Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 350 The Temptation of Water Charm

Chapter 350 The Temptation of Water Charm

Qingjiao has lived for tens of thousands of years, and this is the first time he heard the name "Little Qingjiao".I just want to shake my fist to teach this person a lesson, but it's a pity that it's not his turn to be presumptuous in front of the dragon.

"Since that's the case, I'll think of another way to deal with Shui Mei's injury. Let's start receiving dragon's blood now." Xu Miao followed the instructions of the giant dragon and walked to the center of a magic circle that was gradually lighting up.

"This magic circle will slow down the impact of dragon blood to the greatest extent, but the magic circle is limited after all. If you accept dragon blood at the Nascent Soul level, the chance of success can almost reach [-]%." The dragon still did not give up, trying to Persuade Xu Miao at the last moment.

Xu Miao shook her head firmly: "Needless to say, let's start." After speaking, Xu Miao sat cross-legged in the center of the circle.The light of the magic circle became brighter and brighter, covering Xu Miao in it.

The giant dragon closed its eyes and condensed its blood.The dragon blood in his body has decayed too much, and there is only one drop that can be extracted to be useful.Even if it is only a drop of dragon blood, it will completely take away the vitality of the dragon.

Xu Miao knew this very well, and so did Julong.The giant dragon closed its eyes, hiding all its emotions.He waited for so many years, and finally let him wait until this day.

The dragon's blood continuously moves through the meridians to remove impurities and dross.The dragon's body gradually trembled, and the ground began to shake. Qing Jiao and Shui Mei couldn't even stand up, they could only be suspended in the air.

Only Xu Miao, who is in the center of the formation, is not affected by the dragon.The function of the magic circle is to counteract the powerful aura of dragon blood, but it can also strengthen Xu Miao's physical strength to a certain extent.

A fist-sized drop of dragon's blood slowly emerged from the dragon's mouth, flying towards the top of the formation.Even at a distance, Qingjiao could still feel the mighty power of this drop of dragon blood.

The Jiao Clan was originally a race lower than the Dragon Clan, so they were naturally afraid of the Dragon Clan, not to mention facing the dragon's blood so directly, the Qing Jiao couldn't breathe at all, and just wanted to turn around and leave.

But the idea in the heart is one thing, whether it can be done is another.Qingjiao was completely suppressed by the dragon's blood, unable to move his whole body.Qing Jiao was not the only one who had this situation, Shui Mei was also suppressed to the point of being unable to move.

Xu Miao sat calmly in the center of the circle, with her hands on her knees naturally, feeling the dragon's blood getting closer.Even though there is a magic circle that can reduce the power of dragon blood, it can only help Xu Miao bear the dragon blood.

The true power of dragon's blood will not decrease in the slightest.With the cultivation base of the peak golden core, no one can bear the essence of the dragon's blood, even in the ancient times when geniuses came out in large numbers.

The dragon's blood hangs above Xu Miao's head, and the scarlet shadow envelops Xu Miao.Even Qingjiao, who was half-step to transform into a god, and Shui Mei, who was in the late stage of Nascent Soul, could not show the slightest sign of struggling in front of the dragon's blood, let alone Xu Miao.

However, the reason why Xu Miao is Xu Miao is that he can always create miracles that are impossible in the eyes of ordinary people.The dragon's blood suddenly sank into the top of Xu Miao's head.

Starting from the head, it was as if tens of thousands of sharp knives were used to cut himself apart, and then reassembled. The pain of cutting again invaded every part of Xu Miao's body.His body began to spasm uncontrollably, which had never happened before.

In the past, no matter how painful it was, it was nothing more than a trembling body.Now he has convulsions, which shows that the body rejects dragon's blood extremely.In just an instant, Xu Miao lost control of her body.

All he can do is endure.In a sober state, endure until the fusion of the dragon's blood and the drop of mysterious blood.The moment the dragon's blood sank into the top of the head, the mysterious blood in the heart appeared at the same time.

The size of the mysterious blood cannot be compared with the dragon blood, but when the dragon blood felt the mysterious blood, it restrained part of the coercion.It was as if a general who fought in all directions met the emperor who ruled the world.

The mysterious blood stayed quietly beside the heart, waiting for the dragon's blood to approach.If the dragon's blood wants to completely merge with the mysterious blood, it must swim through the meridians of the whole body to get close to the heart.

For Xu Miao, this was more painful than Ling Chi's execution.His facial muscles twisted uncontrollably, his teeth couldn't clench, and his fists on his knees couldn't be clenched.

The severe pain hit Xu Miao like a tide, wave after wave.At that moment, Xu Miao's mind was in a trance.He opened his eyes wide suddenly, and bit the tip of his tongue fiercely when he was about to faint.

The smell of blood spread in the mouth, which also brought Xu Miao a brief situation.His eyes were blurred by the sweat left behind, and he couldn't see the scene in front of him clearly.Deep in his throat, he roared uncontrollably.

After the dragon's blood entered Xu Miao's body, the bodies of Qingjiao and Shui Mei also regained their freedom and were able to control their actions.The giant dragon found that the water charm could move, and said casually.

"If you take the initiative to enter the magic circle now and practice double cultivation with Xu Miao, it will definitely relieve his pain and increase the speed of absorbing dragon's blood."

When Shui Mei heard what the dragon said, she went straight to Xu Miao without any hesitation.Not only Shui Mei, but also Xu Miao heard Julong's words.

Although he tried his best to fight against the pain caused by the dragon's blood, he heard these words clearly.With red eyes, he looked at Shui Mei who was getting closer: "Don't come near me!"

The dragon's nature is obscene, and the dragon's blood entered Xu Miao's body, which also made his desire continue to rise.If Shui Mei came to him at this time, he would definitely lose his mind.

Xu Miao would never allow it. The double cultivation between him and Shui Mei happened when he lost his mind.Shui Mei moved in lotus steps and did not listen to Xu Miao's words.She passed through the formation specially opened for her by the giant dragon, and leaned her body softly on Xu Miao's body.

"Huhu——" Xu Miao panted heavily, while resisting the pain caused by the dragon's blood, she also had to resist the instinctive desire to die deep in her heart.

The tip of Xu Miao's nose lingered with Shui Mei's unique body fragrance. He could hardly control himself, wishing to tear off all the clothes covering Shui Mei, press Shui Mei under his body, and completely let this woman belong to him.

He raised his hand with difficulty, firmly grasping Shui Mei's hand on his skirt: "Go away!" With tears in her eyes, Shui Mei watched Xu Miao suffer in pain.

"Take her out, or I will give up accepting dragon blood—" Xu Miao threatened the dragon, enduring the pain.He knew the dragon's good intentions, but he couldn't accept that anyone went against his ideas and made decisions for him without authorization.

With a flash of light, Shui Mei was sent out by the giant dragon.Xu Miao closed her eyes as if she breathed a sigh of relief, and looked inside the meridians with her spiritual consciousness to observe the absorption of dragon blood.

"I used to have such a temper, so many years have passed, and I have never changed it!" The dragon left a sentence angrily, and did not speak anymore.

Dragon blood ravages Xu Miao's meridians, and none of the meridians can withstand the power of dragon blood.Wherever the dragon's blood passed, all the meridians burst.Xu Miao runs the Bihaiqingtian formula, constantly repairing the meridians damaged by dragon blood.

Once destroyed and repaired, Xu Miao's body is always in this state.At this moment, time is constantly being stretched.Xu Miao has been unable to accurately judge the passage of time in the outside world, and has only one thought in her mind, to persevere.

After walking around the meridians of the whole body, the dragon's blood finally came to the heart, next to the mysterious blood.The dragon blood approached the mysterious blood at an extremely slow speed, as if seeing a king.

The mysterious blood instantly burst into intense light, starting from Xu Miao's heart, radiating to the whole body, even overwhelming the light of the magic circle where Xu Miao was.

The dragon's blood felt the light and began to fuse with the mysterious blood.The fusion of the two kinds of blood caused the temperature of the heart to rise rapidly.Xu Miao's skin showed an abnormal blush, and the high temperature caused all the moisture in the air around Xu Miao to evaporate into water vapor.

The hazy white mist shrouded Xu Miao, and Shui Mei and Qing Jiao outside the formation couldn't see the situation inside clearly.The giant dragon watched Xu Miao nervously in the formation. The dragon's blood was swimming all over his body, which was a crisis. If he couldn't bear it, Xu Miao would explode and die.

But now the fusion of dragon blood and mysterious blood is more serious than the previous crisis.Once there is a problem with the fusion, the two bloods will strongly repel, which will take away Xu Miao's sanity in an instant, and eventually die of madness.

The entire process of dragon blood fusion is a process of fighting against the god of death, every step is frightening, and there are many crises.Xu Miao had been reminded by the giant dragon, and knew that this step was as dangerous as the previous one.

He cannot control dragon blood, but he can control mysterious blood and the laws of heaven and earth.Xu Miao decisively summoned the laws of heaven and earth, and Xu Miao became more comfortable using the laws of heaven and earth after a deep comprehension.

He shrank the golden dragon formed by the law of heaven and earth, and surrounded the mysterious blood in a protective posture, in case the mysterious blood could not suppress the dragon blood.

If it was the mysterious blood in its initial state, it would definitely be able to suppress dragon blood.However, the mysterious blood has been consumed too many times, and its power is not as good as before. Xu Miao must use other means to enhance the power of the mysterious blood.

The emperor is strong, the general submits, the emperor is weak, and the general rebels.This principle applies everywhere.Only by strengthening the mysterious blood can the dragon's blood be suppressed.

With the help of the laws of heaven and earth, the mysterious blood fused the dragon's blood together dangerously.The last step is to force the blood into the heart and completely integrate with Xu Miao.

Xu Miao mobilized the spiritual power of her whole body and gathered it near her heart.The golden pill was spinning so fast that Xu Miao couldn't even see the real state of the golden pill.However, no matter how Xu Miao mobilized his spiritual power, he couldn't force the blood into his heart.

The longer the blood stays outside the heart, the more uncontrolled the dragon's blood becomes.Once the mysterious blood can't be suppressed, and the dragon's blood resists, all the previous efforts will be in vain.

Now the dragon's blood has shown a tendency to separate, Xu Miao's heart trembles, and she wants to turn against the master, delusional!Without doing anything, Xu Miao forcefully pushed the blood into the heart.

The blood suddenly entered the heart, and the heart couldn't bear it at all, and instinctively wanted to pump the blood out.Xu Miao clenched her teeth, her spiritual power surrounded her heart, not allowing her heart to move.

(End of this chapter)

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