriedly walked to the bronze gourd to check, only to find that inside the bronze gourd, all the souls had disappeared.Gong Shi remembered that when Xu Miao gave him a meaningful look when he left, he knew everything.

"Xu Miao!" Gong Shi spit out two words from his teeth and clenched his hands tightly.He controlled the token, disappeared from the bronze room in an instant, and returned to Nanjing Sect.

He planned to go to Hu Cheng and ask where Xu Miao was.However, when he arrived at Hu Cheng's cave, he was told that Xu Miao was still in the square.

Gong Shi felt as if he was being led by the nose all the time, and his anger surged.Xu Miao leisurely leaned against a white marble pillar beside Nanjing Zong Square, waiting for Gong Shize to come over.

"Look! The main character is here!" Wang Hong already knew part of Gong Shize's plan, and spontaneously stayed to watch the play.

Gong Shi teleported in front of Xu Miao, without saying a word, and directly started.When Xu Miao saw Gong Shize, her spiritual power had reached its limit and she was ready to attack at any time.

At the same time that Gong Shize was making his move, the Fog Condensing Sword and the Nirvana Sword appeared at the same time, stabbing at Gong Shize.Gong Shi's biggest reliance is not himself, but what his master left him.

(End of this chapter)

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