Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 343 Pseudo-ghost Realm

Chapter 343 Pseudo-ghost Realm
Suddenly, the space in the jade bottle of pure soul was turned upside down, and the people who only had the power of their souls had no way to stabilize their souls, and they were knocked to pieces.

Xu Miao controlled the golden dragon with the power of her soul, and firmly protected the souls of Song Siyu and Ye Qianqian inside the golden dragon, preventing them from any danger.

Song Siyu was the one who promised Taoist Xiyue that he, Xu Miao, would do what he said, and he would do what he said, and he would definitely protect Song Siyu's safety.

As for Ye Qianqian, it's not like he doesn't know what she thinks of him.But human feelings are so strange, he didn't know how to face Ye Qianqian, so he could only do his best to protect Ye Qianqian, in order to repay the other party's love for him.

In a whirl, Xu Miao felt that the power of the black mist began to increase.More and more monks couldn't bear it, and their pure white souls were stained with a little black mist.

The soul is infected by black mist, and the damage to the monk is fatal.Miserable wailing kept ringing around Xu Miao. If it weren't for these three special laws of heaven and earth, Xu Miao would also be infected by the black mist.

If Shui San also participated in the selection of elite monks, Xu Miao's current situation would not be so bad.It's a pity that at that time, I gave Shui San an order to find a hidden place to hide, and he was not allowed to participate in anything.

Shui San's strength should be almost the same as his own realm in his previous life.Even if there is a special contract, Shui San cannot show the strength beyond Jindan's late stage, but the power of the soul cannot be concealed.

However, thinking about these things now is futile, since Shui San is not here, he cannot rely on Shui San's power.In a daze, Xu Miao felt that she heard Shui San's voice.

"Master! Master!"

"Shui San?" The soul can still have hallucinations, Xu Miao laughed at himself, but when he heard Shui San's voice again, he couldn't laugh anymore.

Only then did Shui San explain that Shui San had a contract connection with him and penetrated into his soul.Shui San contacted Xu Miao through a contract and learned that Xu Miao's soul had left his body, but he hadn't left the hermitage for too long, so he simply used the contract to contact Xu Miao.

When I really fell asleep, someone gave me a pillow.Xu Miao sighed more than once, what kind of contract he made with Shui San in his previous life, only the soul can communicate.

Gong Shi thought that everyone's souls had been infected by the black mist, and he didn't continue to pay attention to the situation in the jade bottle of pure soul, so he just gave Xu Miao a chance.

"Shui San, is it possible to lend me your soul power?" Shui San's soul power is not inferior to that of a cultivator.

Shui San didn't know why, so he still replied: "Of course, the master can use Shui San as he pleases."

Hearing how weird it was, Xu Miao continued to ask: "How strong can the soul power you use be for me?" This is what Xu Miao is most concerned about. Miao might as well not use it.

The soul of Jindan late stage will not cause any hindrance to Gong Shi, but will make Gong Shi catch him all at once.

"There is no problem in the refining period. As long as the master follows the specific formula, the subordinate's soul can reach the level of the refining period." After Shui San finished speaking, he also told Xu Miao the specific content of the formula.

Tell Shui San the formula, so that no matter what state Xu Miao is in, he can use Shui San in the strongest state.In the previous life, the depth of her plan was shocking.

When all the souls were resisting the black mist, Xu Miao recited the formula in her heart.In an instant, the space inside the Jade Bottle of Purifying Soul suddenly shook, and Shui San's soul arrived.

These black mist can deal with the souls of cultivators below Huashen level, but they cannot deal with the souls of cultivators who refine the Void.Shui San's soul directly dispelled the annoying black mist.

Xu Miao's soul power immediately showed a huge improvement. This group of souls that had just merged into his own soul did not reject him at all, as if he and his soul were originally one, and today they just returned.

Gong Shi is completely unaware of what happened in the jade bottle of pure soul.He was bringing the jade bottle of pure soul to join the monks who were going to several other continents.

He also only found out a few days ago that the idiot who went to Westland was dead, or was killed by Xu Miao and a few cultivators who turned into gods.

Although they are not from the same force, at least they are all from the upper plane.Their masters also temporarily reached an agreement to let them work together to obtain the laws of heaven in the plane below the ground and space.

Gong Shi and the other four stood in different positions, and each took out a piece of jade that flashed through the stream.The five people recited the formula at the same time, and the light on the surface of the jade became brighter and brighter until the light condensed into lines.

Several lines are connected together to form a cube space.The five people took out the magic weapon for absorbing the soul, and aimed the magic weapon at the cube space, and the monk's soul immediately left the magic weapon and entered the space.

Xu Miao sensed the change in the space she was in. She didn't speak, but manipulated the golden dragon to protect Ye Qianqian.Except for the soul that came out of the jade bottle of pure soul without black mist on its body, the souls from other magic weapons were more or less stained with black mist.

"Gong Shize, what's the matter with you? You can't even do this little thing. Why are the souls in your hands so clean one by one? Where did the soul-devouring black mist go? If it's because you delayed the mission, you will be punished." up?"

The voice of a strange monk challenged Gong Shi, and the lesson fell without a pause.Gong Shi was also shocked when he saw the soul coming out of the jade bottle of pure soul.

He obviously put the soul-devouring black mist into the soul-purifying jade bottle with his own hands, and he also saw the appearance of the monk's soul and heard the screams of the monk, why is it completely different now.

Just because it's different doesn't mean he can be honestly taught by another monk: "Zhao Yan, it's not your turn to teach me!"

Zhao Yan snorted coldly: "You think I want to teach you a lesson, but it's because you're not good at things—"

"Okay, stop arguing, Gong Shize, quickly put the soul-devouring black mist in!" Another voice interrupted the dispute between the two.Xu Miao listened quietly to the words of the three, and the other two remained silent.

Judging from the location, Zhao Tran should be a cultivator heading to the Southland, and the person who interrupted the dispute between the two seemed to be a cultivator heading to the Central Continent.Being able to go to Zhonglu also shows that his strength should be the strongest.

The soul-eating black mist was put into the space again, and the souls that had been contaminated by the black mist were once again infected by the black mist. With the blessing of Xu Miao, the souls that dispelled the black mist had to be infected by the black mist again.

All of a sudden, the screams of monks in the space came and went.But after a while, the screaming sound gradually disappeared, and Xu Miao suddenly felt something changed around her.

The space he was in was infinitely magnified, and Song Siyu and Ye Qianqian, who had been protecting him all the time, disappeared.Xu Miao is in the state of soul now, a bulging mass of white, like a white ball.

There was darkness all around, and he didn't know where he was or who he was.He drifted about without knowing it, without purpose, without direction.

After floating for some time, Xu Miao seemed to see another white ball.Seeming to be the same kind, Xu Miao took the initiative to float over, but the white ball hit Xu Miao straight.

If Xu Miao hadn't been able to hide quickly, a piece of her soul would have been torn off by the white ball.Xu Miao was angry from the bottom of her heart, she dared to bite me, Xu Miao rushed towards the white ball, this fierce looking white ball was not Xu Miao's opponent at all, and was instantly swallowed by Xu Miao.

"Xu Miao——" what kind of voice, Xu Miao felt that these two words were very familiar. Gradually, he remembered a lot, remembered who he was, and what he came here for.

The soul he swallowed just now seems to be a demon cultivator from Nanlu.I also blame the soul of that demon cultivator for indiscriminately biting him when he comes up, but he won't fight back directly.

Xu Miao's current soul power is not only his own power, but also Shui San's power. Meeting him is not much different from courting death.

"Shui San." Xu Miao summoned his most loyal subordinate, Shui San did not disappoint his expectations, and answered him calmly.

"You have followed my previous life for so long, do you know where this place is?"

"If my subordinate's guess is correct, it should be a magic weapon space imitating the ghost world." Shui San introduced the ghost world to Xu Miao in detail, which is a space exclusive to the soul.

Where many souls who are unwilling to reincarnate are located, in the ghost world, the soul will not be urged by the laws of heaven, and can stay in the ghost world forever.

There is also order in the ghost world, there will be a ghost king, nine ghost generals under the ghost king, and many ghost soldiers under the ghost general.Souls in the ghost world can cultivate, not much different from monks.

The only difference is that the souls in the ghost world cannot appear in other planes.Once it appears, it will be sanctioned by heaven and will fall into catastrophe.

Gong Shize and others will use the magic weapon that imitates the ghost world, and it is also to allow the souls of Xu Miao and others to stay in it for a long time, so that they can observe the laws of the plane below the ground and space.

"Is there a way to leave the magic weapon space?"

"As far as my subordinates know, no, there is no chance to leave until the owner of the magic weapon is opened." Shui San's words were tantamount to a cruel trial, driving Xu Miao into a desperate situation.

But how could Xu Miao sit still and wait for death, he no longer talked with Shui San, but set off to tour this "ghost world".The enemy's road is narrow, and Xu Miao met Cao Ping's soul.

"Hey, Xu Miao, it's been a long time." There are still a few souls behind Cao Ping, and Xu Miao guesses that they should be Cao Ping's fellow disciples, or other monks in Zhonglu.Compared with Xu Miao who was alone, Cao Ping's momentum was obviously stronger.

"I'm not interested in seeing you, get out!" Xu Miao was too lazy to talk nonsense with Cao Ping. When he entered the secret place, Master Yunbi specially sent him a voice transmission, telling him not to conflict with the people in Zhonglu.

This is a major event in the lower plane of the earth and space. If the monks in the lower plane have internal strife first, it will be even more difficult to deal with the monks in the upper plane.

(End of this chapter)

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