Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 337 The Dispute of the First 4

Chapter 337 The Dispute of the Top Four

Xu Miao's black and white eyes scanned the three people in front of her, and her fighting spirit rose sharply.The accuracy of the plane monk list has been recognized by most of the monks, but not by Xu Miao.

He didn't think that the sum of his various methods would be weaker than Cao Ping and the others.The majestic spiritual consciousness poured out, forming a confrontation with the three.

No matter how many Jindan monks there are, they can't compete with the Huashen monks.No matter how many ants there are, they cannot be compared with elephants.Xu Miao's consciousness is the elephant, and Cao Ping and the three's consciousness combined are exactly the disturbing ants.

Cao Pingping was as sinking as water, and his eyes were filled with turbulent waves.He also didn't believe the list of planar monks.Although he was ranked first in the list of planar monks, he did not agree that a monk from the West Land could be ranked fourth.

He still remembered that after Tang Song returned from the ancient secret realm, he told him about his experience in the ancient secret realm.Tang Song said that at that time Xu Miao had advanced to the Golden Core, and as a monk at the early stage of the Golden Core, he was unable to suppress the seventh-level black-backed wolf.

Back then, when he had just advanced to the early stage of Jindan, he was beheading a seventh-level monster with his own strength.It was in that battle that he became famous and started his era.Leave all the monks of the same rank far behind.

Not only him, but Lu Nan and Xi Yan have all managed to kill a seventh-level monster in the early stage of Jindan.Based on this alone, Cao Ping believed that Xu Miao's strength was completely exaggerated.

It's just because Xu Miao was born in Westland, the inertial thinking in everyone's mind believes that the strength is weak.Suddenly showing not bad strength, everyone was surprised and began to exaggerate its real strength.

This point of view did not change until Cao Ping met Xu Miao.This person looks too ordinary, ordinary, whether it is the momentum of the whole body, or the fluctuation of spiritual power, there is no appearance that No. 4 on the list of planar monks should have.

But now, Cao Ping questioned his opinion.The mediocre monk, at the moment he released his spiritual consciousness, his aura suddenly increased, almost able to overwhelm the three of them.

This is also impossible in Zhonglu.The three of them come from three different sects, Caoping Qianyangmen, Lunan Jingyangzong, and Xiyan Fufenggu.

Everyone is the best in the sect, and no one can be easily promoted to the top of the three.However, on this Xu Miao, there was no trace of fear on his face, but a strong fighting spirit, firmness, and ever-increasing aura.

Seeing Cao Ping's eyes, Xu Miao knew the general thoughts in his heart.Isn't it just that he doesn't like him, and now he finds that his strength is different from what he estimated, and he is surprised.

Xu Miao snorted coldly in her heart, and directly dispersed her consciousness to search for the laws of heaven and earth related to the space in this special space.He had thought about this law for a long time, and if he could refine this law smoothly, his speed would be a little faster.

The vast spiritual consciousness quickly searched the space, Xu Miao's eyes lit up, and he found it!The fastest way to refine the law of heaven and earth is to use the law of heaven and earth to attract this law.

Xu Miao circulated her spiritual energy and mobilized the four and a half principles.A golden dragon roared out from the top of Xu Miao's head and hovered above it.The three of them couldn't hide their shock when they saw the golden dragon on Xu Miao's head.

They also have the laws of heaven and earth refined in their bodies, but their laws of heaven and earth are separate, unlike Xu Miao, who perfectly integrates the laws of heaven and earth.

The fused law of heaven and earth will be more powerful and can have a direct impact on the free law of heaven and earth.The golden dragon above Xu Miao's head went straight to the law of space, guiding the law to approach him.

What Cao Ping wants, no one has ever been able to snatch it from him.Panicked, he said without hesitation: "Zhu Zi dare you!"

Xu Miao stared at Cao Ping coldly, "What are you, you dare to talk to me like that." Before he finished speaking, Qing Jiao's consciousness had already suppressed him.

Half-step transformation, Cao Ping's method is to overturn the sky, Xu Miao can also suppress it, not to mention that in front of Xu Miao, Xu Miao will not allow him to overturn the sky at all.

Facing the half-step incarnation in Jindan's late stage, it was like hitting a stone with an egg. Cao Ping was no match for Qingjiao at all, and he couldn't hold on for a moment, and was suppressed by Qingjiao's consciousness and knelt heavily on the ground.

When Cao Ping's knees were in close contact with the ground, Xu Miao's law golden dragon had already guided the law of space.With Qing Jiao's spiritual consciousness suppressing, Xu Miao didn't have to worry about Cao Ping and the others daring to rebel.

He put away the spiritual consciousness of Taoist Li Huan, used his own spiritual consciousness, and began to refine this law of heaven and earth.The first time is raw, the second time is cooked, and the third time is done with eyes closed.

Xu Miao has refined the laws of heaven and earth many times, and the space here was specially constructed by the cultivators of Huashen to facilitate them to refine the laws of heaven and earth, which greatly accelerated the speed of Xu Miao's refining laws.

The spiritual power in his body was running wildly, and the objects were immediately externalized, and the golden dragon guided the law of space to walk in the blue sea.Xu Miao mobilized her spiritual power and began to refine the law.

Cao Ping's eyes were tearing, he couldn't accept the current situation.He has always been like a proud son of heaven, and the best things will always belong to him, and this monk Xilu, who is fourth on the list of plane monks, can't change all this.

However, under the pressure of Qingjiao's half-step Huashen, even if he wanted to use means to take out the magic weapon, he couldn't do it.In the face of absolute power, any means, any tricks are useless.This is the reason for one force to drop ten meetings.

"Xu Miao, bastard!" Cao Ping angrily called all the vicious words he knew to Xu Miao.

Xu Miao sneered again and again: "Since I was a child, I have been scolded too many times, and my ears are callused from hearing words that are more vicious than you. But what is the final result? I am still standing here, and those Those who scold me will end up with nothing good."

In the process of refining the law of space, Xu Miao freed her hand, raised her hand and stabbed Cao Ping with a sword.Cao Ping is No. 1 on the list of planar monks. If Xu Miao kills him forcibly now without regard to others, there will be absolutely no way to deal with the aftermath.

Even Daoist Chen Xing and Daoist Xiyue couldn't save his life.Therefore, with this sword, Xu Miao was just a small punishment and a big warning.Just this sword can make Cao Ping fly into a rage and burn with anger.

Xu Miao did not continue to control Cao Ping, but turned her attention to Lu Nan and Xi Yan.Although their expressions were not as ferocious as Cao Ping's, they were equally ugly.

"Xu Miao, you dare to do something to me, do you know what the consequences will be!" Cao Ping put his hands on the ground tightly, the muscles in his arms kept shaking, and the spiritual power in his whole body was running to the limit, but he still couldn't resolve the pain caused by Qing Jiao. pressure.

"You are not a big girl with yellow flowers, and I didn't let you lose any reputation, what consequences can there be?" Xu Miao looked at Cao Ping's red eyes coldly, "Could it be that you really think of yourself as a big girl with yellow flowers, Let me be in charge of the rest of your life?"

Compared with a poisonous tongue, how could Cao Ping be Xu Miao's opponent.Xu Miao has met too many people of all kinds, so she has developed the ability to speak eloquently.

Hit, can't beat Xu Miao, say, can't beat Xu Miao, Cao Ping has never been so depressed for a day.Lu Nan and Xi Yan were also in the same mood as Cao Ping. They never thought that Xu Miao would be so powerful.

Originally, they were skeptical about the planar monk list because Xu Miao was ranked too high in the planar monk list.But after this battle, they would only think that Xu Miao was ranked too low in the list of plane monks.

With the strength of one person, in the face of the three of them joining forces, they still suppressed the three of them so that they could not fight back.This kind of terrifying strength, they don't want to experience it again in this life.

Qingjiao in the Hunting Stone looked at the three monks who were suppressed by his spiritual power and shook his head helplessly: "Xu Miao, you are really—"

"It's their own fault. They want to work together to kill me first, so let's just be his daydream." Qing Jiao also knew that Xu Miao was just teaching the three of them at will.

If Xu Miao hadn't decisively asked him to act, Xu Miao would never have had the chance to find the right law of heaven and earth with ease, and use the most correct refining law for refining.

The laws of heaven and earth are related to the future of a monk, so Qingjiao will naturally help Xu Miao with all his strength.Xu Miao skillfully forced out the mysterious drop of blood in her heart, and merged with this space law to speed up the refining speed.

The three of Cao Ping are all monks who have refined the law of heaven and earth. Seeing Xu Miao do this, they know that this law of heaven and earth has been included in Xu Miao's pocket.

Cao Ping is not reconciled, how can he be reconciled!When he came, boy Qiyang told him where the law of space was, and told him to refine this law of heaven and earth as soon as possible, and absolutely not give Lu Nan and Xi Yan a chance.

He was on guard against Lu Nan and Xi Yan, but ignored Xu Miao.As soon as they entered the space, the three of them acted tacitly together, intending to get rid of the most useless monk Xilu first, but no one thought that the person they thought was the weakest would be the strongest one.

"Xu Miao, offend Qianyangmen, Fufenggu, and Jingyangzong at the same time, are you ready to bear the wrath of the three sects?" Cao Ping himself is not Xu Miao's opponent, so he can only lift out the sects behind him and threaten them .

"Hey, I'm so scared!" Xu Miao said sarcastically, "I might as well tell you, young master, I grew up by offending a group of people."

"From the west land, to the east land, and finally to your middle land, I have offended countless people, sects, and families. It's a pity that no one has the strength to kill me, but I have solved them all."

"If you want to save your life, I advise you to be quiet. Otherwise, I have done a lot of things like killing some people's disciples in front of their elders."

Xu Miao's threat was undisguised, and the murderous tyranny in his words hit Cao Ping directly, and Cao Ping was speechless by Xu Miao.He gritted his teeth and used his spiritual power to resist the coercion of his spiritual consciousness.

While talking with Cao Ping, Xu Miao's speed of refining the law of space did not slow down.

(End of this chapter)

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