Chapter 344
"There was an invincible monk who told me to leave. Guess what happened to him?" Cao Ping's cold voice sounded, and Xu Miao could clearly feel Cao Ping's murderous intent.

"Oh? I also really want to know what happened to him later." Before Xu Miao finished speaking, Cao Ping's soul rushed over.Xu Miao's soul power only shows his own power to the outside world.

Shui San's soul power was perfectly hidden by Xu Miao, as long as he was unwilling to reveal it, no one would be able to detect the problem.Cao Ping's attack was ferocious, but Xu Miao always dodged deftly.

Cao Ping felt as if his fist was hitting the cotton, and he was still unable to vent his hatred for Xu Miao: "Xu Miao, how long do you think you can hide! Everyone give it to me!"

The tyranny that Xu Miao had been suppressing finally erupted at this moment. Before Cao Ping's soul came out, he took the lead.Cao Ping didn't see Xu Miao's movements clearly at all, so he felt a sharp pain.

Cao Ping's soul was torn off by Xu Miao, he panted heavily, trying to suppress the pain and fear deep in his soul.He didn't expect that Xu Miao could harm his soul in one move.

"Cao Ping—" Xu Miao's icy voice sounded, "I told you to go away, not because of anything else, but because I want to save your life. Put your own selfishness on the entire plane below the earth and space, Qian Yang The chief Jindan disciple of the sect is nothing more than that."

Xu Miao's hat was not too small, and he directly put the grievances between the two above righteousness.It further highlights Cao Ping's selfishness and Xu Miao's selflessness.

"You think that you, a group of similar insects, can defeat me. You are wishful thinking, but I really didn't take it to heart!" After saying that, Xu Miao directly bypassed Cao Ping, who was stunned, and floated into the distance.

Cao Ping's gnashing of teeth voice came from behind: "Xu Miao, wait for this matter, I will definitely put you under the gun!"

Xu Miao didn't care much, and said coolly: "It's over here, you should enter your Qianyangmen's Siguo Cliff and think about it for five years." When Cao Ping wanted to refute again, Xu Miao had already left here, Cao Ping's There is nowhere to vent the anger, only to be angry.

What happened with Cao Ping was just an episode, and Xu Miao didn't care about it at all.What he is most concerned about now are the three laws of heaven and earth.Since he came to this imitation "ghost world", he has lost the trace of the three laws of heaven and earth.

Xu Miao walked around without direction, and suddenly a huge ball of light came into view.On the periphery of the ball of light, there are countless golden dragons entangled.Xu Miao recognized that those golden dragons were formed by the laws of heaven and earth.

In the state of soul, he has no way to use divine consciousness, and can only be determined by the soul's instinctive familiarity with the laws.The numerous laws of heaven and earth almost dazzled Xu Miao.

The three laws of heaven and earth are completely different from the other laws. They were not constructed by Huashen's special means, but were forcibly divided by the suitable laws of heaven and earth in the previous life.

It can be said that in terms of completeness, there will not be any law of heaven and earth that can surpass Xu Miao's three laws of heaven and earth.found it!Xu Miao can be sure that the golden dragon that shines the brightest belongs to her own law of heaven and earth.

"Shui San, if my guess is correct, this huge ball of light should be the medium used by Gong Shize and others to refine the laws of heaven and earth. The law of heaven and earth is recalled?"

"As long as they have refined the three laws of heaven and earth, it is very likely that they will no longer pay attention to these three laws of heaven and earth, and the master will have the opportunity to retrieve the laws."

Although Shui San provided a solution, it also provided a problem.He didn't see the whole process of Gong Shize and others refining the laws of heaven and earth, so he couldn't be sure whether the other party had already refined the three laws of heaven and earth.

Shui San didn't explain the method of identification, which means he doesn't know either.All subsequent actions can only rely on Xu Miao's luck.If you are lucky, Xu Miao can win the bet. If you are unlucky, you will be discovered by Gong Shize and killed by Gong Shize.

He slowly approached the ball of light. The closer he got to the ball of light, the more Xu Miao could feel a subtle illusion of being in a storm.Xu Miao had a flash of inspiration. Only by being in the eye of the storm can he understand the storm most intuitively.

If he can enter the sphere of light, he may be able to determine which laws have been refined and which laws have not been refined.Xu Miao's bold idea attracted strong opposition from Shui San.

"Master, no! The inside of the ball of light is full of violent wind blades, which are used to divide the laws of heaven and earth and extract common ground. The soul of a monk is the most fragile, and the hardness of different bodies cannot resist this kind of wind blade."

"The wind blade you mentioned is actually not a real wind blade, but a kind of mana similar to a wind blade, which is used to cut the laws of heaven and earth. If this mana is only aimed at the laws of heaven and earth, my soul may be in the wind. Unscathed from the blade."

Shui San didn't agree with Xu Miao's plan at all, and resolutely opposed: "The stakes are too high. Once the wind blade ignores the target and cuts it at will, it is absolutely impossible for the master's soul to retreat from the wind blade raging around him."

"Even if it's your soul at the refining stage?"

"...Yes, souls in the Void Refinement Stage cannot resist the magic power that can cut the laws of heaven and earth. In other words, no human monk's soul can resist this kind of magic power."

Xu Miao was silent, Shui San was right, the stakes were too high.Xu Miao then used her own soul as a bet. If she failed, her soul would be completely divided, and there would be no possibility of bringing her back to life.

But these three laws of heaven and earth are too important to Xu Miao, so Xu Miao is even more worried that without these three laws of heaven and earth, his cultivation will directly fall to the golden core stage and return to the late foundation establishment stage.Jump out of the Three Realms again, not in the Five Elements.

Xu Miao said slowly: "Shui San, as a subordinate, you must remember one sentence, only obey the orders of the master." Xu Miao has made a decision in her heart and cannot be changed.

Since Shui San's refining soul couldn't work, Xu Miao simply drove away Shui San's soul.Shui San was unwilling to leave no matter what, and said eloquently: "Since it is an uncertain path, let Shui San explore for the master first."

Shui San intends to explore first to determine whether the wind blade will cause damage to things other than the laws of heaven and earth.Xu Miao didn't give Shui San this chance, even though Shui San was his subordinate.

The intention of creating Shui San in his previous life may be to prevent the crisis of life and death for his previous life.However, he is not in his previous life now, and Shui San has helped him many times. In Xu Miao's heart, Shui San is no longer a subordinate, but a life and death friend.

Xu Miao would not allow Shui San to explore this path for him at the cost of his life.Xu Miao recited the formula, and Shui San's soul was imprisoned, unable to move.

Shui San couldn't move, couldn't make a sound, and could only stare at Xu Miao.If Shui San is not in the state of soul now, his current expression must be tearing eyes.

Xu Miao looked at the huge ball of light in front of her and walked in step by step. The previous tension suddenly disappeared.With a calmness that he didn't expect, he floated into the ball of light.

The wind blade was close at hand, and Xu Miao looked at the wind blade around him with great interest, cutting towards him.Not dodging or dodging, Xu Miao felt the coldness of the wind blade.

The expected pain swept over, and with a flick of a finger, Xu Miao's soul was cut into countless pieces by the wind blade.Xu Miao had never experienced this kind of pain, and it was even more painful than the separation of consciousness and the forcible fusion of Taoist Lihuan's consciousness.

Despite the pain, Xu Miao's consciousness was very clear.Normally speaking, the moment the soul is cut by the wind blade, the consciousness will disappear instantly, and the whole soul will gradually dissipate after losing consciousness.

However, not only did Xu Miao's consciousness not disappear, but the soul scattered into countless pieces also did not dissipate.They float inside the sphere of light, living in eerily harmonious harmony with the wind blades.

Xu Miao didn't know why this happened, but he didn't have the extra energy to think about the reason now.He has to hurry up and feel the refinement of the law.

Xu Miao, who is inside the sphere of light, can clearly see things that cannot be seen outside the sphere of light.He found the three laws of heaven and earth, but the laws have not been refined yet, so he needs to wait quietly.

The pain was like a tide, sweeping in wave after wave, constantly washing Xu Miao's soul.In the severe pain, Xu Miao's feelings became more and more sensitive.

He can even clearly see how the surrounding laws of heaven and earth are composed, and what are their mysteries.Xu Miao has never entered such a state, and he took advantage of the opportunity of the dispersion of his soul to comprehend the laws of heaven and earth crazily.

There is no self and no other, no reality and no emptiness, the laws of heaven and earth, born in heaven and earth, converge in laws.Xu Miao watched the laws spinning and coiling outside the light sphere, and he quietly comprehended the mystery of the laws.

He has never been so close to the core of the law.These laws are incomplete, and they were specially constructed by the cultivators of Huashen.

However, there is completeness in incompleteness, and flawlessness in flaws.It is this law of heaven and earth that makes it easier for Xu Miao to understand the mystery of the law.

His soul seemed to have been trapped in the desert for a long time, and finally saw the oasis.He eagerly touched the laws, and engraved the deep mysteries of all the laws deeply in his soul.

Those three laws of heaven and earth were finally cut and refined by the wind blade.Xu Miao once comprehended the three laws of heaven and earth in order to be able to refine them.But that's all superficial and half-knowledgeable.

With the previous comprehension of the incomplete laws as the basis, Xu Miao drew inferences from one instance. The laws that were once difficult to understand are now easily solved, and there are no more difficult laws for him to understand.

The three laws were refined, and Xu Miao's soul slowly reintegrated the laws together.The soul has never been so close to the laws of heaven and earth. If it hadn't been a blessing in disguise this time, Xu Miao would not be able to comprehend the deep meaning of the laws.

After reassembling the three laws of heaven and earth, Xu Miao did not stop.His soul continues to stay in the sphere of light, comprehending other laws.

(End of this chapter)

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