Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 353 Brilliant Magma

Chapter 353 Brilliant Magma

"Reincarnation Nirvana Jue" requires extremely high temperature to practice successfully.It's just that when Xu Miao obtained this exercise in the ancient secret realm, because there was no suitable place to practice it, it was delayed until now.

If the underground place is suitable, Xu Miao can take advantage of the high temperature below to practice "Reincarnation Nirvana Jue".Compared with the Heaven and Earth Nirvana Jue, it is more difficult to practice the Reincarnation Nirvana Jue.

Not only is it a requirement for the practice site, but it is also a test for the monk's body.The Reincarnation Nirvana Jue is the same as the Heaven and Earth Nirvana Jue. There is no requirement for a monk's spiritual root, but the test for understanding and root bone is more stringent.

In the Heavenly Cauldron Sect in ancient times, there were far fewer monks who successfully practiced the Nirvana Jue than the Heaven and Earth Jue. It can be said that it is difficult for a generation of disciples to have a successful practitioner.

This also led to the fact that the Nirvana Jue of Reincarnation is not as famous as the Jue of Nirvana in later generations, but this phenomenon does not mean that the Nirvana Jue of Reincarnation is less powerful. powerful.

Xu Miao cut out a hole for people to enter and exit with the fog sword, and jumped in.The moment Xu Miao jumped into the entrance of the cave, she propped up the helmet of Fu Yu, and at the same time operated the Bihaiqingtian formula to protect her whole body from being burned by the high temperature.

Immediately after Shui San, the two landed on the ground one behind the other.Xu Miao's shoes are just ordinary shoes. The moment they touch the ground, they fuse into gas.

Xu Miao quickly suspended in mid-air, avoiding direct contact with any part of her body.

"Shui San, tell me, is it possible to practice reincarnation Nirvana Jue here?" Shui San has had a say with his previous self, and he has the right to speak more than anyone else.

Shui San shook his head: "Master, when practicing the Nirvana Art of Wheel Turning, it was Shui Si who was by your side. I don't know how high or low the temperature is."

Xu Miao put her hand on her forehead helplessly, and she kept slandering in her heart, why didn't she like to bring all of them with her in her previous life.He didn't believe that he didn't have a space magic weapon in his previous life, so he could put them all in.

It's just that Xu Miao's slander didn't last long before being interrupted by a "rustling" sound.When Xu Miao heard the reputation, she saw clusters of small flames approaching Xu Miao quickly.

The clusters of flames are not actually flames, they should be creatures generated by flames, with hands and feet, no different from ordinary monsters.

These flames approached Xu Miao crazily, opened their mouths wide, and sprayed flames at Xu Miao.Xu Miao quickly operated the Bihaiqingtian formula, and the blue sea instantly melted away, forming a water curtain to protect herself in it.

At this moment, Xu Miao could not use wind power at all, and could only attack and defend with water power.The so-called wind aids the fire, and the reckless use of wind power will only strengthen the offensive of these monsters.

"Master, these are fire spirit demons. They live on fire. They are not high in level, but they are numerous. They will continue to attack monks until they are exhausted."

Xu Miao didn't move when she heard Shui San's introduction.He turned off the wind attribute of the Ningwu Sword, leaving only the water attribute attack, and one after another ice blade roared out.

Every time an ice blade appeared, a group of fire spirit monsters would be chopped down by the sword.With so many fire spirit monsters, their strength is indeed not high, only at the level of a sixth-level monster.

For Xu Miao's current strength, he was nothing more than an ant-like existence.But if there are tens of thousands of ants, it is enough to kill a huge giant elephant.

What's more, Xu Miao can be sure that this place is definitely not just a sixth-level fire spirit demon.I don't know how many years these creatures have existed underground, and there must be higher-level monsters born.

And the strength of these high-level monsters will definitely not be lower than level seven, level eight, or even level nine.Xu Miao strictly controlled the spiritual power of each ice blade and the attack angle of each ice blade.

Let every attack of the ice blade kill a piece of fire spirit demon.Shui San's years of fighting experience also made him make the same fighting decision as Xu Miao.

As Xu Miao expected, a bigger monster appeared in the middle of this group of fire spirit monsters.Shui San told Xu Miao, "This is the Yan Ling Yao!"

"If another bigger one comes out, do you want to tell me that it's called Yan Lingyao?" Shui San nodded very naturally when he heard Xu Miao's words, with a look of how do you know.

Xu Miao's face was full of black lines, and she couldn't help complaining, whoever named this monster is too childish!It's just that although the names of these monsters are trifling, their strength is not trifling at all.

The strength of the Yan Lingyao is obviously higher than that of the Huo Lingyao, which is equivalent to the strength of the human Nascent Soul in the middle stage, and it attacks Xu Miao.

Xu Miao resisted with a horizontal sword, and hit several ice blades with her backhand.The late stage of Jindan and the early stage of Nascent Soul sound like a small gap, but there is a big gap in the realm, definitely not the gap between the middle stage of Golden Core and the late stage of Golden Core.

Xu Miao used to be able to easily kill monks in the late Golden Core with his mid-Golden Core cultivation, but he couldn't easily kill his opponents in the early Yuanying stage with his peak strength in the late Golden Core. It is equivalent to the strength of Nascent Soul Middle Stage.

Cultivator Nascent Soul's understanding of Dao cannot be easily surpassed by Cultivator of Golden Core.If it wasn't for Xu Miao's own spiritual power level that was close to that of the Nascent Soul, and the fact that he had comprehended the fifteen and a half heaven and earth laws, I am afraid that the two would be at a disadvantage as soon as they fought.

"Human!" Yan Lingyao's voice was hoarse, but it was full of excitement, "Since this place was banned, it has been a long time since human monks have come in."

"The flesh and blood of a human monk is a nostalgic taste when you think about it." Yan Lingyao said, and there was a sound of smashing his mouth.A flame rushed straight at Xu Miao, and Xu Miao raised his sword to scatter the attack.

With the power of this attack, Xu Miao rushed to the front of Yan Lingyao, and slashed fiercely at Yan Lingyao with the Mist Sword from top to bottom.The sword of Ningwujian was full of sword intent and chill. When the two intersected, the flame spirit demon had no choice but to retreat.

Xu Miao's attack was precisely to create opportunities for Shui San, and Shui San threw out his sword horizontally on the way of Yan Lingyao's retreat.Yan Lingyao was furious and was about to turn around and attack Shui San, Xu Miao struck again.

Under the tacit cooperation between Xu Miao and Shui San, most of the body of the Yan Lingyao was cut off, and little flames scattered in the air, and landed on the body of the Huo Lingyao, directly taking the life of the Huo Lingyao .

Temporarily solved a flame spirit demon, Xu Miao did not relax at all, he heard more "rustling" sounds, and felt more powerful fluctuations of spiritual power.

Xu Miao raised her eyes and noticed the huge monster appearing from the other side.This flame spirit demon was about the same height as Xu Miao, and its whole body was covered in fiery flames, leaving behind a stream of fire with every gesture.

The eighth-level monster, Xu Miao instantly judged that she was not his opponent.The cyan figure flashed past, and an arm of this eighth-level monster was cut off, and Qing Jiao made a move.

Qingjiao succeeded in one blow, without stopping, and continued to attack the eighth-level Yan Lingyao.Qing Jiao and Yan Lingyao fought together, while Xu Miao and Shui San attacked Yan Lingyao respectively.

Suddenly, the underground became the most intense battlefield.If it weren't for Xu Miao, Shui San, and Qing Jiao all having water spiritual power, this battle would definitely not be so simple.

In Xu Miao's hands, the Ningwu Sword has completely become a life-harvesting magic weapon. When the sword is struck out, many monsters will surely fall down.The three of Xu Miao had the upper hand against a group of monsters.

It's just that this advantage didn't last long, Xu Miao heard heavy footsteps.Every foot will shake the ground.This kind of momentum, this kind of power, must be a ninth-level monster.

Qingjiao repelled Yan Lingyao with one move, quickly returned to defense, and stood in front of Xu Miao.With the strength of Qingjiao's half-step transformation into a god, if he fights with a ninth-level monster, even if he does not die, he will be seriously injured.

Xu Miao also needs to rely on Qingjiao to deal with the ninth-level monster deep in the Shiping Mountains, so that no accidents will happen to Qingjiao here.From the very beginning when he came here, he noticed the magma in the middle.

No matter whether it is the fire spirit demon, the flame spirit demon, or the Yan spirit demon, they are not willing to get close to the magma in the middle.Xu Miao picked up a fire spirit demon with the fog-condensing sword and threw it towards the magma.After the fire spirit demon let out a scream, it disappeared into the magma.

Although these monsters were born near magma, they are so afraid of magma.If he can make good use of the magma here, maybe he has a chance to turn defeat into victory.

Xu Miao asked Shui San and Qing Jiao to return to the Hunting Stone, while she appeared above the magma.Xu Miao propped up Fu Yu's helmet to protect herself.

A ninth-level monster—Huoyan Lingyao appeared in front of Xu Miao.His eyes were also burning like flames: "Greedy humans, after so many years, still can't remember."

Xu Miao noticed what Huoyan Lingyao said that human monks gathered here for so many years and ten thousand years ago, probably because of a certain treasure here.

It's just that before this baby was born, an accident happened, causing many monks to leave in a hurry, or to say that they died.

Seeing that Xu Miao just remained silent, Huoyan Lingyao continued: "Since you have come here again, I will not treat you well, and I am sorry for your kind years ago!"

A powerful flame attack was sent out, heading straight for Xu Miao's face.The blue sea that Xu Miao externalized was immediately burned by the fire of the Huoyan Spirit Demon and turned into water vapor, which could no longer produce a resisting effect.

Xu Miao glanced at the magma under his feet. At the critical moment, he covered the surface of his body with dragon power and fell into the magma.Even with the dragon power protection, Xu Miao still felt the unbearable heat.

If it wasn't for him carrying the water spirit root, he would be able to relieve the discomfort caused by the high temperature to a great extent.For other monks, I am afraid that they would have been melted into a pile of bones by the magma.

The law of heaven and earth mobilized out at the same time, turning into several golden dragons to protect Xu Miao.The magma swallowed the flames of the Huoyan Spirit Demon, leaving no trace of attack power.

Under the magma, Xu Miao clearly heard the angry voice of the Huoyan Spirit Demon: "Sly human beings actually borrow the power of the brilliant magma. I want to see how long you can last!"

(End of this chapter)

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