Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 338 Crazy refining

Chapter 338 Crazy refining
The mysterious blood merged with the laws of heaven and earth very smoothly, almost without any hindrance.It was originally built by the cultivator of Huashen, which is convenient for Cao Ping and others to integrate and use.

If Xu Miao can't refine it quickly and smoothly under this premise, then he really has to find a piece of tofu to hit the wall.The golden dragon above Xu Miao's head roared and circled, and the sound of the dragon's chant could even be faintly heard during the rotation.

Xu Miao quickly made a formula with both hands, refining the law of space.He didn't have much time, and he didn't intend to refine this space after he had thoroughly comprehended it.

Now that time is racing against time, Xu Miao doesn't know when the monks outside will notice the situation in this space.He had to refine as many laws of heaven and earth as possible before the cultivator of transforming spirits discovered the abnormality.

After this law of space merged with the golden dragon, Xu Miao didn't stop at all.He once again borrowed the consciousness of Taoist Li Huan to find the appropriate law of heaven and earth.

Xu Miao quickly fell in love with a law of heaven and earth on the upper right. He pointed to the golden dragon, and the golden dragon flew over the top of Xu Miao's head again and flew towards the law that Xu Miao liked.

The three of Cao Ping could only watch helplessly as Xu Miao refined one law after another. Up to now, Xu Miao had refined five laws.

The golden dragon formed by the law of heaven and earth has more than doubled in size.When the whole body is fully stretched, a small space here can be completely covered.

"Xu Miao, you have already refined the five laws of heaven and earth, can you stop and leave one for us!" Cao Ping raised his head reluctantly, looked at Xu Miao and said viciously.

Xu Miao gave Cao Ping a disdainful look: "Cao Ping, you need to have the attitude of asking for help. With your attitude, even if you are a beggar, you can't ask for food, understand?"

"You actually called me a beggar!"

"Did I say something wrong? I have no ability, I can only beg for alms from others. What is the difference between your behavior and a beggar." Xu Miao is refining the sixth law of heaven and earth, and his speed is very fast, only the size of mysterious blood is also rapidly decreasing.

This drop of mysterious blood has helped him repeatedly to tide over the crisis.If the energy is completely consumed in this refinement of the law of heaven and earth, for Xu Miao, the loss outweighs the gain.

Anyway, the sixth law of heaven and earth is already in hand, even if a cultivator of a personification god suddenly kills, Xu Miao has nothing to fear.He beckoned to take back the mysterious blood, which instantly sank into Xu Miao's chest and disappeared.

Without the help of the mysterious blood, Xu Miao's speed of refining the sixth law of heaven and earth slowed down uncontrollably.

"Xu Miao, your body has reached its limit. I'm waiting for the scene where you explode and die. I'm sure I will never forget that scene." Cao Ping's tone changed from the previous rage, showing a cold breath.

People who are used to being high above the altar are pulled down from the altar by others, and their behavior will only be more crazy and unbearable than ordinary people.

Cao Ping is exactly such a person. He is used to being the most outstanding person all the time. When he first meets Xu Miao, he will be shocked and his words are completely different from usual.

Now that he saw the speed of Xu Miao's refining laws drop, he naively thought that Xu Miao's body had reached its limit and he could no longer continue refining the laws of heaven and earth.

A monk's body is like a container, if it is loaded with too many things, it will not be able to bear it, and backlash will occur.Xu Miao used to have a single feng shui double spiritual root, the speed and amount of spiritual energy pouring into the meridians were too much, and the meridians could not bear it.

The same is true for the laws of heaven and earth. Every monk has a limit value to bear the laws of heaven and earth.The laws of heaven and earth for monks to refine are not that the more the better, but that each monk should be treated differently according to the situation of each monk.

It's just that Cao Ping didn't know that Xu Miao's current speed of refining the laws of heaven and earth was his normal speed.Most of the reasons for the rapid refining before were due to the existence of mysterious blood.

Let the laws of heaven and earth fuse with Xu Miao's body as soon as possible to speed up the refining speed.

"Really? Then you must remember everything that happened next, and I am sure that this scene will make you unforgettable forever." I don't know what difficult things happened to the cultivators outside, but they never appeared here space.

With the help of Qingjiao, Xu Miao directly refined to the tenth law of heaven and earth.Adding Xu Miao's original four and a half laws, Xu Miao already has fourteen and a half laws of heaven and earth.

With Jindan's late stage cultivation base, he is responsible for the fourteen and a half laws of heaven and earth. Although it cannot be said that there will be no one in the contemporary history of the cultivation world, at least there is no one before.

The three of Cao Ping looked at Xu Miao refining the laws of heaven and earth one after another, and their moods had already changed from anger and unwillingness to surprise at the beginning, and now they are used to it.

Xi Yan even thought that it would not be impossible for Xu Miao to refine all the laws of heaven and earth in this space by himself.This Xu Miao, since he saw him, has been constantly updating his understanding of him.

Xi Yan's mentality has been completely adjusted, anyway, he is not the strongest monk of this generation.His ranking was already almost the same as Xu Miao's, so he was really happy to see another person take Cao Ping's place.

As a sword cultivator, Lu Nan saw Xu Miao's display of strength, and felt no anger in his heart, but a strong will to fight.He wanted to fight the man in front of him, a life-and-death battle.

When his younger brother Xia Bofei returned from the ancient secret realm, he once said that Xu Miao's talent in swordsmanship completely surpassed himself.It's just a sword move in the world, and it can be imitated exactly by relying on seeing it once when facing the enemy.

Continuous epiphany, continuous cultivation, and continuous strengthening in battle are exactly what sword cultivators desire.He was waiting for the battle with Xu Miao. He firmly believed that this battle would bring his strength to a higher level.

Only Cao Ping, whose expression no longer showed anger.The expression on his face was indifferent, and outsiders could not detect what he was thinking in his heart.Except for himself, knowing that he has a monstrous hatred for Xu Miao, no one else knows.

He changed from his previous anger and agitation, to a quiet and scary one.Being suppressed by Qing Jiao's consciousness, he could only lower his head and look at the ground.Cao Ping was also waiting, he was waiting for Boy Qiyang to discover the abnormality here.

The moment Qi Yang Boy made his move was the moment Xu Miao died.Cao Ping had great confidence that even if boy Qi Yang couldn't kill Xu Miao, he could still make Xu Miao spit out all the laws of heaven and earth he refined just now.

The speed at which Xu Miao's hands formed seals became faster and faster, forming afterimages on her chest.The golden dragon whizzed past, looking for a suitable law of heaven and earth.In the next secret place, he needs to hand over the three laws of heaven and earth.

True Monarch Yunbi didn't mention whether the three laws of heaven and earth could be returned to him in the end, but according to the monk's thinking, if they could be returned, Zhenjun Yunbi didn't need to mention using the laws of six realms of heaven and earth to compensate him at all.

In other words, the Three Laws of Heaven and Earth will be completely lost.Xu Miao was able to re-advance the golden core, relying on the laws of heaven and earth arranged by these three previous lives.

If the three laws of heaven and earth disappear from his body, he can't foresee the consequences at all.Even Qingjiao and Xiaotian couldn't predict the consequences.

No one has ever lived like Xu Miao, after he blew his golden core, even Tian Dao believed that Xu Miao was dead, he almost jumped out of the Three Realms, not in the Five Elements.

While Xu Miao's thoughts were racing, her spiritual consciousness found the suitable eleventh law of heaven and earth.He was preparing to refine this law of heaven and earth when he suddenly noticed something was wrong.

"Xu Miao, a cultivator who transforms spirits appears, I will take back my consciousness first!" Xu Miao nodded almost invisible, still refining this law of heaven and earth step by step.

The three of Cao Ping were always in a state of full spiritual power, and suddenly found that the pressure of the spiritual sense on their bodies had disappeared, and immediately attacked Xu Miao.Xu Miao had been prepared for a long time. The moment the three of them attacked, he had disappeared from the spot.

This time, Xu Miao didn't just use Fenghuiyunduan, but contained the law of space.Being responsible for the laws of space allows Xu Miao to grasp the mysteries of space in one sky to the greatest extent.

As long as you master the mysteries of space, you can use teleportation, which is why Boy Qiyang told Cao Ping to take the lead in refining the laws of space.Xu Miao, who bears the law of space, does not come into direct contact with the three of them at all, and walks away as soon as they touch them, never staying.

Boy Qiyang's consciousness scanned the space here, and found that there are ten less laws in the space, of which No. 11 is in the process of refining.

Just as he wanted to express his relief, the three of Cao Ping were very fast, but they found something unusual.Judging by the appearance of the three of Cao Ping, they didn't refine any law of heaven and earth at all.

Boy Qiyang noticed the golden dragon flying above the space, and when he took a closer look, it turned out to be a golden dragon composed of fourteen half-laws of heaven and earth!This conclusion shocked Qi Yang Tongzi on the spot, and it took him a while to come back to his senses.

He couldn't accept this conclusion. Although this space was built for four people, in fact, it was built for the three people in Zhonglu.

But he didn't expect that the three most talented and beautiful monks in Zhonglu didn't get any benefits. They were all obtained by this monk in Xilu, and all ten laws of heaven and earth went into Xu Miao's purse.

Qi Yang Tongzi finally made a move, restraining Xu Miao who was constantly teleporting in the space.Xu Miao knew that the visitor was not kind, so she kept moving her feet, but because of the spiritual consciousness of the other cultivator, she could only be restrained abruptly.

Thinking that he used this method to forcibly control the three of Cao Ping just now, there was a self-deprecating smile on his face, it was really a turn of events.

"Xu Miao, Xilu, can you explain to me why all ten laws of heaven and earth were refined by you. But the three monks in Zhonglu did not refine one law of heaven and earth."

Hearing the words of boy Qi Yang, Xu Miao couldn't help laughing. If she hadn't been facing a cultivator who turned into a god, Xu Miao would definitely have laughed out loud.As Zhonglu's cultivator of transforming spirits, he didn't show any face to Cao Ping and the others.

It was pointed out bluntly that the three of them did not get any benefits.When the three of Cao Ping heard Qi Yang boy's words, they also changed their colors.

(End of this chapter)

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