Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 340 The Law of Stability

Chapter 340 The Law of Stability
"Aren't you going to continue refining the laws of heaven and earth?" Cao Ping frowned, in disbelief, feeling that Xu Miao was thinking of something else.

Xu Miao laughed lightly: "If I continue to refine the laws of heaven and earth, will you still have a chance to refine them? Senior Qi Yang is standing here eyeingly, even if I borrowed my courage from the sky, I dare not continue to refine."

Cao Ping snorted coldly, turned around and refined the laws of heaven and earth.Xu Miao did not participate in the subsequent snatching, and all of them were carried out among the three of Cao Ping.

Boy Qiyang's probing gaze fell on Xu Miao, who turned a blind eye to Xu Miao and sat down cross-legged majestically.The space here is narrow, and the fight between the three of Cao Ping is too dynamic, which can easily hurt innocent people.

"I believe that with the presence of senior Qi Yang, I will not be accidentally injured." Xu Miao closed her eyes as soon as she finished speaking.Raising the banner is what Xu Miao is best at.

Now there happens to be a cultivator of Huashen here, if he doesn't use it well, Xu Miao will feel sorry for the name Qiyang boy.The reason why he gave up continuing to refine the laws of heaven and earth was of course not the reason for him to answer Cao Ping.

With fifteen and a half heaven and earth laws, it has greatly exceeded the limit of his body.If it weren't for the mysterious blood that forcibly fused the laws of heaven and earth, he would not be able to refine so many laws of heaven and earth.

The laws of heaven and earth that had been barely refined just now were wrapped around the golden dragon in vain.In order to completely refine the laws of heaven and earth, Xu Miao must seize the time to consolidate them.

Anyway, he has refined the most suitable law of heaven and earth in this space, and abandoning other laws of heaven and earth will have no effect.The golden elixir in the dantian was running quickly, exuding an aura that belonged to Xu Miao, entangled with the laws of heaven and earth.

The mysteries contained in the Laws of Heaven and Earth are infinite, and it is difficult to understand just one of them, not to mention the fact that there are eleven Laws of Heaven and Earth added to one's body.

Xu Miao first fused the eleven laws of heaven and earth again, and he wanted to ensure that the laws of heaven and earth belonged to him completely.The refined laws of heaven and earth will not be stripped away due to the appearance of external forces.

Time passed by, and Xu Miao's mind was completely immersed in the laws of heaven and earth.The three of Cao Ping were still fighting for the law of heaven and earth, but the surprise in Qi Yang boy's eyes became more and more obvious.

The eleven laws of heaven and earth, Qi Yang didn't know what method Xu Miao used to refine them all within a short time.But he could clearly feel that this refinement was floating on the surface, and hadn't completely melted into the depths.

As long as he makes a move, he can easily peel off the eleven laws from the body.But during the time when Xu Miao was meditating, Qi Yang's perception of the eleven laws of heaven and earth became weaker and weaker, until now he could not feel the breath of laws of heaven and earth at all.

To make a cultivator unable to detect the breath of the laws of heaven and earth, the only way to completely refine the laws of heaven and earth, gather them together, and truly take the laws of heaven and earth as his own.

But in three days and three nights, Xu Miao succeeded in refining all eleven laws of heaven and earth.Boy Qi Yang's eyes lingered on the four of Xu Miao in an extremely complicated way. He suddenly felt that maybe Xu Miao was the one who should be ranked first on the list of monks in the plane.

At the same time, the refinement of the law of Cao Ping and the others also came to an end.Cao Ping refined five ways, while Lu Nan and Xi Yan refined four ways.The laws of heaven and earth refined by the three of them are not comparable to Xu Miao not only in terms of quantity.

In terms of the suitability of the law, it cannot be compared with the Eleven Dao refined by Xu Miao.Cao Ping is a law repairer, Lu Nan is a sword repairer, and Xi Yan is a researcher of formations, together with talismans and seals.

But Xu Miao has dabbled in all aspects, and his attainments are by no means lower than any of the three.He had already chosen the law of heaven and earth that was most suitable for Dharma cultivation, sword cultivation, and array cultivation, so that Cao Ping and the others could not get the law of heaven and earth that was most suitable for them.

Cultivators refine the laws of heaven and earth. According to the Three Thousand Great Dao, every law of heaven and earth should be refined. Only in this way can it be possible to overcome calamity and become immortal.

But in the order of refining laws, there is an absolute sequence.In the choice of refining laws, monks will choose the laws that can directly improve the strength of this stage.

As for Xu Miao, all the laws of heaven and earth that can improve his strength at this stage are included in his bosom.Let the three of Cao Ping see it, but they can't get it.This is more painful than making Cao Pingren invisible.

Cao Ping walked up to Boy Qi Yang, looked at Xu Miao coldly, and didn't say a word.The corner of Xu Miao's mouth was smiling, look at it more, you won't have a chance to watch it soon.

Boy Qiyang also knew that the three monks in Zhonglu did not gain any advantage in refining the laws of heaven and earth, and this trip was no different from failure.With a gloomy face, he took the four of them out of this space.

The monks who entered the left door had already finished refining the laws of heaven and earth. They waited for a long time before the four of them, Xu Miao, showed up.Except for Xu Miao who was smiling, the remaining four people, including the cultivator of Huashen, all had very ugly faces.

Daoist Chen Xing glanced at it and knew that Xu Miao must have caused the people in Zhonglu to suffer a lot, so he secretly smiled.Boy Qiyang walked up to the crowd and said loudly: "You have all refined the laws of heaven and earth. Next, I will send you to different places."

"No matter where it is, it is for the envoys of the upper plane to take your souls. Remember not to resist, and you must hand over the corresponding laws of heaven and earth."

"If anyone covets the laws of heaven and earth refined just now and refuses to hand them in, then don't blame me for being cruel!" Qi Yang boy said in a stern voice, and when he said this, he brought the coercion of a cultivator who transformed himself into a god, and changed the whole group of monks. complexion.

Some of the weaker monks couldn't control their bodies and swayed.Xu Miao had already confiscated Taoist Li Huan's spiritual consciousness when Qi Yang Tongzi said this, which perfectly offset the other party's coercion without being affected in the slightest.

Of all the Golden Core cultivators present, only Xu Miao looked normal, attracting the attention of several spiritual senses.Seeing that Xu Miao hadn't been affected, boy Qi Yang felt angry, but he couldn't teach him a lesson openly, so he could only continue talking.

"Cultivators from each continent, gather together and prepare separately!" As soon as the boy Qiyang finished speaking, all the monks quickly separated and stood up.

Although Xu Miao was born in the west land, the selection of elite monks was held in the east land, and Gong Shi also recognized him, so naturally he couldn't go back to the west land, but wanted to be with the east land monks.

Cao Ping said angrily: "The lost dog!" Cao Ping's voice was very soft, but Xu Miao deliberately heard it clearly.Xu Miao's expression didn't change, she slapped Cao Ping with her backhand, Cao Ping was unprepared and beat Cao Ping till he spit out blood.

"Xu Miao! How dare you do it!" Cao Ping's teeth were stained red with blood, making him look extremely ferocious.

Xu Miao clapped her hands, and looked at the other party coldly: "Senior Qi Yang has a lot of affairs, and he doesn't have time to teach you how to treat others, so I will do it for you, so as not to cause greater disasters in the future."

Cao Ping's spiritual power surged all over his body, and the spiritual power was instantly concentrated in his right hand, ready to attack.Xu Miao stood proudly on the spot, without the slightest fluctuation in her spiritual power, as if she didn't take Cao Ping seriously at all.

Boy Qi Yang's face was very ugly, he never thought that Cao Ping would act like this.Now is the time for the five continents to work together, but Cao Ping suddenly launched an attack and satirized Xu Miao.

Who is Xu Miao, how could she be scolded for nothing and not fight back.Even though he was a monk from Zhonglu, he couldn't protect Cao Ping in front of the Xilu Huashen monk.

"Cao Ping, don't you know what should be said and what should not be said? After this matter is over, you will go to Siguoya and come out in five years!" Although the boy Qiyang said to Cao Ping Yes, but his eyes kept looking at Xu Miao.

Xu Miao smiled casually: "Senior Qi Yang is willing to teach his disciples, so the younger generation will naturally not overstep." Except for the monks from the East and West lands, the monks from the other three continents all took a deep look at Xu Miao.

Cao Ping wanted to say something more, but boy Qi Yang cast a silencing spell so that Cao Ping's mouth would not cause trouble again.Cao Ping's eyes could almost spit out fire, and he stared at Xu Miao.

Snatching his law of heaven and earth is not counted, but also causing him to enter Siguo Yasi for five years, this kind of humiliation, he must repay.Xu Miao secretly said that it was a pity that Cao Ping was imprisoned in Siguo Cliff by Qiyang boy, and he would definitely teach him carefully, and he would not be able to attack Cao Ping in a short time.

The cultivators of Huashen didn't care about the turbulent undercurrent of the Golden Core cultivators, and joined forces to open the teleportation array to send the cultivators from their respective continents to the corresponding places.The destination of the Donglu cultivator is the secret place of the Nanjing Sect.

As soon as Xu Miao entered, she noticed something extraordinary about this place.He refined fifteen half-day laws, one of which involved time.

He can clearly feel that the passage of time here is quite different from that of the outside world, and the speed of time passage is more than half times faster than that of the outside world.

In other words, only one day has passed outside, and one and a half days have passed here.If a monk can practice here for a long time, then ten years of retreat is equivalent to 15 years of retreat for others, far exceeding the speed of cultivation of outsiders.

Except for Qiao Ye, who is a monk of the Nanjing Sect and knows the characteristics of the secret place, everyone else has only heard some rumors and does not know the specifics.Hu Cheng noticed that the moment Xu Miao entered the secret place, there was a flash of surprise in Xu Miao's eyes, which soon turned into enlightenment again.

Boy Qiyang said that Xu Miao had refined eleven laws of heaven and earth, and he was really right.And he can be sure that one of them is the law of time.

Hu Cheng briefly explained the characteristics of the secret place, and immediately saw the excited expressions on the faces of the monks.

"Although you need to voluntarily give up resistance, hand over your soul power, and give away the laws of heaven and earth. But it won't let you waste it in vain. The practice here will be of great benefit to you."

"Even if the power of the soul leaves the body, you can keep the body in a state of absorbing spiritual energy and continue to practice." Xu Miao looked up at Hu Cheng, and secretly scolded the other old fox.

(End of this chapter)

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