Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 352 The Secret of Shiping Mountain

Chapter 352 The Secret of Shiping Mountain

Suddenly, the world spun, and Xu Miao couldn't even stand upright. If he hadn't held onto the tree trunk in time, he might have fallen to the ground immediately.Xu Miao closed her eyes and took a deep breath before dispelling the dizziness in her head.

Xu Miao's face was very ugly. The unstable soul that Julong mentioned before is now showing its side effects.Fortunately, it happened at this time. If it was a critical moment of life and death, Xu Miao would be killed in an instant.

"Xu Miao?" Shui Mei supported Xu Miao, "Is it a soul shock?"

Xu Miao patted Shui Mei's hand reassuringly, and asked, "Is there anything that can stabilize the soul?"

"Spirit-strengthening grass and soul-suppressing soup can stabilize the soul. However, these things, even in the Demon Realm tens of thousands of years ago, have been extinct for many years."

"If there is another place in the Eastern Continent, it must be the site of the ancient sect Hunwumen." Hunwumen, among the ancient sects, specializes in cultivating souls.

Soul Wumen believes that all sources of power for a monk come from the monk's own soul.Whether it is divine consciousness or spiritual power, they are just means from the outside world.

Only the soul is strong enough to face all kinds of dangers in the cultivation world.If the soul is not strong and stable enough, no matter how advanced the cultivation base is, it is just a rootless apple that can be killed in a short time.

Therefore, there are various methods of cultivating the soul, strengthening the soul, and pills in the Soul Martial Arts Sect. Naturally, there will also be exercises for stabilizing the soul.However, Hunwumen belongs to the well-known ancient sect ruins in the Eastern Continent, and there are definitely more than one or two who are interested in it.

The entrance of Hunwumen is in the depths of the remote Shiping Mountains, where few monks set foot there due to the thinness of spiritual energy in the world.If it weren't for the special skills of the Soul Wumen, there would be no human traces at all.

After the beast tide in the Eastern Land, the Shiping Mountains were no longer under the jurisdiction of human monks, but were occupied by monsters.Among them, the one occupying the Shiping Mountain Range is a level nine monster.

The ninth-level monster is equivalent to the cultivation level of a human being in the stage of becoming a god. Xu Miao only has the Qingjiao who is half-step to become a god. It is easy to fight against it.

"Brother, why is your soul unstable? Is there any problem with my soul?" Song Siyu was puzzled, and at the same time Xu Miao was not the only one whose soul was separated from the body. Song Siyu, Ye Chen, Qiao Ye and others all had this experience.

Xu Miao knew that it was because she forcibly entered the light sphere that refined the laws of heaven and earth. At that time, her soul was cut into pieces and she was lucky to survive.

The current instability of the soul should be the bad consequences caused at that time.Compared with the soul flying away, it is just that the soul is unstable. For Xu Miao, it is the best result.

The person who is most familiar with Donglu is Shui Mei who was born in Donglu: "How much do you know about Soul Wumen?"

"The soul of the monk will be tested at the entrance of the Soul Martial Gate. Without a specially trained soul, it is impossible to pass through the entrance of the Soul Martial Gate, let alone obtain the corresponding exercises from the inside of the Soul Martial Gate."

"Countless monks want to enter the Soul Martial Sect, but very few of them actually managed to enter. To this day, it is still unknown whether the few monks rumored to have entered in the Eastern Continent really succeeded."

"At least none of the late-stage cultivators I know, as well as the cultivators of Transformation God, have successfully entered."

Xu Miao understood the deep meaning of Shui Mei's words. Everyone in Donglu knew about this Soul Martial Sect, and the people who tried to enter it were like crucian carp crossing the river.

No matter how difficult it is to enter the Hunwumen, Xu Miao must go there to try.The soul is unstable, and it has too much influence on him.From time to time, it has a bad effect on his movements, which is the Achilles' heel for the monk.

Xu Miao will not allow this weakness to grow in his body forever, he must solve this problem before advancing to Nascent Soul.Otherwise, when he conceived a baby, his soul would be unstable, which would cause his advancement to fail at any time.

No one knows the situation of the Soul Wumen, but it will definitely not be safe.Now that Song Siyu's cultivation level is low, and Shui Mei is seriously injured, Xu Miao will never let the two of them follow.

"Junior Sister Song, since you don't want to return to Westland for the time being, you will stay next to Shui Mei. Your cultivation base is too low. Shui Mei can protect you with the strength of Nascent Soul, you have to listen to Shui Mei, you know?"

"Brother, can't I go with you?" Song Siyu still looked at Xu Miao with a pitiful expression. Xu Miao couldn't stand her expression the most, and was about to say something, but was interrupted by Shui Mei.

"Don't worry, I will take good care of your Junior Sister Song." Shui Mei said the three words "Junior Sister Song" very emphatically, every single word made Xu Miao shudder.

Xu Miao took one last look at the two women, then left with Shui San and Shui Mei to Shiping Mountains.

Qing Jiao laughed and said: "Xu Miao, you have a lot of peach blossoms, and you are surrounded by beauties." Xu Miao turned a deaf ear and completely ignored Qing Jiao's teasing.

Whether it was Song Siyu or Ye Qianqian, he had no extra thoughts on them.Only Shui Mei, that cold woman, was truly taken into his heart.

Qingjiao has returned to Huntian Stone, only Shui San is flying with Xu Miao outside.Qingjiao belongs to Xu Miao's biggest trump card and will not be exposed easily.

After several months of flying, Xu Miao arrived at the Shiping Mountains.The aura here is so thin that even monsters are unwilling to come here to build their nests.That being the case, why are there still level nine monsters here.

Could it be that in the Shiping Mountains, there is a secret that no one knows, and this secret is known by the ninth-level monster?Xu Miao and Shui San concealed their aura, and carefully followed the map given to him by Shui Mei, and walked deep into the mountains.

Along the way, there are only first and second level low-level monsters.Xu Miao hid her aura and figure again, low-level monsters would never find them.

Xu Miao stopped suddenly, and her eyes fell on a place entangled with dead vines ten steps away.He raised his hand and shot a few bursts of spiritual power to clean up the dead vines, revealing a hole inside.

The entrance of this cave was obviously dug out by someone deliberately. Judging from the traces on the cave wall, it has a history of at least ten thousand years.According to the historical documents of Donglu, even ten thousand years ago, the Shiping Mountain Range was a place with thin spiritual energy.

Since the aura is thin, there is no reason for monks to come here to practice.Unless the drunkard's intention is not to drink, the monk who came here was not for cultivation at all, but for another thing.

If it's for Soul Wumen, it doesn't make sense either.There is still an extremely long distance from the depths of the Shiping Mountains here, and the assumption is also not true.

Xu Miao took out the night pearl and walked to the depths of the cave.The structure of the cave here is extremely luxurious, and the furnishings in the cave are all valuables worth thousands of gold.

Whether it is a jade table or a jade bed, they all show the heroism of the former owner of the cave who spent a lot of money.If a cave was to be abandoned, the owner of the cave would definitely take away all the items in the cave and would not leave them where they were.

There was also a glass cup on the jade table, and a white jade bottle was placed upside down beside it.The time limit is too long, and Xu Miao has no way of knowing what was once contained in the white jade bottle.

But Xu Miao can see from the arrangement of the various items in the cave that the owner of the cave must have encountered some emergency and asked him to drop the white jade bottle in his hand and leave in a hurry.

This Shiping Mountain Range does not seem to be without secrets, on the contrary, this place is full of many secrets.After Xu Miao checked everything, she turned and left without finding any useful information.

Next to this luxurious cave, Xu Miao discovered several more caves.However, compared with the first caves discovered, these caves are much simpler.

In other words, ten thousand years ago, something must have happened in the Shiping Mountains that attracted many monks, causing a group of monks to come here.It's just that this matter has not been resolved, but another bigger matter has appeared.

And Xu Miao guessed that this bigger matter posed a threat to the monks, so they fled in a hurry.

Of course, there is another possibility, they came here for a certain item, and this item suddenly appeared, which made them rush to do it.It's a pity that most of the monks have become dead souls.

Xu Miao thought of the ninth-level monster in the Shiping Mountains. Did the other party also discover something in the Shiping Mountains, just like a group of monks ten thousand years ago, so they chose the extremely thin aura? Shiping Mountains.

It's a pity that many things that happened in the realm of comprehension will not be recorded in the annals of history, otherwise, Xu Miao would be able to analyze the truth of the year based on certain information.

As Xu Miao continued to go deep into the Shiping Mountains, fewer and fewer caves appeared until there were no more caves.From this point, it can also be explained from the side that the monks ten thousand years ago, their goal is not the soul martial gate deep in the mountains, but another goal.

Xu Miao flew to the sky above the densest part of the cave, and all the consciousness of Huashen was dispersed in an instant.He found an unusual place. The ground in other places was very regular. Only here, there were obvious signs of fighting.

He fell to the ground, summoned the Mist Condensation Sword, and cleaned up all the rocks on the ground, revealing a trace of being burned by the flame.

Xu Miao raised her hand to activate the pill fire, scorching the ground.However, no matter how he urged the pill fire, the pill fire could not leave any traces here.The temperature of the pill fire can already be compared with the temperature of many spiritual fires.

However, the Pill Fire could not leave traces on this ground, so what kind of spiritual creature burned the ground into such a scene ten thousand years ago.

Xu Miao continued to control the Mist Condensing Sword, digging the soil here.Shui San also controlled his spirit sword, digging the soil.The further down you dig, the higher the temperature.Could it be that there is a spiritual fire hidden under this place?

The Wu Ning Sword kept on digging away the last piece of soil, and Xu Miao felt the heat blowing towards her face.The Bihai Qingtian Art suddenly started to work, and it was only then that the damage caused by the high temperature was alleviated.

Otherwise, the high temperature gas just now could cause harm to Xu Miao.

(End of this chapter)

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