Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 336 Divine Consciousness Competition

Chapter 336 Divine Consciousness Competition
Hearing Zhenjun Yunbi's words, Xu Miao knew that the refining law of heaven and earth would leave the body along with the soul.However, handing over the Three Laws of Heaven and Earth to Gong Shize will affect him.

"We will not treat you badly for your contribution to the lower plane of earth and space. At that time, we will take action to help you smelt the six laws of heaven and earth that belong exclusively to the lower plane."

"One of them also involves the law of space, which can make you faster and even teleport." Xu Miao had to admit that the conditions offered by Zhenjun Yunbi were too generous, and it was difficult for him Not excited.

It is extremely difficult for him to find a suitable space in the lower plane of the earth and space, and to refine the laws of heaven and earth by himself.Now that there is a monk who is most familiar with the space here, he will definitely find it faster than him.

Although Xu Miao's heart was moved, he still didn't get knocked out by the pie that fell from the sky and lost his mind.His eyes were clear, and he raised his head and asked: "There are so many monks in the lower plane, including your direct disciples and clansmen, you are all more familiar with them."

"Why choose me, I need to know why."

When Master Yunbi heard Xu Miao's words, his evaluation of Xu Miao had risen to an extremely high level.Ordinary Golden Core cultivators, even Nascent Soul cultivators, would be terrified if they were favored by a cultivator of Transforming Spirit.

And Xu Miao didn't show such emotion from the first time she saw her.In addition, the temptation of the Law of the Six Paths of Heaven and Earth is huge for any monk, and it can almost instantly make a monk lose his mind.

Even in this situation, Xu Miao remained calm, and even asked herself why she chose him.Even if it is a member of the Ye family, it is difficult to be like Xu Miao.

"It's very simple. As a Golden Core cultivator, you have absolute strength. You are ranked fourth on the plane cultivator list, and you already have enough qualifications. Let us choose you."

Xu Miao pondered for a moment, and said: "I need to refine the three laws of heaven and earth first, otherwise I will not take the initiative to provide the laws of heaven and earth."

"Are you making a condition with me?" Zhenjun Yunbi's eyes suddenly sharpened, and he looked directly at Xu Miao.

What Xu Miao is most afraid of is looking at people. You are a cultivator of transformation, and you can do nothing to him: "This is not called asking for conditions, this is called fighting for your own rights reasonably."

"If I listen to you, I will obediently give the Three Laws of Heaven and Earth to Gong Shize. When the time comes, you will turn your face and deny people, and I will find someone to reason with. I don't think I can beat the cultivator of Huashen."

"This matter is related to the life and death of the plane, how can you only focus on personal gains and losses." Senior Yunbi's forehead was throbbing with veins.

Xu Miao shrugged her shoulders: "I didn't say I wouldn't help, but in the mortal world, if you are looking for someone to do something, shouldn't you give me a deposit first?"

Zhenjun Yunbi looked at Xu Miao's bare feet and was not afraid of wearing shoes, and he had a headache. No Golden Core had ever dared to act like this in front of her.She sent out a voice transmission to inform the other cultivators who transformed the spirit to discuss the matter of first refining the laws of heaven and earth.

"Tomorrow at noon, I will take you to refine the laws of heaven and earth." As soon as the words finished, Xu Miao felt a gust of wind and pushed him directly out of the room.

Xu Miao kept slandering in her heart that a cultivator who transformed himself into a god had such a small mind.Look at her junior, how good Shui Meiren is.

At noon on the second day, Xu Miao appeared outside Zhenjun Shuimei's room on time, together with Ye Chen, Qiao Ye, Wang Hong, and the strongest Golden Core cultivators from Fengzemen, Jieshilou and Chen Family.

Seeing these people, Xu Miao did not show the slightest surprise.The cultivators of the lower plane are not fools. Only by letting the most outstanding monks bear the laws of heaven and earth they need can they win the trust of the monks of the upper plane.

According to the information obtained by Xu Miao, some of these six people did not even succeed in refining a law of heaven and earth, and they did not know what the cultivator of Huashen planned.

Master Yunbi pushed open the door, stood in front of the seven people, and said solemnly: "The best Golden Core monks in the five continents will enter the special space with you."

When Xu Miao heard Zhenjun Yunbi's words, a smile of "I knew it" appeared on the corner of her mouth.When Master Yunbi saw Xu Miao's expression, he couldn't help marveling at Xu Miao's mind again, how wise and close to a monster.

"That space was specially treated by all the cultivators from the five continents. After you enter, use your own skills to refine the laws of heaven and earth."

"We will not intervene, nor will we help you refine. How many ways you can refine depends entirely on your own strength. If your own strength is not enough, and you can't refine even one, don't blame others."

The faces of the six people all showed joyful expressions. Of the six of them, some of them failed to refine a law of heaven and earth, and some of them refined a law of heaven and earth.

They are very clear about the benefits of refining the laws of heaven and earth to the monks themselves.It can greatly strengthen the monk's understanding of the world, speed up the speed of cultivation, and enhance his strength.

When Xu Miao heard this, she looked at Master Yunbi with a half-smile, and wanted to use this method to trip him up?It was simply wishful thinking, since such a good opportunity was presented to him, he would feel sorry for himself if he didn't accept it.

When Master Yunbi saw Xu Miao's expression, his heart skipped a beat, but that's the end of the story, and the joint actions of the five continents cannot be changed by her alone.

Forcibly suppressing the ominous premonition in her heart, she summoned the teleportation array and sent the seven of Xu Miao to a special space.When Xu Miao arrived, she glanced at the monks who had already arrived, and found many acquaintances.

At least he recognized all the monks in Xilu.Xu Miao naturally left the monk Donglu and walked to the monk Xilu.Daoist Xiyue and Daoist Chen Xing both nodded when they saw him. Xu Miao saluted respectfully and chatted with the monk Xilu.

Xu Miao seemed to be concentrating on chatting with Brother Xilu, but in fact he was always paying attention to the situation in the space.The monsters from the Southern Continent and the monks from the Central Continent have not yet arrived. Just by the number of monks who have arrived here, it can be seen that there is a gap in the cultivation level of the mainland.

There are only two poor Jinda monks in Hokuriku.Although the condition of the monks in the west land is better than that in the north land, with Xu Miao, there are only four of them.

Not long after, the dazzling teleportation lights lit up one by one, and Zhonglu and Nanlu arrived.The number of monsters in Nanlu is comparable to that of monks in Zhonglu, both reaching ten.

A monk who looked like an eight-year-old child walked to the center, and his sharp eyes swept across the crowd.Xu Miao had heard about this monk.Born in Zhonglu's Qianyang sect, he looks like a child, but his cultivation is unfathomable, and he ranks high among Zhonglu's spiritual transformation monks.

Qi Yang boy's clear and clear voice sounded: "Except for Xu Miao, Cao Ping, Lu Nan, and Xi Yan, everyone else enters the door on the left. You need to refine at least one law of heaven and earth inside the door."

"Your elders should have told you that the laws of heaven and earth refined now need to be handed over to the envoy of the upper plane. You all have to use your full strength. The more laws you refine, the more heaven and earth you can get after the envoy leaves. There are more rules."

Xu Miao himself has three laws of heaven and earth that do not belong to the plane below the earth and space, so he no longer needs to refine the specially created laws of heaven and earth.

His divine sense swept over the other three people, their situation should be the same as his situation, and they bear the laws of heaven and earth that do not belong to this plane.

"The four of you enter the door on the right, and you can refine as many laws of heaven and earth as you can, as compensation for you from the earth and space."

The corner of Xu Miao's mouth showed an almost invisible arc. Cao Ping, Lu Nan, Xi Yan, these three names were not unfamiliar to him at all.On the list of plane monks, the names of these three people are above his name.

Three monks from Zhonglu appeared together, and they knew it with their knees, which was difficult to deal with.Boy Qiyang gave an order, and all the monks entered the gate.

Xu Miao was the last of the four people walking, looking at the three people in front of her, she was full of thoughts.The three of them are Zhonglu monks, and when they enter the space, there will be two situations.

One is to join forces to deal with him, and after he is eliminated, he will seize the law of heaven and earth.After all, both are laws of heaven and earth, but for monks, there are advantages and disadvantages. Some laws of heaven and earth are more suitable for monks, while some laws of heaven and earth are not very useful.

The second situation is to attack him when refining the laws of heaven and earth.No matter what the situation is, Xu Miao is in a state of isolation and helplessness.

After entering the door, the surrounding environment has undergone earth-shaking changes.Even if it wasn't obvious in the eyes of those three people, Xu Miao could see surprise from their eyes.

This is a special space artificially constructed, similar to the law space constructed by Xu Miao in his previous life.It's just that Xu Miao's previous life had a high level of cultivation and many means, and the space he constructed was much more stable than here.

Seeing the good ones before, and seeing the mediocre ones again, Xu Miao's face remained calm, but she felt a little disdainful in her heart.The moment they entered the space, the four of them released their consciousness at the same time.

At this time, the four of them have entered a state of competition.Xu Miao directly confiscated the consciousness of Taoist Li Huan, with obvious ridicule in his eyes.

Comparing his consciousness with him is simply courting death.No matter how powerful their spiritual consciousness is, can it compare to the spiritual consciousness of the cultivator who transforms the gods?Xu Miao sneered at the consciousness of the three of them, but was completely suppressed by Xu Miao.

The space here was jointly constructed by a number of monks who transformed into gods. In order to ensure the stability of the space, the area of ​​the space is not large.The spiritual consciousness of a late Jindan monk can cover them all.

At this time, the competition is the strength of spiritual consciousness.Whoever has the most powerful consciousness will be able to choose the appropriate law of heaven and earth first.The expressions of the other three changed, they never expected that this monk Xilu would have such a powerful spiritual sense.

He was able to suppress the three of them together until they couldn't breathe.This feeling is like meeting a cultivator of Huashen.With a thought, the three mixed their spiritual consciousness together to resist Xu Miao.

(End of this chapter)

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