Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 345 The Soul Enters the Body

Chapter 345 The Soul Enters the Body
What is the way of heaven, what is the law, and the visualization of the props of the day constitutes the law.The laws of heaven and earth seem to be nothing, but they are actually by everyone's side.

The number of wind blades began to decrease gradually, and their power weakened.Without the obstruction of the wind blade, Xu Miao's soul gradually gathered together.The soul returned to its place, and Xu Miao was about to take away the three laws of heaven and earth.

"Huh?" Gong Shize's voice suddenly appeared, "The light ball that refines the law seems to be different from before."

Another wave of divine sense swept over, just passing by Xu Miao's soul.If Xu Miao's body was here, cold sweat would definitely flow out.His soul fragments finally returned to their place, and it is absolutely impossible to endure another dispersion.

Xu Miao stepped back carefully, away from the ball of light.The moment Xu Miao left, the scanning consciousness swept over the place where Xu Miao's soul was just now.

"It's nothing unusual, it's because you are overthinking. It's just a group of souls, do you think they can make waves?"

"It's always good to be cautious. That Xu Miao gives me a bad feeling. With him around, there will definitely be some trouble."


The next conversation of the monks on the upper plane gradually became blurred.Xu Miao left the ball of light smoothly, and chanted the formula to release Shui San's soul.

Shui San clearly saw that the golden dragon composed of the three laws of heaven and earth had been deeply engraved in Xu Miao's soul.As long as Xu Miao has a thought, the golden dragon can be hidden in the depths of the soul, and no one else can detect it.

In addition, Shui Sanyin vaguely felt that Xu Miao's current state was different from the previous state.Although they all seemed to be equally peaceful, the current Xu Miao was even more unfathomable.

It seems to be integrated with the heaven and the earth, full of the breath of the heaven and the earth.Before Shui San could figure out the reason for Xu Miao's change, a teleportation exit suddenly appeared in front of him.

"All monks enter the exit quickly, without any mistakes!" Qi Yang boy's voice made Xu Miao's heart tremble, and he took Shui San's soul into his own soul and floated into the transmission exit.

The same scene happened everywhere in the "ghost world". The sudden attack of the cultivator who transformed the spirit caught the monks on the upper plane by surprise.They didn't expect at all that the cultivators of Huashen dared to go against their master's ideas and rescue the Jindan cultivators.

The exit was immediately closed after Xu Miao's soul floated in, and Xu Miao was teleported to the secret place.With her own body in front of her eyes, Xu Miao let go of Shui San and told her to integrate into the body as soon as possible.

Xu Miao saw that the spirit energy was still pouring into his body quickly, and he was relieved that his plan was proceeding normally.If the calculation is correct, he should have advanced to the peak of Jindan Late Stage.

"You monks from the lower plane are so bold!" Gong Shize's voice sounded like thunder, and Xu Miao rushed into the body without thinking too much.

The soul that has been floating for too long has finally found its body, just like duckweed has found the soil to take root.The spiritual power in Xu Miao's body circulated rapidly, and Jin Dan was much stronger than when he left.

He moved his fingers to confirm that the body did not show any signs of decay when the soul left.The cultivation base also just entered the peak of Jindan late stage, as long as you find the opportunity, you can break through the confinement in one fell swoop and step into the Nascent Soul.

After advancing to the Golden Core, Xu Miao felt that the speed of cultivation had increased a lot.It was more than twice as fast as it was during the foundation building period.When he thought about the reason carefully, he probably had a great relationship with the three laws of heaven and earth.

Suddenly, a spiritual force struck Xu Miao straight from above.Xu Miao frowned, and teleported away.In the position where he was sitting cross-legged before, a hole more than ten feet deep was carved out by spiritual power.

Xu Miao has no doubts that if his soul does not return in time, his body will never escape this spiritual power and will definitely explode in this spiritual power.

A soul without a body cannot continue to practice unless it is seized.But Gong Shi would not give him a chance to find a target to seize the house.

I'm afraid that there will be a series of actions in the future to kill his soul and prevent him from rebirth.Xu Miao's face sank like water, and he drew a big cross in the name Gong Shize in his heart.

Hu Cheng brought him in to the secret place here, and he didn't know the exact location.Xu Miao used her body skills to soar into the air in the secret place, explore the surrounding situation, and look for the exit.

A place with strong aura must be deep in the secret place.If it was the past, Xu Miao would definitely stay in the depths of the secret place and practice hard.But now there is the threat of Gong Shize, there will be attacks all the time, how can Xu Miao calm down to practice.

Xu Miao flew in the direction where the spiritual energy was thin, and she saw the location where the monk Xilu was before.The souls of some monks have returned to their bodies, but their eyes are dazed, obviously not yet fully integrated with their bodies.

There are also some monks with their eyes closed tightly, clusters of white mist floating in the air, their souls have not had time to return to their bodies.Xu Miao raised her eyes and looked around, but no one could form a fighting force.

At this time, Gong Shize's attack had arrived.If Xu Miao stood by and watched, there would be no one out of ten Jindan monks in Donglu.The Ningwu sword was unsheathed in an instant, facing Gong Shize's mana attack.

His current cultivation base is at the peak of the later stage, and he has comprehended several laws of heaven and earth, so he just wants to test his own strength.Holding the hilt of the Ningwu Sword, Xu Miao confronted Gong Shize's attack without fear.

Although Gong Shize's magic power is powerful, his successor is weak.As for the attack of the Mist Sword, as long as Xu Miao is still there, it will continue to show unparalleled attack power.

What's more, Xu Miao didn't intend to confront the opponent head-on at all.In any case, Gong Shi is an attempt from the upper plane. It is definitely not a wise move to forcibly confront him with the magic weapon and means of a monk on the upper plane.

Xu Miao is not someone who loses her mind just because of a momentary victory or defeat.On the contrary, he will judge the situation and use the smallest price to obtain the greatest benefit.

His purpose is to buy time for the monks who have not yet woken up, so that all the monks in the Eastern Continent can regain their combat power.At that time, the strength of all Jindan monks will be gathered, and it may be impossible to drink Gong Shize's magic weapon and fight.

With the help of the fog condensing sword, Xu Miao guided Gong Shize's mana to a place far away from the crowd.Gong Shize's mana exploded violently in the secret place. Even if the monk was not attacked directly, he would still be affected by the aftermath.

Xu Miao decisively teleported to the place where the mana exploded, and propped up Fu Yu's helmet.The helmet of Fu Yu this time is bigger than the helmet of Fu Yu propped up by Xu Miao before.

Only if it is big enough can it block the shock wave for everyone.The spiritual power in Xu Miao's body was running to the limit, and the Bihai Qingtian Jue and the West Wind Withered Bishu were fully displayed.

In order to support the enlarged Fu Yu's armor, the aura here was almost exhausted by Xu Miao.Xu Miao's spiritual power had reached its limit, but she still couldn't stop Fu Yu's helmet from cracking.

He raised his hands out of thin air, took a deep breath, and the blue sea and the Cangmu were all externalized, blocking the outside of Fu Yu's helmet.Xu Miao looked at the fruit on the cang tree and picked it off involuntarily.

The picked fruit disappeared immediately, and turned into a strand of spiritual power into Xu Miao's hands.Xu Miao's dantian, which was about to dry up, was more than half full.Xu Miao's face brightened. It turns out that the fruit produced by the Cangmu can replenish spiritual power.

Whether it's elixir or external aura, there will always be impurities, or it is not suitable for Xu Miao's physique, and cannot make the best supplement for the consumption of spiritual energy.

But Cang Mu is originally composed of Xu Miao's spiritual power. With spiritual power to feed back spiritual power, there is nothing more suitable for him than his own spiritual power.Xu Miao discovered the effect of the fruit, and unceremoniously picked off all the fruits to replenish the rapidly depleted spiritual power.

However, no matter how luxuriant the Cangmu is, the fruits it bears are limited.When Xu Miao used up all the fruits, at this moment, his spiritual power was exhausted again.

Suddenly, Xu Miao felt a person appeared behind him, it was Ye Chen.Ye Chen raised his hand and put it on Xu Miao's back, and a steady stream of spiritual power flowed into Xu Miao's body along the connected parts.

A smile appeared on the corner of Xu Miao's mouth. Ye Chen's spiritual power has been processed without any attribute restrictions. Xu Miao can use it boldly without worrying about the attributes repelling each other.

With Ye Chen's joining, Xu Miao's Fu Yu's armor, which was almost broken just now, has repaired some key cracks.After Ye Chen, Wang Hong, Ye Qianqian, Song Siyu, Qiao Ye, all the sober monks put their hands on the back of the person in front.

Everyone's spiritual power surged into Xu Miao's body. Xu Miao had never controlled such a vast and majestic spiritual power.At this moment, Xu Miao's pride rose sharply.It's just a monk from the upper plane. Could it be that they can't fight against them with the strength of all of them!

At this moment, no one was thinking about other things. They only knew that the spiritual power should be injected into the body of the person in front, and then the person in front would continue to inject it into the body of the person in front, and finally reach Xu Miao's body.

The meridians in Xu Miao's body were stretched to the limit, and the amount of spiritual power contained in the meridians far exceeded her own.Xu Miao was sure that if he continued, his meridians would burst immediately.

But he had no retreat, behind him was a group of monks.Although these people didn't have a good relationship with him before, but now, all of them believed in him and sent him all their spiritual power without reservation.

What's more, among this group of people, there are Song Siyu and Ye Qianqian whom he swore to protect.He couldn't let his promises turn into empty, ridiculous words.

The words are still ringing in his ears, Xu Miao, he will do what he says.Xu Miao bit the tip of her tongue hard to keep herself awake, frantically mobilizing the incoming spiritual power and sending it to Fu Yu's helmet.

Gong Shi has already noticed that his plan to destroy the monk's body before the monk's soul returns has failed.And this plan was broken by Xu Miao.

"Xu Miao!" Gong Shi gritted his teeth and appeared in the secret place, staring at Xu Miao.

Xu Miao looked at the other party coldly, with a calm expression: "Don't call me a ghost, I'm not dead yet, you couldn't kill me before, and you can't kill me now either."

(End of this chapter)

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