Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 347 The Whereabouts of Water Charm

Chapter 347 The Whereabouts of Water Charm

In a teahouse in Zheng'an City, Xu Miao and Song Siyu were sitting by the window.Song Siyu looked at the scene outside the window excitedly, while Xu Miao held the news that a spirit bird delivered to him when he left Nanjing Sect with a gloomy expression.

"Ye Shuimei is in my hands. If you want her to live, come to Longtan Mountain quickly. Don't take anyone else with you, otherwise Ye Shuimei will definitely die!" The voice of the sound transmission jade pendant has obviously been processed, and Xu Miao can't judge the owner of the voice Who is it.

He had many grievances and enemies, and there were so many people who wanted to kill him, Xu Miao couldn't figure out who attacked Ye Shuimei and threatened him.

Except for Wang Hong and his steward, no one knew that outside Zheng'an City that day, the female cultivator beside him was Ye Shuimei.Wang Hong is definitely not a talkative person, especially after being taught a lesson by himself, he will not announce the matter to the public.Could it be the steward?

In addition, when Ye Shuimei was not injured, her cultivation was at the late stage of Nascent Soul, and after she was injured she was at the early stage of Golden Core.When he left the Eastern Land and went to the Western Land, Ye Shuimei's cultivation had recovered to the mid-Gold Core stage.

After such a long time, Ye Shuimei's cultivation has probably returned to the Nascent Soul Stage.Even if it doesn't completely return to the late Nascent Soul, at least it can reach the early Nascent Soul.

As a late-stage Nascent Soul monk, his strength will definitely not be the same as that of ordinary monks of the same rank.The most likely person who can capture Ye Shuimei and threaten him is Ding Ou.

However, Ding Ou is under the control of Li Annan, so he should not attack him without any scruples.But if it's not someone from Fengzemen, then who else?Xu Miao had several ideas in his mind, and even Cao Ping of Zhonglu was included in his suspicion.

The most important point in this news is that Xu Miao is not sure whether the other party really captured Ye Shuimei.Or is it that the other party just knows Ye Shuimei's whereabouts like the back of his hand, knowing that Ye Shuimei can't contact Xu Miao now.

Take this opportunity to lure Xu Miao to Longtan Mountain, surround and attack him.Although Xu Miao was not sure, he had to make this trip.The other party dared to send him a message so blatantly, at least it proved that the other party knew about Ye Shuimei's whereabouts.

The whereabouts of Ye Shuimei has been hanging in Xu Miao's heart, and if he can't be sure one day earlier, he will continue to worry about it.As for Song Siyu's reluctance to leave for the time being, he could only entrust her to Shui San.

"Brother, don't you want me?" Song Siyu blinked her eyes pitifully.Xu Miao hates girls making such expressions to him, it will give him the illusion that he has done something heinous.

"I'm going to save a friend, you'll wait here with Shui San." Song Siyu pouted, still looking at him with that look, Xu Miao couldn't help but raise her hand to cover her eyes, it was too sinful.

"Come with me." Xu Miao couldn't bear Song Siyu's eye attack and was defeated, "Shui San, you have to take good care of Junior Sister Song."

Shui San's cultivation base is in sync with Xu Miao's. Now that Xu Miao has reached the level of the peak of the golden core, he has also reached the level of the peak of the golden core.With Shui San, Song Siyu will be able to protect her safety.

The three of Xu Miao flew to Longtan Mountain in the light of escape, and arrived at Longtan Mountain without stopping along the way.It is normal for monks to be sleepless for days on end.

In Song Siyu's eyes, it was not what she wanted to see Xu Miao working so hard for a female cultivator.But she knew exactly what kind of person Xu Miao was, and if she forcibly stopped him, it would only arouse his dissatisfaction.

With the most appropriate behavior, Xu Miao had to take her with her.Song Siyu herself also wanted to know what kind of woman Xu Miao could treat like this.

The reason why Longtan Mountain is so named is because it is rumored that in the water pool in the mountain, a dragon once practiced in it, and later it flew up in the daytime. Many monks saw this scene with their own eyes, so the mountain was named after the word Longtan.

Longtan Mountain is huge, with a radius of tens of thousands of miles. Even at the flying speed of a Jindan cultivator, it will take a while to search for it.Xu Miao was standing at the foot of Longtan Mountain. The other party's news only mentioned Longtan Mountain, but did not mention the specific location.

He could only rely on his spiritual sense to search, but fortunately Xu Miao had already integrated the spiritual sense of Taoist Li Huan.

The extensive spiritual consciousness spread out, covering Longtan Mountain within the scope of the spiritual consciousness.Xu Miao didn't hide his spiritual consciousness. Except for the cultivator who transformed into a god, other monks would not provoke him easily.

Xu Miao can safely and boldly look for the person who sent the message through her spiritual sense.However, Xu Miao searched around and saw many monks, but he couldn't find the target.

The monks in Longtan Mountain felt the powerful spiritual power, and they swept it over and over again, and they were already frightened.

"How can there be a half-step god monk coming to our Longtan Mountain?"

"Could it be that a magic weapon is about to be born in Longtan Mountain?" The monk's guess is very reasonable. A monk who is half-step into a god will generally not show his face outside unless there is a treasure of heaven and earth.

"It's very possible. Judging by the actions of this half-step deity, it must be that we haven't found the specific location of the magic weapon. We might have a chance to snatch it!" Some greedy and daring monks had unusual ideas.

Xu Miao's spiritual sense allowed him to hear the monk's thoughts clearly, but he had no intention of stopping the other party at all.Only when all the monks in Longtan Mountain moved to look for the so-called treasures of heaven and earth would he have a chance to find that person.

Xu Miao's cultivation level is not outstanding among the monks in Longtan Mountain, and his appearance is not well known.Therefore, Xu Miao shuttled freely in Longtan Mountain.

"Flicking——" Xu Miao heard the familiar sound of a spirit bird flapping its wings. He turned his head and saw that the spirit bird was flying straight towards Xu Miao.Xu Miao raised her hand and shot out a burst of spiritual power, trapping the spirit bird, and took off the sound transmission jade pendant from the spirit bird.

"If you want to see Ye Shuimei, go to Feilongtan alone!" Feilongtan is the place where the legendary dragon cultivates, in the deepest part of Longtan Mountain.

Xu Miao sent a voice transmission to Shui San, asking him to follow along with Song Siyu not too far or too close, pretending to be looking for the baby, and not to be exposed easily.After explaining everything, Xu Miaofei rushed to Feilongtan.

The water surface of Feilongtan was smooth and waveless like a mirror, but Xu Miao knew very well that these were illusions.Under the smooth pool water is a monstrous vortex.If a monk below Yuan Ying jumps into the Flying Dragon Pond without authorization, he will die ten times!

The spirit bird flew again: "Enter the flying dragon pool quickly!" Xu Miao looked at the spirit bird with fluttering wings, and was able to find his trace accurately. Apart from knowing his path of action, another possibility is that he was familiar with him. breath.

The person who planned this operation completely controlled Xu Miao, and in order to know Ye Shuimei's whereabouts, Xu Miao had to follow the instructions.

This time, Xu Miao did not follow the news from the spirit bird.He stood next to the Feilongtan, poking out his consciousness.The power of the half-step transformation of god's spiritual consciousness, without reservation, came out in full.

Even his spiritual power could not remain stable inside Feilongtan.These vortexes that can be seen everywhere can affect the spiritual consciousness, and even devour the spiritual consciousness.

Xu Miao quickly withdrew his consciousness, but within a moment, his consciousness was damaged.With a gloomy face, Xu Miao looked at the peaceful Feilongtan.

He raised his eyes and noticed the messenger spirit bird trapped by him next to him. Xu Miao pointed at it, and the spirit bird was sent into the Flying Dragon Pool.The spirit bird's instinct as a spirit beast realized the horror of Feilongtan.

It kept flapping its wings, trying to avoid Feilongtan.But how could the pressure exerted by Xu Miao's spiritual force make it escape.The moment the spirit bird came into contact with the Feilongtan, it was engulfed by the water and brought to the bottom of Tandi, where it lost its breath of life.

A black light flashed behind him, and Xu Miao backhanded a burst of spiritual power, hitting the black light.A person appeared from the black light: "As expected of Xu Miao, the reaction is so fast."

Xu Miao remained silent, only exerting the coercion of his spiritual sense.The coercion of the half-step god is not so easy to resist. The monk who was talking easily just now has become panting and struggling.

"If you kill me now, you will get nothing from Ye Shuimei's trace." The man in black threatened.

Xu Miao sneered: "Do I need to know the answer from you?" Before he finished speaking, Xu Miao suddenly launched an attack.Having refined the laws of space, he is already able to teleport anywhere on the plane below the ground and space.

He suddenly disappeared from where he was, and suddenly appeared behind the man in black.Xu Miao raised her right hand and pressed it on the head of the man in black. The man in black didn't even have a chance to struggle, and Xu Miao's powerful divine sense directly broke through the defense of the sea of ​​consciousness.

This person's sea of ​​consciousness has been processed, and there is no news of Ye Shuimei at all.With a gloomy face, Xu Miao threw the man in black into the Flying Dragon Pool.The people behind the scenes reminded Xu Miao of the time when she participated in the big competition in Westland.

There are also people behind the scenes who have been targeting him.That time, because Xu Miao was trapped in the ancient secret realm, she had no chance to settle accounts with the person behind the scenes.Later, time passed and many clues were lost.

Is the person behind the scenes this time the same as that in that big competition, or is there any inevitable connection between them?A sound transmission talisman flew over, and Xu Miao raised her hand to catch it: "Enter Feilongtan, otherwise Ye Shuimei will die without a place to bury her!"

This kind of sound transmission talisman has been tampered with, and it is impossible to trace the person who issued the sound transmission talisman from the direction of flying.The other party seemed to be very eager to let him enter Feilongtan, and kept trying to get him into Feilongtan.

At this time, Xu Miao was not in a hurry.Since the other party can still use Ye Shuimei to threaten him, it proves that Ye Shuimei is not in danger for the time being.He leaned against an inconspicuous stone beside Feilongtan and closed his eyes.

This time is also the time for the game between the two sides.Although there is no conflict of mana in this game, the brilliant impact of magic weapons is equally dangerous, and both sides are waiting for the moment when the other's patience runs out.

(End of this chapter)

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