Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 335 The Purpose of the Upper Plane

Chapter 335 The Purpose of the Upper Plane
Gong Shize, who can only rely on external force, his body will become the biggest weakness.Xu Miao didn't retreat but advanced, and the two spirit swords went straight to Gong Shize.

The one who is in a daze is afraid of being stunned, and the one who is in a daze is afraid of dying.Xu Miao is the one who wants to die, but Gong Shi is the one who wants to die.According to Xu Miao's reckless style of play, even if Gong Shi could seriously injure Xu Miao, his avatar would probably dissipate.

Gong Shi could only recall the magic weapon bitterly to block back, and the Nirvana Sword collided with Gong Shize's magic weapon, sending out a huge shock wave.Xu Miao pointed her finger, and the Wu Ningjian turned to an incredible angle in the air, and stabbed at Gong Shize again.

Every move of Xu Miao didn't care about Gong Shize's magic weapon at all, and focused on Gong Shize's body.Gong Shi was forced by Xu Miao to retreat again and again, his whole face contorted with anger.

"Xu Miao! Who gave you the guts to attack this envoy!" Gong Shi knew very well that if he continued, he could kill Xu Miao regardless of everything, but his avatar would definitely be affected.

Once the avatar is affected, the task entrusted to him by the master cannot be completed, and the consequences are unimaginable.He is very clear about the punishment the master will have for subordinates who fail to perform tasks.

A former colleague was thrown into the execution room by his master and punished for 100 years before he was allowed to die.And this mission is more important than that mission.

Xu Miao immediately noticed Gong Shize's gleam, and he also felt a little invisible fear in Gong Shize's eyes.What can make Gong Shize fearful is definitely not the person in front of him.

Xu Miao has a deep mind, but in a short time, she knew what Gong Shize was afraid of.His eyes were full of mockery: "I have always been so courageous, I don't need anyone to give it to me. Unlike some people, I am already timid now."

Gong Shi was startled, he didn't know if Xu Miao's words meant anything.If the other party has already noticed that he is playing the mouse, then the next situation will be even more unfavorable to him.

"You lingered in Donglu, and never thought about what would happen to Xilu!" Gong Shi could only threaten Xu Miao with Xilu, trying to make Xu Miao divert his attention to other places.

"If the person you send to Westland is a little smarter, at least I will find it a little tricky. But that person's IQ—" Xu Miao sighed, "It's worse than you, and it can't affect Westland at all."

"Are you monks on the upper plane spoiled by the abundance of spiritual energy? Each one's IQ is worrying." Gong Shi was furious when he heard this, but before he got into trouble, Xu Miao took the lead.

The Ningwu Sword stabbed at Gong Shize's right hand sharply, but Gong Shi had no choice but to watch the Ningwu Sword leave a long and deep sword wound on his right hand.

Xu Miao looked at Gong Shize's red eyes, and said disdainfully, "Are you angry? What right do you have to be angry? It's just that you can reincarnate. What are you crazy about?"

"Unconvinced?" Xu Miao stabbed at Gong Shize's left hand again, "Don't you really want to know where those souls have gone?"

"I have already dispelled them all. At this time, they should have already entered the reincarnation. Even if your master comes in person, it will not help."

Gong Shi stared at Xu Miao with wide eyes.He has many methods in his hands, which can kill Xu Miao.But there was no move that could kill Xu Miao in one blow.

He didn't dare to gamble, and he couldn't gamble. He took a last look at Xu Miao, and Gong Shi left with a wave of his sleeves.Xu Miao looked at Gong Shize, without the slightest smile on her face.

Gong Shi will bear it at this time, which means that he still has a back hand.This backhand will still have an impact on the lower plane.The secret place as a reward is Gong Shize's last chance.

Xu Miao can be sure that in the secret place, Gong Shi will make a move.According to the strength of the magic power obtained in the hands of the envoy on the West Land, Gong Shize's means will definitely not be weaker than that magic power.

"Xu Miao, my ancestor is looking for you." Ye Chen suddenly appeared outside the room where Xu Miao was temporarily staying.The person who can be called the ancestor by Ye Chen is none other than the cultivator of the Ye family.

It's just that Xu Miao didn't know what the other party's intention was. The biggest possibility was that she wanted to know more about the envoy through Xu Miao.However, all the information he knew had been told to Hu Cheng, and the other party had no reason to come looking for him again.

Xu Miao followed Ye Chen suspiciously to the courtyard where Ye's family was located.

"The ancestor is waiting for you in the room. I have not been summoned, so I am not allowed to enter." Ye Chen walked to the door and stopped on his own initiative.Xu Miao nodded and pushed open the door.

A beautiful young female cultivator appeared in front of Xu Miao. Seeing this female cultivator's face, Xu Miao was a little surprised. This person's eyes were very similar to Shui Mei.

"You are the first person to see my face, showing surprise instead of being in a daze." The nun's voice was as clear as spring water.

Xu Miao smiled nonchalantly, without the panic of the Jindan cultivator seeing the Huashen cultivator at all, and calmly bowed his hands: "Xu Miao, junior, I have met Zhenjun Yunbi."

True Monarch Yunbi is the only cultivator of the Ye family who has transformed himself into a god, and he once taught Zhenjun Shuimei himself.

"I heard that you were with Shui Mei when the seaside city resisted the beast tide?" Xu Miao didn't know the reason why the other party asked this, and confessed frankly: "Yes."

"Then where is she now?"

Xu Miao smiled wryly: "I want to know too." Xu Miao's answer was completely beyond Zhenjun Yunbi's expectation. The last news she got about Shui Mei was that Shui Mei was with Xu Miao.

However, looking at Xu Miao's appearance, it was true that he was not lying.True Monarch Yunbi could only postpone the matter, and asked about the serious matter: "I heard from Kang Jing that an envoy also appeared in the Western Continent?"

Xu Miao nodded. In order to avoid Master Yunbi's constant inquiries, Xu Miao told all the things related to the envoy in one breath, including his guess about the reason why the envoy collected souls.

"You think it's a sacrifice?"

"This is just one of the possibilities, and there are other possibilities, including refining magic weapons, practicing exercises, and arranging formations. All aspects can be related to the soul."

"You must be very confused. I have already told Hu Cheng everything I know, why I still brought you here today." Xu Miao didn't answer, he knew that at this time, he just had to listen carefully.

"We have communicated with the cultivators in Zhonglu, Xilu, and Nanlu, and all the envoys have come. Your luck in Xilu is very good. The IQ of the envoys who came here is relatively anxious, and they were easily killed by you."

"But the envoys from the remaining three continents are very difficult to deal with. Their specific purpose is definitely not as simple as collecting soul power."

Xu Miao raised her head abruptly and looked directly into the sharp eyes of Master Yunbi.Not only to collect the power of the soul, but what are those people on the upper plane planning?
"We have a bold guess, they want to refine the entire lower plane." Xu Miao blinked, he had never thought of this level.

In the jade slips he had read, the power of the soul mentioned was only used in a certain method or magic weapon.Therefore, from the beginning to the end, the direction of his thinking is related to those.

According to what Supreme Master Yunbi said, they need to refine a plane, then the first thing they need to do is not to start refining, but to understand this plane.

Just like Xu Miao refining the laws of heaven and earth, it is necessary to understand the abstract concepts of the laws of heaven and earth to help refine.The law of heaven and earth is the same, and the same is true of the plane world.

Only monks born in this plane are the most suitable for this plane.As for why they need wraiths, Xu Miao thought for a moment, and then understood the key.

The state of the wraith will distort the soul, and the soul in the distorted state will reveal many essences.These essences are just some of the essences of the lower plane of the earth and space. Understanding the essence of the wraiths will allow them to understand the lower plane faster.

"A lower plane is so big, how do they refine it?" Even after understanding the opponent's purpose, Xu Miao couldn't figure it out. No matter how strong the monks in the upper plane are, they are just monks.

Even high-level monks are still subject to the constraints of the laws of heaven and earth.Now they want to get rid of the laws of heaven and earth and directly refine a plane, which is tantamount to nonsense.

"We don't know, but a certain envoy who came to Zhonglu mentioned in his words that there are immortals behind them. Do you understand?"

Xu Miao heard too much shocking news today. She thought that there would be no more shocks, but she was still shocked by what Master Yunbi said one after another.

"When gods fight, mortals suffer." Xu Miao uttered a sentence with difficulty, but saw the expression of admiration from Master Yunbi.

"As expected of the person who was praised repeatedly by Daoist Xiyue, you can deduce so much content just by relying on a few words. Then the next task is none other than you."

Xu Miao's expression straightened, and only then did she realize that Yun Bi's previous words were just a test for him.If he can't extract effective information from these words, I'm afraid this task will not fall on him.

However, what Xu Miao didn't know was that the scene where the cultivator summoned the Golden Core cultivator happened in different places at the same time.

"After you enter the secret place, Gong Shi will take action to forcibly summon your souls from your body. You have many methods, and you will definitely find a way to avoid the summoning."

"But I need you to accept the call and take the initiative to enter the storage place that Gong Shize provided for your souls."

A gleam of understanding flashed in Xu Miao's eyes: "Just plan."

The admiration in Zhenjun Yunbi's eyes became stronger, he nodded and continued: "They want to refine our plane and understand the rules of our plane through their souls, so we will give him this opportunity."

"There are four and a half heaven and earth laws in your body refining, but three of them don't belong to our current plane." True Lord Yunbi refers to the three heaven and earth laws that Xu Miao refined in the ancient secret realm .

"When Gong Shi is extracting the laws of planes contained in the soul, you need to take the initiative to send these three laws of heaven and earth to his subordinates."

(End of this chapter)

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