Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 346 Mount Tai collapses

Chapter 346 Mount Tai collapses
"Xu Miao, you are just a monk from the lower plane, you are too arrogant! In the eyes of our upper plane, you are just an ant that can be crushed to death at any time." Gong Shi slowly took out the bag from the storage bag at his waist. Another magic weapon.

Xu Miao stared at the magic weapon, and he felt a little palpitation from the fluctuation of the magic weapon.He was sure that all of them together were no match for the power released by the magic weapon.

However, his tone was still relaxed, as if he didn't pay attention to this magic weapon at all: "Ants? So far, how many times have you tried to kill me, how many times have you moved? Which time have you succeeded?"

Before Gong Shi could answer, Xu Miao's voice suddenly rose: "You didn't! You didn't succeed, even once. You can't even solve an ant like me. You are worse than an ant. To be precise, you are as useless as a waste!" two."

"Isn't it true that Gong Shize is useless?" Xu Miao spoke contemptuously, and didn't look Gong Shize squarely.

"Xu Miao, just use your tongue. Soon, your mouth will no longer be able to say these words. Not only you, but everyone behind you will soon become dead souls!"

"Gong Shize, some things need to be done, not talked about." Before Xu Miao finished speaking, the magic weapon in Gong Shize's hand suddenly lit up, emitting a dazzling light.

Many monks couldn't bear it anymore and had to close their eyes.Xu Miao didn't even blink his eyes, he was waiting, waiting for the group of cultivators.

Since the cultivator who transformed the gods rescued them from the "ghost world", he would definitely not leave them alone.As long as you can persist, you will definitely be able to wait for reinforcements.

Except for Xu Miao, everyone thought they must die, and they all closed their eyes to hide the fear in their hearts.Although they are monks, they are also afraid of death. It is their limit not to lose the dignity of monks in the next plane in front of Gong Shize.

Including Qiao Ye and Ye Chen, they also closed their eyes in despair.Because they knew very well that even Xu Miao would not be Gong Shize's opponent.

To be able to die calmly is also an honor for monks like them.Only Xu Miao never lost hope.His eyes were clear and calm, not like someone who was about to face death at all.

When Gong Shi saw those eyes, he was furious. It was obviously a fatal situation, why was Xu Miao still able to remain calm and calm.Why is there no trace of fear and panic in Xu Miao's eyes.

This made Gong Shi very frustrated. Even if Xu Miao was killed, he felt that he would not be able to vent his anger.Gong Shi couldn't help but speak to the camera: "Xu Miao, the calmer you look on your face, the more you want to hide the panic in your heart."

Hearing Gong Shize's words, Xu Miao smiled instead: "You are afraid, you are afraid that after this blow, you will still not be able to kill me, are you? Compared with wanting to see me panic, in fact, your heart has already panicked right?"

"Your plan has not been realized. Your original idea is completely different from the current direction. You can only deal with our group of Golden Core monks to cover up the panic in your heart."

Xu Miao's voice was not loud, but it struck Gong Shize's heart like thunder.Gong Shi had to admit that Xu Miao's speculation about people's hearts had reached a terrifying level.

He really panicked, all those plans were disrupted, so far, not even a single plan has been executed perfectly and got the desired result.

The way Gong Shi concealed his panic was to increase the attack of the magic weapon.Xu Miao still watched the attack for a moment, and got closer and closer to herself. Because of the power of the attack, the clothes on her body kept flying up and down.

Xu Miao didn't move, didn't dodge, and even the Mist Sword didn't appear, just stood there, hanging in the air like a hidden sharp sword.

Sure enough, when the magic weapon's attack ripped apart Fu Yu's helmet, a burst of spiritual power that was not inferior to the magic weapon's attack power burst out.

The figure of Master Yunbi appeared in front of everyone, blocking Gong Shize's move.True Monarch Yunbi didn't turn his head back, and joked: "Mount Tai collapsed in front of him and his face remained unchanged. Among so many people, you are the only one."

Xu Miao laughed lightly: "That's because I know that the seniors have worked so hard to save us from death and won't send us to another death."

Master Yunbi heard Xu Miao's words and didn't answer for a long time.In fact, she has already arrived here, when Xu Miao propped up the helmet of Fu Yu to protect the monks of Donglu, she had already come here.

At that time, she didn't make a move immediately, just to see what step Xu Miao could do for the monk Donglu.Xu Miao fulfilled his promise and would protect the monk Donglu.

Later, Ye Chen, Qiao Ye and others walked behind Xu Miao one by one, and together with Xu Miao supported the helmet of Fu Yu.It is impossible to say that I am not moved.

Every sect, family, and casual cultivator in Donglu seems to be harmonious, but in fact they have long been independent.The power of any side wants to dominate.

But Xu Miao made the outstanding disciples cultivated by these forces form an alliance, and let them hold hands together willingly to defend against foreign enemies.

In the end, when Gong Shi made a move, everyone gave up.She clearly saw the despair and unwillingness in Ye Chen's eyes, which was an expression she had never seen among the most outstanding juniors of the Ye family.

Only Xu Miao stood at the front of the crowd, calm and calm.The conversation with Gong Shize did not show our despair and fear, but instead hit Gong Shize's pain.

At this time, Master Yunbi still didn't make a move.She is waiting, she wants to see what step she can make, being praised by Taoist Chen Xing as the strongest monk of this generation.

Xu Miao did not live up to her expectations, he did, and the landslide fell before him without changing his face.True Monarch Yunbi has never admired many people in her life, but today, she felt admiration for this young monk who was only at the Golden Core stage.

Being in a different place, Master Yunbi didn't think she could have Xu Miao's courage, composure and sanity.

"The matter of the envoys from the upper plane is over, you can return to your sects and families." After saying this, Zhenjun Yunbi waved his sleeves and led Gong Shize away from the secret place.

At the same time, the teleportation array leaving the secret place opened.All the monks hadn't reacted from the life-and-death situation just now, and stood there in a daze, unable to believe that they survived.

"What are you still doing standing here? Be careful that Senior Hu Cheng will come in and drive you away." Xu Miao teased with a relaxed mood, and led Song Siyu into the teleportation formation first.

The light of the teleportation array flashed past, and Xu Miao and Song Siyu disappeared into the secret place.Xu Miao's actions and words woke up the other monks. Ye Chen smiled wryly and shook his head. Only today did he clearly know the difference between himself and Xu Miao.

Ye Chen followed Xu Miao and also left the secret place.One after another, many monks left the secret place, except Qiao Ye who stayed in the secret place.

He thought of the ranking of the Plane Cultivator Ranking. At first, he was not reconciled to that ranking, and he was not convinced. He thought that the ranking person was just blinded by Xu Miao's actions.

Until today, he didn't know that there was no problem with his and Xu Miao's ranking in this plane monk list.He is not as rich as Xu Miao, even though he doesn't want to admit it, he must admit it.

He suddenly understood what Zheng Zhan was thinking. When Junior Brother Zheng Zhan was going to the ancient secret realm, no one would have liked him except the few monks in Zhonglu.

However, one Xu Miao happened to be killed, and everyone was suppressed below, showing off the limelight.Zheng Zhan also said that if Xu Miao hadn't acted at that time, he would never have returned to Donglu alive.

He understood what Zheng Zhan said that day, if not for Xu Miao, he, Qiao Ye, would not even have a chance to survive.It can be said that Xu Miao saved them.

Qiao Ye's dark eyes suddenly burst out with a strong fighting spirit, Xu Miao, since you are so strong, then I will regard you as an opponent, and one day, the ranking of the monks on the plane will change.

The declaration of war this time was no longer due to Qiao Ye's unwillingness, but his respect for the strong. The strong in Qiao Ye's heart was none other than Xu Miao.

Xu Miao would not know what Qiao Ye was thinking. After he left the secret place, he took Song Siyu to find Taoist Xiyue.This time, Song Siyu's life was almost lost in Donglu. It was too dangerous, and it must not continue.

It's just that Song Siyu didn't want to go back to Westland. It was so interesting to be with Xu Miao. What she saw and experienced was much more interesting than what she saw in Westland.

"Junior Sister Song, you must return to Westland. As you have seen, the people I offended were monks from the upper plane. You have seen their methods before. I cannot protect your safety." Xu Miao said earnestly, wanting to persuade Song Siyu left.

However, Song Siyu didn't buy Xu Miao's persuasion at all.Opening her eyes innocently, she only said that Xu Miao didn't want her anymore.Xu Miao looked at those extremely innocent eyes, and couldn't help but take Song Siyu with her.

Xu Miao didn't notice the successful smile on the corner of Song Siyu's mouth. Song Siyu walked quickly and grabbed Xu Miao's hand carefully.The temperature from Xu Miao's dry palm warmed up Song Siyu's whole body.

Xu Miao let Song Siyu hold her hand, she just took it as a little girl's thoughts and didn't care.

"Xu Miao, 50 years later, there will be a monk ranking competition in Zhonglu, will you come?" Ye Chen asked behind Xu Miao.

This monk ranking competition is aimed at monks from the Central Continent, but it will not exclude monks from other continents.Before the appearance of the ranks of monks in the plane, the monks in Zhonglu used this ranking competition to determine their own ranking strength. This competition has lasted for tens of thousands of years.

Once every 100 years, there is no one stop.The monks in Zhonglu regard this ranking competition as the most important competition. In their hearts, the ranking obtained in the ranking competition is more credible than the ranking of plane monks.

Xu Miao looked back into Ye Chen's eyes, and suddenly smiled: "Of course, I will definitely go to Zhonglu's ranking competition."

(End of this chapter)

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