Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 349 Double cultivation?

Chapter 349 Double cultivation?

The giant dragon opened its mouth, and closed it again after a long time.The cave is very quiet, only the breathing of the dragon.

"As long as you live well, it will be the greatest help to us. Next, you must keep in mind what I say." The dragon's voice was a little fuzzy, and Xu Miao needed to get close to him to hear clearly .

"It's been too long. Although I still have a lot of blood, there is only one drop that is really useful. There should be a drop of blood in your body. Merging my blood with that drop of blood can help you in the future."

"You must remember, before you cross the catastrophe and become a fairy, please, please do not meet Xu Yan." This was the first time Xu Miao heard Xu Yan's name.

Xu Miao has water in his name, and Xu Yan has fire in his name.The incompatibility of water and fire has existed since ancient times.Xu Miao really wanted to ask this giant dragon, who exactly was Xu Yan, and if he was the victorious person he saw in the picture.

The giant dragon was exhausted after finishing these few words. After resting for a long time, he continued: "You are now at the peak of Jindan cultivation, but due to the instability of your soul, it will cause you to be unable to break through for a long time. Infancy."

As expected of an ancient giant dragon, he was clearly dying, but he could see through Xu Miao's unstable soul at a glance.At that time, he returned to his body from the "ghost world" in a hurry, and did not completely stabilize his soul.

Originally thought that after a period of time, the soul would be stabilized naturally, but he did not expect that the instability of the soul would become an obstacle to his advancement.

"But you are lucky, these problems are not a problem." The voice of the giant dragon suddenly became sly, "It just so happened that a female cultivator came here by accident."

"This female cultivator's physique is Moon-Yin Physique, which is exactly in line with your Sun-Yang Physique. As long as you come to Shuangxiu, this problem will be solved. You can also take this opportunity to directly break through and enter the Nascent Soul Stage."

The whole Qingjiao was in a state of fantasy, why the situation changed so quickly was completely beyond his expectation.This giant dragon seemed to be very familiar with Xu Miao, but Xu Miao had known him during the foundation building period, and had never heard Xu Miao talk about the giant dragon.

As soon as one person and one dragon met, the giant dragon began to make plans for Xu Miao, and provided Xu Miao with dragon blood, and even provided a double cultivation object.

He questioned his previous views on dragons. He said that the blue dragon had a bad temper and didn't get along with others. Why did this giant dragon not follow the routine at all!

Qing Jiao kept slandering in her heart, but facing this huge blue dragon, Qing Jiao chose to remain silent.Anyway, this giant dragon is for Xu Miao's benefit, and he has no reason to stop it.

After hearing this, Xu Miao's face was full of black lines, and she even heard gloating from the dragon's tone.The previous sad atmosphere was swept away, and it became extremely funny.

The light flashed, Xu Miao disappeared from the spot, and was transported to another space by the dragon.Before Xu Miao saw the surrounding environment clearly, she heard the words of the giant dragon: "Xu Miao, hurry up to double cultivation and advance to the next stage as soon as possible. I can't hold on for long."

"Xu Miao?" After the dragon's voice, Xu Miao heard a cool and very familiar voice, the voice of Shui Mei.

Xu Miao looked at the woman in the corner in surprise, and was about to speak, but thought of what the dragon said just now, and put her hand on her forehead helplessly, wishing she could disappear from here now.

Seeing Shui Mei's pale face, Xu Miao was sitting weakly in the corner, and quickly walked a few steps, put her hand on Shui Mei's wrist, and checked her body.

Shui Mei's cultivation has returned to the level of the early Yuan Ying, but her body is still empty, and her injuries have not recovered.Xu Miao transported her own spiritual power into Shui Mei's body, but it was just a drop in the bucket.

No matter how strong Xu Miao was, he couldn't stand shoulder to shoulder with the late Nascent Soul cultivator. Naturally, his spiritual power couldn't completely heal Shui Mei's injury.

Xu Miao thought about it, his cultivation base was too low to heal Shui Mei, but Qing Jiao could.Qingjiao is a half-step god of cultivation, and it will definitely be able to heal Shui Mei.

"Julong, let's discuss and send Qingjiao here." Xu Miao knew that Julong would definitely hear his voice.

The dragon did hear it, but he was shocked in his heart.He sent Xu Miao in for the convenience of Xu Miao and the female nun who broke in by mistake.

Now Xu Miao suddenly asked him to send Qing Jiao in, as if he knew something extraordinary.Qing Jiao couldn't hear what Xu Miao said, and saw that the eyes of the giant dragon became more and more strange, and they were still looking at him.

Looking at Qing Jiao, the whole body shudders, just wanting to disappear from here immediately.

"Xu Miao, what do you want Qingjiao to do in there? Do you have any special hobbies when you are dual cultivating?" Not only Xu Miao heard the words of Julong clearly, but also Shui Mei could hear them clearly.

Shui Mei's eyes immediately changed, she looked at the sky with shame and anger.Even though she is only at the early stage of Yuanying, and the strength of the giant dragon outside is unfathomable, she still has her pride, which cannot be insulted by a giant dragon.

As soon as Xu Miao heard Julong's words and saw Shui Mei's expression, she knew she had misunderstood: "What a mess, Shui Mei is seriously injured. With my current strength, I can't heal her."

"Qing Jiao's cultivation is half-step to transform into a god. As long as Qing Jiao makes a move, she will be able to heal Shui Mei's injury and restore her to the cultivation base of the late Nascent Soul."

Only then did Julong realize that he had misunderstood Xu Miao's intentions, but he did not send Qingjiao in: "The role of this female cultivator is only to strengthen your soul and help you advance to Nascent Soul."

"No matter what her injuries are, her current cultivation level can be suppressed by you. After the double cultivation, this girl will lose her use value, and you don't need to heal her injuries."

From the beginning to the end, Julong only regarded Xu Miao as a tool, a tool to help Xu Miao advance, and did not consider anything else at all.However, Julong cannot be blamed for this. In his heart, the most important thing is Xu Miao.

As long as it's for Xu Miao, even sacrificing his life, let alone a mere Nascent Soul cultivator.If it weren't for Shui Mei's Yueyin physique, the giant dragon would never have kept Shui Mei.

"Shui Mei is my friend. It is impossible for me to do this kind of thing for myself to advance to the Nascent Soul. How is this different from those monks looking for the furnace?" Not to mention that this female monk, Shui Mei, was replaced by It is impossible for Xu Miao to agree to any female cultivator.

"Xu Miao, I don't have much time. If you can't advance to the Nascent Soul stage, I can't give you my dragon blood at all. Your body can't bear the power of the dragon blood, and you will just explode and die." The dragon Anxious.

"I can give up the dragon's blood." Xu Miao's tone was indifferent, as if what was giving up was not the dragon's blood, but a low-grade spirit stone.Shui Mei's eyes widened when she heard Xu Miao's words.

She is very clear about what dragon's blood is and how helpful it is to monks, and she knows that Xu Miao is also very clear.Even if she changes places, she will not easily give up the double cultivation proposed by the giant dragon.

It's just a double cultivation. It not only stabilizes the soul, but also advances to the Nascent Soul and obtains the dragon's blood. There is nothing more cost-effective than this.How many monks can only wander in the golden core stage throughout their lives.

In the world of comprehension, many monks tried their best to find the furnace cauldron in order to be able to advance to the Nascent Soul.Xu Miao frankly rejected the double cultivation, and the advanced Nascent Soul that would definitely happen after the double cultivation.

Julong couldn't believe Xu Miao's words at all, and he said after a long time: "It's just a female cultivator, you chose to give up our dragon clan, didn't you?" His voice was full of sadness and despair.

Xu Miao frowned: "I don't think that giving up dual cultivation is equivalent to giving up your Dragon Clan."

"I waited for tens of millions of years, and I was exhausted. I finally waited for you, but you couldn't accept the dragon blood I left behind with all my efforts because you didn't want to double cultivation with this woman."

"If you are like this, don't you think you have given up on the Dragon Clan!" The dragon's voice contained raging anger.Anyone who has waited for tens of thousands of years, but when the task is about to be completed, fails due to the unwillingness of the other party, the dragon cannot accept it.

"I can directly accept your dragon blood." Xu Miao said in a deep voice.

The giant dragon didn't even think about it, and directly refused: "Absolutely not, you are only at the peak of Jindan now. Even if you are at the cultivation base of Yuanying, you can barely accept the dragon's blood in the sealed state, not to mention your current level. Golden core cultivation base."

"As long as the dragon's blood enters your body, you will immediately explode and die because you can't bear the dragon's blood!"

The corner of Xu Miao's mouth curled up: "My luck is very good. I have exploded to death many times, but I still survived until now. Now I have fifteen and a half laws of heaven and earth on my body, which can also be used to dilute dragon blood. power."

"Speaking of it, you just don't want to double cultivation with this woman. This woman is obviously very beautiful, why do you not like her?"

"It is precisely because I like her, and I will not double cultivate with her for my own selfishness. I like Shui Mei and respect Shui Mei. I don't want some things to be contaminated with too many interests."

It was the first time Shui Mei heard from Xu Miao that he liked her and he liked herself.This recognition made her feel joy and happiness from the bottom of her heart.

I thought it was just a secret love that ended without a cause, but I didn't expect that the man I admired also liked me.

"I am willing." Xu Miao could hear Shui Mei's barely audible voice.Xu Miao leaned down and raised her hand to touch Shui Mei's smooth cheek: "I don't want to, I don't want your and my dual cultivation to be mixed with utilitarianism."

The dragon sighed, knowing that Xu Miao's decision could not be changed.The teleportation light flashed, and Xu Miao and Shui Mei appeared next to the dragon.

Just as Xu Miao wanted Qingjiao to heal Shuimei's wounds, she heard the words of the giant dragon: "This little Qingjiao can't save your sweetheart. Her injuries are very complicated, and they are related to the laws of heaven and earth."

"One mistake, not only will your sweetheart's injury be unable to recover, it will also cause this little green dragon to die directly."

(End of this chapter)

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