Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 348 Dragon Cave

Chapter 348 Dragon Cave
"Didn't this Xu Miao like Ye Shuimei? Why isn't he in a hurry now?" If Xu Miao was here, he would definitely be able to tell that the person speaking was Gong Shize.

"Xu Miao is so scheming that he can't be viewed by ordinary Jindan monks. He doesn't enter Feilongtan now, which means that Ye Shuimei's status in his heart is not that high."

"Since he doesn't take the initiative to enter the Flying Dragon Pond, we will help him and send him into the pool!" A cold voice sounded, making people terrified.

Xu Miao suddenly found that the rock she was leaning on was not quite the same as ordinary rocks.The stone exposed a hole in the upper part, and there was an air current.

The rest of the stone is intact, indicating that the bottom of the stone is hollow.Below Feilongtan, there is probably no pond water.

Xu Miao turned her head and looked at Feilongtan, which was rippling with the wind.His figure flashed and disappeared in place.Immediately after a plop, the ripples in Feilongtan widened and spread out.

In an instant, the ripples disappeared, and the water surface of Feilongtan returned to calm.When Gong Shize and others arrived at Feilongtan, what they saw was such a scene, except for the water and stones, there was nothing else.

"Where's Xu Miao?" Gong Shi asked.

Another monk looked at the water marks left by Feilongtan: "It has already entered Feilongtan."

"If we don't come, he won't go in. As soon as we come, he will go in. Is it fun to play us?" Gong Shi sat angrily on the rock that Xu Miao had just leaned on.

"Murderous threats are everywhere in Feilongtan. It is absolutely impossible for him to leave Feilongtan alive." The monk said coldly, "Since Ye Shuimei has entered Feilongtan earlier, let the two of them fight against each other."

"The water in Feilongtan has the power to corrupt the consciousness. If Xu Miao can't hold on, and the soul can't escape, wouldn't our work be in vain?"

"No, Xu Miao is not an ordinary person. Since he is the reincarnation of that person, his soul is absolutely impossible to be eroded by Feilongtan. We can use the power of Feilongtan to weaken the power of Xu Miao's soul."

"At that time, his soul will no longer have the strength to resist, and it will be taken away by us obediently, hahahaha!" Gong Shi laughed heartily with another mysterious monk, as if he had captured Xu Miao's soul get it.

As soon as he entered Feilongtan, Xu Miao restrained all his consciousness and prevented him from leaving his body.Even so, there was still pain in the head.Xu Miao's complexion remained unchanged, she swiped her hands and dived to the bottom of Feilongtan.

At the bottom of the pool, Xu Miao saw several broken bones, which were not like any bones of monsters that Xu Miao knew.

"These pieces are likely to be dragon bones." Qing Jiao left from the Hunting Stone and appeared at the bottom of the pool, "Although time has passed for a long time, as a Jiao, I can feel that it is a higher level than mine. left behind by the taller kind."

"It may be a horned dragon, a chilong, or a horned dragon. There are too few bones and too little useful information to be sure."

"It seems that the rumors about Longtan Mountain are not groundless." Xu Miao said in a deep voice.

"Yes, dragon blood has the effect of strengthening the body and improving blood precision for monks. If you can find fresh dragon blood here, it will be of great benefit to you."

Although the species of Jiao also calls itself a dragon, it cannot actually be called a dragon.A Jiao who has not experienced the Dragon Tribulation cannot transform a Jiao into a dragon.Therefore, even if all of Qingjiao's blood was given to Xu Miao, it would not have any effect on Xu Miao.

"The legend of Longtan Mountain has been around for tens of thousands of years. Even if the legend is confirmed to be true now, after such a long time, the dragon's blood has dried up." Xu Miao didn't have any hope in her heart.

Qing Jiao shook his head and said, "If it's the blood of a real dragon, it can last ten thousand years without drying up. The water in the Flying Dragon Pond has a corrosive effect on the monk's spiritual consciousness, and it is very likely that it is the effect of blood."

"In ancient times, the status of the dragon was far higher than that of ordinary humans, and it was the number one war spirit under the celestial seat. Despite thousands of years of changes, human monks were not strong enough to compete with the dragons back then. "

"Even if there is only half a drop of dragon's blood left, it can bring great benefits." Qing Jiao hoped earnestly, and Xu Miao didn't want to break the other party's thoughts, and looked around.

However, if you look carefully along the way, there are not many bones left. Except for the first few bones that Xu Miao saw at the beginning, nothing of value was seen afterwards.

Suddenly a stream of water passed by, directly rushing Xu Miao from the same place to another direction.Xu Miao, who was in the water, had nowhere to rely, and Qingjiao appeared in time to help Xu Miao block the impact of the water.

One person and one dragon pass by the water and pass through a hole at the bottom of the pool.When it floated to the surface, the scene was completely changed.There are endless caves here, and there are countless caves in this plain.

"This should be the place where the dragons gathered in the past - the dragon cave! These huge bones on the ground are all keel bones." Qing Jiao's voice trembled, and he squeezed out this sentence from the bottom of his throat.

Xu Miao looked at the huge keels in front of him. These keels did not die naturally. A spear was inserted into the head of each keel.The long spear firmly fixed the dragon's head on the ground, making it impossible for them to break free.

The wind whistled, and it sounded like the sobbing of the Dragon Clan.Xu Miao put her hand on one of the spears, and the spears shook regularly when someone was approaching.

Xu Miao couldn't see the specific grade of this long spear, but it was definitely not an ordinary magic weapon that could nail a powerful dragon to the ground with one shot.

"There was a fierce war here, and the dragon clan suffered a disastrous defeat." Qing Jiao's voice was hoarse, the dragon was just like his kind, and the same kind had been exterminated, Qing Jiao's mood would not be good.

Xu Miao grasped the spear violently, using all her spiritual energy, trying to pull the spear out of the ground.But no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't pull out the spear.

Just as Xu Miao was fighting with the spear, a dragon chant resounded through the sky.Xu Miao could clearly feel the ground shaking, whether it was the keel next to it or the spear on the keel, they were all shaking.

Xu Miao turned her head when she heard the sound, and looked in the direction of the sound.Qingjiao stood in front of Xu Miao at the first moment, blocking possible danger for Xu Miao.

"Woo—" Another dragon chant, this dragon chant is full of mourning and sadness compared to the first one.Xu Miao's heart suddenly felt a sharp pain.

As if the feeling of a friend who fought side by side died in front of him, this feeling arose involuntarily in his heart.Xu Miao felt that the dragon chant was calling to herself.

Xu Miao closed her eyes and walked towards the place where the voice came from.Qing Jiao flashed in front of Xu Miao and stopped him, "I don't know if the front is a blessing or a curse, it's too dangerous to go rashly."

"If it is really a dragon, with my current strength, I cannot guarantee your safety."

Xu Miao took a deep look at Qingjiao: "He is calling me." Xu Miao didn't know why he felt this way, the dragon chant seemed to be calling him, but he felt that he was calling another person through him .

Qingjiao is familiar with Xu Miao's character, once a decision is made, it will not change, so she can only follow Xu Miao's side and be vigilant at all times.Xu Miao walked through huge keels, and a picture appeared in front of her eyes.

Blue dragons were flying in the air, and two people were confronting each other high in the sky.One of them was no match for the other and was knocked to the ground.

Canglong flew to save the defeated man, but more Canglongs were killed with spears by the victors.The spear in the hands of the winner is exactly the same as the spear on the ground.

It was that long spear that nailed several blue dragons to the ground.Countless painful dragon chants rang in Xu Miao's ears, but Xu Miao was powerless to change.

At that moment, the person lying on Canglong's body seemed to be Xu Miao.Xu Miao closed her eyes and listened quietly to howls.The mournful cry of the Canglong was mixed with the arrogant laughter of the winner, forming a stark contrast.

When Xu Miao woke up from this scene, he and Qing Jiao were already standing in front of a cave.The dragon chant that Xu Miao heard before came from this cave.

Xu Miao entered the cave without any hesitation.The cave doesn't look big from the outside, but the inside is actually quite unique.A giant dragon with a length of at least ten meters is entrenched in the cave, and its eyes are tightly closed.

If it wasn't for the slight ups and downs of his body, Xu Miao really couldn't tell that he was still alive.Xu Miao stood quietly beside the dragon. He slowly stretched out his hand, placed it on the head of the dragon, and stroked it gently.

Qing Jiao's heart almost jumped out of his throat as he watched from the side. He didn't know what the dragon's temper was, but he knew his own temper.

If a stranger put his hand on his head, he would definitely slap that human being to death, making him regret appearing in this world.But what stunned Qing Jiao was that the giant dragon did not resist, nor did he make an attack gesture.

The dragon slowly opened his eyes and looked directly into Xu Miao's eyes.Xu Miao looked at those vicissitudes but clear eyes, he felt that he had seen these eyes before.But no matter how much he thought about it, he couldn't remember where he had seen these eyes.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time." Unlike imagination, the dragon's voice was very young, just like the voice of a human teenager, but in this voice, there was an obvious exhaustion and dying state.

Xu Miao didn't know what to answer, he kept silent all the time.

"I can't help you with anything else. Only the dragon's blood in this body can help you improve your cultivation and retrain your soul." The dragon's eyes were always soft, showing no trace of killing intent.

Xu Miao's eyes froze, dragon's blood!Qing Jiao just said that if he could find half a drop of dragon's blood, it would be of great benefit to him.Now there happened to be a giant dragon that brought dragon blood to the door.

According to common sense, Xu Miao should be very happy and excited.But he couldn't be happy, his heart was extremely heavy, and he was deeply sad.

"What can I help you with?" Xu Miao looked into Julong's eyes, and there seemed to be regret in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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