Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 339 Seven Laws

Chapter 339 Eleven Laws

"Senior Qi Yang, why bother to tell Zhonglu's tragedy so bluntly, your monks in Zhonglu look very ugly." Xu Miao said with a half-smile, and cast a sidelong glance at Cao Ping and the others.

Boy Qi Yang obviously didn't expect Xu Miao to answer the words like this, and the words of reprimand that he had planned were stuck in his chest, and he couldn't get up or down, which was very uncomfortable.

"Cao Ping, tell me!" Xu Miao didn't answer his words, but the disciples in his sect would always answer his words.A sinister look flashed in Cao Ping's eyes, and he told them one by one how Xu Miao used his spiritual sense to suppress the three of them so that they could not move.

Hearing this, boy Qi Yang gathered his spiritual consciousness and pressed it against Xu Miao. He didn't believe in his heart that Xu Miao could use his spiritual consciousness to suppress Cao Ping and the other three who were stronger than him.

Seeing this, Xu Miao quickly told Qing Jiao, and Qing Jiao's spiritual consciousness poured out instantly.Qing Jiao only has half-step power to transform into a god. Although he is only short of a catastrophe, this catastrophe has left an insurmountable gap between Qing Jiao and Qi Yang Tongzi.

The spiritual consciousness of the two collided violently in the air, and a trace of surprise flashed in Qi Yang's eyes.Xu Miao's eyes were full of noise, he really wanted to commandeer Li Huan Taoist's consciousness, and confront Boy Qiyang.

However, now that the enemy is strong and we are weak, there are too many cultivators here, and all his trump cards are exposed.Most likely, it will not attract some people's admiration, but will attract some people's killing intent.

Xu Miao made an appearance of being extremely hard-working. Taoist Li Huan tried to seize Xu Miao's home, but failed. In the end, he and Xu Miao shared a sea of ​​consciousness, and boy Qiyang also knew about it.

Therefore, the divine consciousness displayed by Qingjiao, Qi Yang Tongzi took it for granted as the divine consciousness of Taoist Li Huan.The existence of Qingjiao and Huntian Stone is Xu Miao's biggest secret, and no one should know it.

Otherwise, he would be killed immediately, and neither Qingjiao nor Xiaotian could let Xu Miao escape alive from the pursuit of many cultivators.

Xu Miao was obviously in pain, but she insisted on pretending to be calm and breezy, which greatly dispelled Qi Yang's suspicion.In Tongzi Qiyang's heart, to be able to use the spiritual consciousness of a cultivator of transformation to such an extent, this person's talent is already unparalleled.

Qi Yang Boy slowly put away his consciousness and looked at Xu Miao with a serious expression.Xu Miao looked at him proudly, without the slightest fear or panic in her eyes.

Cao Ping felt that Qi Yang boy put away his consciousness and his face changed, but he didn't express it directly, he just said: "Old Ancestor, since Xu Miao in West Lu has such strength, these laws of heaven and earth should indeed belong to Xu Miao."

Cao Ping specifically pointed out that it was Xu Miao from Xilu. When they were monks from Zhonglu, they were ridden on top of their heads by Xilu monks.Boy Qi Yang's expression had softened, but when he heard Cao Ping's words, his face darkened.

Xu Miao looked down at the ground, but the killing intent towards Cao Ping in her heart grew wantonly.This Cao Ping has already entered Xu Miao's must-kill blacklist.As long as there is a chance, Xu Miao will kill him without hesitation.

"What Fellow Daoist Cao Ping said is that with my own strength, I suppressed you and the other three until they couldn't even stand up. These eleven laws of heaven and earth should indeed belong to me."

"Senior Qi Yang, don't you think so? Cao Ping of your faction has already said so, if you stand up for him again, how will Fellow Daoist Cao Ping be able to hold his head up in the future!"

Xu Miao raised the corners of her mouth, thinking about Mr. Yin?Impossible in the next life!See how the young master can play you to death!

Boy Qi Yang originally wanted to stand in the perspective of righteousness and forcefully force out the laws of heaven and earth refined by Xu Miao.But what Cao Ping said, and what Xu Miao answered, made him unable to make a move at all.

Cao Ping saw Qi Yang Tongzi's face, and knew that he had fallen into Xu Miao's trick.Too much to say, so wrong, Cao Ping took one last look at Xu Miao, lowered his head in a cute manner, and stopped talking.

"Xu Miao, since you have already refined the ten laws of heaven and earth, give other monks a chance and leave first." Qi Yang boy ordered in a calm tone, as if he was talking about a very ordinary thing.

Xu Miao sneered again and again in her heart: "Senior Qi Yang, if the person who refined the ten laws of heaven and earth today is not me, but Cao Ping of your Qianyangmen, you will also see that the other monks have not obtained the laws of heaven and earth. , let Cao Ping leave first?"

Since the other party is so shameless, don't blame Xu Miao for tearing his face completely.Anyway, he had already offended the three monks in Zhonglu, so Xu Miao didn't mind adding another monk.

Hearing the sound, Qi Yang boy turned his head, looked at Xu Miao quietly with deep eyes, and exerted infinite pressure on Xu Miao: "Are you questioning my decision?"

"You said this, not me." Xu Miao raised her chin slightly, confronting Boy Qiyang.

Qi Yang boy suddenly laughed: "A late Jindan cultivator dares to question me, your courage is really higher than the sky."

Xu Miao just looked up at the other party without saying a word.

"Since that's the case, I'll let you stay here so that no one will say that I, a cultivator in China, is bullying monks from other continents. At that time, if you can't even keep the ten laws of heaven and earth that you originally obtained, don't blame me for standing idly by."

"That junior is really wishing for it. Please remember what you said just now, senior Qi Yang. Everything that happened in this space today will be resolved by us Golden Core cultivators. Please don't intervene as a cultivator of Huashen."

Boy Qiyang didn't realize until now that he was surrounded by Xu Miao, and he couldn't interfere.But the words have already been spoken, and the deal is done. Even if you want to go back on your word, it is too late.With a livid face, he stood aside.

With Boy Qiyang around, Xu Miao couldn't continue to let Qing Jiao use his consciousness to suppress.His original intention was to withdraw only after refining the remaining law of heaven and earth.

But just for the last one, Cao Ping didn't let Xu Miao refine it peacefully.At the same time that boy Qi Yang walked aside, Cao Ping suddenly made an attack, and a long spear appeared in Cao Ping's hand in an instant, stabbing Xu Miao through the air.

Xu Miao's complexion remained unchanged, and the Fog Condensing Sword immediately appeared in her hand, facing the spear.The fog-condensing sword and the long spear collided violently in the air, making a piercing sound.

Lu Nan and Xi Yan started searching for the law of heaven and earth while Xu Miao and Cao Ping were fighting.

"Cao Ping, the snipe and the clam fight for the fisherman's benefit." Talking to smart people, Xu Miao doesn't need to talk nonsense.Seeing the actions of the other two, Cao Ping quickly understood Xu Miao's deep meaning.

He gave Xu Miao a vicious look, then stabbed Lu Nan with his spear, and Xu Miao fought Xi Yan.The four strongest people in the lower planes of earth and space fought equally in this narrow space.

The opponents of the four were constantly changing, but in an instant, Xu Miao had already fought against all three of them.The ranking of these three people in the plane cultivator list is indeed accurate.

As the number one monk in the plane, Cao Ping has his unique means and strength.Just that move just now is enough to cause most monks to retreat with serious injuries.

Xu Miao and Cao Ping fought again, and the sword intent of Ningwu Sword continued to grow, reaching the point where it could cause damage to the opponent with just the sword intent.

Boy Qi Yang stood aside with his hands tied, watching the four of them fight with a blank expression.Even when Qi Yang Tongzi was in the late stage of Jindan, his strength could not be compared with the four people in front of him.

If this kind of strength is placed in his generation, it will definitely be able to stand out from the crowd, and no one dares to question it.But this generation of monks has produced a large number of geniuses.

Not to mention Zhonglu, which was originally the birthplace of talented monks, and even the barren continent of Xilu, which can cultivate monks as powerful as Xu Miao.

Cao Ping's spear constantly changed its moves, causing Xu Miao great trouble.Xu Miao's face flickered hard to tell, and suddenly disappeared in place.

Qi Yang boy's eyes lit up, it was Xu Miao using the law of space again.In such a short period of time, the law of space can be applied to such an extent, this child's talent cannot be described in words.

Xu Miao's sudden disappearance made Cao Ping's attack lose its target.Cao Ping deserved to be the number one cultivator in Zhonglu. Without the slightest panic, he returned his gun and stabbed Lu Nan next to him.

That place was originally chosen by Xu Miao, and he deliberately exuded a trace of aura, which made Cao Ping notice it, and mistakenly thought that he would appear there.

In fact, it was just a misfortune that diverted Cao Ping's attack to Lu Nan.And Xu Miao appeared behind Xi Yan. Xu Miao, who had restrained his breath, could not be noticed by anyone except Qi Yang boy.

Xi Yan was unaware of this, and was stabbed by Xu Miao's fog-condensing sword.Realizing that Xu Miao had attacked Xi Yan, he threw out a talisman.The Fufeng Valley where Xi Yan is located is Zhonglu's sect that is best at formations and talismans. Xi Yan naturally has endless talismans.

This piece of talisman is a seventh-level top-grade attack talisman, which is enough to cause damage to monks in the early stage of Nascent Soul.Xu Miao sneered and disappeared from the spot again.

With the means of teleportation, Xu Miao is completely invincible.He circled between the three of them, causing all three of them to fall into a fight and unable to get out.

With the convenience of speed, Xu Miao influenced the three of them while refining the last law of heaven and earth that suits him.For the remaining laws of heaven and earth, even if Xu Miao looked greedy, he knew that he could not continue to refine them in a short time.

The three people in front of them were not easy to deal with, so Xu Miao accepted them as soon as they were good.After refining the last law of heaven and earth, Xu Miao withdrew decisively and stood behind Boy Qiyang.

The eleven laws of heaven and earth are five more than the six that True Monarch Yunbi promised him at first.Xu Miao was very satisfied with the result, and boy Qiyang gave Xu Miao a deep look.

Xu Miao obviously had that strength, and made the pool of water even more muddy.Fishing in troubled waters, relying on Xu Miao's strength and means, Qi Yang boy is convinced that Xu Miao can refine a few more.

But Xu Miao just refined the law of heaven and earth that was interrupted by him, and then left decisively, which greatly exceeded his expectations.Just as surprised as Qi Yang Tongzi, there were Cao Ping and the other three.

(End of this chapter)

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